Ch.5:Going good

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Wolf and Julie:We're gonna go good!

The others sat there confused.

Tarantula:Uh, you totally lost me.

Piranha:I told him to stop drinking out of the toilet.

Shark:Hey, did you two get hit on the head?

Julie:What? No, we didn't get hit on the head.

Shark:My cousin got hit on the head with an anchor, and after that, he only swam in a circle.

Wolf: No, no, g-guys, guys, you're not following. We're gonna pretend to go good. Just a few days with Marmalade. And then we roll into the gala as Good Guys and roll out scot-free with-

Group:The Golden Dolphin.

Wolf:You got it. Since when do we not finish a job? The Bad Guys become the Good Guys so we can stay the Bad Guys. You know what I'm saying?

The group laughed.

Snake:Bad Guys acting good? It's the ultimate Bad Guy thing. It's fantastic. Wolf, you're a genius.

The group continued to laugh.

Wolf:It's gonna be, like, the most relaxing con ever, like a vacation.

Piranha:Oh, oh. A con-cation.

Shark:Ooh! My parents met on a con-cation.

The next morning, the crew arrived at Marmalade's mansion.


Tarantula:Big and fancy.

Julie:You can say that again.

Shark:Rodent's got taste. Okay.

Snake:Huh. Almost makes me want to be cute.

Marmalade:They say experience is the best teacher. And they are wrong. I am. Good morning, students of goodness. And welcome to the first day of the rest of your best life.

Piranha:A giant butt.

Piranha was pointing at the meteorite behind Marmalade.

Marmalade:Huh? Uh, it's-it's not a butt. It's a lamp.

Marmalade clapped and the holes on the Meteorite lit up.

Marmalade:In the shape of the Love Crater Meteorite, my greatest-

Piranha:I wonder whose butt it is.

The others were a little nervous about what Piranha was saying.


Marmalade:Once again, it's not a butt. Thank you. It's a heart. Now, as I was saying-

Piranha:Then why does it have cheeks?

The others tried shushing him.

Shark:Shut up!

Piranha:What? I've never seen a heart with cheeks.

Marmalade:(scoffs)It's not a-


Marmalade:It's not a butt! Not a butt!

Piranha:Does he know what a butt is?

Julie:Allow me, Professor.

Julie smacked Piranha in the back of his head.


Julie:Shut up, and let the man talk!

Marmalade:Thank you.(Clears throat)As I was saying, on the outside, the six of you are villains, predators, remorseless sociopaths.

Shark:Oh, stop. You're making me blush.

Marmalade:But inside, there's a flower...the flower of goodness... and when it blooms and you feel that tingle of positivity radiating through your body, you're going to want to feel it all the time.

Tarantula:So we're going for a tingle?

Marmalade:The tingle of goodness, which you'll feel in my state-of-the-art Sharing Laboratory.

They walked upstairs to what looked like a kitchen.

Julie:Uhh...this just a kitchen.

Marmalade:Whatever. Okay, Mr. Snake, I'm going to give you a Push Pop.

Snake:Great! Push Pop just for me!

Marmalade:No, to share.


Marmalade:Well, on a fundamental level, it's about putting someone else's needs ahead of your own.

Marmalade pointed to Shark, who was sitting down with a smug look. Shark chuckled.

Snake:Oh, no. No way.


Snake groaned.

Snake: All right, all right.

He sat across from Shark.

Shark:This is going to taste extra sweet, 'cause I know how bad you want it.

Snake groaned more.

Shark:Pop me, please. Ah...

Snake:Nope. Sucker.

Snake ate the push pop

Julie:Well, I certainly saw that coming.

Shark:That's it!

Shark grabbed Snake by the throat.

Shark:I'll teach you to share!

Shark then ate Snake!

Julie:Okay that, I did NOT see coming.

Shark:Mm, I like sharing. It's yummy. Mm.

Snake:(From in Shark's stomach)Totally worth it.

Marmalade:Well, that's terrifying.


Marmalade:Let's try something simpler.

Later on, Marmalade gave them another test.

Marmalade:A good person always pays attention to the needs of others. Now, here's a kindly, frail grandma.

Wolf was in a grandma outfit, and he looked really annoyed. The others laughed.

Marmalade:Mr. Piranha, help grandma across the street.

Piranha:(scoffs) Sure, sure, sure. I do this all the time.

Piranha:Here you go, ma'am.

He took Wolf's hand. The others continued to laugh.

Tarantula:Oh, he is totally gonna blow it.

Piranha heard them.

Piranha:What was that? What did you say? You think I can't do this?

Piranha let go of Wolf and stomped over them.

Wolf:No, no, no, Piranha!

Wolf got hit by a truck, sending him into the air, and landing him several feet away.


