XXXVII | The Gamble

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The waiting was hard. No one knew what Mariam could be doing, or if she was doing anything at all.

Aliya spent her days with Natalia and Oliver, always longing to go home to Strait as the days went by, but she knew that she had to stay in Belcourt where her sister was.

She tried to send a note through Fatima, but they failed. The Palace was closely guarded. Delaney was not yet allowed to venture around like the other Soldiers because she was being trained, they said.

Twice, she went out to have tea with Ruby and Jade, but she could not enjoy their company. Both times, she went home and searched for Oliver to spend the rest of the day with him in his study.

Natalia would often share stories about Mason and also read aloud Ellise's very short letters. Simon, on the other hand, wrote them lengthy ones that spoke of no one else but Fatima's son.

Aliya, at least, did not have to worry about Mason.

Another week passed and she grew even more restless.

What if Mariam told Belcourt? What if they were planning something? What if Delaney was in danger?

Oliver would calm her down, tell her that they could do nothing for now but wait.

After a fortnight, Aliya had begun to lose hope.

West Blackwood had given Mariam merely a fortnight and it seemed that the Mistress had failed.

But the amazing news came the very next day.

Lady Mariam sent West Blackwood a note: It is done.

Aliya screamed with joy when Oliver relayed the news, jumping up to wrap her arms around her husband as tears of joy trickled down her face.

Things were falling into place, she thought.

It was only a matter of time before she could have her sister back.

They had to wait again for Delaney's flower to be revealed, but it was a wait Aliya was willing to bear. The worst was over. They managed to create another Belcourt history by having another woman recourted.

She would have wanted to go to Belcourt and rejoice with Fatima and the others, but she had to stay low. Belcourt, if it was suspicious, should not be triggered. If anyone in the institution was acutely aware of Aliya's involvement in her sister's transfer, things could take a different turn. It was another reason why she could not search for Delaney who was given her villa here in Coulway. She could search for her sister, but it would be too risky.

She had to leave everything to the Circus to know who Delaney's flower was.

With nothing more to do but wait, Aliya decided she simply had to do it with grace. She went around Coulway with her mother-in-law who was impatient to take Delaney to Herst and go back to Mason; she went to plays with Oliver and enjoyed their little trysts in the same drawing room, and she went shopping with Lady Winthrop who shared Lord Hartcaster's recent letters that narrated his travels.

And most of all, she shared nights with Oliver more easily, now that she could feel their success coming close. They shared passionate, fun, exciting lovemaking most evenings—with or without jams.

One night, while her husband trailed kisses down her spine, Aliya loudly wondered, "When will you tell me you love me, Ollie?"

His warm body covered her from behind, his hands snaking around her waist, between her and the mattress, as he prepared to take her from behind. Aliya rolled her head to the side, her hands clutching the covers, wrists twisting as he eased inside her. "Do you want to hear it now?" he whispered in her ear, his hips moving slow—too slow.

Aliya swallowed. "Will it be genuine?"

He answered with a strong thrust and a, "Yes."

"Then, yes, please, tell me you love me."

"Ali!" he shouted, startling her.

Aliya attempted to turn but he pinned her to the bed, his hands firmly holding her hips. She frowned. "What was that?"

He laughed behind her, moving his hips again, kissing her shoulder, her neck, her face. "Every time I shout that name, darling, know that I am saying I love you," he whispered in her ear, his hot breath sending a new wave of sensations through her limbs.

Aliya half-moaned-half-groaned. "That is not what I was asking for—" She stopped with a gasp as he pulled away from her and rolled her on her back so he could take her again, slipping with familiarity and ease between her legs.

His face was serious, the laughter gone, replaced by such open softness; his hazel eyes tenderly looking at her while he moved and she wrapped her legs around his hips. Her eyes poured sensations and feelings for him. She told him how she felt as he loved her and he smiled, dipping his head lower. "I love you, Ali," he whispered above her lips. "I believe I love you too much that it sometimes renders me intellectually incompetent. You bring out the fool in me."

She ran her fingers through his hair. "You are a lovely fool, Ollie. And I love you," she said against his mouth.

Their conversation soon dissolved into pants and incoherent whispered words as their passion took over. Aliya closed her eyes, biting her lower lip as her husband gripped her hips, his fingers digging into her skin with slight pain; his thrusts becoming stronger and hurried. She knew the magic would soon be over as it was starting to turn into a crazy storm. And if it was indeed a storm—the winds were howling, swirling angrily now, and they were right in the middle of it.

When the knocking on the door came, neither of them realized the sound was not the blood rushing through their ears. But when it happened the second time, Aliya whimpered, wrapping her limbs around Oliver. She knew the door was locked. Stopping now would be a crime. "Ollie, please," she whimpered in his ear, moving fast against him, lifting her hips in desperation.

The knocking continued just as Aliya came apart. "Good Lord, what!" Oliver growled as he moved against Aliya in haste, his hands on both sides of her face as she let out a silent cry and shuddered against him.

