PART - 5

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Isha walked inside the palace happily but her happy face is replaced by fear when she saw her mother-in-law's panicked face, who is now running towards her...

"Isha, beta, where are you ?? I didn't even have your number to call you ??, You are late", Amruta said worriedly...

"Ma, I got late at work, sorry ma, Is Maharaj here ??", Isha asked gulping her fear...

"Yes, he came 2 hours ago and directly went to his office", Amruta said

"Did he... he ask about me ??", Isha asked

"No Isha, but I know him, he noticed your absence, now go fast, and meet him, apologize to him before he points it out... go", Amruta said nudging her daughter-in-law...

"Okay, I'll put these bags inside and then go to him...", Isha said

"No, go right now, I'll keep these bags with me here till then... You went shopping ??", Amruta asked

"No ma, my boss gave me casual clothes she designed... I also got a bonus of 20,000, can you believe it, I designed a saree and they got so impressed...", Isha shared happily forgetting her earlier fear of getting punished by her husband... Amruta nodded and urged Isha to go and meet Abhyansh... Isha nodded and walked to her husband's office with fear...

Before she could even see him, she heard his voice...

"Come Maharani...", He called her, and hearing the sarcastic tone, her fear intensified...

She didn't understand how he got to know about her being there when he couldn't see her, she didn't know he could hear her anklets sound, even from sitting far inside his office... She quickly made her way to his office...

"I...I'm sorry I got late at work... I won't repeat it, please forgive me", Isha pleaded to look at her feet...

"Close the door", he ordered and her eyes widened, still she didn't dare to look at his face... She slowly walked to huge doors and closed them...

"Lock it", he said and her heart thudded with fear... She sent thousands of prayers to keep her safe and locked the door...

Abhyansh slowly walked towards her, his predatory steps giving her a mini-heart attack...

"M...Ma...Maharaj, I'm sorry, please forgive me... please", Isha sobbed, she didn't know why is she so afraid but his presence itself created a dark aura scaring the sh*t out of her...

"Where were you ??", He asked reaching her...

"I was at the office... I promise, I'm not lying...", she said still looking down...

"You defied my orders, you deserve a punishment", he said and she thought he wouldn't let her go to the office from the following day, so she started crying...

"Ma..Maharaj, I want to work, please... I won't repeat this again... please forgive me", she begged but that didn't melt him, not even an ounce... 

"Bring that...", he said pointing towards a file... 

She nodded and stepped front to go to the shelf where the file is lying when he put his foot in her way making her fall on the floor, her hands met with the broken glass pieces that are on the floor, and both her palms got pierced with glass pieces and blood oozed out of them... He bent down to her level and held her face in between his rough fingers digging his nails into her cheeks...

"I'll see how you design clothes with these palms...", he said pointing to her injured palms... She sobbed looking down, he left her and moved back... 

"Clean the mess and get out", he ordered sitting in his chair and resuming his work...

He knew she got late at work and as a punishment, he wanted to make her stop doing that work for a few days at least, and by looking at her hand injuries, she would always remember to come home on time... he thought

She pulled out the glass pieces from her palms and rolled her dupatta to stop the bleeding, cleaned the glass pieces with her injured palms, and left the place...

She ran away to his chamber, and as soon as she reached the room, she dropped to the bathroom floor and sobbed hard, after five minutes, she gathered herself up, and cleaned her palms, as both of them were injured, it became a lot more difficult for her to clean them but she did it... 

She is glad that he at least didn't stop her from going to the office... She encouraged herself and, got freshened up, changed, and went down to help her mother-in-law...

"What happened to your hands ??", Amruta asked worriedly seeing the white bandages on her palms...

"I fell down and I didn't see the glass pieces, so...", Isha said softly looking away and Amruta understood what would have happened... 

She hugged Isha, tears flew from her eyes at her son's cruelty...

"I'm so sorry Isha... please forgive him...", Amruta said 

"No ma, please don't say that... I'm glad that he didn't snatch my freedom... I can still go to work...", Isha replied with a smile... 

"But you can't work...", Amruta said with a sad smile showing her injured palms which faltered Isha's smile but she shook her head and smiled again as if no one could falter her spirits...

"I can explain the designs to Reetu and they can work on it", Isha said... "Oho ma, I didn't tell you about Reetu na, come I'll tell you, we'll talk while cooking", Isha said cheerfully and Amruta nodded with a big smile thanking god for sending Isha to her son... She prayed he realized her value before it was too late...

"You can't cook with these hands, I'll make the food today...", Amruta said

"But ma... It's my duty na ??", Isha said

"No worries, he is the one who gave you those injuries right ?? He purposely did that so you can't work, so he knew you can't cook as well... don't worry", Amruta said and started cooking while Isha narrated all her office details... Amruta knew her son is cruel but not that cruel to make Isha work with those injured palms for which he is responsible... he is not empathetic towards other's feelings but he is egoistic enough to value his punishments at least... but this time she is wrong when it came to Isha, his cruelty exceeds all limits...

