Prologue: Rise of Kamen Rider Kikai

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(A 19 years old citizen from London is seen inside an airplane along with his parents and younger sister.)

Luna: Finally we got to travel.

Ivan: Yeah, we both need to move to Japan.

Luna: Yeah.

Ivan: And don't forget about our children. (sad) Though I'm saddened since they have to go to different schools.

Luna: (looks down) Yeah...

(Then the younger sister is seen.)

Jaina: I can't believe we're actually going to Japan.

Malcolm: Yeah, I heard about their cultures, traditions and other things... they're much different than in England.

Jaina: I just hope we don't bump into Samurais.

Malcolm: Well, I heard there are also ninjas, and sumo fighters.

Jaina: And we must not forget the worst of them all. Yokais.

Malcolm: Please, monsters are just plain fictional... I guess...

(Some hours later, the plane lands in Japan as the Hester Family gets out of it.)

(Next day, Malcolm is seen taking the bus to a highschool known as Yokai Academy. What nobody knows is that he became an android due to unknown circumstances.)

Bus Driver: Are you a freshman of Yokai Academy?

Malcolm: Yep.

Bus Driver: Then you must know what your going into too as well.

Malcolm: Indeed, I do.

Bus Driver: (chuckles) You're a weird one.

Malcolm: Maybe because I became an android for circumstances I rather not tell at the moment.

(Then the bus stops as Malcolm gets out of it.)

Malcolm: Thanks for the ride. You're such a nice guy.

Bus Driver: No problem, just follow the road it will lead you to the School and I know this unnecessary given that you can handle yourself, but good luck.

(He closes the bus door and drives away. He then picks up a capsule and clicks it before dropping it, revealing a futuristic bike.)

(He hops on it and drives as he sees dead trees and gravestones on the way.)

Malcolm: (in mind) Good thing I became an android. Or else, I'd be scared shitless.

(Suddenly another bike hits his bike, but doesn't damage it since it can tank the hit.)

Malcolm: Damn, I need to upgrade it to detect the surroundings next time.

????: Ow. That hurt.

(Malcolm goes to check on the girl who piloted the bike that hit his.)

Malcolm: Are you alright?

????: Yeah. Sorry, my eyes went blurry because I'm anemic.

Malcolm: Oh, it's okay. Everyone makes mistakes sometimes.

(Malcolm then carries the girl to the academy as they go to the room. They then go to the classroom, where they meet the teacher.)

Shizuka: Hello, everyone! Welcome to Yokai Academy. I'm your for room teacher, Shizuka Nekonome. I am sure everyone already knows this. But this is a School for Monsters! As of now, the World is under control of the Humans. For us, demons to survive, we have to coexist with the Humans! For that reason, School Rule Number 1. All students must be in their human form unless special situations arise. School Rule Number 2. No other students should know your true form. Understood? Everyone should follow it well.

????: Boring Rules.

(Everyone turns to Saizou Komiya.)

Saizou: (grins cockily) Why don't we just eat those Humans? That's what I do, Teacher.

Shizuka: But you shouldn't do that. Because the School's staffs and students from head to toe, are all monsters. We're inside a secret barrier. Any suspecting humans who enter, will be killed on the spot.

Malcolm: (in mind) Good thing I became an android.

(After the class, they are going to grab a drink as Saizou tries to approach them, only for him to dash and punch him in the gut.)

Malcolm: Nice try, prick.

(Everyone gasps as they wonder what kind of monster Saizou is. Enraged, Saizou tries to grab him in the collar, but he feels Malcolm's body being heavy.)

Saizou: (grunts) So... heavy... what are you-

(Malcolm punches his chest, making him cough blood, and everyone gets afraid of Malcolm as they are witnessing Saizou being easily beaten.)

Malcolm: Let's settle this outside!

(Malcolm grabs Saizou's neck and takes him outside the academy, where he throws him down. Enraged, Saizou transforms into an ogre.)

Malcolm: An ogre, huh? I'm surprised... not!


(He then pulls out some gimmicks, and then a Miraidriver appears in his waist, and he prepares to transform.)

Malcolm: You will learn why nobody fucks with me! (smirks) Henshin!


(Malcolm becomes Kamen Rider Kikai.)

Kikai: A body of steel, and fire in my heart! Kamen Rider Kikai!

(Kikai and Saizou prepare to fight as the prologue ends.)

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