Ch.13-One heck of a chase

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Marmalade:With this meteorite, we will be able to commit crimes people have only dreamed about.

Snake:Not bad for a butt rock.

Marmalade:Once again, it's not-(gasps)

The Bad Guys were loading the meteorite onto the car

Wolf:Don't mind us. Just robbing this place.

Julie:So long SUCKAS!(blows raspberry)

They sped off out of the joint. However, they made a quick stop to pick up the kitten, which they let in the car, Wolf also put shades on the cat. THEN they sped off out of the joint.

Diane:Now to get this thing to the chief and clear your names.

Shark:Weird. Usually, we drive away from the police.

Piranha:Hey, chico, are you sure we stopped the heist?


Diane:Relax. Marmalade can't control them if he doesn't have the meteorite.

Piranha:So, who's driving those trucks?

They saw that the guinea pigs were still mind controlled and driving the trucks.

Julie:What? The meteorite is disconnected from the machine, how are they still being controlled?

Wolf:It must still be transmitting. The charity money. Change of plan, guys.  Webs, is there some way to override the truck's navigation system?

Tarantula:Uh, we'd need some kind of magnetized cross-circuit interceptor.

Diane:You mean this?

Diane pulled out a small button.

Shark:Ooh! She just keeps getting cooler!

Wolf:Oh, yeah!

Wolf turned the car around and sped towards the trucks. However, when Diane tried to put the button on one of the trucks, it bumped the car, causing her to drop it. They then saw that they were outnumbered.

Julie:That is a lot of guinea pigs...

Diane:We got to split up. Webs, Ringtail, you feel like a girls' trip?

Tarantula:Um, yes.

Julie:You bet!

Tarantula: Later, boys. (laughs)

They leapt out of the car and the briefcase Diane had became a motorcycle.

Piranha:I want to go on the girls' trip.

The group began placing the buttons on the trucks. When all of them were in place, Tarantula hacked the navigation and redirected them.

Diane:Where'd you learn to do that?

Tarantula:Well, I'm, you know, kind of a natural. Mostly YouTube.

Tarantula and Julie hopped back into the car.

Wolf:Nice work.

Diane:Meet me at the police station.(singsongy)Don't be late.

Diane left the group.

Wolf:What do you say we deliver this butt rock to the chief?

The trucks began returning the loot.

Meanwhile, Snake and Marmalade were watch the events from Marmalade's helicopters.

Marmalade:No, no, no, no! That's my stolen money. What good are you if you can't even anticipate their next move?

Snake:Oh, so it's my fault?


Meanwhile Diane changed into her suit and met with Chief Misty


Misty:This better be good.

Diane:Trust me, you don't want to miss this.

Tiffany:(gasps) Look.

The Bad Guys came speeding down the road with the meteorite.

Misty:Well, butter my crumpets.

Tiffany's cameraman started rolling.

Tiffany:Can it be? The Bad Guys are returning the meteorite? Perhaps this is the feel-good story we all need.

The group heard the story on the car's radio. The group cheered.

Tarantula:Do you guys think they'll throw us a party?

Piranha:Yeah. With fireworks, piñatas and cake.

Though they realized that it just wasn't the same without Snake.

They stopped right in front of the station.

Wolf:(sighs)We can't do this without him.

Shark:He might be a Mr. Grumpy Pants-

Tarantula:-But he's our Mr. Grumpy Pants.

Julie:Do you think he'll forgive us?

Wolf:Only one way to find out.

They sped past the police station.

Julie:Oh boy, this is not gonna be easy.

Piranha:What? Convincing Snake?

Julie:That, and presumably the army of cops Chief will be sending after us shortly.

Meanwhile, Marmalade and Snake were still arguing.

Marmalade:I'm starting to see why your friends dumped you.

Snake:I don't have any friends!

They were interrupted by the car horn honking.

Wolf:Snake! Snake!

The car caught up with the helicopter.


