Chapter 6: You & Me, Until There's Three

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Bragnae sat in the physician's office stunned. She was trying to process what the doctor just told her, but also was attempting to figure out why she missed the cues from her own body. I'm really pregnant? How did I not realize this? Wait, when was my last cycle? How could I have missed that? Alarm set in as memories of the past few weeks flooded her mind. Oh my god. I smoked pot. And I fell off the pole during practice. That can't be good for the baby. Shit. And I had some cocktails here and there. Damn. I basically did all of the things you shouldn't do when you're pregnant. Great. You're mother of the fucking year already, Bragnae. Way to go.

"Bragnae?" The doctor asked reeling in her attention.

"Yes?" She responded.

"This is wonderful news for you and Drake! I assume it wasn't planned?" The doctor inquired.

Bragnae thought to herself. She and Drake had talked about having children, and they both wanted them someday, but they also decided to let it happen when it was supposed to. Most importantly, they wanted to spend time as a couple before they brought children into their lives. They had enough to stress about becoming new nobles and adjusting to a very new lifestyle for the both of them, and they didn't want to add trying to get pregnant into the mix.

Although, the press in Cordonia often speculated and questioned her and Drake about when they'd produce an heir to their duchy. As if the press hadn't already shit on her enough since she arrived, they had the nerve to offer insensitive guesses as to why she and Drake weren't pregnant yet. They would say things like maybe Drake's swimmers weren't strong enough, or maybe Bragnae wasn't holding her legs up high enough after they finished, or maybe they don't have sex at all. They can fuck off – it's our life, not theirs, Bragnae recalled Drake saying anytime she brought it up to him. She was thick skinned too, but sometimes it became too much. Just add it to the list of things I hate about being a Duchess. Everyone is always in our fucking business.

"Um, no. It wasn't planned, but this is very exciting news." Bragnae plastered on a joyful smile. She was happy, but the news hadn't truly hit her yet. Telling Drake will make it more exciting. ... Oh! How am I going to tell him?

"Well, congratulations to you and the Duke. I'm very happy for you," the doctor said patting her on the knee. "You'll want to set up an appointment with your local doctor soon, so you and Drake can get an ultrasound done. And if you need anything else before then, give me a call."

"Thank you so much, Dr. Stafford," Bragnae said shaking her hand.

The doctor walked her out of the office, and they said their farewells. Bragnae was in a haze as she made her way through the palace to meet Drake. She was now carrying a precious little life inside her, and her whole world was about to change. It was scary, but exciting at the same time. She always pictured her and Drake as parents and couldn't wait to see him in action as a father. She always thought he would be great at it, a natural even, but she was slightly worried about herself.

Bragnae was orphaned as a child when she was sent to live with her great aunt and uncle – her only living relatives in the New York area. They were a whole generation older than her parents, and raised her a bit differently than she was used to, but she still loved them. Unfortunately, they died shortly after Bragnae graduated from high school. She could have moved to Iowa to be with her father's brother and his family – with her three cousins that felt more like sisters, but she decided to try to make it on her own. So, she stayed in New York, and put herself through college with the money her parents left her. After she graduated with a Bachelor's in Business Administration, she interviewed for jobs that involved tall, stuffy buildings and cubicle farms, and suddenly she was turned off of the whole thing. After a spur of the moment road trip with some friends across the United States, Bragnae got a job as a waitress at a hole-in-the-wall bar in New York, which would become the key to her future a few years after she started there.

As she recalled the memories of her life before Cordonia, Bragnae hoped whatever kind of mother she would become, that she would make her parents proud. She hoped she would make Drake proud, and ultimately raise a good person in her child. Her thoughts drifted back to Drake – her rock, her knight in shining armor. With him, I can do anything. Bragnae spent the rest of her trek through the palace coming up with cute ways to tell him the news. After running through several scenarios, she decided how she was going to tell Drake he was going to be a father. Finally, she reached the courtyard. As she opened the door to go out, she spotted Drake holding Loki under his arm and scolding him.

"I told you not to eat the flowers; they're bad for you. Do you want to get sick?" Drake asked as he held Loki out in front of him. "Oh, don't give me that look. You know I only want what's best for you. Plus, Bragnae would kick my ass if I let anything happen to you."

