Book 4⌇34. Unstoppable

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Chapter 34 ∣  Unstoppable


I glance down at the piece of paper that I hold between my fingers, the name and number scrawled on the surface. It is a contact the Gwyn knows in Washington, should I decide that I might need a place to stay while I am there.


Apparently, that is his name. Veronica has known this vampire a long time ago, as they were once a part of the same coven. They had split off, and she took her daughter away from the new contract that had been signed. She doesn't care for hunters, about as much as I do, enforcing the laws. She likes to kill for fun, her power is limitless when it comes to vampires and hunters, able to evade them effectively.

She only kills humans when necessary, as she admires the ones who came searching for something more. Dark and seductive, we are toward humans, each giving in and wanting to be a part of something and live a life more than the normal mundane and average mortal.

The lights of the city are bright, my eyes looking down the main street as there are some cars whizzing by at high speeds. The night holds no rules I guess because I can't see one single cop.

A city.

A place that is filled with more people then I have been around since I can remember. It reeks of humans, but I figure that will be something I will have to get used to. I won't be stupid and kill everyone I see like so many believe I will, considering how I was raised, it amazes me that I am not hungry for revenge.

At least, not yet.

It was fun, a new feeling, killing that human boy, watching as the life in his eyes flickered out for good. His existence was nothing more on this world than a fleeting moment. He'd never understand what it means to be immortal and even I might not enjoy it as every other vampire does.

Forever cursed.

Forever on the run, knowing that people loathe and despise you.

Well, they better be happy now, they've made me into what I am today and I'm rather enjoying the darker side to killing. Whether it makes me feel slightly better about myself, seeing someone having a much harder time than I, but then they will have their escape. That's all death is and mine will eventually come in time, I just don't know when.

What was that?

Just ahead and to my right, I swear there was a child that ran from the main street and down into one of the alleyways. That's when I get a good view of two dark and brooding characters, following the child who had run away.

I know what that is like... be afraid.

Of what?


With my hands still in my trench coat pockets, I sigh, walking down the sidewalk, the cement beneath of my boot-clad feet still damp. It isn't snowing here, not in Washington, but the rain had come and gone near the sun's descent. Perhaps I should call this rogue, as I'm not exactly sure where I'm going to stay for the night.

I'll have to kil-

My thoughts trail off, nearing the opening of the alley that the child had run down, my eyes casting a glance that I probably shouldn't have. I more than likely should just ignore what is happening, after all, vampires feed off humans every day. If they didn't look like they have a glimmer in their eyes that wants to end this child's life, I might have continued my way, turning a blind eye.

What makes me stop, walking slowly down the alleyway and then halting, is the child taking a small stand for itself, bearing his fangs at the two older vampires.

They're attacking another vampire?


In my heart, I feel that pull, connecting with the shadows and melding into the wall of the building, no light casting in my direction. It is hard, to just stand by and watch, but I know I can't stop them once the taller vampire hisses, "Useless rogue, you're better off dead..."

In the blink of an eye, the child is grabbed, and his neck snapped. Though they don't just leave him there, instead, they fed on him, the child's blood lingering in the alleyway, causing my eyes to shift to their black rose.

I want revenge.

I want to spill their blood for attacking a child that very well couldn't defend itself. But a thought strikes me, the vampires pulling away and leaving the child's lifeless body behind; if they are regarding him as a rogue, that means they belong to a coven.

Perhaps I can have my revenge after all...

...and then some.

Though my blood boils, seeing the puncture marks on the child's neck, his pale face leaving a look of helplessness behind. He was alone and on his own...that could easily have been me in his place.

Concealing myself within the shadows, my movements are light, following the pair as they make their way through the city. I am on a guided tour without even knowing it, seeing some of the sights, though my full attention is on the killers who had murdered their kind. Then again, the law is the law and they must self-righteously end the lives of the evil and the wicked views of vampires who want to remain what they are...monsters.

Once upon a time, so I've been told by Rook's father, Erebus, vampires really were just monsters. We were shadow creatures and nightmares of the dark and twisted, killing without reason. Maybe that was a time I would have been fit to roam the Earth. Maybe not, but I've never known any better.

