Chapter 2: Rockstar

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I was released from the hospital already and now I was sitting at home. My wound was healed but I had to go back every once in a while. I sat on my bed, sketching and listening to music.

"(Y/N), Bonnie is here," Mara said from downstairs.

"Ok," I said as I heard footsteps from the stairs. I looked at the doorway and saw my purple haired boyfriend. He smiled and sat next to me.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" he asked.

"I'm fine. How about you?" I asked.

"Never been better."

"Can you play your guitar for me?"

Bonnie looked at me nervously. I kissed him on the cheek and he seemed to calm down.

"I have never played something for anyone except kids and the band, and I was never really playing."

"I'm sure you play fine. Please?" I gave him my puppy eyes face and he sighed.

"One song."

Bonnie took his guitar and began playing (F/S). He sang it too and my goodness, he had an amazing voice. After he finished I hugged him.

"You are my rock star!" I said, tightening the hug. He laughed and hugged me back.

"So I met your mom in my dreams. You look so much like her," Bonnie said. "Was that all real? Like what she was talking about."

"Yeah. I don't know if you want to join me but it is your choice."

"Of course I will. What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't join you?"

"Thank you, Bonnie..." I gave him another hug and this time he picked me up and spun me around. I laughed as he held me up so our faces were level.

"Anything for a princess," he said, kissing my nose. He put me down and I went back to my sketchbook. He looked over my shoulder and smiled. "That's the same drawing you were working on when I first met you."

"Yeah it is."

I yawned. Bonnie picked me up and sat me in his lap. I leaned back and closed my eyes. He held me tightly and leaned against the wall.

"Tired huh?" he whispered. I just nodded and fell asleep.


I woke up in the warmth of someone's arms. Bonnie... I fell asleep on him. I giggled at the thought, causing Bonnie to wake up. We both started laughing and decided to go downstairs. Mara was sitting in the living. She seemed to be crying. I looked at the TV and saw she was watching Titanic. Yep... That happened...

"Want a muffin Bonnie?" I asked. He nodded and I handed him a muffin. I took one as well and ate it. Bonnie eyed the muffin carefully.

"Is something wrong with the muffin?" I asked.

"It reminds me of the pizzeria..." he said, not looking up.

"How so?"

"Do you have frosting and pink dye?"

"No... You're thinking about Chica's cupcake huh?"

"Yep... I kinda miss performing for kids... It was fun for a while..."

I just nodded. It was sad that he had to live this life now, but its also hard to feel bad. If Bonnie and the others never went through what they did, we would never have met.

Someone grabbed my shoulders and I smacked them in the face... Oh crap...

"Oh my gosh Bonnie! Not again... I am so sorry!" I said, hugging him.

"You just zoned out. Its fine," he laughed. He pet my head and smiled.

"Didn't you learn from last time?"


"So what do you want to do?"

"Lets take a walk to the park."

We left the house and started walking. It was silent for a few minutes but I didn't mind.

"So where should we start looking?" Bonnie asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"For our parents. I think I remember what some of our parents look like and I think I have seen them around town before."

"Well you guys lived here right? Do you remember where you lived? We could start there."

"Barely. It was a green house with a blue door I think."

"Okay. Maybe we should get Chica and head on over to that house. I know where it is."

"What if my parents don't give you the gift? I am scared (Y/N)."

"We won't know until we try."


(A/N) I feel like this chapter is the best one I have done. So updates will be a little slow for a little while just because school is almost over and I have finals to start getting ready for. Then summer vacation and I will be updating more often.

Catch you on the flipside,

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