Bragnae watched Drake speak to Loki like he was a little human many times before, but today was different. Today, she was picturing Drake holding their child instead of Loki. She smiled and suddenly felt an overwhelming happiness fill her body as she reveled in her new condition. I can't wait to tell him.

"You're damn right I would," Bragnae said announcing her presence. She smirked at Drake as she made her way over to where he was standing kissing him softly on the lips. "I'm kidding."

Drake smiled. "No, you're not."

The two shared a laugh as Bragnae rubbed her hands over Loki's ears and kissed him on his nose. "I missed you, little man. Ready to go home?" Loki barked in response.

Drake placed their fluffy companion on the ground, and ushered Bragnae to the door to go back inside. "So, what did the doctor say?" He asked.

Oh, shit. I forgot to come up with an excuse for this. Think Bragnae. "Oh, she just said it was a little bit of stress. With you being away, I got out of my routine a bit and threw my body out of whack. She said I should get back to normal soon."

"That's a relief. I thought you were getting the flu or something," he told her wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her to him.

They made their way out of the palace, and climbed into their limo to start their two hour drive to Valtoria. As Loki promptly fell asleep in the seat next to them, Bragnae began to introduce her plans.

"So, I was thinking we could go to the cabin tonight to relax. We can take the four-wheeler down there instead of the horses, so we bring Loki. What do you think?" Bragnae ran her fingers through Drake's hair massaging his head as she spoke.

Drake closed his eyes, and let out a light moan from Bragnae's touch. "You don't have to persuade me to go to the cabin, Bragnae. Anytime you want to go, I'll happily accompany you."

"Good. I think Loki will enjoy it too. We could play some games and sit by the fire," she suggested.

"Mmhmm, that sounds nice," Drake agreed with his eyes still closed leaning his head against Bragnae's shoulder.

Bragnae shifted her body and draped her legs over Drake's lap, so she could cradle his head against her chest as she continued to caress him. Drake let out a contented sigh as he nestled against her, and hooked a hand around her thigh to hold her in place.

"What did you think about the Italian Delegation?" She asked.

"Francesco, I already know and like. And the douche-bag that wouldn't stop staring at you, I hated," Drake said against her chest. "You noticed him doing that, right?"

"Yes. He wasn't trying very hard to hide it. Did you know he came out to talk to me when I went to grab some water?"

Drake raised his head to look at her directly. "He did?" Drake sighed. "And I didn't notice because of Maxwell and his dumb story. What did he say?"

"Well, he wanted to make sure I was feeling alright, and then I suggested that he and Francesco check out some pubs before they leave. That's when he asked if I would join him. He was quite persistent," Bragnae explained.

Drake shook his head and sighed. "What an asshole." Drake rested his head against her once again.

"Maybe he didn't know we were married. It's possible for two people to have the same last name in the same room," she said, giving Luca a most likely undeserving benefit of the doubt.

"No. The fucker knew."

"How do you know?" She asked.

"Because when Maxwell introduced himself to Luca, he brought up the fact that he was awarded the position on the council because of his heroic acts of 'neutralizing the assassins on Drake and Bragnae's wedding day'," Drake told her.

"Oh. Then, he is an asshole," she conceded.

"Exactly. Make sure you watch out if you're ever with him again. I don't want to have to kick an Italian politician's ass, but I'll fucking do it if I have to," he warned.

"Hopefully it won't come to that point. If I didn't make it clear enough today that I wasn't interested in him, then I will next time. If there's a next time."

Drake drew lazy circles against her thigh. "You know, I can't blame him for trying though. You are pretty damn hot."

Bragnae smiled and kissed the top of this head. "So are you. That's why Sam was trying to get with you too. Dumb bitch. On the front porch of our estate too! The nerve. I wish people would have more respect for marriage. It's really fucked up that we have to tell people that we're happily married instead of just being married, otherwise people see that as an invitation to tempt you away from your spouse," she ranted, letting out a frustrated sigh.

"I know, Brenna. People suck sometimes. Although, now that I think about it, I was kind of similar to Luca at one point."

Bragnae pulled back. "What? When?"

Drake lifted his head again to face her. "When you came to Cordonia, you were competing for Gabriel's hand. And that whole time I never backed off of pursuing you when I should have."

"Yes, you did, but I just kept pulling you back in," she said with a flirty smile.

