The Turtles training/ A fail mission/ the argument

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Previously in rottmnt movie

The future you died with a surprise twist that you have Leo's second child name Leo after your husband of course

Mikey dies or should I say dust away from opening the portal

Leo died from the laser shot

Now Casey and D/n with her baby brother in New York in the past what is today year 2022 to stop the kraang but they need to find their master and his family and his love/ d/n mother.

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Third p.o.v

Leo was "training" but in reality he is doing a pizza stack record with Donnie and Mikey. While that is going down. You might well ask where are you and raph what are you two doing well let y/n tell you.

Y/n p.o.v

I was waiting on Donnie, Mikey and Leo....

Wait Leo, why was leo always in my head
I always blush when I'm around Leo, when I'm sad he always been there for me in my worst and my best, Leo and I we've been friends since forever ever since April and I were kids and she introduced me to the turtles I was happy I found some friends along the way especially Leonardo he and I were always close since kids and now he becomes flirty around me and been the friendly turtle I know but thinking about him just made my heart flutter.

Third p.o.v

Raph looked at you see how you turn red but he figured out that you had a crush on Leo.

🟥Raphael: y/n are you ok

Y/n: Huh! Oh yeah I'm ok hehe

Raph responded back by saying.

🟥Raphael: I know you like my brother leo.

You were in shock

Y/n:h-how do you know that?

🟥Raphael: I know everything, y/n and Leo likes you too he would talk about all the time.

You were surprised after many years being friends with Leo you didn't know he talk about you when your not present.

🟥Raphael: let's go y/n let's Find the others.

Back with Leo and his crew

🟦Leo: Easy does it, Leo.

Looking at another direction and balancing himself.

"You've got this. Concentrate. The whole world is counting on you... to break the pizza stack record!"

Leo said say it his head if fillies with pizza boxes and a pigeon who eating pizza out of nowhere?

🟦Leo: 125 boxes! They say it couldn't be done but look who's doing it, moi. That's Spanish for a Leo.

Donnie appears out of nowhere with his flying tech.

🟪Donnie: Go ahead, my non- lingual friend , count your unhatched fowl. My record stands until your reach the top, which, my calculations of wind speed, barometric pressure, and dew point, is highly unlikely. What?

The Mikey appears and he interrupted Donnie by saying.

🟧Mikey: According to my calculations, as long as you believe in yourself, you can do anything!

They say these words while Leo is doing his thing and beat the record or this case Donnie's record.

🟦Leo: thanks, little brother. No one believes in himself more than me.

Leo and Mikey cheered or chanted the one word "Leo" while Donnie does say anything they do this while Leo comes the top of a water bridge while carrying out pizza boxes top of his head.

And guess what?

Leo made to the top without any pizza boxes falling and Leo and Mikey cheer in victory.

🟦Leo: Yeah! (Laughs) I am Leo!

🟧Mikey: yeah, baby!

As that the pizza boxes fell and Donnie looks in silent rage while the fat pigeon try to fly can't fly. Did anyone see that scene.

That's when you 2 showed up (you and Raph)

🟥Raphael: There you are. We've been looking all over for you guys.

🟦 Leo: Guys, guess who just broke the record?

Leo said while he dances with Mikey in victory while look at his tablet.

Both you and 🟥Raphael: What? You did? How many did you.

Raph grunts and you were happy for Leo breaking the record.

Y/n: for that Leo you deserve a prize.

Raph,Mikey and Donnie:WHAAAAAAT.

🟦Leo:kind of prize y/n hmm~.

Y/n: this prize.

And that moment you........


Kiss Leo.....

Down in the........


Raph, Mikey and Donnie were in shock but try not to laugh so hard you only kiss Leo in the cheek funny right.

As for Leo he was red shades of 50 state of red tint.

But back at hand

🟥Raphael: (Grunts) Stop distracting Raph! We were supposed to be training—-
🟦Leo: Ta-ta-ta-ta-ta. Hold that thought.


🟧Mikey: Donnie?

Donnie looking at his tablet still mad he lost to Leo but put his tablet down to say.

🟪Donnie: (sigh) You, sir, have bested me. Mazel.

Leo and Mikey did this

Donnie gives up and decides to Chant
Leo as the do this Mikey lifts Leo and does this chant

Poor Donnie. TwT

Y/n: Guys, stop it.

🟥Raphael: Leo, we have work to do, and you dragged him out here for this?

🟦Leo: Training, record-breaking. The choice was clear.

Y/n: 💬I'm not gonna ask about the pizza's💬

🟥Raphael:[Sighs] dang it, Leo. Everything is not about you. When are you gonna grow up and start acting like a...

Both you and 🟥Raphael : A hero?

Cue the Hero pose.

And Cue Leo Donnie and Mikey eating pizza before Leo say.

🟦Leo: And there it is. Gentlemen......

They ate the pizza

Y/n looked at her phone seeing a text from April to meet her at her university.

Y/n: Oh snap I gotta go you guys later.

They all say bye and went to the business at hand.

🟥Raphael: What was that? What are you guys doing?

🟦Leo: A little game I invented. Every time you say "heroes", we take a bite of pizza.

