Author's Note

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Aaaaaand that's a wrap!

That's it, guys. The last chapter of The Root Of Magic has just been posted. I feel... several different things at once. For one, I feel all warm and fuzzy about having been able to finish another book. I also feel humbled that so many people have been following this story, reading every chapter as soon as it came out. With a mere 29 chapters, this book has nearly 3K reads as I'm writing this, even before anyone has read the last chapter. I am so, so happy with all your support. A few years ago I'd never have thought I'd be able to write a book, and now I've finished a second one. 

Granted, my writing isn't the best out there. This book is currently a first draft and that shows. But what's important, is that I am noticably improving. Over the course of two full-length novels, two novellas and lots of short stories and flash fiction pieces, my writing has improved a ton. And that's what I'm proud of. 

Destan's story isn't finished. I will be editing this story with ALL the wonderful feedback I've been given (THANK YOU for that, by the way!!), and as you might've guessed from the ending, there will be a sequel for The Root Of Magic. Destan will be traveling the country with his sister, in an attempt to find another Tribe to live in. This sequel has not been completely planned out yet, but I know roughly what's happening.

In the meantime, as I'm editing part one of the Atrament series, I need a little break from Destan's story. That is why I've decided to write another story first, which I'm currently planning out. I'll be sure to keep you all updated about this one, but I can tell you this: It's gonna be epic. 

Thank you SO MUCH everyone for being such fantastic readers! Please don't hesitate to comment, vote, or just message me. I'm always around to chat. I hope to see you all in the next one. :)


- Naomi

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