Drake rolled his eyes. "Okay, then I should have tried harder to not steal the woman my best friend was in love with. The point is, I was stepping over boundaries I knew were there just to get what I wanted. It's the same thing Luca is doing."

"First of all, I wasn't married, so really I was fair game. And secondly, you and I are bound to each other on a universal level. We were meant to be together, and there was nothing that was going to keep us apart," Bragnae stated cupping his face with her hand. "It was as true then as it is now. Now and forever."

Drake smiled. "Now and forever, baby." He moved to capture her lips in a passionate kiss as if to seal their karmic bond.

He eventually pulled away and snuggled back into place as Bragnae wrapped her arms around his back holding him close. They sat this way for the remainder of the ride home.

Later, Bragnae and Drake arrived at the cabin. The grilled some food for dinner as Loki played and sniffed around the property. Afterwards, they moved inside the cabin where Bragnae plopped on the oversized couch making herself comfortable. Drake went to the kitchen to fix them a drink.

"Do you want some wine, Bragnae?" He asked reaching in the cabinet for a whiskey glass for himself.

"Yes, wine would be –," Bragnae stopped herself. Shit. I can't have that. Hope I can recover from this without him getting suspicious. "Actually, you know what? I think I'll just stick with water."

"You sure?" He asked waving a stemmed wine glass in his hand.

"Yeah, but thanks," she confirmed, hoping not to blow her cover.

"Okay." Drake shrugged and grabbed a water glass instead filling it up. He brought their drinks over to the living area, and placed them on the coffee table in front of Bragnae. "I'm going to light a fire."

Bragnae curled up with a blanket as she watched Drake place a few logs in the fireplace – his biceps straining the sleeves of his shirt as he carried them over. I will never get tired of seeing that man lift things and bend over. She continued to admire him from behind as he knelt down to light the fire with a long match. Soon, the flames were growing, and the wood began to pop and crackle. It was early May, but where Valtoria was located in the country, it was still chilly enough to warrant a cozy fire at night. Loki waddled over to his bed in front of the fire place, and curled up. Drake returned to the couch, grabbed his glass of whiskey and sat back. Bragnae moved over to him immediately laying her head against his shoulder and draped her arm across his chest.

Drake let out a contented sigh and put his free arm around Bragnae. "This is nice. I have my beautiful wife next to me, a glass of whiskey in my hand, and a roaring fire to keep us warm. It doesn't get much better than this."

Just you wait. "Don't forget about Loki," she added in a playful tone.

"And... our four-legged son over there, too," Drake said, drawing a finger away from the glass in his hand pointing in Loki's direction.

Bragnae smiled at his comment and squeezed Drake. "I have a secret to tell you." Bragnae lifted her head to look up at Drake.

"Oh yeah? Do I have to guess or are you going to tell me?" Drake said with a smirk.

"How about we play a game first?" Bragnae suggested, flirtatiously running a finger down his chest.

Drake swallowed a gulp of whiskey before he answered. "Oh boy. Knowing you, there's always gotta be stakes involved. So, what is it this time?" He asked.

He knows me so well. Bragnae giggled. "If you beat me at Jenga, then I tell you the secret right away."

Drake narrowed his eyes and cocked his head. "And what if you win?"

"If I win... you have to lay me across the arm of the sofa and fuck me. Hard."

Drake cleared his throat and grinned. "Do I still get to know the secret after we fuck?

Bragnae nodded.

Drake leaned in closer to her. "So, what you're saying is I'm going to win no matter what?"

"It depends on what you want first – the sex or the secret." Bragnae looked at him through her eyelashes, and bit her lip trying her best to seduce Drake.

"Well, bust that game out. Let's get it going." Drake spoke with excitement and haste in his voice.

Bragnae got up and retrieved the box of Jenga blocks from a basket in the corner. She knelt down by the coffee table opposite Drake, and began setting up the blocks into a steady tower.

"How juicy is this secret, anyway? On a scale from one to ten, how good is it? I want to know if it's worth winning for, or if I should throw the game instead," Drake asked leaning his elbows on his knees and locking his fingers together.

"It's an eleven. It's the greatest secret you'll ever hear. And don't try to guess what it is because I won't confirm or deny it." Bragnae finished setting up the blocks, and looked at Drake. "I'll even let you go first."

