History of the war.

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Back in 1988 there was a massive earthquake that struck Italy. It's magnitude was a deadly 9.5 on the Richter scale. After that well...The world went to shit quick. The European nations....Well while no one the outside knows exactly what sparked what but one thing is damn certain in 1990 the nations slowly came together. First France, Germany, and Poland. Then Austria, Czech Rep, Greece and so on so froth. Until all nations were under one flag.(except for Switzerland) Norway, Sweden, Finland and Turkey are also apart of this to. Russia just coming out of the cold war and decided to come to the U.S. for help. (Keep your friends close and your enemies closer eh?) Now we got the two world superpowers together, Europe under one banner everything is peaceful right? Heh I wish, tension was high between the U.S. and Europe because they were forming a union we had to pull out everything our troops, tanks, planes you name it. (Even the U.S. controlled part of Germany had to pull out.) While all this was taking place. In the pacific Japan was experiencing a economic and aviation boom and since they lacked the manpower and well let's just say for a good one or two years about 55 to 65% of mercenaries, soldiers, air men, from all over the world came to Japan that's how we mercenaries squadrons got here, anyway I'll go back to that later. Back to the lesson in 1995 March 15 at 5:00 am the union had enough and began to invade its neighbors Africa fell within three to four months. The middle east put up some resistance but sadly they too fell quickly seven months I hear was how they lasted. Nation after nation fell Iceland, Greenland, all seemed lost but these countries that I'm about to list said hell no.

U.S., Russia, China, Japan, South Korea, Australia, Canada, India, Mexico, Cuba, all of south America and all of Indonesia. Rose up against this union and that's when tide began to turn (just like in 1943, I guess history does repeat it self.)
Flash forward a few years later an- -BEEP- -BEEP- Intercom "all pilots emergency sortie! I repeat all pilots emergency sortie!"

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