🟥Raphael: I don't say "heroes" that often!

And again the bros eat pizza cuz Raph said "heroes" (Author-Chan (me): does anyone want pizza now)

Raph shouts

🟥Raphael: Leo! So what if I say he—— that word a lot. It's a good word. We need to be that word.

🟦Leo:Relax, Raph. We've got this hero thing wired. I mean, our ninjocity is off the charts. We've got some kickin' mystic weapons. (Opens a portal to get a slice of pizza). And do I need to remind you who has four shells and defeated the shredder?

Raph groans at the Leo attitude and slaps away the pizza out of Leo's hand.

🟦Leo: Hey.
🟥Raphael: Leo! You just don't get it.

Then donnie's device sound on their is some crime happening in NYC.

🟪Donnie:Huh? What is that —— That's me. Looks like we have a 317-39.4 in progress!

The brothers look at the numbers as a question look as Donnie said that and the same time butting his watch. Something like this.

Only except Donnie was doing his thing.

The bros go like uh-huh?

🟪Donnie: Oh, come on! Has nobody read Donnie's Big Book of Bad Guy Codes? Nobody?

Author-Chan (me): what those numbers mean that some bad guys are robbing an artifact in some museum or somewhere in New York Im I getting correctly Donnie.

🟪Donnie:(Le Gasp) Thank You Author-Chan someone FINALLY understand me.

Any back to the story

Mikey,Leo and Raph were like nope or a never gonna happen.

Back in NYC an artifacts Exhibit a truck came by destroyed the front door and speed dash to get away from the crime the 2 villains who were in that truck and stole the key to stop the kraang was warren stone (the worm) and Hypno-Potamus.

🦛Hypno-Potamus:We did it! We got the watcha-ma-hoosie-doodle!

🪱Warren stone: Of course we did. Nothing can stop Supervillian Warren Stone and his conjuring compatiort ,Hypno-Potamus!

They speed drive and other cars could've been crash their were horns and honks playing luckily the turtles are here to save the day.

🟥Raphael: There they are! Okay, here's the plan—-

🟦Leo:Raph, relax. Who needs a plan when we got crazy cool mystic powers?

🟥Raphael: Leo!

Yeah Leo run to get the criminals all by himself with his mystic powers but Raph knows they need to work together as a team but no Leo selfishness drive the team into chaotic and lose the key to the foot clan Let's see it together shall we.

Leo grabs his swords and boom mystic powers appear to get the key and he open the portal and jump in it.

🟦Leo:Come on swords, it's portal time! I'll see you guys later after I save the day! Buh-buh-bye!

🟥Raphael: Stop! We need to work together!

Wheels on the villains were screeching.
Leo made it through thanks to his portal and starts jump portal to portal to catch the bad guys, that's when the villains knew the turtles are there.

🦛Hypno-Potamus: Wellington Sunday! It's those pesky Turtles.

That's when Leo comes in.

By the way I made this the cover of my story how you guys see it I'll explain the background by the end of this.

Any way back to the story.

🟦Leo: License and Registration.

Hypno-Potamus: Oh, I'm sorry, mate. I must have left it in my other jacket.

Magic appears when Hypno coat appears some doves that made Leo lose the balance.

And Leo finds it funny and Raph comes to the rescue.

🟥Raphael: Leo! Ah! Leo, we're coming.

🟦Leo: Don't worry. I got 'em right where I want 'em.

While that's happening hypno throws things at Leo and either he dodges and kicks it to the stolen items hypno and warren stole.

🟥Raphael: Doesn't look that way to me. Donnie, Mikey, Maneuver 12.

Said Raph to Donnie and Mikey in their communicator.

🟪Donnie: On it!
🟧Mikey: Ha! Whip o Rama

Y'all it's AWSOME their in slow motion of this the top side it sliced up and Leo holding on to hypno in dear of his life. Now it's Donnie time to shine.

Donnie: Prepare to be Donnie'd by my mystic tech!

Holding on his Bo staff which by magic he has rocket cannons and he send them to right into the ground for the car to stop. Welp that failed when they see in the sky is our boi Raph and his mystic powers.

🟥Raph: Okay, creeps, hand over the stolen thingy!

Soon Leo disappeared when Raph turns into giant Raph and the thing the bad guys can do is say "Oh no"
That's when Raph hit their truck the key of the kraang was out of their hands and Raph saw this.

🟥Raph:(gasp) That's gotta be what they stole!

Raph well giant Raph jump and try to get the key of the kraang and shouts.

🟥Raph:I got it!

Leo see this and say while still looking.

🟦Leo: With those clumsy hands? (Chuckles) No, I got this one.

Raph caught it all of the sudden Leo's portal opened and Raph gasp at this and so did Leo but he end the portal shut letting Raph's giant hands to punch Leo and letting raphs hand to be sliced up.

🟪Donnie: Oh, you portal-chopped him!

🟦Leo: "Portal-chopped", I like it. Maybe my new catchphrase? Okay, let's see how it fits. "You've been portal-chopped"! (Sings ditty)

But their are consequences of portal chopping raph's hand LEO it lead to the bad guys having the key.