Drake took a second to stare Bragnae down before he pushed a middle block out of the center of the tower, and placed it on top. Bragnae followed taking a side block a few spaces up from Drake's blank spot. Next, Drake pulled a side block out from the center of the tower. As he went to place it on top, his other hand came across and swatted the tower over spilling the blocks everywhere on the table.

"Oh, damn. You won," he said, not feeling sorry for himself at all.

The loud noise stirred Loki awake as Bragnae laughed and shook her head. "Well, that lasted two turns longer than I thought it would," she said still laughing.

Drake's grin spread from ear to ear. He beckoned her with a single finger. "Come here, you."

Bragnae stood up and walked around the coffee table standing in front of Drake. He looked up at her for a moment before gripping her waist hard and pulling her to him. Bragnae gasped, and bit her lip anticipating his next move. He slid his hands underneath her shirt, and slowly brought her shirt up with him as he stood up. He deftly removed her bra before removing his own shirt. Bragnae unbuttoned his jeans and pulled down his zipper, but before she could get further, Drake spun her around so she was facing the fire.

He pulled her flush against his chest as he undid her jeans. One hand slipped beneath her silky thong rubbing slow circles against her while the other kneaded her breasts. Bragnae leaned her head back against him as he placed slow, warm kisses on her neck. She moaned in delight reaching an arm around his neck to steady herself. Drake slid the rest of her clothes off as well as his own. Bragnae turned around to kiss him as Drake slid his hands down her thighs picking her up. He walked over to the side of the couch and let her down on the floor again kissing her more deeply than before. Suddenly, Drake spun her around again, roughly pushing her over the arm of the sofa.

Bragnae gasped again in excitement at Drake's forceful moves. He slid his hand slowly down her back sending shivers down her spine. He widened her stance as he stepped forward pushing her legs open with his. His hand continued to trail over her backside until it found her hot and slick center that was more than ready for him. She let out a restrained moan at his touch. Drake leaned down to whisper in her ear pressing his chest to her back.

"Are you ready for this, baby?" He asked.

"Yes... I want you in me, now," she replied breathlessly.

Bragnae felt his hand leave only to feel Drake push himself completely into her. She screamed at the unexpected pleasurable invasion, and gripped the arm of the couch as he moved behind her. His strokes were slow at first thrusting deeper each time letting her feel every inch of him. Bragnae swore she could feel him reach her throat from inside. She continued to gasp for air as he drove into her. Drake picked up his speed hooking his hand on a spare section of the couch to pin Bragnae in between. His other hand moved up her back, and grabbed a chunk of her hair yanking it back in time with his next intense thrust.

Bragnae screamed his name and begged for more. She used her arms as leverage to lift herself off the arm of the sofa slightly and arch her back as Drake's length found new spaces to reach. She felt his hands slide up to her neck as he wrapped his fingers around it. He applied pressure to her neck, gently at first and then increasingly adding more as he held her in place. He picked up his pace yet again.

"Don't stop, Drake," she cried releasing a whimpering moan.

"Is this what you wanted, Bragnae?" He asked sending another deep thrust into her.

Bragnae took a second to catch her breath before answering. "God, yes."

Drake pulled Bragnae up so she was against his chest. He kept one hand on her throat and the other drifted down to swirl his fingers against her once more. This time more firmly than before. Holding her in place, he continued to push himself in and out of her with vigor. She moaned feeling a pleasurable sensation building quickly.

Drake lowered his head to whisper in her ear. "Don't come yet." He shoved her back down again over the arm of the sofa. His hands returned to her neck as he thrusted into her over and over again relentlessly.

Before long, Bragnae felt a warmth start to bloom inside her as she felt her body tense up.

"Come with me, baby," Drake exhaled. "Ready?"

Bragnae murmured in agreement holding her breath as Drake bucked his hips against her. Seconds later they both breathed out long, satisfying moans. Drake released his grip on her neck, and gently collapsed onto her back. In between breaths, he placed kisses on her hot skin. Bragnae's legs felt slightly numb as she laid with her face buried into the couch. She was utterly spent, and was trembling from the intense orgasm she shared with Drake as he remained inside her.

Drake untangled himself from Bragnae, and helped her to stand up. He scooped her up and walked over to the sofa laying her down on top of him. They held each other listening to the fire crackle and the faint sound of Loki snoring.

"That was exactly what I wanted, Drake. That was incredible," Bragnae told him.

