{Chapter 7} Enjoy The Show!~

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(Warning, this chapter is dark and includes rape. If you're not comfortable with this, I suggest you don't read this chapter)

Third Person POV

Bakugo opened his eyes to darkness surrounding him, he tries to stir but finds himself restrained, bound tightly by heavy chains while a throbbing pain hit him nearly hard enough to knock him back out. The blond Alpha slowly takes in his surroundings once his eyes adjust, and he realizes that he's not in that same room from earlier, but he's also not just in any dark room, but one that he could tell held more horrible stories than it showed. He and his Alpha let out a loud growl at the scent of an unnervingly amount of blood, fresh and old, and lots of sex.

However, when he focuses further, he sees a slumped over, also chained down figure adjacent to him. For some stupid reason, his mind didn't register that it was someone he recognized, thinking that it must've been some other Omega the League captured, as if his mind tried to shield him from the truth, but it hit him harder than anything else and it resulted in his Alpha howling in agony.

Midoriya was the figure sitting limply adjacent from him. How could he have forgotten?! Bakugo had a sudden urge of energy and thrashed about, trying to wake Midoriya who didn't react. He now realized that there was duck tape over his mouth and he couldn't move much from his spot, his stressed pheromones leaking out and causing the Omegan teen to stir slightly.

However, things were interrupted when the large, heavy metal door to the room opened and Shigaraki entered the room before shutting and locking it behind himself. Immediately, both red eyes met one another's, one full of pure hatred and rage, and the other having cockiness, mocking, and pride.

"Ah, you're awake! You're just in time for your little friend here to wake up!" Shigaraki sneered as he approached the two chained UA students. Bakugo growled and snarled behind the duck tape and thrashed more, his hateful gaze never leaving the pale haired Alpha who didn't seem to pay much mind to him.

"Don't worry, you'll get to see the main event soon~" Shigaraki informed Bakugo which both confused and concerned him. The lanky Alpha moves over to still unconscious Midoriya and creepily and gently rocks him to try and wake the Omega. However, when that fails, he seems to already lose his patience and he ends up nailing Midoriya with his knee right in his gut, forcing him to wake up and start coughing furiously. "Finally, I need to train you how to wake up the first time, Omega."

Midoriya's eyes snap open directly after Shigaraki kneeing him in the gut and coughing, he trembles from the sudden bombardment of pain surfacing back again now that he was awake, and unlike Bakugo, he nearly noticed the blond Alpha almost instantly and his eyes widened in horror. This was quickly followed by a heavily distressed scent filling in the air and making it thick while he tried to curl into and hide himself from Bakugo.

"Ah-ah, don't be shy now, my Omega~" Shigaraki hummed smoothly while he crouched down to Midoriya and stroked his freckled cheek, removing the ball gag from Midoriya's mouth. Then, anger filled the room.

"Don't fucking call him that, or touch him, you bastard villain," Bakugo snarled as he grit his teeth, seeing Shigaraki touch Midoriya like this and talk to him like some toy made his blood boil and he and his Alpha shared each other's anger. However, Shigaraki smirked widely and suddenly leaned down to smash his lips against the greenette's, making both UA students freeze in shock. But like a switch, Midoriya retaliated as if the fear he was just showing a moment ago was shoved back.

Midoriya turns his sharp, emerald eyes to Shigaraki still kissing him and he harshly bit down, causing the pale haired Alpha to yelp in pain and jolt back. The freckled male grinned triumphantly but it's quickly wiped off when Shigaraki's expression turned blank and he wiped the blood from his wound.

Bakugo was amazed that Midoriya snapped so quickly, having never really seen the Omega looking angry like this and looking so confident in his actions. It stirred something deep inside him even if this wasn't the best time.

"You useless Omega. If you didn't have something that I needed and if you didn't look so fuckable, I would have killed you at the start," Shigaraki growled in anger as he proceeded to land a punch across Midoriya's cheek, making him recoil from the impact since he didn't move himself out of the way. Bakugo lets out a loud snarl as a result but it falls onto deaf ears as Midoriya roars in fury.

"I'd like to see you try. I'm done being your little plaything," the green haired Omega spat with venom filling each word he spat in Shigaraki's direction, his emerald eyes glaring near daggers at the Alpha while his scent turned sour and nearly made Bakugo choke and gag.

Shigaraki let out another growl before he yanked Midoriya up by his hair, causing him to wince in pain but he bit his tongue so he wouldn't let out any other noises that could possibly egg the pale haired Alpha on. "I'm also done being nice to you, you Omega slut," then, Shigaraki switched to his Alpha Voice. "Go into heat. Now"

Midoriya visibly flinched just a bit and Bakugo feared for the worst until the other hero student didn't produce any sweet-smelling pheromones or didn't succumb to the Alpha Command from Shigaraki, presumably his Alpha as of right now. Midoriya grinned widely now.

"As if your stupid Alpha Voice is going to make me do anything against my will. That doesn't work on me," Midoriya said triumphantly and held his head high, wanting to show Shigaraki more of what he, a Rogue Omega, could do that made him so different from a regular Omega who would've fallen for that command and would've already been gone to his forcefully induced heat.

"Fine, you only make things harder for yourself," Shigaraki sounded very irritated and he was unable to resist the urge to press all five of his fingers to Midoriya's abdomen, letting his decay quirk spread slowly across the skin of his midsection and ripping a scream of pain from him.

Bakugo visibly flinched from the horrid scream coming from his childhood friend, he's never heard him scream like that before. He was somewhat thankful however, when Shigaraki stopped and while Midoriya was trying to recover from the pain, the other Alpha slid his pants down to reveal his hard cock. The blond male nearly gag once more as he saw Shigaraki grin to him before he plunged his length into the Omega who let out another snarl but couldn't do much.

Shigaraki would begin to rock in and out of Midoriya who just took it and held his tongue for as much and as long as he could, his green eyes glaring at the pale man taking him against his will again, then looking to Bakugo with deep desperation, fear, and sadness swirling in his tear-filled orbs.

Midoriya may be giving Shigaraki a hard time but he was mentally begging Bakugo to save him or at least to look away. And luckily, Bakugo took the hint as he closed his eyes and tried to block everything out from the moans of Shigaraki, the wet slaps of skin on skin, the deep and feral growls of Midoriya, to the snarls of pain and Shigaraki insulting and calling the Omega names. And finally after a couple of hours, the pale haired Alpha left them and now they were alone, but Bakugo didn't know if he even wanted to see how horrible Midoriya looked because he knew that it would tear him apart.

(1308 words)

A/N: Another late update. Been focusing on a lyric comic I'm doing for someone and another thread on Twitter with BakuDeku. Sorry if some parts of this chapter didn't connect or make sense, going between two similar stories made me mix things up so I had to skim through the last chapter and this one while I wrote the rest. Hopefully it's not too bad.

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