Little apprentice and Master talk/Fighting at a kraang D/n / The plan.

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🟦Leonardo: They're from the future! They knew this would happen!

Y/n: Im coming with you.


🐀Splinter: But April, how will we get them out?

📱April: I got an idea.

🐀Splinter: Yeesh. Remind me to never get on your bad side.

[Leo regained consciousness in a pile of rubble, lifting his head up and moaning. The exit is blocked off.]


Let's continue the story shall we...

[Leo regained consciousness in a pile of rubble, lifting his head up and moaning. The exit is blocked off.]

🟦Leonardo: Casey! [tries to get up but slumps] Casey, you okay? Donnie, Mikey, y/n, Raph anybody?

[Casey emerges out of the rubble and slides down.]

🏒 Casey Jones: What the heck was that?

🟦Leonardo:[referring to the Krang subway bus monster they encountered] Some kind of drippy crazy krang monster.

🏒 Casey Jones: No, I mean you! Why weren't you listening to anybody?

🟦Leonardo: Because I was trying to get us into the other side of that fight and into the building!

🏒Casey Jones: That sure worked out well.

🟦Leonardo: But I was doing everything right. How could it go wrong?

🏒Casey Jones: [honest] Because you weren't listening to your team! You don't have all the answers all the time!

🟦Leonardo: But I'm the greatest ninja the world's ever seen. You said that.

Casey: [coldly] I was wrong and d/n was right.

🟦Leonardo: What?

🏒Casey Jones: You're impulsive, you're arrogant, and you don't see that every decision you make could cost someone their life! You want to know what really happened to your brothers and y/n in the future?! They die. Everybody dies fighting the Krang. The world needs Master Leonardo. And all I get is this guy.

[He tossed the photo beside Leo and left. Leo picks up the photo and looks at it as Casey dug his way through the rubble.]

News anchor: We have an update on the strange situation at Metro Tower. All contact has been lost with those inside the building, and conflicting reports suggest something is barricading the entrance for emergency personnel.

[A cop arrived at the building. A helicopter flies by. The two Krang scurried onto the roof.]

🧠Leader Krang: Fools. These creatures should welcome the power of the krang.

Cop: You on the rooftop. Stop and surrender immediately!

Reporter: We've got eyes on the rooftop where the police are comforting- What is that?

🧠Leader Krang: You may begin.

[He attacks as his little brother infected the roof. The man on the helicopter fired his gun as Krang jumped on and attacked.]

Reporter: Oh look!

[The helicopter crashes to the ground as the leader Krang returns to the top.]

[Casey continues to try to clear the path as Leo keeps looking at the photo he picked up, he looked at you the most and The more he looks at it and thinks about what Casey told him, he finally realizes everything he has done. He felt so ashamed and closed his eyes, sighing. Casey saw an opening until Leo, now reformed, pulled the rubble away. Casey was still upset with him and upset of himself for letting the girl of his dreams be in danger.]

🟦Leonardo: Look, I know I'm not the Leo you knew in the future, and maybe I never will be. This whole time I was sure my family needed me, but the truth is I need them. If we're gonna survive this, we have to do it together.

[They bash together, breaking through the wall. They jumped onto the cable and climbed.]

[In the Turtle Tank, Donnie and Mikey with y/n and Raph looked around as the tank started breaking.]

Y/n: well I never thought this will happen.

🟥Raphael: I can't even believe that my niece is in danger right now.

Tank: Hull intergrity 4%. Breach imminent. Good luck.

🟧Mikey: Good. We have an imminent amount of time.

🟪Donnie: Imminent means soon, Mikey.

[Mikey cowers and y/n and Raph huddle him for protection]

🟧Mikey: Don't worry. I'll save us with my mystic hands.

[Gritting his teeth, Mikey extended his hands. Sweat poured down on his body. He froze, realizing he couldn't do it.]

🟧Mikey: Casey must have been wrong about me.

Y/n: No, Mikey getting this special power it takes time.

