{Chapter 3} Part One Of Breaking Him

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Third Person POV

"What do you plan on doing with me?" Midoriya questioned the villains as Shigaraki started to take off his hero gear, in which he remained still since he was their prisoner, he knew when he should fight back and right now wasn't necessary, he needed answers first.

"Whatever we want with you," Shigaraki sneered before he now put restraints on Midoriya's wrists, forcing them together while attaching another chain from his wrist restraints to the collar securely around his neck, the leash still attached.

Midoriya let out a low growl as he watched the villains watch him while Shigaraki made sure all the restraints were tight and strong, he glared at the Alphas and Betas before him. Then, Shigaraki placed four of his fingers onto his chest, making him grow nervous when he reminded himself that this man's quirk could easily kill him if his last finger touched him and if the villain wanted him dead, however, being killed wasn't in their plan.

"You were a fool to think that an Omega like you could become a hero. No matter if you're a Rogue Omega or not, people like you should just bend over and present yourselves to the Alphas and Betas who really do all the work. You're no hero. You're just a plaything that hasn't been disciplined, and we'll gladly teach you how to really be an Omega."

Shigaraki grinned widely and the greenette's eyes widened at the realization of the situation he was currently in. He grit his teeth as he watches the pale blue haired villain rest his final finger on his chest. His eyes widened even further in horror when his hero suit began to disintegrate to expose his bare chest, then his skin started to crack and fall away like ashes.

Midoriya let out a shrill scream in pain while Shigaraki slowly tormented him and kept pressing all five of his fingers on his chest, he didn't care that his skin finally gave way in that area and the villain was slowly beginning to disintegrate his flesh now.

The other villains simply watched as Shigaraki decayed the hero-in-training's chest, however, the pale haired male finally stopped so he wouldn't accidentally kill the boy: there was much more in store for their new Omega prisoner. When Shigaraki finally pulled his hand away from Midoriya, he gasped as if his breath was being stolen straight from his lungs, going limp for the moment. Shigaraki snickered before he lifted his gaze and glanced back to the rest of the League. "Let's break our Omega prisoner~"

Then, Dabi, Toga, Twice, Mr.Compress, and Magne come forward, each eager to do their own damage to the vulnerable boy. Meanwhile, Kurogiri and Spinner stayed back and Shigaraki looked at them questionably.

"I cannot stop the rest of you doing what you're planning on doing to the boy, but I will not participate. Stain is who I look up to and if he believes that boy is worthy, then I will do him a favor and not make him go through an extra person's desires," Spinner explained his loyalty to Stain, his arms crossed as he was currently leaning against the wall in the shadows where the rest of the villains were previously standing, and where Kurogiri was also standing.

"I simply do not want to dirty my clothes," was all Kurogiri said to explain his reasoning to staying out of this event that would very soon take place. Shigaraki snorted and turned back to the green haired teen before him and the others.

Midoriya now began to struggle in his restraints but that was when Dabi and Magne started to secure his restrained wrists to some chains hanging from the ceiling, then secured his ankles to some chains on the floor. The greenette wouldn't be hanging from his arms, but they were held above his head and he wouldn't be able to move much. "L-let m-me go, you sickos!"

"Oh, Izuku Midoriya~ You spilled your own fate when you revealed yourself as an Omega~ This was all your doing~" Dabi sneered into Midoriya's ear, making the freckled teen shudder but he tried to thrash to get him away only to feel the chains and such pull against him and prevent him from even starting up an attack. He could feel dread clawing up his back and he couldn't stop himself from shaking more while the Alphas and Betas stared down at him in hunger, desire, and malice.

He could smell that Shigaraki, Dabi, and Toga were his biggest worries, as Twice, Mr.Compress, and Magne were Betas, but that didn't make his situation any less terrifying or any less bad. Shigaraki must've caught a whiff of his fear scent because he suddenly grabbed his neck and tightened his grip but kept his last finger off.

"We'll start out with some pain," he announced to the Omega and to the Alphas and Betas of his villain group. Almost immediately, Toga came forward and placed a knife to Midoriya's neck the moment Shigaraki removed his hand. She pressed the sharpened blade against his neck and blood trickled down from the new cut she created, he winced.

Toga took her time first since she threatened to cut the others if they hurt Midoriya before her, she was possessive of her chance to finally hurt the boy she was crazy for, and she wasn't about to let the other Alphas and Betas of the League beat her to it. While the others waited for their turns and watched, Toga began to slice at Midoriya's skin, some were clean cuts, others were jagged ones but they all remained somewhat deep. However, her next few would be the worst.

Suddenly, the blond female raised her bloodied knife and lodged it deep into Midoriya's left forearm, immediate pain hit him and he let out a screech of pain as blood pooled from his deep wound. The knife's blade stuck out of the opposite side of his arm, it had just barely grazed the bone but it did go through most of his arm. Toga proceeded to jerk the knife out of his left arm then plunged it into his right arm around the same spot, he let out another cry of pain. Pools of blood dripped from his deep wounds down his body and leaking onto the floor where he stood, tears welling along his eyes but he tried to refuse to give in.

Then, Toga stepped aside and Twice, Mr.Compress, and Magne took their turns, beating the green haired teen and breaking a few bones in the process, but Midoriya continued to try and persevere through it, telling himself mentally that the broken bones don't hurt as much since he's experienced this before. However, Dabi now took their places and stood before him.

Midoriya looked up weakly to the dark haired Alpha who grabbed his jaw and cheeks in one hand, his grin widening while he began to activate his quirk.

"I'm gonna have fun with you, Izuku~"

The others watched as Dabi began to singe Midoriya's jaw and part of his neck, he cried out and his tears finally fell down his face while the older male burned his skin. Dabi removed his hand and let his blue flames burn more of the freckled boy's exposed skin after burning away his hero suit. The green haired male shut his eyes from the agony he was being forced to experience by the villains, unable to hold back his tears any longer while the intense heat easily seared his once smooth skin like cooking meat over direct heat.

Midoriya's agonizing cries echoed throughout the entire League of Villains' hideout, but nothing escaped into the world who was beginning to search desperately for the greenette.

The Rogue Omega could only scream and plead in his mind for some heroes to find him, for Bakugo to find him since he always did. Memories of their childhood came to him even if he didn't intend it to happen; he remembered when he and Bakugo would play hide-and-seek and no matter where he was or where he hid, the blond Alpha always seemed to know where he was and always seemed to find him. He hoped that he wouldn't have to go through anymore but he also convinced himself that he would remain strong throughout the entire endeavor the League of Villains and Shigaraki would throw him through. He had to.

Midoriya wished that they'd find him before he and his Rogue Omega finally broke.

(1428 words)

A/N: Ahh, sorry for such a late update! I've been so busy with work, home, and role plays! I have the chapter plots written down, but I also get frustrated when I'm typing on my iPad, which I am right now, and I really prefer an actual keyboard. I'm thinking of getting a laptop or chromebook or something so hopefully, chapters will come sooner. My deepest apologies!
-Deku The Admin

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