The Rogue Samurai

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Chp-1 Who am I?
Ashigara was the foster son of the Kamada Family. This Family used to train Samurai's to serve the King Yama the ruler of the Iron Dames. Now Ashigara was 20 years old and was ready to learn the truth of who he truly is . Ashigara was the most skilled Samurai the Kamada Family ever trained. They often feared what would happen if he went to the dark side when he learnt about his truth . Hence they sent him to Mount Daimugen home of the Iron Dames . On his way to Mount Daimugen Ashigara found a piece of cloth with writings . The writings speak of Ashigara and his past . His parents were the leaders of the Ashigaru clan...when they were invaded by the Iron Dames and were killed . More than 4000 Ashigaru warriors were killed that day . Ashigara was a newborn hence he wasn't killed and was fostered by the Kamada Family until now as he's under King Yama the emperor that killed his parents. Ashigara was going to break every single rule he learnt and will make sure to bring the Iron Dames to their Knees .

Chp-2 The Iron Dames
The history of the Iron Dames goes back to 200 yrs . When a Samurai named Tobyashi killed the Serpent Yamata no Orochi by Piercing his heart as he was infused with the mind of the serpent. The remains Yamata no Orochi became Mount Daimugen and the Iron Dames were formed they controlled the Japanese mainlands and brutally killed many Kingdoms including the Ashigaru Clan . The Iron Dames knows only ONE strong enough Kingdom that can fight back known as the Iron Lynx based on Mount Kurohoshi ruled by King Yama's brother King Yoshi . Both the brother never used to get along hence they constantly fought. Both sides waged wars against each other constantly killing on both sides . King Yoshi was the much more better off in terms of moral understanding  compared to his brother King Yama . Ashigara knew he could use this feud to destroy the Iron Dames.

Chp 3 - The King of the Iron Lynx
On the Way to Mount Daimugen Ashigara came across a Samurai from the Iron Lynx named Mashuki. She asked Ashigara who he was and what was he doing in Iron Lynx Territory . Ashigara said he was the Last member of the Ashigaru Clan and is here to wage war on Iron Dames. Mashuki took him to the Stronghold of the Iron Lynx on Mount Kurohoshi . Mashuki then pointed out to the Mount Daimugen which was around Seventy kilometers away . The land between the two kingdoms was reddish in color showing the amount of blood lost over the years due to the fighting between the two kingdoms. Ashigara then learnt that Mashuki was the general and the most skilled Samurai in the Iron Lynx Kingdom . She took him to King Yoshi who was in a deul with one of the Samurai warriors. Ashigara watched as King Yoshi made easy pickings of the Warrior . King Yoshi then approached Ashigara and asked him if he was a Samurai and asked him to a deul . Ashigara at first declined then Mashuki sarcastically told him if he defeats the king he will be listened to by the king . Ashigara picked up a Katana and was ready to fight. King Yoshi started strong on the offense making Ashigara defend but as soon as Ashigara went of the offense King Yoshi couldn't match him and suddenly in a fraction of a second King Yoshi lost the deul. The court of the the King were stunned they applauded Ashigara and his skills. This earned Ashigara the respect of King Yoshi. King Yoshi was now ready to listen to Ashigara and his plan .

Chp 4 - The Honjo Masamune
Ashigara proposed a plan that would work but it would stain the land of Japan Forever in blood. King Yoshi presented Ashigara the legendary Honjo Masamune katana that was known for it's unmatched sharpness and perfect Balance. It was forged by the Great Goro Masamune more than a 100 years ago . Many lives were lost to the sharpness of this blade. King Yoshi said " May this blade help you achieve your vengeance and may the Shogun armor help protect you from any Blade but your own . Ashigara now set on his journey to Mount Daimugen and to begin his plan . He entered the gates of The Iron Dames there was no going back now . He enters the court of King Yama .The King asked him why did it take him so many days to travel from the Kamada House to this Kingdom.Before the King got a chance to ask a second question he slit the King's throat and quickly escaped the Kingdom . The King was dead but Kung the Prince of the Iron Dames gathered the entire Armada and went in pursuit of Ashigara . More than 6000 warriors of different types were ready for a battle to the death .

Chp 5 - Battle of the Noroshimachi
Ashigara led them to a place called Noroshimachi. Already awaiting the arrival of the Iron Dames was the entire army of the Iron Lynx the ambush was perfect.

Soon the Iron Dames arrived and were met with a terrible fate . Both sides fought with great might. Streams of blood flowed in the Land . Men and Women alike were killed . The War destroyed the consciousness of the Warriors they were completely lost and remembered just one order "KILL ALL " After eight brutal hours only three people survived Ashigara, Mashuki and the Prince of the Iron Dames . Now Ashigara told Mashuki to leave and destroy the rest of the Iron Dames. Alone Ashigara and Kung fought a deul to the death . Ashigara peirced the heart of Kung with the Honjo Masamune.

He brought the Iron Dames to their knees. Finally he was free he took one look at the Honjo Masamune seen it completely covered in blood . He looked around seen fallen soldiers everywhere even the King of the Iron Lynx was dead . Ashigara unable to live with all the blood on his hands he walked to Mount Mikagura he walked all the way to the top .He Sat there looking at the Sunset closed his eyes and peirced the Honjo Masamune into his chest and fell to his death.

Chp 6- All that was lost
Mashuki took the remaining might of the Iron Lynx and attacked Mount Daimugen defeating the Iron Dames but Mashuki also lost her life in battle. Both Mount Daimugen and Mount Kurohoshi were know as the cursed Mountains . Anyone who would live in these kingdoms would never be at peace and would always resort to killing. 500 years later a historian named Miyamoto found the Shogun armor of Ashigara he put it in the museum of the Ashigaru near lake Numazawa . However the Honjo Masamune is still lost . According to legend As long as the blade is hidden the world is at peace however once it's found again streams of blood shall flow again in the lands of Japan.

~ The End

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