🟥Raphael: That's right buddy, you just need to be patient, once our powers come back, BAM we destroy the kraang and his family then send them back to their prison dimension.

🟧Mikey: Yeah, I agree with you guys.

[The roof began to break.]

🟧Mikey: This is it, Donnie, y/n and Raph. WE'RE GONNA GET CRUSHED!

[The 4 clanged to each other, screaming as tears leaked down.]

📱April: Knock, knock!

🟧Mikey, 🟪Donnie, and 🟥Raphael: April?

📱April O'Neil : Anyone order a rescue?

Y/n: Took you guys long enough!

[The creature attacks them.]

📱April O'Neil : Boom goes the herbicide!

[April threw the beakers and burned the tentacles. The vines released the tank and it burst open. Donnie and Mikey are safe.]

🟧Mikey: [with tears of joy] April! You saved us!

🟪Donnie: Uncomfortable with emotion.

Y/n: wait, was that the chemical thing in the lab.

📱April O'Neil: Yep.

🐀Splinter: Where is Leo and future boy?

🟧Mikey: Somewhere in there.

🧠Sister Krang: Faster! They're this way. I can smell them.

📱April O'Neil: She found us. We gotta move!

Y/n: Yeah we should, before we drop her self.

[From the tower, Leo and Casey arrive at the building.]

🟦Leonardo: Oh man, is this what the future looks like?

🏒Casey Jones: Nope, the future is worse. Much worse.

🟦Leonardo: Donnie, Mikey, y/n and Raph do you read me?

🟪Donnie: Come in, Leo. Come in, Leo.

🟦Leonardo: Donnie, Donnie, where are you?

🟪Donnie: We've extracted ourselves from the subway and are currently ascending a staircase.

Y/n: Leo! You ok are you hurt? Casey are you there?

🏒Casey Jones:Yes, Lady y/n I'm fine.

[They appear at the same spot where Leo and Casey are. April, Mikey and Splinter are relieved that they are okay.]

🟪Donnie: I'm getting a lot of interference, but if you hold still, I can triangulate your position using a complex geolocation algorithm.

🏒Casey: Donnie? Raph?

🟥Raphael:Hey future Boy.

🟪Donnie: Odd numbers.. primes.. no almost... Almost! [Splinter clears his throat.] Ugh, I never get to use my algorithm.

🟦Leonardo: Man, I am so glad you guys aren't dead.

🟧Mikey: Ditto.

[Leo hugs his brothers.]

[Leo hugs April, his dad and finally y/n]

🟦Leonardo: Okay, before this gets too mushy, we need to locate Raph. Donnie, can you tell me if he's still in the building.

🟪Donnie: Bet your momma's subatomic particles I am. Got him! He's close. He's almost on top of us. Wait... He is on top of us.

[Slime drops on his tracking device. They looked up and saw a pink cocoon. Inside was a figure that looks like....]

🟦🟥🟪🟧🏒📱🐀All: D/n

Splinter: Granddaughter

🟦Leonardo: Quick, get her down. Get her out of here.

[Casey saw through the vines with his hockey stick chainsaw as the cocoon splats onto the floor. Everyone tried to claw him out, but the shell was too thick. Leo sliced it open with his katana and pulled D/n out. Pink water gushed out.]

🟦Leonardo: Hang on, D/n . We got you. Almost there. D/n?

[For a moment, nothing happened. Suddenly, Leo was punched when D/n woke up. She wasn't acting herself. Leo looked up and saw that D/n was attacking her family. An eye burst as pink flesh took over her body. Tentacles take the form of her hands. Everyone watched in horror to see what happened to their Friend and Casey Crush. D/n's eye had turned yellow while the other her red pink. The infection covered her torso and her body as three claws burst from her right hand while the left turned into a tentacle. It let out an unnatural bellow and charged at everyone. The key falls to the ground when April is knocked to the ground and the infected D/n takes it. The cocoon doors began to open up.]

