Chapter 1

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There are 2 things I vividly remember. The sunset. Everything going dark. I woke up in what seemed to be a van. I was blindfolded, but the bumps like when you're in a car are whate led me to assume so. An indistinct conversation could be heard from the front of the vehicle. I could sort of make out the things they were saying.

"This whole idea is nuts. How are we being supplied to do this again?"

"Hush. We don't know if they're awake or not. And, I'm driving, you idiot. Crashing this car would cause a lot of trouble, no?"

"But, doing this will get us a space in one of the rooms, right?"

"Yes. Now shut up."

"Fine, Fine."

After that, I started to smell some strange fragrance, it was like lavender, but....maybe a little stronger. I inhaled a but of it, and then blacked out.


I then re-awoke in what looked like a wide room. It seemed to be the size of maybe..a living room. I looked around at the strangers that surrounded me.

There were a pair of twins, one wearing a striped shirt of black and white, and the other was wearing a plain white one. They're faces looked exactly identical, besides them both being opposite genders. The male in the stripes had bright white hair, while the girl had long, black hair with bangs. Besides them were 3 brothers. All three of them were already cleaning the bare walls. For what purpose? I don't have a clue. Looking at all three of them in a line was like looking at 3 sheets of paper that the printer printed out wrong. They all had the same brown hair, with the occasional lighter brown tips. They were all very strange, alright. The last group was 6 12-14 year old kids. The smallest one seemed to be very..uh, sick. I thought that I would be the only one from my family, but to my relief, my brother, George was right beside me. He was still asleep, he was always a heavy sleeper, of course. Now all I really needed was an explanation on why all of us were here.....

"Welcome, Welcome!"

Most of us were startled by the sudden voice talking to us. We all looked around the room looking for the person who just started talking. It was at this time George woke from his slumber.

"Yoo-hoo! Up in the left hand corner, you imbeciles-"

A small speaker came into view, and on the other side of it, there looked like a camera.

"Hello there, survivors. You probably are wondering why you're in a room full of strangers, but, no need for worry or panic! We will open the screen-viewer, and everything will be explained from there. Good luck! You'll need it-"

A static came from the speaker. As the sound faded away, a compartment from the roof opened up. Out from it came a small tv, and from where we were all sitting, had a perfect view of. The tv started to whir to life.

"Greetings! You all have been selected at random to survive in this room together. Why, You may ask? Well, believe it or not, but there has been a parasite outbreak recently. Once this parasite enters your body, it will slowly kill you till you eventually die. Not to worry, though! You are of course, being locked away safe in this room. We didn't want you all to be super lonely, so we made sure to pair you up with people you know. Food will be distributed once-or twice per day. Enjoy your stay!"



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