Chapter 2

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A mans head is crushed against a wall as y/n dressed in his iconic ronin attire tortures him

Guy: guuh... why you doing this

Ronin: your nothing but a monster and I love to kill monsters 

With that he cuts off the mans head as he goes off seeing serveral other bodies around them.  These guys are racist Faunus haters and while y/n doesn't like the white fang he's not racist and after they were bullying a Faunus child he decided to kill them

He also made some advances on interrogation on several white fang members that were too violent and made sure to protect the innocent and made sure no one was caught in he crossfire

He then made it back to his car making sure to clean his sword as he got into his car making it back to his apartment and slamming the door shut as he began to trash the things next to the kitchen

Y/n couldn't help but punch the wall in anger. Now the huntresses and others were now after him and how is supposed to go and find sienna and eve now but it's been 5 days since the incident involving Roma and team rwby

Shaking his head he made sure to clean his outfit and repair any rips to the fabric and hanged it in a secluded area as he went to shower but he began to hear those hurtful words again and then a flashback happens one of the various incidents when y/n was hurt physically and emotionally


Y/n is lying down on the ground as he is seen on the ground after being kicked by team rwby and jnpr

Weiss: You shouldn't even be here loser

Yang: your sister must be even more disappointed

Y/n: don't *coughs* you dare talk about my gaaah *blakes foot comes down harshly on his back making him groan*

Blake: you shouldn't speak moron

Jane: come on girls leave the idiotic orphan alone let's go eat

They then leave as Nora herself had stepped on y/n's back as he gasped in pain

Y/n: "why all I wanted was your friendship and this is what I get"

All he wanted was to make his family happy and now he was either ignored, hated bullied or had his money and things stolen all beaucse he tried to be friendly and nice only to he mocked and hurt in more ways than one

As y/n gets up he sees his teammates ryuko, her sister satsuki and then Lara with smirking faces

Lara: seems you can't die yet stupid

Y/n: you should look in a m... *ryukos fist suddenly comes forward as y/n had to hold his nose as it was dislocated by her punch*

Ryuko: seems even someone like you can talk back satsuki what would you like to do to this pig

Satsuki smirks as lights appear behind her 

Satsuki: lets teach him a lesson

By that she meant kicking y/n and making sure to use her sheathed sword to hit y/n making him vomit a bit of blood

Lara: come on girls I'm hungry

Ryuko: yes let's go *spits on y/n as he was passed out on the ground*

Satsuki didn't say anything as they leave

Y/n gets up with a groan a minute later as he wobbled got up. He then made it back to his dorm he had to share with his 3 female teammates as he saw his bed he then noticed something a group photo they took on the first day and y/n grabbed it before he began to headbutt it

Making it break and getting blood all over the picture specifically on his picture that he was smiling in

Y/n: "I'm done... I'm not wanted here anyway I'm leaving this shithole fuck you all... I HATE YOU ALL"

He then looked at his bow the only weapons he used alongside his knives making him the long range fighter alongside Lara

He then breaks his bow as he then grabs his bed and throws it across the room smearing it with the blood he had on his hands

Making sure to also get his uniform off and throwing the bloody uniform off and stomping and getting a duffel bag packed with his clothes and other things

Seeing that he didn't want to be seen and it was in the afternoon. He then got on a black hoodie and making sure to put the hood up as he climbed out the window and flipped down

As he lands with a soft grunt he pulls the hood over tight and seeing nobody outside he then ran as fast as he could towards the forest to cover his tracks making his way back to his home


As ryuko her sister and Lara made it back they were carrying a lunchbox as they made it back to their dorms accompanied by team rwby and jnpr

Jane: are you sure he wouldn't hate us for this?

Lara: don't worry once we smooth things over and apologize to him. He'll love us all

Ruby: I'm scared what if he hates us and declines our love for him

Ryuko: (nervous) well we are gonna need to see

Satsuki is nervous but she was calm but made sure to knock on their shared room

Satsuki: *knocks* y/n it's us we are coming in

They then enter as satsuki suddenly gasps in shock

Ryuko: what's going... *she paused seeing the damaged room*

As they girls make their way inside and go they noticed the damage done

While Lara's ryukos and satsuki's things and their beds were in great shape

It was nothing to say about the state of the room or y/n's things

Lara: what happened?