🧠Leader Krang: Surprise.

🟧Mikey: [tearfully] What did you do to my niece?

🧠Leader Krang: Improved her .


[Leo glared and growled until the subway krang burst out with Sister Krang on it. The creatures emerged from the holes as the infected krang snarl. Everyone huddled together as the infected D/n gave the key to Leader Krang.]

🧠Leader Krang: Thank you for this. We will be putting it to good use. Come, the world awaits destruction.

[Nodding, Sister Krang jumped off the subway krang monster to join them.]

🧠Sister Krang: Tear them apart!

[The subway Krang bus roared as the other zombies begin to attack. April batted her bag and all of the vials inside flew out, causing the subway monster to fall back.]

📱April O'Neil: We gotta move.

[Everyone began to run, Casey grabbed Leo's hand, who was still horrified to see what happened to his daughter D/n.]

🏒Casey Jones: Leo, move! D/n can be save somehow?

🟦Leonardo: NO!

[Everyone vanished. After that, Krang and the others entered the Empire State building with the key in his tentacles.]

🧠Leader Krang: A shame our brethren didn't survive the prison dimension. Then, again, their weakness has no place in my new krang empire. Open and bring unto this world the mighty power of krang!

[He put the key into the slot, a shockwave echoed all over the vines. The power of the city went out. Energy glows up and travels back up to the vines. A black hole began to emerge as slimy tentacles slither out.]

Radio: Warning! This is a warning... appears to be something falling from the sky-

[The cars started to float as the street crumbled. The humans began hiding from the danger.]

[In the Technodrome, the krang walked up to a ramp and they stepped inside. Three biosuts hang from the chains. They all begin to wear them. One of the suits almost resembled Shredder.]

🧠Leader Krang: Begin!

[The Technodrome charged up and sent bullets flying to the ground. The soldiers shoot back but they are outnumbered.]

[From a rooftop, Leo and his family watch the chaos.]

🟧Mikey: What do we do now?

🐀Splinter: I fear we are lost. The Krang are too powerful.

🟥Raphael: We can't lose hope, not yet.

Y/n:Raph is right, we need a plan to save d/n and defeat the kraang

[Leo slumped down to his knees and stared at the photo.]

🟧Mikey: Maybe we could change the future some other way.

🏒Casey Jones: Guys, it's time to face facts. We can't change the future.

🟧Mikey: Says who?

🟪Donnie: Says the grandfather paradox, says physical determinism, says the space time continuum. Look, I didn't want it to be true but... (sighs)

[As Donnie continued on, Leo suddenly felt something that he hadn't seen before.]

🟦Leonardo: That's it! Donnie's wrong.

🟪Donnie: The world is ending, yet the barbs continue.

🟦Leonardo: Don't you remember? We already did change the future. D/n nor Raph never got kidnapped and turned into a Krang zombie in your time. Right, Casey?

🏒Casey Jones: No, he didn't.

🟦Leonardo: That means we did change the future! We're just in a different... [stammers]

🟪Donnie: Bifurcated time branch?

🟦Leonardo: Yes, yes, yes, that nerd thing. You know what that means, right? We still have hope!

🏒Casey Jones: A ninja's greatest weapon.

Y/n and 🟥Raphael: Wow, Leo I'm impress.

🟦Leonardo: Hey, I like that! (sighs) Look, I'm done thinking I have all the answers. I don't know how to beat the Krang, but I do know our future isn't written until we write it as a team. So what do we got?

📱April O'Neil: Maybe... Maybe we don't have to beat them. Can't we just send them back to the prison dimension?

🟦Leonardo: That's an idea! Donnie, what do those big, beautiful eyebrows have to say?

🟪Donnie: If we got control of their ship, we could send it back to the portal.

🟦Leonardo: Yes! Yes! Now we're cooking. Who else?

🏒Casey Jones: If someone on the ground can get to that key...

🐀Splinter: We can close the doorway!

