Nicole x Levi

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Levi was sent out alone to take out a huge threat. Nicole invaded a near by area, but it wasn't her. Phillip just became king of attilan, and Nicole let her jealousy of her brother get the best of her, the light blue stone she always wore as a necklace corrupted her, the gem in control. The gem was a stone that was called the ego stone, which possessed a spirit with the personality just of ego. Once Nicole couldn't take it anymore and let her jealousy of her older brother get the best of her, she was gone. She cut her hair extremely short, her cloths grey with a blood tainted lightning bolt. She attacked the city, but Levi easily took her out since she was just a princess, not exactly trained for battle yet. He locked her in a cell, which kept her from using her powers. The others at the school working with him called Phillip, he was coming for Nicole soon. Levi stood outside the cell, watching her, but she seemed to act completely different than she did when invading the city. What did he do?

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