Julie:Hey Wolf, give a depressing moan if you can still feel your everything.


Julie:Yeah he's alright.

Marmalade:Maybe simpler?

They were now in the backyard of the mansion. In front of a tree.

Wolf:Hey, look. It's a cat stuck in a tree.

Marmalade:It doesn't get much simpler than that. Now, what in this scenario would give you that good tingle?

Snake:Eating it? This is why I always carry two pieces of bread with me.

Marmalade:No. I want you to s-

Wolf:Smack it.

Snake:Skin it?

Shark:Stab it.

Tarantula:Sauté it.

Julie:Slice it?

Piranha:Sing to it?

Marmalade:Save it. I want you to sa...That's obv... It's so obvi... I want you to save it.


Snake:Right, right.

Group:Here, kitty, kitty, kitty!

The cat freaked out and climbed up the tree further.

Snake:Whoa, that cat is obviously defective.

Piranha:What is wrong with you? You're gonna give it a heart attack. (scoffs) I'll handle this.

Piranha jumped up to the top.

Piranha:What's up, papa!

The cat jumped off the tree and landed on Wolf's face. It began freaking out and scratching him.

Wolf:Get him off my face! He's on my face!

Marmalade:No, no, no, no, no, listen! Wh-What are you doing?

Julie:Hold on Wolf, I got it.

Julie managed to get the cat off his face and it took off. Wolf groaned as he got back up.

Marmalade:Okay. What, may I ask, are you good at?

Piranha:Stealing stuff.

Shark:Oh, yeah, we're great at that.



Piranha:Wire fraud.


Wolf:Tax evasion.



Tarantula:Mail fraud.

Marmalade:Wait. Heists, you say?

Wolf:Well, that's... yeah, that's kind of our specialty.

Marmalade:I might just have an idea.

The group arrived outside a lab, with many protesters outside of it.

Protesters:(chanting)Free the pigs! Free the pigs!

Marmalade:That is an animal testing lab. Within, 200,000 helpless guinea pigs, all being poked and prodded by sadistic scientists.

Snake:Guinea pigs, you say?


Julie:Don't get any ideas.

Marmalade:I want you to rescue them. But this is a heist for good, so I brought something more friendly for you to wear.

He had them put one cute onesie pajamas.


He then drove off.

Tarantula:Well, there goes our street cred.

Piranha:At least it's comfy.

They peaked over the wall and saw a scientist through the window.

Wolf: All right, we need to distract that scientist.

Julie:Shark, you're up.

Shark:Copy that.

Wolf:Okay. We're gonna need a rope and a hook.

Snake:I got this one.

Group: What?

Piranha:You're volunteering?

Tarantula:You've never volunteered for anything.

Snake:Sure, I did. Right now.


Snake:Throw me up there. Giddyap!


Snake:Yep. I'm 99% sure you can make it.


Snake:Lets do it!

Julie:I'm terrified of where this is going, anyone else?

Piranha and Tarantula both raised their hands.

Wolf swung Snake around while Shark distracted the scientist.

Several times,Wolf missed and Snake kept hitting the window

Snake: 96% sure.(Smack)Maybe 90%. (groans) I don't know. (groans) 50... What day is it? Who am I?

Wolf finally managed to hook Snake to the window and they all ran up him into the lab.

Marmalade:Right. The guinea pigs are locked behind a three-foot-thick steel door. The only way in is through the vents.

Snake:I got it.

Snake slithered in.

Shark:I have never seen him so chipper. Has he been meditating?

Julie:I am legit concerned.

Snake reached the room, loaded with guinea pigs. For him, it was like winning the lottery

Outside, Marmalade was getting ready to great the group.

Wolf:Snake. Come on, Snake. Open up.

Snake opened the doors, looking very relaxed

Snake:Relax. These doors are complicated.

He opened the door to reveal that he ate all of the guinea pigs!

Tarantula:Are you kidding me?!

Julie:Snake, seriously?!

Wolf:What do you think you're doing? We're supposed to save them, not eat them.

Snake:Well, I'd say they've gone to a better place.

Wolf:All right, that's it. Spit them out.

He began pushing at Snake and swinging him around, causing him to cough up the guinea pigs.

Shark:We gonna save you whether you like it or not.

Tarantula:We're saving you, you stupid hair balls.

Piranha:Not that door. The other door.

Julie:Follow simple direction!

One of the guinea pigs hit the door button and a whole avalanche of them came pouring out.  Everyone was a shocked at what they saw, which looked like they were attacking the guinea pigs.

Wolf:It's not what it looks like.

Julie:I'm fully comfortable pinning this on Snake.


Then the alarm went off.

Julie:Oh boy, this is not going to go over well with anybody...

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