🟧Mikey: And then bye-bye Krang forever, baby!

🟦Leonardo: Exactly. What do you say, Donnie? You ready to fly a spaceship?

🟪Donnie: Literally the greatest question I have ever been asked.

🟦Leonardo: Alright, team, looks like we have a plan. Let's go save the world.

🟧Mikey: [worried] Wait, but what about D/n?

[Everyone felt the same way, but Leo put a hand on his little brother's shoulder.]

🟦Leo: That Sweet girl who is my daughter and also y/n's may be covered in goo and half alien, but she's still Family. and I'm not giving up on her. I'm not leaving her behind.

[Chaos till rampage the city as the humans hide. Casey, April and Splinter began to fight.]

🏒Casey Jones: There's the key! Let's go.

[Something breaks through, knocking Casey. He looked and saw that it was Sister Krang in her Titan suit.]

📱April O'Neil: Like Casey said, let's go.

Y/n: Let's kick some brain butt, for D/n!

🟦🟧🏒🟥🟪🐀📱: FOR D/N!

[They charged forward.]

[Meanwhile, Leo, Donnie, Mikey, Raph and y/n climbed onto the rubble and to the Technodrome.]

🟪Donnie: I wish my tech was working! Usually my cardio is jetpacked assisted. I'm not getting credit for any of these steps!

[They leap down onto the ship. Leo used his katana and sliced an opening. They fall inside.]

🟪Donnie: Hey, question, is it too late to join April's team?

Y/n and 🟥Raphael: DONNIE!

🟦Leonardo: You two figure out how to hijack this shop. I'm gonna find Raph.

🟧Mikey: So how do we hack this thing?

[A tentacle appears creeping behind.]

🟪Donnie: Best guess, main console. Unfortunately, it's ocupado.

[The three turtles lock eyes, sensing something is behind them. They dodged as they fell to the ground. The tiny krang turned, his head shielded with armor.]

🟧Mikey: New plan. RUN!

[Elsewhere, Leo and Y/n sprints through the tunnel looking for their daughter. He stepped into a fiery chamber where he could see the entire city. A giant yellow eyeball looks down on him. Leo draws his sword and y/n draws her gun and sword. in front of them was Krang, sitting on his throne while the infected D/n stood beside him.]

🟦Leonardo: Surprise. I've come for my future daughter.

🧠Leader Krang: Let me guess. Duty.

🟦Leo: (chuckles) He said doodie.

Y/n: Leo, this is not time for jokes.

Creator:Yeah Leo save the jokes later, so less talking and More fighting.

[The leader looks over at the infected D/n as it jumps toward Leo.]

📱April O'Neil: I see you got yourself an upgrade.

🧠Sister Krang: You will pay dearly for what you have done to me!

[She prepares an armor attack.]

🐀Splinter: The psycho routine is a little thin. Where's the character development?

[They dodged as Sister Krang fired at them with her laser.]

🏒Casey Jones: Leo's and lady y/n's counting on us to get to that key.

📱April O'Neil: I think I have an idea. Cover me!

[She runs to the wrecking ball.]

[Inside the ship, the infected D/n walked toward Leo and Y/n.]

🟦Leonardo: [sternly] D/n, you're coming with me, whether you like it or not.

[The infected monster let out a roar.]

🟦Leonardo: I don't want to fight you, but I will if I have too. [draws out his second sword]

🧠Leader Krang: Oh, you will have to.

[Infected D/n charges at Leo and Y/n and they begin to fight.]

[The tiny krang continued attacking Donnie and Mikey also Raph. Mikey tucked right into his shell as a tentacle tried to swat him. Instead, it knocked the tiny krang out of the main frame.]

🟪Donnie: Bravo Mikey!

🟥Raphael: Yeah, nice work Big man!

[With the alien down, the three turtles headed to the main frame, which revealed to be a purple slimy substance of tentacles.]