Drake intertwined his fingers in hers. "So, my wife likes to be choked. You're sick, you know that?"

Bragnae pinched Drake on the side and laughed. "Hey buddy, you're just as sick as me. If I recall correctly, it was your hands around my neck."

Drake chuckled as he grabbed Bragnae's chin guiding her in for a kiss. "That's okay. We can be sick together then." He ran his fingers lightly along her back. "Oh... hey, wasn't there a secret you were supposed to share with me?"

This is it. I'm going to change his life forever. She sat up, and straddled his lap smiling down at him.

"Bragnae, I'm gonna need a minute," he told her with a playful smile.

She giggled and shook her head. "Don't worry. I just wanted your undivided attention."

"Well, you have it." Drake looked at her expectantly.

Bragnae laid her hands delicately on his chest, and took a deep breath. "Drake," she began. "You and I are going to have a baby."

Drake's eyes widened as his mouth fell open a bit. He stared up at Bragnae almost in disbelief. A smile slowly crept across his face. "You're pregnant?" His voice was soft and hopeful.

Grinning, Bragnae nodded slowly at him. Drake sat up abruptly, and captured her lips with his. He held the side of her face, and wrapped an arm around her back holding her close to him. When he pulled back, his eyes sparkled as he looked into hers.

"We're going to be parents, Bragnae," Drake said pulling her down so their foreheads rested against one another.

Her eyes pooled with happy tears at the sweet moment she was sharing with her husband. "Are you excited, Drake?"

"Of course I am. I get to start a family with you. I get to be a father. I can't imagine better news than that," Drake told her as he moved the hair out of her face. "In fact..." Drake gently moved Bragnae off of him, and walked to the front of the cabin. He pulled open the door and stepped outside as naked as the day he was born. "I'M GOING TO BE A FATHER!" Drake shouted into the air.

Bragnae put her hands over her face and giggled. Who is this man, and what has he done with my husband? She moved her hands to the side of her face as she peered out at Drake still on the front porch of the cabin telling all of God's creatures about the news. She couldn't help but smile at his excitement. Bragnae knew Drake would be happy, but this happy? Loki, now fully awake, started to walk to the edge of the couch and barked at the noise Drake was making outside.

Drake turned around and marched back into the cabin. "Wow. It sure got cold out there." He quickly rejoined Bragnae on the couch pulling her onto his lap once again. "Brenna, I'm thrilled we're having this baby together. And you know what?" Drake asked. "I think we're gonna rock at it."

"You really think so? I mean, I look at you and I see you being the best dad in the whole world to our child. I think about all the things you're going to teach them, and how much you're going to protect them – that is going to be one lucky kid," Bragnae looked down. "But I'm afraid I may not be good enough."

Drake reached out and gently pulled Bragnae's chin up so she was looking at him. "Hey," he said looking into her eyes for a moment. "You're going to be an amazing mother. Just because you lost your parents when you were younger, doesn't mean you won't know how to be a good parent. You, Bragnae, are a good person with a kind and generous heart." Drake moved his hand to cover the left side of her chest. "This is what makes you who you are. This is what is going to make you the best fucking mother that kid is ever gonna know."

Loki jumped up on the couch next to them and nuzzled Bragnae's side. "See? Even Loki agrees with me," Drake said as he continued. "You are smart, funny, strong, courageous, and you make the best cookies I've ever tasted in my life. You're telling me those things won't translate into being a good mother? You don't even realize how incredible you are sometimes, Bragnae. I am in awe of you because of how you handle yourself every day performing your duties as a Duchess and the leader of the Royal Council, dealing with invasive press, opening orphanages across the country, spending quality time with your friends – all of the that and I didn't even mention how amazing you are at home with me and Loki."

"It gets hard sometimes, Drake." Bragnae's lip trembled slightly.

"I know, baby. But that's what I'm saying. You make everything look easy. And I know that it's not always going to be easy raising a child, but we're in this together. We've got each other's backs. Between the two of us, our child is going to grow up knowing how to survive on their own and look great doing it." Drake smiled.

A tear rolled down her face as she leaned in and cupped his with both hands. "Thank you." Bragnae kissed his lips lightly. "I love you so much, Drake." She kissed him again.

"I love you more, Bragnae. We may not be perfect, but we're in this together and we'll do the best that we can." Drake turned his head to kiss one of her hands.

