❦ Chapter One ❦

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It had been a busy fall morning, everyone in the Cotillion Hotel was busy cleaning up breakfast, taking luggage to rooms, changing out towels, and checking people in.

The Royal Charm Academy gave them the most business they have had all year. People were coming just to see the opening speech and scholarship winners announcement, or just a chance to get onto TV.

A young woman was sitting in a cushy chair at the front desk, her fingers twisting the ribbon tied around her neck as her hazel eyes looked at the screen in front of her. She blew her brown bangs from her eyes, noting they were getting a nuisance and she ought to cut them.

She watched someone approach her desk after having walked through the automatic doors greeted by the cheerful gray-haired doorman. She stood up and brushed off her red skirt and tugged at the matching vest with a bright smile. "Hello, welcome to the Cotillion Hotel. I'm Sidney Barnes, your clerk. How can I help you today?" 

The man ran a hand through his messy brown hair, his jade-green eyes dazzled brightly as he eyed the girl. "Yes, I would like a room for two. I am not too sure about how long I will be staying, but every night I will pay if that is okay." He told her and before she even had to ask who was the second. "My wife is busy being picky about the baggage, she should be along shortly."

Sidney closed her mouth since he had taken the words right from her, keeping a smile on her lips. 'He is a handsome guy, good-looking for his age. If I were into older guys I wouldn't hesitate to say yes.' She thought, pushing her bangs from her eyes.

She realized she had been staring too long and hadn't said a single word. "Of course, you can do that." She quickly agreed, giving a nod. "I will need you to get ready the card you will be using and your name?"

The man reached into his back pocket and pulled out his wallet, and held the card he had pulled out. "Marshall Messing, my wife is Joy Messing, we would prefer two keys if that is alright with you guys. She will be returning the second key when she leaves." He explained, his tone sweet and bright, to match his smile.

"Just slide your card and follow what it says. I will get you two keys and then I will also show you to your room." Sidney stood up and walked over to the little cubby holes and grabbed a key for room number 234. "Let me get your bags." She walked back over and handed him the keys.

Marshall toom the keys from her with a smile. "Thank you, m'lady." He turned around on his heels and sighed when he saw his wife giving the bellhops such a hard time and he felt bad for them.

Sidney walked over and held onto the cart, nodding to the bellhop who was being given a hard time by Joy. "Thank you, Bernard," She smiled politely at the young man. "I believe Mr. Zhang is waiting on fresh towels in room 130." She watched the young man walk away, who gave her a thank you with a little two-finger salute to which she gave a nod.

Joy turned to Sidney, her dark brown eyes eyed the girl up and down. Flipping her golden blonde hair to her back, raised her eyebrows. "Why are you standing there? Lead the way." She snapped rudely, motioning for her to show them the way with her hand.

Sidney simply smiled and pivoted on her heels, leading them toward the elevator, and pulling the cart beside her. "Follow me." She glanced back to make sure they were following and sure enough, they were.

Joy rolled her eyes at how Sidney chose to reply. "This place is going to get a low-star review by the time I leave." She commented, pulling her sunglasses off her head and folding them up, slipping them into her purse.

Marshall glared over at his wife. "Joy, be nice towards them. This is an expensive hotel. I am sure they have high standards and will make sure nothing goes wrong. You can't dictate everything that happens, it isn't in your control." He whispered in her ear, his eyes judging his wife.

Joy whipped her head towards him, giving him the death glare. "Oh please, I was simply - never mind I'll apologize," She whispered back and then looked at the girl's name tag. "Sidney." She gave a fake smile before looking away and letting it drop. "I am just rather moody today, don't take it to heart."

Sidney simply walked out of the elevator after Marshall and Joy, pushing their luggage in front of her. "Will so, Ma'am," She gave the elder woman a curt nod even though Joy's back was to her.

She led them down the hallway and got to the room. Marshall opened the door and she pulled in the cart. She began to unload the luggage, setting it on the floor, and stacking it up like it was.

Marshall smiled and pulled out some money from his wallet and handed it to Sidney as a tip. "Thank you." He said with a smile as Sidney had taken the money from him and added with a whisper. "Not many people can remain calm with my wife."

Sidney nodded her head and smiled kindly. She held the money against her chest, her heart swelling with thankfulness. "Thank you." She turned around and left the room, closing the door behind her.

Joy inspected the bed and all around the hotel room. She then sat down on the bed and crossed her legs. "Did we have to come this early? I doubt you'll have any time to spend with your daughter. She'll be busy with the academy, won't she? Unless you plan to sneak some spare time somehow." She asked, her gaze meeting his eyes as she raised her brows.

Marshall inwardly sharply and exhaled slowly. "Yes, Joy, yes /I/ did. This is my daughter's last year as a duchess before she becomes the crown princess. Now, can I not come and show my support?" He questioned sharply.