🟪Donnie: There's no buttons, or computers or anything. Just a lot of drippy, ooey gooey disguestingness. I don't know how to hack it...

[He hesitated.]

🟪Donnie: Oh God.. I know what I have to do.

🟧Mikey: What?

🟥Raphael: Yeah, what Donnie?

🟪Donnie: [gagging, turning away] No, I don't think I can do this.

🟧Mikey: What are you talking about? [realizing what he meant.] Oh no... That's.. So gross!

🟪Donnie: I can't do it!

🟧Mikey: I believe in you!

🟥Raphael: We believe in you Donnie!

🟥Donnie: No, it's my worst nightmare.

🟧Mikey: I know!

🟪Donnie: I'm doing it! I'm doing it!

[He sticks his hands into the gooey flesh. Tentacles began to reach his arms.]

🟦Leonardo: D/n, I know you're in there somewhere! You gotta snap out of this!

Y/n: D/n, please mi Nina snap out of it I know in your heart and eyes you need saving and we're here for you.

🧠Krang leader: Do you feel what the power of Krang can do? I am saving this weak planet! I am a gift!

[Leo including Y/n and D/n continue fighting. Donnie began to power the ship as tentacles cover his arms.]

🟪Donnie: It's not working! I need more of a connection. Mikey, take off my battle shell.

🟧Mikey: No, you're too vulnerable with just your soft shell.

🟥Raphael: Yeah, Donnie are you nuts.

[The tiny krang was about to get up.]

🟥Donnie: There's no time! Hurry!

[Mikey and Raph look at each other and nodded Mikey takes off Donnie's battle shell and Donnie leans backward and the tentacles grab his shell. He shivered and he was sucked inside.]

🟧Mikey and 🟥Raphael: Donnie?

[The sound made Mikey yelp and Raph getting his weapon for battle. The tiny krang leaped out and roared. He lunges until a tentacle swipes it back. Mikey and Raph turned and saw an alien-like face morphing to the face of Donnie.]

🟪Donnie: Mikey and Raph, I am.... a space ship!

[The both brothers eyes went wide]

[Leo and Y/n is still fighting Infected D/n.]

🟦Leonardo: I'm trying to save you, you idiot! Why do you have to make things so hard?


[Leo suddenly stopped, realizing
what he was doing. Infected Raph knocks Leo down.]

🟦Leonardo: You want to keep coming at me? Go ahead. I'm done fighting you.

[Leader Krang laughed until the force field began to close.]

🧠Leader Krang: What? NO!

[The krang attached his hands onto a machine. The doors began to open.]

🟪Donnie: Finally, man and machine entwixed in perfect bionic synergy!

[A light shined from above as Donnie and Mikey also Raph turned and gasp.]

🧠Krang Leader. How dare you desecrate Krang's ship!

[Black tentacles swooped down and grabbed Mikey, then they pulled Donnie out the fleshy main frame. The tentacles spouted out, squeezing Mikey and Donnie including Raph as krang mass cover their bodies. They cry in pain. Leo turned around and saw his brothers crying in pain.]

🟦Leonardo: Donnie! Mikey! Raph!

Y/n: GUYS, NO!

[Infected D/n slammed them. Leo gets back up to see his infected daughter stepping toward him.]

🟦Leonardo: [hopelessly] I don't want to fight anymore. Much future self was there for you my Angel because he understand you, but now I get it.

[The monster roared and tried to attack Leo. He dodged.]

🟦Leonardo: I always figured you were someone who didn't like the way I did things when we were fighting the kraang.

[He falls and Infected D/n and grabs his neck. Then the monster began to summon out its claws to strike Leo's heart.]


🟦Leonardo: But when I see what's happening to you and what's happening to them, I realized it wasn't about me. You didn't yell because you were mad, you yelled because you were scared. It's scary to be responsible for the lives you protect. Your team... your family. [Donnie and Mikey and Raph shed tears.] But we do it anyway because that's what it means to be a hero. If this is it, I want you to know I finally understand. And I'm sorry my エンジェル.