"How did I get so lucky as to marry you?" She asked with a look of wonder in her eyes.

"I'm the lucky one, remember?" He replied.

Loki wiggled himself in between them licking both Drake and Bragnae's faces alternating between the two frantically. They laughed and gave him a kiss on the sides of his face. Loki barked with a howl in between.

"We better let this little rascal out one more time before we go to bed," Drake said.

"I'll do it, and meet you in the bedroom," Bragnae replied pulling Drake's shirt on as she led Loki to the door. "Come on little God of Mischief. Let's go outside one more time."

After Loki did his business and thoroughly sniffed everything within forty feet of the cabin, they returned inside. Drake had shifted the logs in the fireplace enough for the fire to slowly burn out on its own. After completing her nightly routine, Bragnae removed Drake's shirt from her body and climbed into bed where Drake was holding the covers open for her. She snuggled against him and draped her leg over his waist pulling him closer to her. Drake ran his hand down the length of her body hooking it around her thigh.

"You're so beautiful, Bragnae. If we have a little girl, I hope she looks just like you."

She smiled. "Funny, I was thinking the same thing if we have a little boy. Can you imagine our son running around in a little denim shirt warning other kids not to grow up like snobby nobles?" Bragnae squealed. "He's going to be so cute!"

Drake rolled his eyes. "I wear other shirts, you know."

Bragnae placed a quick kiss on his lips. "If we do have a little boy, I'd like to name him after our fathers. Jackson Albert Walker. They were both incredible people, and taught us a lot growing up. I think it'd be a great way to honor them and their memory. If you want to, that is."

Drake stared at her lovingly for a moment. "I'd really like that, Brenna. I think they would too." He dropped his gaze as if in thought. "And what about if we have a girl?"

Bragnae thought for second. "Hmmm, how about Olivia?"

Drake grimaced in disgust. "Come on, Bragnae. I thought we were having a moment. Why would you suggest an awful name like that?"

She giggled running her hand through his hair. "It's not an awful name, you just associate it with someone you're not fond of. But you're right. I ruined the moment. Will you forgive me?"

Drake narrowed his eyes at her. "Kiss me and I might."

Bragnae pulled Drake in close and kissed him softly and slowly. Drake deepened the kiss as he rolled Bragnae on her back. His lips moved to her jaw and then to her neck leaving a trail of sweet kisses.

"Oh, fuck." Drake suddenly pulled away from her.

"What is it?" She asked with a look of concern.

"Bragnae," he said as his eyes darted back and forth. "I was really rough with you earlier. Why did you ask me to do that if you knew you were pregnant?"

Bragnae let out a sigh of relief as she rolled her eyes. "Because I wanted to have sex with you one more time before you found out and started handling me like I was a piece of glass."

"What? I wouldn't do that," Drake said, speaking with no conviction behind his words.

Bragnae raised an eyebrow at him. "Drake. You're already doing it."

Drake sighed and looked away.

"Did you enjoy the sex we had earlier?" She asked tilting her head in his direction.

Drake nodded begrudgingly.

"Was it exciting and fun for you to do those things to me?"

Drake glared at her and slowly nodded his head.

"If I would have told you I was pregnant beforehand, would you have pulled on my hair, or choked me, or threw me around like you did?"

Drake sighed. "No."

"You're welcome." Bragnae lightly patted the side of his face.

"But what about the baby, Bragnae? Oh my God." Drake said suddenly. "We smoked pot and drank alcohol. Fuck."

"Yeah, I already cursed myself about that earlier today," Bragnae said giggling. "What can you do, Drake? We didn't know. I won't do it anymore during the pregnancy. This child is going to come out as one tough kid, I'll tell you that."

"You're right, but we should probably go see a doctor or something to make sure the baby is alright," he said, stroking her face.

"Yeah, actually, we need to do that anyway. I'll make an appointment with Dr. Collins tomorrow. But we should probably get some sleep," she told him.

Bragnae heard Loki snoring on the floor next to their bed as she scooted her back against Drake's chest. He pulled the covers over them, and wrapped his arm around her pulling her close.

"Goodnight hon," Bragnae said, turning her face up to kiss him one more time.

"Sleep tight, Brenna," Drake replied as he moved his hand to rest on her stomach. "And goodnight to you little one."

Bragnae smiled and laid her hand over Drake's asshe slowly drifted off to sleep.

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