Chapter 7: Switching Sides

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(Y/N)'s POV

My father sat behind a desk as a human instead of an animatronic. He smiled at me as he got up and approached me, arms extended. I couldn't move and he enveloped me in a hug. After a few moments, I began hugging back...

He killed me... He killed my friends... He hurt so many people... Why am I hugging back? I thought.

"My daughter... It has been a little while hasn't it? I do apologize for injuring you the last time we met. Unfortunately I was not under my own control. The suit I was stuffed in takes over my mind and does whatever it likes," my father said, tighting the hug. I pushed him away a little and noticed tears threatening to fall from his eyes.

"I... I don't know if I can forgive you Dad... Too much has happened that you've done to me... To others. I don't think I can forgive you that easily," I said. He nodded and tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"I understand, (Y/N)... However, I would like to offer an oppritunity for you."


"You see, your mother told you that I was out to get you, to kill you. She is wrong. I want to protect you. By collecting those gifts, you are getting closer to bringing your mother back however, there is a price. In order for her to come back, you must give your life."

"What? She never told me that!"

"She didn't. Which is why I am trying to stop you before I lose you. Your mother was a nice woman but after her death, she wanted revenge on you. She believed you were the cause of her death."

Tears began forming in my eyes. My own mother thought I killed her? My mother wanted to kill me? This was either a lie or my father is right. There's no telling what's right and what's wrong.

And there is no way around any of it.

"I offer you safety. Join me (Y/N) and I will make sure your mother doesn't harm you. Stop this quest and stay with your father. I will even allow you to have your boyfriend around," my father said, hugging me once more.

"This is a trap isn't it?" I questioned.

"No it isn't. Join me and life can be the way it used to be. We can be a happy little family, just the two of us, a daughter and her father. I promise to keep you safe from your mother."

I looked up at my father's smiling face. He seemed genuine and kind. Maybe he's right...

"I'll join you," I said, smiling.

My father nodded and pushed me. I stumbled backwards and a pair of arms wrapped around me. I struggled but the persin had a tight grip.

"What's going on?!" I demanded, still struggling.

"Now that you have joined me I can take those gifts easily and kill you. However I need those gifts first and you're going to help whether you want to or not," my father announced, maniacally laughing.

"You're a liar... Whatever happened thaving a life like before? Our happy little family? Allowing me to still be with Bonnie?"

"I didn't lie about one thing. You get to stay with your boyfriend. Your new boyfriend, Bon."

"Don't worry, darling, we can be together for the rest of your life," a familiar voice said. I looked uo and saw Bryan's face smirking down at me. He turned me so I faced him and I placed my hands on his chest, pushing with all my strength. He wouldn't budge.

"Nice work, Bon. For now, you can do whatever you want with (Y/N) as long as you don't harm or kill her. Do you understand?" my father asked.

"Yes Boss. Let's go have some fun, darling!" With that, Bryan or Bon picked me up and carried me out of the office. I struggled and squirmed and kicked. But nothing worked. He chuckled as we entered a room. He closed the door with his foot and dropped me on a bed, pinning me down.

"Let me go!" I yelled, squirming in his grasp.

"Now why would I do that? You'd just run from me and we can't have that now, can we?" he replied, grinning. He kissed me roughly as I continued to struggled against his grasp. I tried moving away, pushing him off, anything! But nothing worked. He forced his tongue into my mouth, exploring every last area. Finally he pulled away, a string of saliva connecting us. I glared and struggled more.

"What a fiesty one! You'll definitely be fun," he said. Suddenly, a phone rang. He growled, got off me, and answered it. I scrambled to move away. Once he got off the phone he cursed loudly, then turned to me. "I guess you'll have to wait a little longer my dear. I am needed else where. You will stay in here until I return. Then we can have some fun."

Bryan walked out of the room. I ran to the door after he closed it but it was locked. I ran over to each window. Locked. I had no way out. I sat in a corner of the room, hugging my legs to my chest and crying into my knees. How could I be so stupid? I shouldn't have believed my dad. Wait... He isn't my dad anymore. That man will never be more than a murdering liar to me. I looked around the room and saw the theme was blue. A red guitar was sitting in one corner surrounded my binders of music. A dresser was placed in front of the bed that was placed against the back wall. Posters of bands and music things covered the walls.

It must be Bryan's room. I sighed as I accepted my fate. No one knew where I was so no one could find me. Vincent tricked me so he could use me to kill me. That blue ass hat is going to replace Bonnie. And I have no choice but to go along with it...

What have I done?


I will go through and fix any mistakes later but for now I need sleep. I just wrote this chapter and I am very proud that I did an actual good chapter this time. Anyway, thanks for sticking around. Next chapter may come out tomorrow since I actually have time.

Catch you on thr flipside,

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