Chapter 13: It's All Downhill From Here

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Foxy's dad started pushing us out the back door. After we got through the door, Mangle and Fred attacked him. They fought roughly. Chica, Foxy, and I ran away from the house and began going to the next one. Once we got there, we noticed a note on the door and a box on the step. I read the note aloud:

Inside the box is the gift you will need. I apologize for not being here to hand it to you personally but something got in my way. If my daughter or my son come to visit, I wish to say I miss you both and I love you. We will meet again one day, Charlotte and Charles.


I turned to Chica and she had her face buried in her hands. Foxy wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into his chest. Chica cried and hugged Foxy tightly. Were they dating or was Foxy trying to be a good friend? Foxy does seem to like Chica... I'll ask them later. For now, we need to head back to the pizzeria with the gifts.

"It'll be alright Chica. Maybe when this is all over, you and your brother can visit your mom," I said. Chica nodded and wiped away her tears. Foxy let her go but I saw he hesitated. I was fangirling a little on the inside. I picked up the box and opened it. Inside was a candle.... Seriously? Nevermind... Mission first, ask questions later. The three of us ran back to the pizzeria quickly. As we were running my mind drifted off to Bonnie. I started panicking. We left him in a fight. I hope he's okay. He seemed to have it under control but I can't help but worry for him. I sighed as we ran inside the pizzeria.

"Mom?" I called out. "Mom, we have the gifts!"

Good my child. You did well, she said. My mother appeared on the stage and the other three gifts appeared as well. My mother was smiling, but it soon faded. Where is your boyfriend (Y/N)?

"He was fighting someone for us and told us to continue. I don't know where he is right now." I looked down at my feet as tears began forming in my eyes. What if Bonnie was hurt? What if he was dead? What if... What if... What if... I couldn't stop these thoughts. I was scared. Will I ever see him again?

I have to be strong. For my mother. For my friends. For Bonnie. I couldn't break now. I looked up and wiped my tears away.

Well I will search for him if you would like. For now, place the remaining gifts on the stage. After that, I'll take over.

I nodded and placed the candle on the stage. Foxy reluctantly placed his mother's locket next to the candle and stepped back. Each gift began glowing. Suddenly, Vincent burst into the pizzeria. With him were Fred, Mangle, Mari, BB, and... Bon?! My eyes widened and I started panicking. Was Bonnie okay?!

"Hey Honey Bun. I survived. Didja miss me?" Bon asked, walking towards me. I looked around but Foxy and Chica were no where to be found. I was terrified. Bon stood in front of me, holding something behind his back. He smirked.

"I got something that you might want little (Y/N)," he said. He threw a purple hoodie at me... The same purple hoodie Bonnie was wearing. I held the hoodie and saw blood stains all over it. I gasped and tears threatened to fall. This can't be. Bonnie isn't dead. Bonnie is fine. Isn't he?

"Little (Y/N) has finally failed. My daughter finally failed. And now, I get to kill you. You were never useful to me. I could barely call you my daughter even now," Vincent said, walking towards me. I backed up into a wall, crying. There was no hope. I looked to the stage and the gifts were gone. So was my mother. No one could help me now. I was doomed. Dead. Done for...

"Now you can join your boyfriend," Vincent whispered. He held a knife in his hand. It was the same knife he stabbed me with earlier. He raised the knife and brought it down. It didn't hit me though. He stabbed the wall. He turned into an animatronic and screeched, picking me up. I screamed and kicked and struggled to get away. Nothing worked. I was carried into the back room, where a Bonnie suit was waiting. I looked around for anything to help me but nothing was there. The others walked in. They were all animatronics too. A blue bunny. A light brown bear. A small boy. A puppet. A torn up fox. They gathered around the suit and Vincent began stuffing me into the suit. I screamed in agony as I felt wires and crossbeams pierce my skin. They continued to stuff my until I was conpletely in the suit. Bon took a Bonnie mask and smiled evilly.

"Goodnight Honey Bun. May we meet again in another life," he said before putting the mask on me. I couldn't feel anything anymore. I was stuffed... In a suit... A Bonnie suit... I felt my eyes close and darkness took over...

This was the end...


(A/N) Heyo Balloons! Another update woooo!!! So... Not much to really talk about... I guess I'll see you in the next chapter. If there are any mistakes, I'll go back and fix them later. In the mean time...

Catch you on the flipside,


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