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In vale it was a rainy night and seemed peaceful to the naked eye

A white fang member stumbles out of a warehouse as he holds his stomachs as he was slashed by a hooded masked figure that has been attacking white fang outposts and hideouts all they know is his name ronin that's all

White fang male: w-why you doing this

Ronin: you people killed my family years ago

White fang male: so what they deserved it

Ronin: so my little sister deserved to die. A CHILD...

White fang male: yes and I hoped she died slowly

Only for the masked man to grab his throat

Ronin: before you die tell me where's eve Taurus and sienna khan

White fang: they're in menagerie somewhere you can't go human

Y/n: that's all okay then

The white fang tries to speak. Only for ronin then to slice his head clean off

As the man goes in the middle of the street where he killed the white fang member

He then cleans his sword as he then unmasked himself to a woman standing behind him

Ronin: you shouldn't be here! Elizabeth

The woman is staring in shock at the man as he unmasked himself revealing y/n her old friend

Elizabeth: I came here to find you... you need medical help

Y/n then glances seeing the wounds and blood he got from his earlier skirmish

Elizabeth: I can help you come on

She offers her hand and y/n takes it as they get y/n's mask and get away from the police sirens


They make it to Elizabeth's apartment as they go into her medical room

Elizabeth: shirt off I need to clean and disinfect they wounds you have

Y/n obliges as he strips off his jacket and shirt and as Elizabeth turns around her face heats up at his toned and muscular body y/n didn't notice as he was looking at his sword remembering something

Getting out of her stupor Elizabeth then gets some alcohol as she rubs some he flinched a bit

Y/n: Gugggh ow

Elizabeth: I'm sorry

Y/n: it's okay

Elizabeth then decided to ask why he's doing this

Elizabeth: y/n why are you doing this this ain't you what happened to being a huntsman

Y/n sighs and Elizabeth couldn't help but notice the pain and anger he seems to have in his deep eyes and he sighed

Y/n: I can't talk about it

Elizabeth: why please tell me please I need to know what happened to make you get this way

Y/n couldn't help but tell her since he won't be alive for much else

Y/n: *sigh* when your family and you left years ago. The white fang attacked my house and my parents.... my little sister Catherine *tears silently come out* they died in my arms. We supported them we helped them and they turned against me and my family I buried them after defending their bodies... by those fucking Grimm

Elizabeth: y/n I'm so sorry I didint know what happened to them and.... oh my oum

Y/n: and that's just the beginning. I enrolled in beacon academy but I was ridiculed by everyone even my own teammates who are 3 females insulted me and even some teachers ridiculed me I tried to make friends with some female teams they called me loser, dumbass and my favorite (sarcastic) orphaned nobody. Even the headmistress thought of me like that and so I left and I went back and got my stuff at my old house and I costumed this outfit so I decided to purge the white fang the violent side of them and criminals before I join my family on the other side.

Elizabeth: so that's what you been doing and your him ronin. Also what are you saying to me about joining your family on the other side?

Y/n: not for long and after I'm finished it means I'm taking my own life to see them again

This shocks Elizabeth as she then wraps his wounds quickly and slaps him


Y/n stares shocked at the action as Elizabeth's eyes are watery

Elizabeth: why... why are you willing to kill yourself for this. Your family wouldn't want that

Only for y/n's hand to come down on the equipment table crushing the rubbing alcohol glass and making deep cuts on his hand

Y/n: (angered) don't you dare lecture me on what my family wants. I have no one to live for I want to be with my family. No friends no girlfriend no allies and I'm okay with that I don't want pity I just want to die on my own terms either putting my sword through my stomach or putting a gun to my head

Elizabeth: *tears leaking out* I don't wanna lose you please don't do this

Only for y/n then to get up and get back on his gear as he straps on his various weapons

He then looks back at Elizabeth

Y/n: you can't change my mind. Next time you see me your gonna be attending my funeral or maybe you'll be burying me

