Chapter 10: The Escape

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After I fled through the window, Chloe followed me. She smiled and started running off, gesturing for me to follow. I ran after her, keeping my distance. I am having a difficult time trusting everyone but... As much as I know this might come back and bite me in the booty, Chloe has been nice and seems trustworthy. I'm an idiot for trusting her but what can I do? She got me out of the mansion and she has the music box. I can take it from her and run if I ever needed to.

"Come on, (Y/N). We need to hurry before Vincent finds out we're both gone. If that happens and we get caught, I die and so do you," Chloe said.

"How do I know I can trust you?" I asked.

"I got you out didn't I? And I can easily show my proof when we meet up with Bonnie and Chica."

My eyes widened. So Bonnie and Chica are part of this too? I smiled a little, but I also felt a pain in my heart, knowing that if she's lying, I may never see Bonnie again. We kept running until we got to a park. The same park where I was kidnapped.

"What are we doing here?" I asked.

"Waiting," Chloe replied.

"For what?"

Chloe smiled and pointed in a direction. I looked and saw Bonnie and Chica walking on a sidewalk, holding a top hat and microphone. I smiled and ran over to them. They didn't notice me until I jumped on Bonnie's back, hugging him tightly.

"Oh my gosh. (Y/N)!" Bonnie exclaimed, laughing as he stumbled forward.

"Bonnie! I missed you so much!" I cried, hugging him tighter if that's even possible.

"Thank goodness you're safe," Chica said.

"So do you want proof that I was trying to help you or was this proof enough?" Chloe said, walking towards us.

"What are you talking about?" Bonnie asked, glaring at her.

"I'm the traitor. I wrote that letter to you guys and I see that you got two more gifts. Now there's three and now I can take you to the next two."

"You're not going anywhere with us. Thanks for the help, however only the three of us," Bonnie said, gesturing to himself, Chica, and me, "are going to continue. If you'll give us the music box, we'll be on our way."

"Fine. I guess I'll just go home." Chloe took the music box out of her bag and handed it to Bonnie. "A little warning though, you'll need to be extremely careful around Foxy's dad. He isn't stable. The only way to ensure that you'll get out alive is if you bring Foxy with you."

"Wait, seriously?" I asked.

"Yeah. You guys are doing a great job and you have plenty of time. I'd say take these three gifts and go home to rest. Bring the gifts to the pizzeria and Marissa will take care of the rest."

"You know my mother's name?"

"Yeah. She'll hold onto the gifts until you collect the last two. Good luck you guys. And if you need any help, look for the notes."

Chloe waved as she ran. After so much crap that happened today, this was the best thing to happen to us. I'll never forget the kindness Chloe has shown me and someday, I'll pay her back for it. 

"So I guess we should go home then," Bonnie said.

"Yeah. Let's bring the gifts to the pizzeria first," Chica said. I nodded. Bonnie carried me on his back and we eventually made it to the pizzeria. When we walked in, my mother's ghostly figure appeared. She smiled at us.

"Hello, children. You only have three of the gifts?" she said.

"Yeah. We're dropping them off and going home so we can rest up," Chica said.

"Alright. Leave the items on the stage. I shall see you all soon." With that, my mother disappeared. We placed the items on the stage and left. Bonnie was still carrying me so I rested my head on his shoulder. He chuckled.

"I guess I'll see you two tomorrow. Should we meet in the coffee shop again?" Chica asked.

"Yeah. Be careful okay?" I said. Chica nodded and began making her way home.

"I'll drop you off at your house and go home too," Bonnie said, walking towards my house.

"Can you stay the night?" I sheepishly asked.

"If you want me to, I will. Is your mother okay with that?"

"I don't know." I frowned. I don't think Mara will be okay with that. But, I can't rest knowing that Vincent and his cronies are after me and I feel safe around Bonnie. I sighed. We reached my house and Bonnie set me down. He turned towards me and hugged me tightly.

"Everything's fine. I will never let anyone hurt you as long as we're together. If I ever lost you again, I don't know what I'd do," Bonnie said, resting his chin on my head.

"I hope you can stay the night," I whispered. I looked up at Bonnie and he kissed me lightly. He was gentle, unlike Bon. 

"Let's see if your mom will let me stay." Hand in hand, we walked into my house. Mara was in the kitchen, drinking tea. She looked up at smiled at us.

"Welcome back you two. Did you have a fun day?" she asked.

"Uhh yeah," I lied. "Mara, can Bonnie stay for the night? It's really late and he lives a long ways away."

"(Y/N)..." Mara looked at the two of us and sighed. "No funny business. And you sir," she pointed at Bonnie, "are to sleep in the guest bedroom."

Bonnie laughed and said, "Yes ma'am. No funny business."

Mara smiled and let us go. I wore a big grin on my face, knowing tonight I could rest easy with Bonnie around. We went to my room and sat on my bed, cuddling and watching some TV. I leaned into Bonnie's chest and closed my eyes.

"I wish it could always be like this," I whispered.

"Yeah. Then everything could be perfect," Bonnie whispered back, hugging me tighter. I started drifting off to sleep. I didn't care that Bonnie was still in the same room. He would always be there for me. I smiled as I escaped into my dreams...


Heyo Balloons! Another chapter! Wooo! You're back with Bonnie! Anyway, I have decided to write a new story. It's a Gold x Reader and I just published the first part. Go check it out if you want. I really need sleep. It's almost 4 in the morning for me and I'm not supposed to be awake at this time, hehe. 

Catch you on the flipside,


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