Ryuko: I don't *accidentally steps on something

Satsuki: is that.

She looks seeing the photo that the group had taken together on their first day as she saw that the glass was broken and blood was on the picture and on that beautiful smile y/n had when they first became a team

Lara: girls

Ryuko, Sastuki team rwby and jnpr then made it seeing the blood smeared mattress with handprints on it as they see a familiar bow y/n's handmade bow and quiver broken and snapped in two

Lara: he's gone. He's left

Ryuko: oh don't be shitting me. He wouldn't leave us will he?

Satsuki: I believe so *seeing the open window and that y/n's clothes were gone alongside his trusty duffel bag*

Ruby then looks out seeing a small blood trail

Ruby: there's a blood trail if we follow it we can find him and apologize to him

The girls then jump down as they try to follow the small blood trail but 50 feet into the forest they couldn't find anything

Ruby: he has to be around here. (Shouts)Y/N come on please come out we're sorry

Yang: come on handsome please don't....

She paused seeing something a Beowolf that was holding a black hoodie sleeve and it was bleeding with a knife in it's dead eye as it suddenly evaporated as they raced towards it

Rin: that's one of y/n's favorite hoodies and that's his knife

Ryuko: no way NO he's not dead

Satsuki slumps down tears in her eyes as she thought that they did this they hurt y/n more than anything but she hoped he was alive

The others broke out in tears as they tried to find him only for nothing to come up

Y/n is seen with his hoodie badly damaged as he is holding his right arm that is bloody and that one of his sleeves was torn from a surprise Beowolf ambush

Y/n: fucking Grimm

He then made it back to his house seeing it's destroyed and old appearance

Y/n: (sarcastic) "home sweet home"

He then made it inside as he then stared at the kitchen and remembering the events that lead to that day

(Mom and dad are listed are mom and dad no names)

Y/n is seen staring at his mom and dads bodies both of them were dead from a white fang attack and y/n himself was Injured holding his injured stomach as he looks for his sister only to slump to the ground seeing his 5 year old sister dead on the ground as y/n grabbed her body and began to cry his little sister Catherine as he cradled her body

Y/n: I'm sorry... I'm so sorry

He then cries as he had to bury his family and his little sister the next day and he had to kill a wandering Beowolf from trying to eat his family

Y/n after that day vowed vengeance and became a wanderer only stopping at small apartments after doing odd jobs and grimm hunting

Y/n snapped out of his trance as he hears lighting in the background as he sees rain come inside his old home and as he then grabs a few loose boards out of the way he then looks seeing a sword that his father wanted to give him when he was a hunter

He then straps it close to his shoulder making sure it was locked into its sheath as he made his way outside into the rain

Y/n: I am no longer a hunter or even anyone I'm just y/n but now you call me Ronin

Then lighting strikes and with that y/n disappears from sight

End flashback

Y/n then snaps out of his stupor noticing that he was underneath his shower and mist have unconsciously showered while he remembered the days at beacon academy

Y/n: *sighs* why must my life be like this

He then made his way out and charging into a pair of sweatpants his stomach growled

Y/n: "haven't eatened in 2 days I need to eat"

He then made a simple dish of beef stew and vegetables

After finishing his dish he makes sure to take a nap on his couch as he dozed off he couldn't help but feel a sense of great anger

Beacon academy headmistress office

Olivia sighed as she couldn't find ronin especially after team rwby couldn't track him and everyone was getting restless

A knock however interrupts her

Olivia: come in

As the woman comes in Olivia noticed she had short hair a long skirt and a white shirt and she could smell the cigarettes on her followed by Glynda herself

Olivia: hi there miss who are you?

???: my name is Elizabeth Dewitt

Olivia: and how may I be of assistance?

Elizabeth: I believe I can help you find y/n the missing student right

At that Olivia and Glynda turn to stare at her

Olivia: (serious) don't be kidding me with this joke here

Elizabeth: no I'm not here let me explain

As she then told some things Olivia and Glynda being shocked were an understatement of the year

A/n: hope you guys enjoyed this and yes Elizabeth is not betraying us she's trying to stop y/n From killing himself and yes only Olivia and Glynda will know but once they see us they'll be shocked

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