He then leaves as Elizabeth's hair falls as she began to cry

Elizabeth: "don't leave me please I need you in my life without you I'm not complete"

She then collapsed in the chair she was sitting on as she covered her head with her hands

Back to y/n he wandered around as he then navigated the alleyways and rooftops making his way back to his apartment and making sure to hide his presence he began to get his key inside as he gets inside closing the door as quickly as possible as he gets into his kitchen

He then withdraws his hand looking at the deep cuts as he cleans it and then grabs a bottle of bourbon

He then grabs a glass as he fills it up with the bourbon and began to drink as he drifts off into sleep collapsing simply on his countertop

Vale warehouse

Several white fang members were around one of their dead comrades as they could see a knife embedded in his chest with a note saying

I'm coming for you Eve you better watch your back as well Sienna Kahn I'm gonna kill you both

They couldn't help but feel dread at those words and couldn't help but wonder who they had pissed off, also what Eve and Sienna their leader had done to this man Ronin

Not only did he disrupt operations in their smuggling and their bases he destroyed their moral every time he destroyed their own friends and allies

White fang #1: what should we do?

White fang #2: we need to find this man and punish him for what he's done

White fang #3: okay everyone calm down we need to think this through

White fang #1: look at what he's done he's massacred several of us without hesitation

White fang #2: but they're has to be a reason why

White fang #3: yeah he's a Faunus hater like some of those atlas fucks

As they argued it out Eve Taurus was above the rafters thinking of how to deal with this ronin and how when he arrived in the scene he took down their strongholds and hideouts like nothing and when eve finds him he's gonna suffer


???: find this Ronin I want him brought to me and to face justice

???: yes lady khan

Beacon academy headmistress office

Olivia the headmistress of beacon academy was overlooking the academy as her assistant Glynda goodwitch comes on

Glynda: headmistress have you heard the news

Olivia: Ronin struck again has he

Glynda: are you sure it's wise to find him and ask him to join us?

Olivia: I can tell this man needs help and guidance and our staff and student can help him

Glynda: yes ma'am

Olivia: also have you found any trace of y/n yet everyone's worried

Glynda: no headmistress I'm sorry he basically disappeared out of nowhere

Olivia: *sigh* we done many wrong things and what he's suffered I feared he may be somewhere hurt or even hurt

Glynda: yes ma'am we shouldn't have done those things to him

Olivia: the team of rwby, jnpr, Cvfy and the others especially his teammates all love him and I fear that if he's found dead or hurt they will lose the will to fight

Glynda: yes miss arc has been slacking on things

She also told her about the others problems how ruby was less hyper how Weiss herself grades aren't as good as they should be. Blake belladonna herself was even more quiet and rarley talked as yang herself drank even more

Jane arc was depressed, Rin Lin was even more quiet nearly mute, Pyrrha nikos wasn't even outgoing goodwitch even found her crying her eyes out. Nora was slacking and wasn't even hyper

Coco adel was even more quiet and velvet herself couldn't get out of bed from time to time

The other girls were also the same including Catherine Winchester and the transfers Star and Neptunia were rarley seen and looked like hell

Glynda: maybe we should send in another team to come help them

Olivia had to think before coming up with a name

Olivia: team STRQ

Glynda: that sounds good

Olivia: I'm gonna call Tea, summer and I'm gonna see if raven and Quill are up to the challenge to come see their daughters/ nieces and maybe help cheer them up

Glynda: what about y/n's former teammates

Olivia: let me talk to all 3 of them we need their help to recruit ronin and then y/n

Glynda: okay I'll get those done tomorrow

Olivia: okay no problem

Glynda: goodnight headmistress

Olivia: goodnight Glynda

Olivia couldn't help but sigh and think about how to find y/n and help cheer up her students and herself and maybe Glynda

Olivia: "I'm sorry y/n we all are we didn't know why you suffered for what's been done to you please come back"

A/n: I'm excited for things to come also I'm gonna suprise you guys with who's our 3 former teammates and your gonna be suprised that's for sure

Love y'all be safe

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