Joy chose to ignore his question and continue with her little rant. "Your daughter doesn't graduate until next year! I had plans for a little vacation with my friends. Which are now on hold since you dragged me here." She frowned, pulling out a compact mirror.

Marshall placed his hands on his hips, shaking his head in protest. "I did not drag you. You willingly came along. You have the right to say no and do whatever you want, you're very adamant about that." He commented, a slightly sarcastic tone to his voice.

Joy rolled her eyes, still looking into her compact to avoid contact with her husband. "Don't throw that back in my face," She grumbled. "You would have never allowed me to live it down if I did come along."

Marshall clenched his jaw and his fists. "You may go do whatever you like but I want to be here for my daughter. I may not get along with Katherine, but my dream for her is coming true." He explained crossing his arms. "She needs her father there to help support her."

Joy rolled her eyes, as if she cared about his ex, all the fuss surrounding her. "I don't want to see your ex-wife again when she clearly doesn't like me. I don't understand how you could allow her to raise your daughter as she had." She commented on closing the mirror harshly.

Marshall sighed, sitting down in a chair with a sigh. "It was my choice to walk away and not be involved in her life. She has to raise the girl by herself and she has done a pretty good job of handling a kingdom."

Joy rolled her eyes and huffed, crossing her arms over her chest, crossing her legs. "After all these years you still defend her? Why Marshall? I don't understand it! She divorced you and here you are still acting like a puppy to someone who disowned you. It's pathetic." She exclaimed, throwing her hours up in the air.

"I don't see that. I'm not defending her, Joy. I only care about her in a completely platonic way and hence why I can see things now from her perspective." Marshall sighed, knowing this would go nowhere. "She hates my guts."

Joy pitched the bridge of her nose and let out a soft groan. "Goodness, I wonder why? Didn't you tell me you were thrilled her brother, sister-in-law, and niece had died? You may not have said it but you clearly showed it. You were insensitive that she lost her brother."

"You don't think I know that? I have to live every day with regret over my actions." Marshall snapped, abruptly standing up and turning towards the window. "It is one of my biggest regrets how I handled the whole situation. My overzealous thrill hurt our marriage and destroyed any part of a happy family."

He looked at his watch waving his hand in the air. "Rumors flew around, bouncing back between Katherine or I did it. Why would I want to sully my hands with someone's blood? Besides, I knew how much Katherine loved her brother, I couldn't harm him or his family even if I was being a little jealous."

"Perhaps you should tell Katherine that instead of telling me." Joy got up, grabbed her purse, and walked towards the door. "I am going shopping. I have no clue when I will return. Don't wait for me." With that, she left the room.

Marshall sighed heavily slouching in the chair like a child. "That woman . . . why did I marry her again?" He asked himself, as he picked up his phone and scrolled through his contacts stopped at a particular number, which he dialed.

A middle-aged man sat at a desk inside a very posh-looking office. His blue-green eyes scanned over to the phone as it rang. He picked it up running a hand through his blonde hair. "The Royal Charm Academy, Headmaster Alexander Domingo speaking, how may I help you?" He declared fixing his tie.

Marshall could hear the pride in his voice as he spoke. He bit his lip, holding in a chuckle. "You sound so formal since the last time we talked," He teased, earning a surprised noise from the other side of the phone. "You almost sound professional."

Alexander furrowed his brows. That voice. It sounded so familiar yet he couldn't place his finger on it. He didn't recognize the phone number either. The voice on the other end sounded like they knew him, but who was it? He knew a lot of people so this one was tough.

Marshall chuckled, shaking his head with a lopsided smile. "It's Marshall. Marshall Messing? You're friend from childhood?" He inquired, knowing sometimes Alexander could be an oblivious dunce.

Alexander's eyes widened and smacked his forehead. "Oh, Marshall, hello, it has been such a long time. I almost didn't recognize your voice, but I am glad to hear it again. I was beginning to think you fell off the face of the earth." He teased, letting out a small chuckle.

Marshall smirked a little at the chuckle his friend gave. "I've been out of the kingdom a lot and I had to get a new phone. Joy "accidentally" broke my old one." He replied, emphasizing using quotations with his fingers. "She has quite a temper, but it's nothing compared to Katherine's."

Alexander didn't notice how he compared Joy and Katherine, that flew over his head. "Goodness, I'm sorry to hear that." He paused and hummed. "That explains why your phone had gone to voicemail that one time I tried to call."

"You tried to call? Oh, well, that is probably why it never went through. Got a new number and everything." Marshall shook his head, leaning back in his hair and putting his phone on speaker. "I noticed that when I called your cell, it patched me through to the landline."

Alexander nodded, putting his feet up on his desk. "Yes, I did. It was much easier than going back and forth, plus Devona hates it when I am on my phone. Especially playing games against my old college buddies." He sheepishly laughed rubbing his neck.

