Chapter 2 - Helping The "Cosplayer"

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Instead of updating only once a week! I'm going to do it twice a week! On Saturdays and Wednesdays!

I hope you enjoy!

Esme cautiously walked back over to the dumpster. Then she carefully picked up the top of it and looked inside.

She saw a man with red horns sitting at the bottom of it, he looked tired. He had one eye open and was rubbing his head.

The man then looked up and saw the head of a girl with a look on her face that he couldn't describe.

They both stared each other in the eyes.

'Gold eyes...'

'Red eyes...'

Esme then quickly shut the top of the dumpster. She did not want to get involved with whatever the hell he was doing.

"Hey!" She heard, before looking back and seeing the man lifting the lid and standing up in the dumpster. "That was rude of you!"

Esme then turned back around again and continued to walk away.

"Hey! Listen when I'm talking to you! Do you know who I am?!" Dazod yelled.

Esme sighed and walked back up to him. "What do you want? Aren't you just some annoying role-playing weeb?"

Her response annoyed him. 'Role-playing weeb? I didn't read about those when I studied humans.'

"I don't know what those are, but I am most likely not one of them!" Dazod answered the brunette girl.

Esme sighed again before looking at the man's physical stature. He was half naked, with some type of wounds.

'Is he some type of perverted masochist?!'  Esme thought before backing away again.

"What?" He said.

"I've heard about people like you."

'Finally they realized I'm a demon.' Dazod smirked. "Really? Then what am I?"

Esme gulped a bit. "A creepy, masochistic, perverted weeb."

With each adjective she spoke, Dazod felt a blood vessel pop. "No!" 'This is why I hate and kill humans, they're annoying and only get in the way.'

"You should just give it up and go home already. I'm not going to play along." Esme says.

"I'm not playing- gah!" Dazod felt one of his wounds reopen from getting overly worked up. He coughed out a bit of blood as well.

"Eh?" Esme muttered. She looked at his wounds again. He was bleeding out now.

"Hey! I think I heard something over here!" A voice said.

Esme froze. 'Why are the cops here?!' She sighed to herself. 'I'm going to regret this...'

The girl then grabbed the man's arm. "What are you doing?" Dazod asked, getting pulled out of the dumpster.

"Trying not to get us arrested, now come with me, I'll patch up your wounds." The girl said, pulling the man inside the building from the back entrance.

"Arrested? Are you a criminal?" Dazod asked as they entered the building.

"No. But people who stay in alleys or in the back of buildings for a while are considered drug dealers, and cops don't like drug dealers." Esme says.

"Drug... dealers?" Dazod mutters.

Esme sighed. "Ya' know what, never mind." She says, opening a door to the stairs. She then started walking up the stairs.

Dazod just stared at her. "Hey... are you a girl?" He asked.

Esme stopped walking for a moment. She then turned around. "Did you actually think I was a male?!"

"Well I mean... you dress like one." Dazod says.

"I... never mind, I can't deal with this right now." Esme says, as she continues walking up steps. "Just keep following me..."

After a few moments Esme opened the door to her apartment. It looked pretty empty aside from the kitchen counter, a table with few chairs and a blanket and pillow under the window.

'Was she robbed?' Dazod thought. "I-It looks like you've been robbed."

"No... this is how it normally looks." Esme said before walking inside and opening a cabinet. "Sit down, I'll patch up your wounds."

"My wounds can heal quickly." The male said, sitting down in one of the chairs.

"Mhm... enough with the role-play, this is serious." The hooded female said.

"This isn't 'role-play' and I am serious." The male said.

"Mhm... sure." The girl says, walking back over to him, with a spool of bandages. "Just be quiet and I'll wrap you up."

"Yeah, yeah..." Dazod muttered. "Anyways, what's your name?"

"Why is that important?" The girl asked, starting to wrap him up.

"Well you're helping me, and we're talking. I feel I should address you by name." The demon says.

"Esme, happy?" The brunette says.

"Esme, huh?" The dirty blonde haired demon said. "Weird name... anyways I'm Dazod."

"Didn't ask."

The demon felt another blood vessel pop. "You little-" He then sighed. "Will you hurry it up?"

"I'm doing my best, and it'd be quicker if you held still." Esme says. "Also your name isn't the most normal either, I'd prefer to call you Day."


"What? Don't like it?"

"No... it's just... I haven't been called that since I was a kid." Dazod muttered.

"Is that so... well you have to stick with it again." Esme says. "Well at least for the next few minutes."

"Next few minutes?" Day said. "Can't I stay here for the night?"

Esme stopped for a moment and stared at him. "Hell no."

"Why not?"

"One: because you're a creepy guy I just met. Two: I have to work tomorrow. And three: don't you have your own place?" Esme said.

"One: you helped this 'creepy guy' and took him to your place. Two: I will be out of your hair tomorrow. And three: I do, but the portal is in the area where the guy shot me, and that's how I got these wounds." Dazod said.

Esme opened her mouth to say something, then closed it. Then did it multiple times before sighing. 'His parents probably kicked him out and it's just for the night... god why does this happen to me?' "This whole cosplay-role-play thing is getting annoying. But, fine. You can stay, but just for the night. Extra blankets and pillows are in the cabinets and you have to sleep on the opposite side of the room."

"Fine by me. I'll leave tomorrow."

"Okay." Esme said. "Now stand up and let me down a quick scan of how I did."

Just as she demanded Day stood up and let Esme look around at the bandages.

'Hmm... there are markings on his back... are these tattoos? Y'know what never mind, he'll probably say, it's a marking of royalty or whatever the hell comes to his weeb mind.' Esme thought.

"What're you staring at?" Day asked.

"These tattoos on your back."

"Oh you mean those demon markings?"

'I knew it...' Esme thought. "Yeah, sure..."

"Well don't stare at them anymore. It's rude to stare." He says.

"Yeah..." Esme said. She then got in front of him. "You're all good... I'm going to bed, don't be loud and don't do anything to me or the apartment, or I'm calling the cops."

"Understood." The male said. 'I can't believe I'm following the rules of a human girl... Well she did help me, so I guess this is the least I can do...'

Day then watched the girl go over to the window and lay on the floor where her pillow and blanket were.

'Is she really okay with sleeping on the floor?' "Hey Esme-" He got cut off by her light snores and patterned breathing. 'I guess she is...'

Dazod remembered that Esme said extra blankets and pillows were in the cabinets so he proceeded to go to the cabinets and grab a few.

The male demon sat on the floor across from Esme and covered himself with the blankets.

Before closing his eyes he looked at the brunette girl. 'The rules state that if a human sees you, you must kill them... but she doesn't believe I'm a demon... sure she's an annoying brat, but right now, she looks completely innocent... so maybe it's okay... if I leave her be for now...'

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