Ch.7-Gala for Goodness

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Tiffany:What up? We are just moments away from Professor Marmalade's Gala for Goodness, where the legendary Love Crater Meteorite will be on display for the first time ever. But what everyone is really buzzing about is the Bad Guys, whose heart-melting rescue video has made them an overnight viral sensation.

The group was on their way to the gala.

Wolf:All right, guys, this is the big one. The Golden Dolphin is inside a titanium case controlled by a randomly generated five-digit code, a code kept safe and secure inside a briefcase handcuffed to the chief of police.

Piranha:She's not messing around.

Wolf:The code is only accessible with her authorized fingerprints.

Snake:Leave that to me.

Wolf:While Snake gets the code, Shark will secure the fake Dolphin.

Shark:I like the sound of that.

Wolf:Meanwhile, the rest of us plant circuit jammers.

Tarantula:Allowing me to hack into the power grid.

Wolf:At the end of the night, we toast the professor, and when I say "Marmalade," lights go out, and we'll have exactly four seconds to make our move.

Snake:The old switcheroo.

Wolf:Chief hands Marmalade the fake Dolphin, we get our pardon, applause, applause, exit stage right, and by the time they realize what happened we'll be driving off into the sunset. Legacy cemented.


Snake:Got to hand it to you, buddy. You're a real artist.

Marmalade opened the door.

Marmalade:Well, Good Guys, this is it. Good luck out there. Remember, all eyes will be on you tonight, not me.

Marmalade turned to the crowd as the crew got out.

Marmalade:Friends, meet the Good Guys!

The crowd cheered and applauded.

Snake:Uh, this is different.

Julie:I know right? I feel like we're in the Twilight zone right now.

Piranha:Is this a prank?

Shark:What's that sound? Like screaming but not terrified.

Wolf:All right, guys, let's, uh... let's mingle.

Tarantula:It's crime time, baby.

The group split up again, with Julie joining Wolf again.

Shark:Okay, fake Dolphin, fake Dolphin, fake Dolphin. Bingo.

However, Shark was stopped by a bunch of fans. They distracted him with a bunch of questions. Snake went for the briefcase. Meanwhile, Wolf and Julie were being asked questions about the video. The two noticed Diane waving to them.

Wolf:Uh, hey, just a minute, guys. Let me... let me, uh I got... I'll be right back.

Julie:Yeah, we have something we need to check something out real quick.

Diane grew slightly suspicious of the two. Meanwhile, Chief Misty was keeping an eye on Wolf and Julie. Snake tried to get the codes, but Misty slammed the briefcase on his tail without her knowing it. She also unknowingly grabbed Snake when she went for her drink.

Julie:Guys, Snake is about to get caught! Think of something! Quick!

With some quick thinking, the group minus Wolf and Julie ran up to the stage and Piranha began to sing.

(A/N You knew I was going to include this song. Admit it.)

Julie:Wow. I did not know Piranha had such a good singing voice.

Wolf:Neither did I.

As the crowd was distracted, Snake managed to grab the codes and signaled Wolf and Julie, who signaled the others.

Diane: Mr. Wolf.

The pair turned around to see Diane.

Wolf:Yeah, what a surprise.

Diane:You know, if I didn't know better, I'd think that you were avoiding me. And I see you brought your little friend as well.

Wolf:Avoiding you? Wh-Why would I do that?

Diane:Okay. But I have to say, I'm a little disappointed. I was hoping you were gonna ask me to dance.


The two began to dance the night away. With Julie joining some of the other people in dancing.

Diane:I see. You lost the sheep's clothing.

Wolf:Yeah. Figured it was time I got comfortable in my own fur.

Diane:I think I like the new you.

Wolf:Well, that makes two of us.

As everybody was distracted, the group planted the chargers.

Tiffany:Break out the umbrellas, because it's raining money. All because of... I can't even believe I'm saying this...all because of the Bad Guys.

Julie joined Wolf and Diane again.

Diane:So, how does it feel to have everyone not fear you for a change?

Wolf:It feels good.

Julie:Honestly, it's the best treatment In years.

Diane:Oh, speaking of which. Kid, mind if I get a word with you?


Diane walked with Julie to the side of the stage.

Diane:I gotta say, you've had one heck of a turnaround.

Julie nodded.

Diane:I've actually kinda wondered, why did you join them anyway.

Julie:Lets just say I kinda went through something similar to them. I was constantly seen as a thief. If that's all I'm gonna be seen as, what's the point of trying to be something else, right?

Diane nodded.

Diane:You know, I noticed you seem to be the closest with Wolf. You see him as more than just a friend, don't you?

Julie:Excuse me?

Diane:(Embarrassed)Woah woah, not like that! I mean, you see him as a dad, don't you?

Julie:Admittedly...yeah. But don't tell him. I want to be the one to do so.


Marmalade took the mic.

Diane:Well, good luck, small fry.

Julie ran onto the stage to join the rest of the group.

Marmalade:Thank you. Thank you, Mr. Wolf. As you know, the money raised tonight will be delivered tomorrow to schools, hospitals and other worthy causes across the city.

The crowd cheered.

Wolf hid the trigger behind his back. Julie hid hers as well.

Wolf:I just want to take a moment to recognize the one responsible for our new outlook. Our brilliant mentor, a paragon of enlightenment-

Tarantula:Do it.

Piranha:Come on.

Wolf:-the one and only Professor-

Tarantula:Wolf, do it.

Wolf:-uh, Professor-

Julie:Don't do it Wolf. Please don't press it...


Wolf didn't press the trigger. Neither did Julie.

Wolf:-Professor Marmalade!

The rest of the group minus Julie were shocked. Chief grabbed the Golden Dolphin.

Wolf:Chief, may I do the honors?

Wolf handed Marmalade the Golden Dolphin

Piranha:That's not the plan!

Tarantula:What is happening?!

Shark:They've gone rogue!

Snake was the most shocked.

Diane:A deal's a deal. By the power vested in me, it is a pleasure to grant the Bad Guys a full par-

However, Diane was cut off by the lights suddenly going out.

Wolf:That was weird.

Man:The meteorite is gone!

Everyone saw that the meteorite was missing!

Man:Somebody stole it!

The crowd glared at the group.

Julie:I do not like where this is going.

Chief Misty angrily stomped over to Wolf.



Wolf:Come on. You can't possibly think that we did this.

Speakers:So long, suckers!

Julie:Wow, that is the mother of bad timing.


The group booked it.


A huge swarm of officers began to chase the group. Wolf grabbed one of the pamphlets. He and Julie ran to the bar and grabbed a few champagne bottles and shot them at a few of the cops. They ran towards Diane and they quickly wrote something on pamphlets.

Wolf:Here. Here.

Diane:What are you two doing?

Wolf:We're giving it all back.

Julie:Least we could do!

The two rejoined the rest of the group by leaping over the cops

Snake:What happened back there?

Wolf:I couldn't do it.

Julie:Neither could I.

Snake:What do you mean, you couldn't do it?

Wolf:I-I-We just... I...

They were cut off by Piranha blocking them.

Piranha:No! I do not run.

He stomped towards the cops.

Piranha:That is not how I roll.

Wolf:Piranha, don't do anything crazy.

Piranha laughed.

Piranha:Crazy is what I bring to the party, chico.

He shot the grappling gun up, but it fell back down and landed on Shark's head, knocking him out.

Julie:Once again, that was not thought through.

It was over...The Bad Guys were caught. And this time, they had no way out of it...

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