Marshall scratched the top of his head. "Sounds like what wives always say." He rolled his eyes. "In speaking, per se, I have a question." He said, a little hesitant to ask.

Alexander tilted his head to the side, removing his feet from the desk and leaning forward. "Oh, a question?" He questioned, pursing his lips as he moved the phone to his other ear.

"I have been wondering about it for a while now but hadn't found the time to ask until now. I have been busy and had momentarily forgotten for a brief time period, until now." Marshall explained, tapping his fingers on the table.

Alexander listened intently, leaning forward and tapping his foot while twisting the phone cord around his finger. "Oh, sure, ask away." He mumbled looking up at the ceiling.

Marshall was amused by his friend and smiled as he spoke. "Could you ask your wife if for this year I assist you in teaching? I know you are one less teacher this year and I planned on staying permanently."

Alexander pursed his lips as he thought about his request. "Yes I can ask her and I am sure she won't have a problem. Does Katherine know though? Better yet, does your wife, Joy, know your plans?" He asked, furrowing his brows.

Marshall rubbed the back of his neck and sighed. "Joy does, but Katherine, no, I haven't spoken to her about it. I want it to be a surprise for my daughter and I could care less if Katherine likes it or not." He admitted proudly.

"Are you sure that is a good idea? Katherine has already said she isn't fond of the idea of you showing up for Thea's graduation and coronation ceremony." Marshall explained, carefully hearing down the hallway to make sure no one was coming, especially Katherine.

Marshall understood, he also figured that might have happened. "I have no doubt she said that and I have no doubt she uses my face as a dartboard when she is frustrated. But no, that will not stop me." He declared, setting his phone on the table.

Alexander sucked in a deep breath, leaning back in his chair. "I will let you know what she says later tonight. I must go. Students are still arriving and it is my job to oversee the young men."

Marshall nodded, picking up his phone and turning on the screen with a click of a button. "Thank you. Talk to you later, Alexander, and see you soon old pal." He said to hang up the phone.

He got up and walked over to the window and looked out. He inhaled deeply, a growing smile on his face as he slid open the sliding glass doors to the balcony.

He also had high hopes for this year, but he knew that his high hopes could end up being shattered. Even if a small, foreboding feeling crept slowly up, he wouldn't allow any worries to dampen his hopes.

This was going to be a historic year for the academy, he had no doubts about that.


Hai guys, here is another one of my books that I had written almost eight years ago, give a few I guess. I wrote this way before Barbie Princess Charm School came out, I only saw the trailer and it inspired me. I first had it written in a book I made of papers from old notebooks tied together with my pipe cleaners. I am not sure I kept those old drafts, but I do know I wrote all of it on my laptop.

This is a very heavily edited version of my old story, which needed better sentence structures and a lot of grammar mistakes that needed to be fixed. I will always keep the original on my laptop, saved in a USB drive. Compared to that, I have come a long way since then.

I am getting a new over for this book, I am not too much of a fan of my current one, so, I am working on it. I am trying to use this whole month for nothing but my books, and believe me, it is gonna be hard. But I will do my best to update as often as I can, I have been trying every book once a week, but that hasn't been working out so well. So, let's just see where it takes us.

The chapters won't be as long as The Haunting of Briarwood Manor or A Modern Cinderella Story, but as time goes on I will be adding and editing whenever I find mistakes. Or at least the prologue and certain chapters won't be that long, others may depend on what is going on. But don't worry, I won't change anything, since I have the plot already planned out a long time ago. It will mostly be building up the word count, which I will mostly do when on a pc or laptop, since it is so much easier to write on that.

I am really excited I finally got everything ready and posted this book, since it is one of my original babies. I do hope you guys enjoy this book, when I was writing it I really hoped people would love the characters! It took such a long time trying to figure out names, the kingdoms, and other things like that.

Hi guys, here I am with another chapter and I am working so hard on getting at least one more chapter of Shipwrecked Princess up before Dec. 1st however I may exchange that for chapter one of Missing Autumn. It is really easy when a bunch of the chapters have been written up already and just needs to be edited. It makes things so much easier.

I am also going to start on working on some characters for my other books that have a bunch of chapters I want to get up just so people can add them and wait for me to write them. It is the only thing keeping me motivated to keep writing when I post the copyright information just to show I am working on it.

Chapter Talk:
Two chapters in one month, whoo, aiming three or more next month then at the beginning of the new year working on my other books. This was originally part of the first chapter and so are the next few chapters, so, I decided to break them in half and end one on a bit of a cliffhanger lol.

So, it seems Sidney didn't notice who Marshall was, can't blame her, she never was into the royals. Of course Katherine and Marshall had divorced a few months after the death of her brother and his family. You will read about that in later chapters as well. It isn't a spoiler so don't worry about that at all. It is a minor piece of information.

Thanks for reading!

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