"Ma, I forgot to tell you, Today, Avyan dropped me at the office", Isha said

"Avyan ??", Amruta is surprised to see her daughter-in-law calling her younger son by name as her daughter-in-law called everyone by their traditional relations, and also he said he wouldn't drop her then how ??

"Ha ma, he asked me to call him by his name, and you know what happened....", saying this Isha narrated everything except how she told him about her being caged for more than 15 years...

"If you didn't have money, you should have asked me...", Amruta scolded her daughter-in-law...

"Ma, I have, Actually Maharaj gave me some money, but I forgot to take", Isha half-lied...

"Abhyansh gave you money for your expenses ??", Amruta asked surprised...

"Yes, I asked him and he gave me...", she said hiding the way he threw the bundle at her face...

Amruta didn't probe further as it was time for dinner... Everyone assembled at the dining hall, and soon Abhyansh made his way, everyone stood up, he sat in his position and everyone followed...

Amruta stood beside Abhyansh and seeing Isha's injured palms, everyone understood what might have happened, so they didn't ask her to serve Abhyansh... But he gave a sharp look to his mother, even without looking into his eye, she felt her son's angry glare and shivered...

"Ab...Abhyansh, her hands are injured, so I'll serve for today", Amruta fumbled...

"Everyone, do your duties, not others'...", he declared and Amruta shivered before moving back, and Isha occupied that space to serve her husband. Amruta got teary-eyed at how Isha winced touching the hot spatula... Devyani Devi, Avyan, and even Pratap felt bad for Isha, they knew Abhyansh never punished someone over the same punishment he gave but in Isha's case, he is hurting her with the injuries he gave himself which surprised them...

"Maharaj... Please let your mother serve for today", Devyani Devi said, the bleeding red palms of Isha brought distress to everyone, as that might be really painful... and it's true, Isha felt as if her palms are being cut away from her, tears made their way and she can't even wipe them... as both her palms are busy in slowly lifting the silver spatula which is heavy and she can't lift it with her one hand applying pressure on her injuries...

"Enough...", Abhyansh said shutting everyone and no one dared to say a word anymore...

"Why are you late Avyan ??", Abhyansh asked Avyan while his wife served him slowly...

"I... Bhai sa... I'm sorry... I....", Avyan cursed himself for stuttering...

"The truth, now", Abhyansh said in a low tone but Avyan knew his brother is just a second away from bursting out...

"I went to drop bhabhi sa, she lost her way bhai sa....", Avyan said and Isha even in her pain felt bad for her brother-in-law but what next came from her husband hurt her even more...

"Bhabhi sa ?? Who the hell told you to call her that ?? I myself haven't accepted her as my wife, and never will, she is a maid to me, nothing else... Do.Not.Address. her Bhabhi sa again... I will cut that tongue if I hear it", he roared making everyone shiver, and Isha sobbed but muffled her cries...

He started his dinner, as soon as Isha finished serving him... As Abhyansh put a morsel in his mouth, he threw the plate on the floor and everyone looked shocked thinking about what happened now...

"Whose duty was to prepare the food ??", he roared, everyone was afraid of his furious form today...

"Mi...mine", Isha fumbled in fear...

"I...I asked her not to, as her hands are...", Amruta trailed but before she could finish he interrupted her...

"You will prepare the dinner again, in 30 minutes", he ordered Isha in a deadly tone... Isha nodded and scurried away... 

Isha took the first aid kit from the kitchen cabinet, rolled the white bandage around her palms, and then wore gloves before starting with the cooking. Her hands pained like hell, but she ignored it as she couldn't take any more punishments for today, she couldn't get late... 

She quickly prepared parathas, rice, and curry, and dal, and asked the servants to take them to the dining table... Before he said, she took a plate and tasted everything, and then served him after 5 minutes, Abhyansh started having his food followed by everyone, but except for Abhyansh, no one could eat the food properly though it's tasty, knowing in what condition, Isha prepared the food didn't let them enjoy the delicious food...

"You will not have your dinner, for getting it delayed for 30 minutes", Abhyansh said and got up walking away after finishing his food...

As soon as he went, Amruta rushed to Isha to see the injuries... Pratap sighed and left the place...

"Ask the doctor to come here, immediately", Rajamata Devyani Devi ordered the servant... "From next time, think twice before defying the king's orders", she commanded Isha and left from there... The doctor reached there in two minutes, and started doing first-aid for Isha and also checked for any infection and injected tetanus... He gave her some medicines and left from there but Amruta didn't leave her daughter-in-law...

"Maybe we both can stay in here for today ??", Amruta said to Isha... She didn't want to leave her daughter-in-law with her beast son after what he did today...

"Don't be crazy ma, bhai sa will kill you if he gets to know", Avyan said

"I don't want to leave her like this, she is in so much pain...", Amruta said with tears in her eyes...

"Ma... I'm okay now, don't worry...", Isha said with a smile... "I'm sorry devar sa, you got reprimanded by your brother because of me...", Isha apologized to Avyan, he shook his head but didn't say a word...