"Doctor, the Marquess of Leighton is here," Jason informed from behind the door.

"Show him to the parlor," Oliver replied with a grunt, burying his face in his wife's neck, growling his own release into her skin, the cords in his neck bulging as his hips quivered.

"He insists to see you as soon as possible, Doctor."

He wiped the sweat from Aliya's face and grinned down at her. His mouth devoured hers as they both silently laughed.


Her husband pulled away from her mouth. "Tell him I will be down in a moment, Jason," he replied before kissing the tip of her nose. "We are needed downstairs."

She stretched beneath him with a moan.

"This is the part of my new life I may not be able to get used to, Ollie," she commented as they both rolled out of bed.

Merely moments later, wrapped in naught but their robes to meet Tanner, they were ready to learn who her sister's flower was.

They stopped outside the parlor to fix each other's hair. "You will do," he said with a wicked grin.

She snorted and would have kissed him one more time if they were not in a rush.

Inside, Tanner was pacing the parlor. He stopped and may have been meaning to demand why he had to wait for them when he saw their state of near-undress. Understanding immediately registered in the man's brown eyes and he sighed. Ignoring whatever thoughts that may have come to mind, Tanner said, "West just sent word. He received another note from Mariam."

"Who is it?" Oliver and Aliya chorused.

"Owen Compton."

Aliya blinked in surprise.

Oliver snapped his head at Aliya. "The baron?"

She slowly nodded, the frown on her face that of curiosity and concentration.

"You are familiar with him?" Tanner asked. "He is from the House of Commons."

"She may have once unhorsed his stagecoach," Oliver informed Tanner.

"You did what?" Tanner asked with disbelief.

"Hush!" Aliya said, frowning at the floor, biting her lower lip while her arms were folded in front of her. Then she blinked. "I think we need a detailed plan now that we know who we will be facing with."

"What details?" Both men asked at the same time.

Aliya smiled. "Wicked ones."


Aliya was not surprised to know that Sasha was still in Coulway despite the season being over, and she did not even blink when she learned that the woman knew about Delaney.

In fact, she knew it was the only reason why Sasha invited her to a café.

Since their last encounter at Humbrick did not end quite well, Sasha must have thought that it would merely be a waste of time if they engaged in small talks. The woman was direct this time around. "Why did you ask for your sister to be recourted, Aliya?"

"Because I want her by my side, Sasha, why? Is that not reason enough?"

"I am merely curious about how you managed to do it. Lady Mariam nearly broke teeth and bones to get your sister into the Garden. What do you have against her?"

Aliya frowned. "Why would I tell you, Sasha?"

"You could not have done it alone. You must have had some help."

Aliya sighed, rolling her eyes. "If you are to yap about the Royal Circus again, Sasha, I might start to get really cross. I am not working with the Circus. I am working for only one man."

Sasha's bluish-grey eyes suddenly became even more curious. "Who?"

Aliya smiled. "Do you remember the night we unhorsed Owen Compton's stagecoach?"

The Belle blinked. "Yes."

"Do you remember when I stepped forward and whispered something in his ear?"

"Yes, of course."

"And do you know what I whispered to him that night, Sasha?" Sasha did not reply and simply waited for Aliya to continue. "I told him that I am the daughter of the Gambler."

She waited for Sasha to react and when the lady did not, she guessed that either Sasha did not know who the Gambler was, or she already did. But knowing that it was Sasha she was facing, Aliya scoffed.

"You already know about the Gambler."

"Your records also reveal who your parents are."

She nodded.

"Many believe that the Gambler is dead."

Aliya smiled. "Perhaps he is."

Confusion crossed Sasha's face. "Then you are admitting that you are getting help from your own father?"

"Hush, Sasha. Even my husband is not aware of this. He is still feeling very guilty."


"Oh, he simply saved the Gambler's life the night before he killed all those men. Oliver believes it was because of him that Delaney and I ended up in Belcourt."

"You have not answered my question. Do you admit that you are getting help from your own father?"

"Well, who else would be helping me?" with a laugh, she asked, "Do you say the Royal Circus?" Her smile still pasted on her lips, Aliya winked. "Now you know my secret, Sasha. I hope you will now rest. My ally is not your enemy, I know. Is it not disappointing?"

Sasha's jaw tightened.

"I am quite certain you have been hoping I am working with the Royal Circus. You can very well use me against them if I were." With a sigh, she said, "I thought it was to my own advantage when you started to suspect I was associated with the Circus, but having experienced your obsession with West Blackwood's secret club, I decided you should know the truth. Well, at least what I can tell you for I cannot tell you everything, Sasha, or I would have to kill you."

The woman's face hardened with alarm.

"But I will not, of course, because you are not who the Gambler wants," she said. "The Gambler only wants his daughters back."

Sasha blinked and shook her head in disbelief. "Your father is a murderer, Aliya. I do not understand. Why would you be working with him?"

Aliya curled her lips into a wicked smile. "I guess I am my father's daughter after all."

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