Chapter 25

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1 day later

Y/n was overlooking a watch point over a cliff. As he was watching through his binoculars, he hears someone come as he draws his sword quickly as he was face to face with the supposed "attacker"

???: you have good sensing skills there, Y/n wick

Y/n: nice to meet you grandmaster Hasashi

Y/n and scorpion aka Hanzo Hasashi bow down

Hanzo: really impressive there

Kuai: is there anything there? Any cyber lin kuei?

Y/n: been here for nearly an hour, Kuai liang. No activity's the inside is definitely occupied but no guards yet

Hanzo: we will stop triborg. I won't let him or anyone hurt our clan anymore

Bi han: before we get started y/n meet some more of our clan... this is smoke

Smoke: it's good to meet you mr wick

Bi han: this is cyrax, he was a former cyber ninja but we managed to help convert him back to human

Cyrax: it's an honor, y/n wick

Y/n: an honor to meet all of you

Hanzo: was there anything out of the ordinary?

Y/n: a few military guard trucks came. I couldn't see the symbol of the group.... but I'm guessing Black Dragon

Smoke: makes sense Kano would be willing to work for money

Kuai: what won't he do?

Frost: anything

A pink portal comes down as Daikon appears in his normal gi

Daikon: sorry I'm late

Hanzo: your right on time Daikon Black

Daikon: hello grandmaster Hasashi, smoke and cyrax

They bow down as they went snuck on over to the entrance as one man came out. Y/n dropped down as he slits the man's throat

Hanzo: good skills there

Y/n: I have my ways

As they were looking around for any evidence they found instead a massacre. Pools of blood and discarded bodies as y/n sees that some of their brains were missing

Y/n: dead, transformed into cyber lin kuei

Hanzo: we won't allow anyone else to die

Kuai: shouldn't this section be busy?

Hanzo: minimal activity.... seems like a trap

Y/n: it should be..... I'm gonna check upstairs, Donavan might have something on this

Hanzo: be watchful

Y/n: of course

As y/n made his way upstairs... he goes inside seeing a bunch of files scattered around. Y/n stashed his sword in its sheath as he looks through one of the files and he stumbled upon something

Project king strike 2

Subject has been cooperative as of late but doesn't have any emotions. That's good, I need a puppet and to take down Y/n Wick. Why not have a clone do the work

Victor Donavan

Y/n drops the file in shock as he turns around seeing himself..... with a emotionless look on his face

Y/n: what the....

The clone then throws a shrunken, as it charges directly at y/n

As the others scourged around. Suddenly an alarm went off as several new cyber lin kuei attacks them. Bi han, sub zero and frost use their cryomancy to freeze and shatter them easily, while smoke, and cyrax used their own powers and skills to kill the rest as Daikon simply kills them with his ki blades

Bi han: where's y/n?

As of on cue y/n falls through the roof landing on a heap

Daikon: y/n?

Y/n gets up as his clone crashed down shocking the others Especially Daikon

Daikon: a clone?

The clone doesn't say anything as suddenly triborg appears as everyone took a stance

Triborg: victor knew he needed a trump card and so he's the trump card

Y/n: where's Donavan?

Triborg: you'll all be converted into cyber ninjas. Then you'll serve him

Bi han: I won't serve anyone again

They all charge as each of them take on the rest of the cyber lin kuei who were more numerous than before. Y/n and his clone engaged in brutal Kombat as both were evenly matched.... but as y/n was about to try and decapitate his clone. Pepper spray is spayed into his eyes as his clone uses a smoke bomb to disappear as daikon came over

Daikon: we'll get him, I promise

Y/n: that motherfucker. First kasumi, then Raidou now.... ME! I'm gonna kill him slowly and painfully

As the lin kuei tried to get closer to triborg he suddenly disappeared alongside y/n's clone

Bi han: we'll get him

Kuai: are you okay y/n wick?

Y/n: I'm good, is everyone okay?

Frost: yeah but..... we need to stop them both!

Y/n: yeah we'll regroup by tomorrow I have a class to teach

Daikon: yeah it's best we relay this information to the special forces as well. Might come in handy

Hanzo: we will

They had to depart from the factory as y/n and daikon had to go back and get ready for their teaching job tomorrow

Next day

Y/n was seen teaching a few students at school alongside daikon as they were in flim class

Y/n: now in filming a scene. They're has to be suspense and cinematography mixed in. If your doing horror or even drama it makes the scene even better

Student: but why does that matter, Mr wick?