It is only once we reach the far edge of the city, that the heavy lights dwindle down to just simple street lamps, their soft glow changing the atmosphere drastically. They continue to walk, and it is around the corner when a very large mansion comes into view, a gated fence keeping out the unwanted and uninvited company.

Vampires and their wealth.

One thing I never have to worry about personal possessions. I know there will come a time when I might need to conceal weapons, but once I reach that crossroad, I'll figure out where to hide everything.

No one is outside, save for these two who are almost home. I wonder what rank they play in the coven hierarchy. They can't be assassins, or they would have seen me and judging by their appearance, I doubt a commander would be either of them. No, it looks like they are just off tracking and killing any rogue vampires in their area, making sure they don't pose a threat to their coven.

Really now, what could one vampire child have done to them?

Once they bypass the gate in between two of the fence posts, they wander down the pathway to their front door, laughing about something.

I see nothing funny here.

Standing across the street, I watch the door open, the light flooding out from inside the beautifully lit structure.

That child had no one.

I'll make sure, they suffer. If I can't save anyone, at least I can avenge them.

The wind blows a bit harsher than normal, my senses alive, watching and waiting for if there is an assassin that resides with their coven, I'm sure they already know I am here. On the other hand, maybe there isn't anyone with that power protecting them. I'll just have to outweigh my options. I can stand here waiting all night, not knowing if the unseen is hunting me down, while I look upon my target with un-attuned eyes.

I don't have to wait much longer, a sudden shift in the area behind me, my blood pulsating while I have been on edge. It will happen in a split second, an assassin's kill is swift and almost one hundred percent of the time, unseen. You'll be dead before you even knew they attacked you.

Thankfully, living with Killian, Tamsin, and then Veronica and Gwyn, I know the tell-tale sign that they are about to break away from the shadows. There is a smell that could only be described as burning flesh, very, very subtle right before they break away. I believe it must have been due to the fact of leaving a plane between existences, not alive and not dead.

My nose twitches at the scent, nicking the pad of my thumb and quickly pulling while I morph the blood that drips from the open cut. Pushing off my feet, the assassin appears, a male with light brown hair, noticing the color as I backflip over his head. I land on the sidewalk behind him while I draw the thin twine of blood around his neck, the sharpness striking the front of his throat.

His momentum carries him just enough to slice halfway into his jugular and it is my firm kick to his lower back that severs his head from his shoulders. The assassin's body falls forward and lands hard on the cement sidewalk, his head rolling to the side, a surprised stare left behind. The blood flows fast and free from the large opening at his shoulders, coming from the stump of his neck. It pools out into the street, trickling down into the storm drain, his head finally stopping next to a tree.

My eyes lift from the dead body, knowing each one of those vampires that reside within that mansion, are debating whether the assassin is dead. Because, when an assassin shifts into the shadows, they lost all connection to their coven, even to their beloved if they have one, appearing as though their existence is extinguished.

Let's see who dares to venture out first.

Will it be the commander?

Will it be the coven leader?

My mistake was using my blood...because that is exactly what they smell. The two vampires that I had seen kill the rogue child fly out the door, followed by two more behind them.

Well then, if I'm going to bleed, might as well make the wounds deeper. Quickly bringing my wrist to my lips, I bite into the soft inner flesh, tasting my blood in my mouth. I let my wrist fall back to my side, the blood trailing down my fingertips. Focusing, I only let my blood magic heal my wounds slowly, not wanting them to completely close like the vampiric side will do if I let it take complete control.

I release a sigh...

...shouldn't they look both ways before crossing the street?

Who raised them?

Dashing across the street, the two vampires at the head go straight toward me, their eyes glancing from the corpse of the assassin and then to me. Then it strikes me, letting my wound close, the small amount of blood that I allowed to pool with that of the fallen vampire, begin to mix.

So foolish.

Taking someone head on when you know nothing about them.

As they dash across the blood of their dead coven member, I lift my wrist, the blood roping out and lashing around their ankles, dragging them down to the ground. They yell, fearful for what is happening, their hearts beating very fast and loud.

I'd be scared too.

If only they knew...

Snapping my fingers, I flip their bodies, their backs meeting the cement ground while the pool of blood holds them firmly in place. Sighing, I walk toward them, the other two vampires that had followed their companions halt in their tracks, their eyes wide open, not sure if they are really seeing what is happening.

Perhaps this is a nightmare.