All the sudden the foot clan are back the foot lieutenant grabs the key.

[Foot Lieutenant]: Uh-uh-uh-uh. I'll be taking this.

Raph gasp and he's right it's the foot clan.

🟥Raph: [Gasp] The Foot Clan?

[Foot Lieutenant]: Finally, after all these centuries, this is ours.

Hypno spoke

🦛Hypno-Potamus: Yes, well, of course, thanks to us, delivered safe and sound. No problemo partner. Hey, just quietly, are we partners? We are partners, yeah?

The foot lieutenant face palm about it and groans with the snap of his finger he disappeared along with the rest of the foot clan.

🟧Mikey:Oh man, that thing must be dangerous if the Foot Clan wants it.

🟥Raph: Ya think?

The brothers look at Leo knowing that he is the reason that the foot clan got away with the key.

CreatorChan(me): thank you! Leo now the foot clan has the key now the world will die because of your selfish-entitled-Idiot.
🟦Leo: CreatorChan I'm sorry
CreatorChan(me): (Groans) let's continue the story I can't believe that I like you Leonardo.
🟦Leo:You like me?
CreatorChan(Me): Let's get to the story.

Back at the sewers.....

🟥Raph: I clearly said, "I got it." Everybody heard me say, "I got it."

Leo walks to his room with his arms up to his head.

🟦Leo: Yeah, but I got it with style.

🟥Raph: But you didn't get it! You lost it, and now we've got a Foot Clan situation, Leo. [Signs].

Leo drops his weapons and his socks and lays in his bed with a comic book in his hands and there is a photo of you and him as kids.
Raph shadows Leo and looks Leo dead in the eyes.

🟦Leo: Huh?

🟥Raph: What's it gonna take for you to be serious, Leo?

🟦Leo: And end up with a worry line between my eyes like you? No,no,no I don't want a Raph chasm.


🟦Leo: You know,valley, gorge, crevasse.

🟥Raph: The only reason I have a chasm is I have to worry about you bozos 24/7 especially y/n who is a better fighter and team player than you Leo. You just don't get it, Leo. I'm the oldest here. I'm responsible for keeping us and y/n safe and making sure we can handle anything that comes our way. 'Cause if I don't, you could all end up dead.

CreatorChan(me):(sniffs) Raph that is beautiful man hold me.
🟥Raph: Sure(hugs the Creator)
🟦Leo:(sees this and gets little jealous)

Anyways back to the story.

🟦Leo: Sorry, I missed that. Can you repeat everything from......well, everything? (While he looks at the comic book he's holding.)

Let's just say Leo and Raph fight about this and Donnie and Mikey try to prevent the fight that's when master splinter enters in.

🐀Splinter: Boys! Stop this arguing!

🟥Raph: But, Dad, Leo keeps—-

🐀Splinter: Buh-Buh-Buh-Buh,buh. No more. You are a team. You are brothers. And most importantly, you are too loud! I cannot hear my TV show! Tristan finally proposed to Annabelle, but did she say yes? I don't know because of you! Be the ninjas I taught you to be, respectful and quiet!

While splinter goes back to watch his tv show the brothers looked at each other while the other looks down on the floor.

To be continued

Sorry y'all it took me so long I have to study and I want to have a special Time to do so and here I am back.

Ok for the screen up the new cover well question does any one know the Chinese legend of the white snake or ever heard the movie there's 2 of them.

If y'all do good!

But if y'all don't ok I'll explain

Long ago their was 2 sister named Blanca and Verta they are demon snake they can transform their snake form into beautiful women of course the real life version their real names are Bai Su Zhen and XiaoQing

The girl in white with long hair she's Bai Su Zhen but the movie name her blanca which symbols the color of her dress is white and the girl with the green jade hair pin she's XiaoQing and has a long ponytail she's named Verta so, their was a man name Xuan Xian saved a little white snake from being killed so when Bai Su Zhen and Xuan Xian met each other they instantly fall in love they got married and they have a son together sadly they can't be together for ever a monk name Fahai sense their is a demon in the home so he told Xuan xian to give his wife a drink that is filled with poison it will show her true form and so he did but after that situation Bai Su Zhen and XiaoQing fight the Monk and his temple by using their magic to lift the water of the sea to the temple where so many lives died cuz of this legends says that FaHai sent Bai Su Zhen in the Leifeng Pagoda for the rest of her life.

Legends say that either Bai Su Zhen son Xu Mengjiao freed his mother from the pagoda and is reunited with her husband and son also her sister or that Xiaoqing freed Bai Su Zhen from the Pagoda or she escaped from the Pagoda and reincarnated back to the world.

Whatever the story happen it at least has a happy ending right.

The only reason I chose this because y/n and d/n are the chosen ones aka your the white lady and d/n is the sister in this story so that means when y/n and d/n fight the kraang they have the power that Chinese Snake demons have according to the film white snake and white snake 2 green snake. So it meant they are the close descendants of Bai Su Zhen and XiaoQing.

What do y'all think do you love this story and do you like Chinese folklore and myths. See y'all the next one.

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