Chapter 4- The two lovers day

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I'm sorry for not updating as I could, I also have a requested story to do as well but now on to the story.

3rd person pov:

As Saber ran out of class and headed to the roof to meet with velet.

Saber: *running up the stairs* I haven't seen her in a long time *reaches the roof*

Velvet: *turns around* hi saber *smiles and blushes*

Saber: Hey velvet *smiles and blushes*

As the two blushed and walked closer to each other as they kissed for a good couple of minutes.

Saber: how I missed your soft lips.

Velvet: and I missed your warmth when ever we're together *smiles*

Saber: well what should we do since we got time to ourselves.

Velvet: you can take me shopping in val.

Saber: sure anything for you my love.


Sam: *looking throw his cards*

Luna: *resting her head on his shoulder* hey Sam.

Sam: yes Luna?

Luna: do you think saber is going out with anyone?

Sam: I don't know, why do you ask?

Luna: cause I got a smell of a girl on him.

Sam: then he maybe. *notice his red-eyes ritual dragon card glowing* what in the world?

Luna: why is it glowing?

Sam: I don't know. *thinking* is it reacting to it's other half?

Meanwhile with Saber and velvet in vale

Saber: *carring bags full of clothes* why did you buy so much clothing?

Velvet: because I want to make sure that coco doesn't try putting me in lewd clothing.

Saber: I wouldn't mind seeing you in those.

-time skip-

As the two lovers mad their way back to beacon they were greated by a girl in all brown clothing and having her eyes coverd with some sunglasses

Coco: I saber, velvet

Velvet: hi coco

Saber: sup

Coco: so you two were on a date I see.

Velvet: *blushes* n-no he was just helping me with my bags.

Saber: yeah we bumped into each other by accident.

Coco: mmm, ok *walks away*

Saber: that was a close call.

Velvet: yeah.

Saber: I'll see you tomorrow velvet.

Velvet: yeah see you tomorrow. *kisses his cheek and walks away smiling*

Saber: *smiles and walks to his dorm*

Meanwhile with in Ozpin office

Ozpin: *looking at two swords and hold a box with Saber name on it* soon I'll have to give this to him.

Well how did you guys enjoyed it? I'll have the next part by next week since I'll be starting school tomorrow.

Chibi Luna: next time on the rose dragon chapter 5- Team ssdl training, till next time my lovey foxes.

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