Nightmare or not, it is very real.

Their screams escalate the moment I raise the blood around them, creating multiple serrated spikes and without even batting an eye, they begin to pierce their chests. Quicker than any movements physically, the action is repeated many times, stabbing each of them more than I can count. I let the blood continue its assault until their heartbeats completely fade away.

"It's the King's rogue son..." one of the vampires speaks up from behind the line of blood, the other nodding and they both retreat into the safety of their walls.

Nothing will stop me.

With their last dying breathes, the two vampires lay motionless in the pool of blood, the spark in my chest brimming with warmth and lust. Their deaths somewhat bring justice for every being that was ever left helplessly to the fate of those that don't understand them...or won't.

With my eyes still shifted to a black rose, my fangs elongate, drawing the blood up around my body as it floats around my form. I stalk toward the mansion, the gate bending and snapping away when I push through it, the blood grasping onto nearby objects and crushing them.

The door is of no use to them, breaking and splintering away as the wood finally gives way, shattering onto the front entry marble flooring. When I step into the room, I feel the eyes of the many now surrounding me, their eyes full of hate, turn crimson red with the want to kill me.

"Awe, did it hurt when I ripped their lives away?" I ask, my eyes looking at each one of them, the room tensing, "Did you feel it deep inside you? Must have been something...I wouldn't know."

Snapping out of my thoughts, they do the stupidest thing possible, trying to advance on me all at once.

Letting the blood fall to the marble floor in a liquid form, it evenly spreads out, rushing thinly around their feet. Just as they believe they have the upper hand, ready to end the life of another useless rogue, I drop to my knees, the palms of my hands slamming against the blood on the floor. Hundreds of thousands...little tiny piercing needles erupt from the ground piercing their bodies and carrying them high into the air, toward the vaulted ceilings.

They didn't get a moment to catch their breath and scream, standing to my feet, I flick my wrist, turning to the marble staircase as I snap my fingers. My eyes lock with another pureblood, standing by herself. The needles widen, the ones lodged into the hearts of every vampire expand, killing them instantly as it rips away at their bodies.

A moment later, I let go of my control, the blood liquefying and what is left of the bodies dropping to the floor.

"That was rather easy," I brush the stray droplets of blood that had fallen from the arms of my trench coat. I can hear her heart beating fast, her eyes searching the entrance. In the beginning, it was probably close to twenty vampires that tried to gang up on me, but I couldn't quite tell or distinguish that anymore from all the severed body parts.

"You-Your...I-I..." her voice can't form proper words.

"Oh, I remember you as well," walk through the massacre, the female taking a step back up the marble staircase, "if I'm were there, weren't you? You watched what Lucca did to me," she is one of the coven leaders who had attended my birthday party and stayed with her coven members.

"Y-You re-really are-are a m-monster," when she knows she is trapped, her eyes shift to a black rose, staring at me like she is about to attack.

Looking around I gasp and state, "No, I thought I was a saint. A monster, really don't say..." I let the sarcasm wash over her, chuckling darkly when she just glares at me with anger. I'd be angry too, watching everyone who you knew and loved die before your eyes, and completely powerless to stop them.

Finally deciding to lunge at me, I reach my hand out, catching her throat and throwing her body against the banister, pulling her hair back and exposing her neck.

"I thought this would be a lot harder..." I murmur, drawing my fangs against her skin, her hold on my wrist tightens, her strength much stronger than the mere vampires she leads. It isn't enough to overpower me though, burying my fangs into the side of her neck, her scream only eggs me on. Her blood fills my mouth, ripping my fangs from her neck she tries to heal, the wound closing slowly.

"That's right, how could I forget?" I grin at her, grabbing her white hair and flipping her over the banister, her body dangling in the air. She screams louder, reaching for my hand that holds her only by her hair. Shaking her head from side to side, she only just notices the blood I had morphed into a guillotine blade hovering across from her.

In the next second, it flies at her neck, her body dropping to the floor as I lift her head back over the banister, throwing it down the stairs.

Silence, something so beautiful.

Ending their lives... I know exactly what type of power I possess.

Perhaps it is time to find this Onyx, after all, it has been one hell of a night.

Published on Amazon as an ebook and paperback.

The Rogue Pureblood Vampire by K. A. Young.

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