Y/n: imagine Jurassic park and the pacing isn't as good as let's say the T. rex chase scene. That scene helped make the movie better that it already was. Take the shower scene from psycho, one of cinemas most known scene, and imagine what would happen without the music

There was also max, Chloe, Rachel, and another girl kate Marsh one of Max's friends

Chloe: max stop staring your drooling all over your desk

Max: shut it chloe

As y/n was pacing around he spots max as he gave her a smile

Y/n: max

Max: mr wick?

Y/n: what is your favorite genre of film?

Max: science fiction and action

Y/n: great genres there. But let me ask you all this. What makes a genre unique? Let's imagine something like citizen cage, the dragon fist series or even ninja mine. Movies that have a lasting effect and impact on the world of flim today

The bell suddenly rings as y/n sighs

Y/n: that's all for today students and please, make sure to include one of your favorite movies and study it and the scene you prefer and why it's your favorite

The students filed out as y/n and daikon were there

Daikon: great job there

Y/n: you too

Max: y/n?

Y/n: max, how can I help you?

Max: it——it's just good to see you

Y/n: same here, you okay?

Max: yes... it's just that.. nevermind

Y/n: okay then.... have a great day

Max: thank you

Y/n made sure to also check on kate Marsh as she blushes looking away as he was given air kisses by Chloe and Rachel. Much to his chagrin as Daikon kept teasing him throughout

Y/n then made his way out of his class as he saw one of the students. Logan picking on a glasses wearing kid named Daniel DaCosta

Logan's hand was suddenly picked up and twisted as he groans in pain being stared at by y/n himself

Y/n: Logan, what have I said about your bullying?!

Logan: mr wick? I!

Y/n: I don't give a crap about any excuses your gonna give me! Now leave him alone or I'll have you expelled for bullying and threats

Logan: y-yes Sir

He leaves as y/n helped get Daniel up as he picks up his books

Y/n: are you okay, Daniel?

Daniel: yes I am. Thank you mr wick I'm so glad your here

Y/n: me too!  Get going enjoy your day

Daniel leaves as Daikon was smiling at y/n's actions

Daikon: that was pretty awesome of you, y/n

Y/n: I can't stand bullying! Let alone jocks

Daikon: fair point *looks around* are you feeling okay?

Y/n: not really, still sore and in shock about having a...... a clone

Daikon: we will stop him i promise you

Y/n: thank you, brother

Daikon: no problem....

???: y/n! Daikon!

Y/n: David is everything okay?

David: I just wanted to say thanks for helping Daniel out. Also I'm sorry for being a asshole to you earlier

Y/n: mistakes happen David. Are you okay?

David: no! It's that fucking Sean Prescott! He wants you out of this school and arrested

Daikon: for fucks sake what?

David: the way he puts it: harassment and verbal abuse and not upholding to his rules

Y/n: tell Sean to stick it to someone that cares. I don't care about him or his family

David: that's ballsy Y/n

Y/n: Sean isn't a threat to me. You have a good day now, David we must go 

David: you too

As Daikon helped them teleport to their apartment y/n kneels down holding his side

Daikon: still sore?

Y/n: that clone of mine is one strong son of a bitch

Daikon: we'll need to train more tomorrow starting with you fighting blind

Y/n: sounds good I'm gonna get some groceries want anything?

Daikon: some coffee would do me good

Y/n: sure thing

After that y/n changed out of his teaching clothes to his more casual attire

As he went and got the groceries in bulk considering Daikon's appetite and his own. He was passing by a punk bar as he heard something

Chloe: that's enough, Damien

Damien: shut the fuck up you bitch. Rachel come here now!

Y/n: shit!

Y/n made his way through the alley

Y/n: Chloe? You girls okay

Max: mr wick?

Damien: and who in the fuck are you? *Points knife*

Rachel: y/n don't anger him!

Damien: shut up bitch! get the fuck out now wick !

Y/n: I don't think I will! Girls Get behind me!

The girls get behind him as Damien advances towards him

Damien: your gonna regret this! Now you DIE!

Running towards him Damien slashes towards him. Only for y/n to redirect the stab of the knife as he disarms him. Damien tried to punch him only for y/n to perform a oblique kick shattering his knee as y/n turns around performing a kick that knocks him out cold falling against the garbage cans

Chloe: we have to get out of here!

Y/n: come on!

Making their way out of the alley and walking down a couple of blocks seeing chloe's run down truck

Max: mr wick....

Y/n: call me, y/n Max it's okay

Chloe: okay. What in the fuck was that? I mean you handled him likes he's nothing

Y/n: I think you better explain: what the problem was between you girls and the guy over there?