After a lot of convincing by both Avyan and Isha, Amruta agreed to send her daughter-in-law to her room... Avyan dropped his mother in her chamber before walking away to his chamber, he wanted to check on his sister-in-law but he is afraid of his brother, so he left for his chamber quickly...

Isha reached her room, changed into something comfortable, and slept on the floor... Due to the day's events and tiredness, sleep consumed her... Abhyansh came to her at midnight and sighed seeing a proper bandage on her palms... He didn't want her to infect her hands or accept defeat in just this, there is a lot more torture she has to endure and he wants to make sure that she is all ready to bear all that he has to offer...

He walked back to his room, there is a slight pinch for a second seeing her state before it is replaced by hatred, disgust, and distaste for her by remembering what her father had done... For a second, his mind questioned him, Was he right in punishing her for what her father had done ?? But, then if she can inherit all her father's share of the property, then she should be able to inherit all his sins and their repercussions as well, he is not only punishing her for her father's faults, but for hers as well he thought and slept...

The next morning, she woke up and started her work, her palms hurt a lot but she ignored it and did all the work, at the dining table, she served him breakfast, and before he could say, she tasted everything, and then served him, after everyone is done with breakfast, Isha is about to go and change but Amruta made her sit and fed her the breakfast... Isha smiled, gave her mother-in-law a quick hug, changed into casual wear, and started to her office... 

She saw Avyan waiting outside the gate, she gave him a small smile and was about to walk away when Avyan called her...

"Bhabhi sa... I mean Mrs. Ranawat...", Avyan corrected himself quickly and looked around if someone heard him and sighed in relief when he noticed none...

"Avyan...", Isha gave a soft smile...

"I'll drop you...", Avyan said, he doesn't know that she has the money to commute now...

"No Avyan, I'll go, I don't want your brother to reprimand you, thanks for offering, and don't worry, I have money now", Isha said

"But you won't get any cabs till 15 kilometers from here, Let me drop you there", Avyan said and Isha nodded getting into his car...

Avyan silently drove while Isha kept talking, though Avyan didn't say a word, she didn't feel bad, she kept her smile intact, the concern Avyan showed towards her made Avyan her second favorite after her mother-in-law...

"oh! I forgot to tell you, I got a bonus yesterday, you know I designed a saree and the customer liked it so much that she paid the amount on the spot and Ragini, my boss gave 10% to me as a reward... by the way, why won't cabs come till the palace ?? Ragini gave me a smartphone and also showed me how to book cabs... but no cabs are available at the palace", Isha asked

"Bhai sa's orders", Avyan said and she nodded...

Avyan dropped Isha at the main road where cabs are available and went to his office, making sure not to get late as he is not capable of handling his brother's wrath...

Isha went to her office and Ragini and Reetu got so worried seeing her state, they asked her to take rest for a few days until she healed but she refused, she said she wants to work, Ragini assigned someone to finish the saree while Isha guides... 

Days passed, and it's been more than 2 months Isha is married to Abhyansh. She never actually encountered her BEAST husband, she followed all his rules and did all her duties perfectly, the only time she sees him is during breakfast and dinner, she serves him, and he just signals her about what he wants or what not... that's all, no words spoken, and she is actually thankful, Amruta is disappointed seeing her son, not even giving a glance at his wife but Isha is actually glad...

The bond between Isha and Amruta became so strong that they actually became mother-daughter, Isha shares her day at work with Amruta and Amruta shares her childhood experiences with her siblings... Both of them talk a lot, but Isha never mentioned her brother... She didn't want to talk about him, she couldn't believe her brother had given up on her so easily and was heartbroken by that...

Avyan drops Isha off on the main road every day in the morning while in the evening, the cab driver drops her at the gate on her request, she doesn't understand how they agree to her in the first place. She didn't know they had the king's orders to arrive at the palace gate between 5-6 in the evening, well that is the time Isha reaches home every day... And for her safety, he allowed the cab drivers to the palace at that time... 

Isha keeps talking to Avyan and he replies very little, but that didn't stop Isha from talking to him. In these 2 months, Avyan got used to his sister-in-law's talks, her innocence, and kindness but didn't express it... 

Isha's life is going smoothly, and that scared her, her life couldn't be like this, though she got punishments from her husband here and there every two days, like whenever he found a little dust in his gym, or when his wardrobe door is not closed properly(like there is a pin of space left open, she didn't even notice it till he told her), or a painting is tilted 0.2 degrees from its original position, he punished her like asking her not to have food for a day, or two... He texted her the punishments, but never talked to her, as he didn't want to see her face except for during Breakfast and dinner... Isha got used to such punishments, they are pretty normal, so for her, everything is running smoothly, and her fears got justified when something unusual happened disrupting her peace...

Precap - An intruder in Ranawat's palace, and Isha is shocked to see him...


Note - Hey guys, my other book FOR HIM...?? is published on Kindle, below is the link, there are bonus chapters added in the kindle version, do visit it and support me like you always did...

Thank you so much for all your support guys...

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