Chapter 1

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A/note: This story is based on the game Blacksite Area 51. But my version of it. Cover was made by me and the plot. One of the character's name's Somers and it's pronounced (Summers.)

Warning: Violence, gory themes and swears.

There was a part of me that told me: I should stop running from the demons within my head. The hard part about having them was if I got rid of them, I'd lose my angels.

But I learned that my demons were on the same side as me. They called me The Ronin. One of the last Echo Squad survivors and this is my story.

"Hey, Ronin. Wake up!" I felt someone shaking me. I darted up and grabbed the knife I kept close and swung 90 degrees. Sweat dripped down my face like if I was soaked from a five mile run.

He grabbed the blade before I could stab him. It came to my realisation that it was Somers, Logan Sommers, a valued soldier and friend.

"Easy, put that away before you kill someone." He takes the blade and places it on the side of my bunk, where my feet sat at.

"What are you doing here?" I questioned while I wiped my forehead with a bare arm.

"Came to investigate, scream loud in your sleep. I came running when I heard it. I thought you were being slaughtered by the enemy." He commented, I scoffed.

"It's nothing...But, thank you for your concern. You can retreat back to your tent and count every bullet you shoot in your mind, dismissed."

He gave me a nod. The light from the candle made shadows dance on the tent walls. He was about to exit, until he stopped to say something.

"I'm concerned about Graives. The same thing happens every night. And you keep it concealed as if it's nothing. You push us all to the sides as if we are nothing. At least you can tell one of us." He sounded eager to seek the truth. I kept my brown eyes fixed on his brown eyes.

"No, there is nothing you need to know." I growled.

I was a person with skeletons in my closet. I didn't want others to know of my past. That is my business and I seek to keep it hidden.

The room goes silent. I could hear my own breathing how quiet it was. I sat up and sat on the side of my bed. My nails dug into my palms.

"Somers get some sleep. We have an early wake up call." I yawned.

"Alright, but if you scream again. I'll have the whole team here next time." Somers jokes, gliding a hand through his black, short, hair.

I gave him a half smile then replied "Night." He gave me a brief nod and walked out. I sighed and fell back onto my fold-able bed. I quickly darted up and grabbed the knife that was at the end. I fiddled with it for a bit before my eyes grew heavy.

I didn't understand, why did everyone want to know what goes on in my head? It was something that I carried everyday. This is why I joined Echo squad. It was hard for me to hold a gun, I would get the same flashes. The same screams, the same burden.

But I acted like it was nothing, put on a smile. That's all I can do, I don't want to show my weakness. I chose to get ready, I didn't want to go back somewhere I didn't want to go back.

I used the little mirror I had in my pack. The sides of my head were shaved and all I had was my brown long bangs. I took a small elastic and tied it back as the usual. I changed the bandage for my chest. Seeing the bullet hole fully healed.

Dark circles were under my eyes. I changed out of my shorts to a pair of black cargo pants. Then I slid a black T-shirt over. The shirt went past my six pack and down to my waist. I packed only what I'll need on this mission. I exited my tent by slipping on a black buttoned shirt that was loose and moveable in.

The sun was about to rise. The sky was gold and dusted pink. The time right about now was 5:26 am. My boots crunched against the sand. I saw that everyone was ready to go. The four of them leaned against the vehicle.

"Morning Graives, you look beautiful as usual." Cody said, I smiled. He turned his camo hat backwards.

"And good morning to you, gentlemen. I assume you're rested well." I said tossing my bag into the backseat of the vehicle. As well as my gun.

"Cody diffidently slept well, just not the rest of the damn camp, due to his snoring." Somers said sarcastically, making us laugh.

"You have a problem with that?" Cody questioned. He seemed pissed off.

Cody suddenly grabbed Somers's collar and slammed him against the vehicle. Somer's head suddenly buds him, making Cody's nose bleed. Somers smashed his knee into Cody's gut.

"Son of a bitch." Cody growled. He started to run at Somers and tried to tackle him.

I ran over to the two, I grabbed Somer's and tried to break up the fight. Mitch followed my lead and grabbed Cody. He tried to shake me off and I earned an elbow to the face. I fell on my ass and felt something snap in the back of my mouth.

I felt something leak out from the corner of my mouth. I spit the tooth mouth then picked it up. I shined pointed it up to the sun that just came up. I stared at it. I could taste iron and a lot of it.

Everyone went silent, even Cody's violent battle cry.

"Graives are you okay?" A gravelly voice said, that belonged to Cody Grayson.

"I'm fine. A guy with the last name of Somer's, owes me a new tooth when this is over. I ain't insured for this." I chimed, then spat out some blood.

"Look I lost control and I did not mean to: smash you in the face, like that." Somer's tried to keep his cool. I felt my blood boil.

"Save the apologies for another time." I snapped, I had no patience for bullshit on the trip.

We waited for the other vehicle we were going to take to sneak into their base. Mitch planned to stay behind, in case we need back up. I haven't seen our commander since last night's campfire.

Suddenly we heard footsteps. I casted my gaze at the owner of the footsteps, Commander Peirs.

Our disguise rolled up onto the gravel road near the overpass. The heat was getting extreme and I regretted wearing or bringing black coloured clothing.

"Here's the plan, Echo Squad. In and out of the base. Don't leave any of them alive until we find what we are looking for. Ronin? Are you listening?" He questioned, I dragged my eyes from the ground to Peirs. I grabbed my gun out of the back, knowing now we weren't taking this vehicle.

"Roger that." I answered making the commander nod.

The Iraq driver was dressed in casual clothing and was in the drivers side of the pickup truck.

All of us rounded the fence corner and went to the animal trailer in the back. I cringed to the smell of the wooden trailer. It was like a box that had wheels. Two goats stared at us in a very odd way. I had no choice to sit next to Somer's and Cody. I sat in between them so they did not fight. Somers kept the barrel of his gun pointing upwards and his eyes were closed. He was a very handsome man. But at times I knew I wasn't very polite to him.

I regret snapping at him.

"Hey Somers. How much further?" Cody asked.

"Twenty minutes, Colonel Green's men are still moving into position." Somer's replied calmly.

"We are here to pick up Noa Weis. She'll be a helpful tool to our squad!" Somer's added, he yelled the other half of his sentence, when the driver raised the volume of the radio.

The song was very annoying and tacky. Cody banged on the wall of the trailer with a tight fist.

"Can you turn that crap down!" Cody yelled, making the driver follow the order.

"The Iraqis have been stockpiling the weapons and nuclear weapons, in this bunker. For years Russian ordinance. We can expect some heavy Resistance." Somers explained and I felt a punch to the arm, a playful punch.

"Hey I bet fifty bucks, I can kill more meta gaming fools than Somer's." Cody said getting my attention. Somer's noticed and laughed.

"Trying to impress Ronin? You're going to have to up your game to do so, Grayson." Somer's jokes, making Grayson roll his eyes.

"Make it one hundred and you're on." I smiled at the two, I loved the rivalry they had. Just not the fighting part. Somers pulled back the slider of his gun, indicating he was ready.

Suddenly the convoy came to a stop. We stayed silent and listened. The driver was talking to someone. I was about to stand up when Somers shook his head. I silently sat back down, with a quiet sigh.

Gunshots started to go off over our heads, through the wood.

"Shit!" Grayson cursed.

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