Elizabeth: he's a psychopath, a fucking crazy guy

Y/n: that's not crazy. He's a moron for sure

Max: but mr.... y/n, how'd you do that?

Y/n: I have my secrets and it's best that you don't know them

Chloe: why? You saved our asses back there

Y/n: it's for your safety, I'll see you all later. Please girls just get home safely and if anything happens you call me

He handed them his number as they went off in chloe's truck. Waving goodbye he goes inside seeing daikon there

Daikon: you okay?

Y/n: ran into a little trouble. But other than that I'm good

Daikon: yeah..... also what are you making?

Y/n: my famous steak and potatoes

Daikon: oh man..... that's one of your best

Y/n: sit back and enjoy my brother

Making the food and searing the steaks.... getting seconds for Daikon y/n served the steak and potatoes

Daikon takes a bite as he enjoys it

Daikon: thank you, this is some of the best food I ever had

Y/n: no problem enjoy

A knock comes at their door... as y/n looks at daikon

Daikon: it's the lin kuei

Y/n opens the door... seeing Kuai Laing, Bi han, Frost, and smoke there

Y/n: come on in

They all filed in as they sat down

Y/n: before we get started anything to drink?

Kuai: you have any ice tea?

Y/n: sure thing

Serving them blueberry ice tea. Y/n had sat down as daikon joins him

Daikon: any news?

Bi han: unfortunately no.... but we found evidence on Donavan working with 2 different organizations. They are what helped supply the money needed for the cloning

Y/n: who are they?

Bi han simply slide the paper as y/n sees 2 names he etched into his mind

Mishima Zaibatsu


Y/n sighs and he crumbled the paper in his hands

Frost: I'm sorry, you shouldn't have found out like this

Smoke: is there...

Y/n: G-Corp and Mishima Zaibatsu are mine.... first we need to deal with the cyber lin kuei and triborg. Any ideas on where they could hide?

Kuai: there's so old factories around here. Then there's one in..... but me and my brother destroyed it years ago

Y/n: first thing. We need rest and regrouping. With Hanzo's help we can take them down. But we need to be careful, if Donavan feels we are closing in. He could unleash a clone of triborg

Bi han: we will stop him, and honor our fallen lin kuei and your family

Y/n: thank you all of you

All of them get up as they bow down. The lin kuei has to regroup and see if they could find any signal to where triborg could recharge and heal. Daikon and Y/n went to go train

Y/n and Daikon were seen the next day training as y/n was blindfolded. He falls down after being hit from Daikon's ki blasts

Y/n groans in pain as he gets up putting back on the blindfold

Y/n: again

Daikon: you should rest..... a minute at least

Y/n: again..... I need to know how to fight blind if I don't... my clone will kill me

Daikon: if you insist

He throws another few balls of ki at y/n who breaths in deeply as he dodged each of them gracefully even daikon was impressed

Daikon: your getting even better.... okay I'm gonna come at you, leave the blindfold on and listen to your surroundings and to your instincts

Y/n steadies himself as daikon teleported around him. Daikon pinches y/n in the chest as y/n crumbles before diving down avoiding an ace kick

Y/n: "okay listen to his movements..... predict where he goes"

Having to dodge another kick that sent him down to the ground, y/n gets back up as he takes a stance. Readying himself y/n withdraws a knife as he found the knife was already at Daikon's throat as he was smirking

Daikon: hahaha... you did it, great job

Taking off his blindfold y/n smiles as he and daikon sit down enjoying a water jug as they were about to go home

Y/n: wait?! Let's make it interesting!

Daikon: what do you have in mind?

Y/n: we race but no powers and no cheating!

Daikon: hoho we'll see who beats the other

Y/n: come on

Daikon: ready... go

Daikon sped off as y/n ran behind him

Y/n: cheater!

Daikon: all's fair in love and fair, brother!

Both men then climb around a building as y/n and daikon both demonstrated their parkour ablities

Climbing down y/n sees a flight of stairs as he began to jump off the ledges landing safely

Daikon: show off

He jumps down on his heels as he smirks.... seeing y/n there as he was breathing a bit heavily

Y/n: you wanna quit?

Daikon: I never quit

Laughing alongside each other.... both brothers see their apartment just ahead as they jump down simultaneously landing safely

Y/n: *huff* a tie

Daikon: you've gotten better....

Y/n: of course I have come on..... I need a nap

Daikon: me too.... rest well

Y/n and Daikon made their way inside as the sun was setting down.

A/n: Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed this

Also what would you guys have y/n do next?

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