[He closed his eyes. Holding out its claw. D/n twitched.]

Leo: D/n! There you are! Come back! Your family needs you! Casey need you! I know you need your father and your mother and Casey!

D/n: Dad?

🟦Leonardo: Yes! My little エンジェル, I'm your father.

Y/n: Yes, D/n mi queries Chiquita Bebe.

D/n: Mom, Dad! *Embrace her parents* I'm sorry that I attack you guys, I'm sorry that i cause so much pain, AND IM SORRY THAT I EVER EXISTED.

y/n: D/n.. this whole thing isn't your fault and we aren't mad at you but we're probably of you mija, you are growing up.

🟦Leonardo: that's right エンジェル, this isn't your fault we love you no matter what.

D/n: All right, enough of tears let's kick some kraang butt.

Y/n and 🟦Leonardo: Yeah!

[ But suddenly a vine grabbed Leo into the air and took over his body. The black vines began to travel through his arms and his head as the slider groaned and strained. He cringes as the vines creep up his face. He cried in pain. In a few seconds, he'll be corrupted.]

🟦Leonardo: AAHHH! Mikey, Donnie, Raph , we can fight this! D/n doing it for us, so we're doing it for her.

[Ninpo elements began to glow as the orb began to break. Mikey lifted his head up with a painful look. But then, hearing Leo's voice, his face shifts into a look of hope and felt determination coursing through. An orange aura began to surround him.]

🟦Leonardo: That alien jerkface thinks we're weak...

[Donnie lifted his head up too, a violet aura covering him as well.]

🟦Leonardo:...because he hasn't seen what we can do... When we fight together.

[A blue aura covered Leo. The orb which contained the elements started to crack and break apart, freeing the elements. They began to glow as they began to stain for control and suddenly Jade green and white aura covered d/n and y/n bodies having their elements as well]

🧠Leader Krang: It's pointless to resist Krang. Give up, You will be consumed like everyone else on this pathetic planet!

[The light began to grow brighter around them as they tried to rip through the krang mass and freeing themselves from their corruption.]

🟦Leonardo: Fat chance.

Y/n: They're not like everyone else on this planet.

D/n: Because the- I mean we are...

🟧Mikey: The TEENAGE...

🟪Donnie: MUTANT...

🟥Raphael: NINJA...

🟦Leonardo, Y/n and D/n: TURTLES!!!

[Leo flings his word at the krang's armor. Magic began to come back to life. Leo portalled though with Raph's spirit body punch him. Mikey swung the Krang and Donnie used his mystic heavy tech guns and laser fire causing an explosion and Y/n and D/n transform into giant snakes that they let the brothers out to land in hero pose, The turtles finally have their mystic powers back and y/n and D/n get their powers of the white and green snake]

🟦Leonardo : If this isn't the poster shot, someone's getting fired.

To be continued. Guys were in almost one chapter away guys let's be patient and sorry for the late update it's because I've been busy with school and I'm watching netflix and TikTok stuff the most is watching lego monkie kid and Netflix 2022 Christmas Carol which is a good movie I mean look at this

If y'all know some version of Christmas carol but this one is the most beautiful and AWSOME movie I've seen in Netflix I mean the animation and the characters are spot on and people are doing Scrooge x reader and boy I love it

If the people don't know the movie or read Charles dickens Christmas carol so this movie is about an old man name Ebenezer Scrooge who hates Christmas and he's visited by his old partner Jacob Marley who died 7 years ago and soon Scrooge will meet 3 spirits y'all know the ghost past, present and future.

Here's a video to see u know what I mean

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

And y'all enjoy this book and what you guys think of 2022 Christmas carol Ebenezer Scrooge is he

Handsome guy in this version

Or somewhere in between

Also here's a explanation of the Christmas carol by Jon solo

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

And also the songs of the movie in Netflix is so beautiful and uplifting hope you guys see the movie because I did when it came out.

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