Wolf:Snake, come back!

Shark:We need you, baby!

Tarantula:And you need us!

Julie:We're sorry for what we did, but please don't do this!

Marmalade:Oh, there you go again, making it personal. I'll give you one last chance to give me the meteorite.

Piranha:Oh, yeah? What you gonna do, Whiskers?

Marmalade took the helmet.


Rumbling was heard.

Wolf:What the...?

Behind the car, was a huge wave of guinea pigs!

Shark:We've got adorable company.

Julie:You just HAAAD to say it...

Piranha:My bad...

Tarantula:Floor it!

The wave was rocking the car all over the place.

Piranha:Maybe I shouldn't have called him Whiskers.

Tarantula:When I woke up this morning, this is not where I saw the day going!

Julie:That makes two of us!

Outrunning the horde became harder and harder.

Snake:Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey, hey, let's dial this down a notch, huh? Besides, you'll never get him. He's too good a driver.

Marmalade:Hmm. You're right. But now that I think of it, maybe it would be better to exploit his greatest weakness.

Snake:Exactly. Wait...

Marmalade threw Snake out of the copter! Though he managed to catch the landing skid. But Marmalade was about to kick him off.

Wolf:Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on. Hold it, hold it, hold it. Okay, okay. You win. You can have the space rock.

Marmalade:Good boy, Wolf.

Marmalade directed the guinea pigs away from the car. A claw came down from the copter and grabbed the meteorite. But before he could take the meteorite...

Wolf:Take the wheel.

He climbed to the back of the car.

Wolf:Not so fast. Pull him up first, or I'll use this.

He pulled out the lipstick blowtorch.

Marmalade:Oh, come now.

Wolf activated at began to cut the claw chain. Snake chuckled.

Wolf:Do it, or you'll lose the rock.

Marmalade:If you insist. Cuddles!

The copter went up higher. Marmalade saw that they were almost to the broken bridge, where the meteorite originally crashed.

Julie:I don't like where this is going.

Marmalade:You want him? He's yours.

He fully kicked Snake off, and Snake began to plummet!


Marmalade also took the meteorite.

Wolf:No, no, no!

There were almost to where the road ended.

Wolf:Guys, I know it's crazy, but we're gonna jump it.

Piranha:Crazy? You're finally speaking my language, chico.

They speed off the bridge.


However, the car lost momentum and the group fell out. They then caught up with Snake.

Snake:You came back.

Wolf:I should've been honest with you. I was afraid that if you knew I-I wanted to be good that you'd...

Snake:Act like a jerk and never talk to you again?

Wolf:(laughing): Yeah.

Julie:That also applies to me too.

Wolf:Point is I... I-I-I, you know...

Snake:Yeah. I love you, too, buddy. And kid. Sorry I was so hard on you.

The rest of the group joined them and they all joined hands.

Shark:This-this is so beautiful. Do you know how beautiful this is, you guys?

Shark began sobbing.

Piranha:Now...Now you're gonna make me cry.

Piranha began crying and so did Tarantula.

Tarantula:I know! So pathetic, right?

Julie:You know...I honestly can't think of better people to go out with. You guys have been my true family. For the most part, you've stuck by me.

She turned to Wolf.

Julie:Especially you-

She then hugged him.


Wolf hugged her back.

Wolf:Love you too, kid.

Shark cried even harder.

Shark:Man, now THAT'S poetry right there!

Wolf:Though...who said it was the end?

He pulled out the grapple gun. The group laughed as the car plummeted to bottom Wolf pulled them all up. The explosion blew Marmalade's helmet off, which got destroyed by the copter's rotor, causing the copter to go down. The guinea pigs were freed

Marmalade:No, no, no, don't... No, no. Cuddles! We're losing altitude! We're losing altitude! We're going down!

The grapple held on to a part of the bridge.

Piranha:What happened? Did we blow up? Is this heaven?

Julie:Huh. The grapple gun actually worked for once...nice.

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