Book 1: Chapter 16: One Last Hurrah

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Setting: It is the day after the big Beaumont Bash in Ramsford – a week before Prince Gabriel's Coronation.

Bragnae rolled over to hug her pillow feeling the sunlight hit her eyelids. She slowly opened her eyes to glance at the clock on the nightstand reading 11:42 a.m. She gasped as she sat up quickly in her bed.

"I... what? I must've slept in!"

Just then Bragnae felt a pounding in her head, which caused her to slowly sink back down onto the pillow clutching her forehead.

"Oof. Maybe I'll just lay here for a second more." Bragnae closed her eyes trying to will the throbbing away.

As she tried to relax, she let her mind wander to the crazy events that transpired last night that led her to her current position.

I can't believe I ran around the ballroom in my underwear. All in the name of Truth or Dare...well, for him. God, I'll do anything just to catch his attention. How embarrassing. But...he does seem to enjoy when I make an effort to embarrass myself for his benefit no matter how silly it is. And he did kiss me back last night. Oh, his lips...they're so soft. I could kiss him all day.

Bragnae smiled to herself remembering his hands touching her for the briefest of moments last night after he walked her back to her room.

He said that it was 'the most incredible kiss' he's ever had. Bragnae grinned peacefully to herself as images of Drake flashed across her mind. I can't wait to see him again. I need to see him again.

Thoughts of Drake motivated Bragnae to get out of bed despite her now dull headache. She got herself dressed, and took a few minutes to complete her morning routine before heading downstairs. On her way down, she saw a few members of the house staff plus Bertrand and Maxwell cleaning up last night's mess.

"Hey, why'd nobody come get me?" She asked.

"You earned a day to sleep in," Bertrand replied as he bent down to pick up another shard of glass from a broken Champagne bottle.

Bragnae was taken aback by his comment. "I... did?"

"We also thought it'd be better if we minimized the destruction from last night before you woke up," Maxwell added.

"I could have helped you guys... You know that right?"

"We don't want you wasting your energy when we're heading into one of the most important events of our lives..." Bertrand said, waving Bragnae off.

"The Coronation Ball is next, and after last night, all eyes are going to be on you!" Maxwell said proudly.

Bertrand continued, "So, get what you sleep you can. It's not long before we depart for the palace."

Bertrand walked away toting a full bag of trash in one hand as he instructed the staff on their next steps. Realizing just how soon the Coronation Ball was, Bragnae started to panic internally.

I knew this was coming, but I didn't realize just how soon it was. I'm not ready for it. I need more time. I need to see Drake. But maybe also Gabriel? I just need to do something with them that's normal for once. Like regular people. Maybe Maxwell would want to go, and Hana. But what could we do?

"Hey, Maxwell."

"What's up?" He asked as he continued to sweep.

"I was thinking we could all go out tonight to do something fun... you know, for old time's sake before Gabriel's Coronation? Before things get crazy for all of us. Not that last night wasn't fun, but I was thinking about something more ordinary than, say, riding horses in the house and breaking open champagne bottles with swords."

Maxwell abruptly stopped sweeping dropping his broom to the floor as he raced over to Bragnae who was still standing on the stairs.

"Bragnae, you're a genius! I've been dying to check out this new place here in Ramsford. It's a karaoke bar and dance club all in one! You know, I'm always ready for a party."

"Do you think Gabriel, Drake and Hana would want to go?"

"Go where?" Hana asked, rubbing her eyes as she descended the stairs toward them.

"Morning Sleepyhead!" Maxwell practically screamed.

"I haven't slept in like that in a very long time," she said stifling a yawn.

"Maxwell and I were just discussing going out tonight to a karaoke and dance club. Do you want to go?" Bragnae asked.

Come on, Hana. Say 'yes'.

"Sure! I'm well-rested, and I'd love to try karaoke! I've never done it before, but I've always wanted to."

"Well, apparently this weekend is full of 'firsts' for you! Maxwell, where are the guys? We need to see if –"

Before Bragnae could finish her sentence, Maxwell was already speaking to Gabriel on the phone.

"... Yeah. So, do you want to go?... Of course, Bragnae's going. It was basically her idea. Ask Drake if he'll come too... Oh, come on! He has to sing! ... Okay, fine. As long as he comes. Let's all meet up here, and go together. Okay, see you then."

"So, what's the verdict?" Bragnae asked, trying to restrain her excitement.

"They're in! It's going to be one awesome night! Oh my God, what am I going to wear? What are you going to wear?" Maxwell asked. "Let's go pick out our outfits, ladies!"

The three of them walked briskly to the boutique leaving Maxwell's half swept mess on the floor behind them. The girls immediately walked over to the rack of dresses as Maxwell flipped through countless shirts occasionally tossing some to the floor with a look of disgust.

"So, what kind of look are we going for at a Karaoke Bar?" Hana asked, waiting to be inspired by the perfect dress.

"We definitely need something that will stand out. We're going to be on stage singing in front of people, so we need an outfit that looks great against the lights that will be on us," Bragnae said as she slid more hangers across the rack.

"Glitter and sequence, ladies. It's all about the sparkle!" Maxwell called over his shoulder.

Hmmm... what am I going to wear? I want something with color. I wonder which one Drake would like. Should I ask Maxwell what his favorite color is? No. That's too obvious. I'm sure he'll like whatever I pick out.

"I've got it!" Hana exclaimed, holding up a hot pink dress with rhinestones delicately placed in a starburst pattern. It had spaghetti straps and the front was cut low... lower than Bragnae thought Hana would choose to wear.

"That's perfect, Hana! Go try it on!" Maxwell suggested.

Damn it. What am I going to wear?

"Hey, Princess-to-be. I think I found what you're looking for," Maxwell said, dangling a dress in front of him.

Bragnae turned around and her eyes grew wide. "Maxwell! That's it! How do you always manage to find the perfect outfit for me?" She ran over to him grabbing the dress and headed for a changing room.

This is definitely going to turn some heads.

Bragnae took off her clothes and slipped on the dress Maxwell found. It had a plunging, cowl neckline held up by a halter strap, which allowed only a hint of her cleavage to show in the center of her chest. The back was completely open, and the rest of the dress hugged her curves nicely. Perhaps the best part that made this dress stand out was its green and blue gradient sequin design. She watched the dress change colors against the light as she rotated her body back and forth in the mirror.

"I want to see too, Bragnae!" Maxwell cried.

"Yes! Come see mine as well!" Hana added.

Bragnae stepped out of the changing room strutting like she was on a runway in Paris.

"Woohoo! That's what I'm talking about! Get it, girl!" Maxwell called out.

"Bragnae, that's beautiful!"

"So is yours, Hana! We're going to light this club on fire!" Bragnae said confidently.

Maxwell held a deep red button up shirt against himself. "This is what I'm wearing. Talk about fire. It's going to be an inferno up in there! I may even keep the top few buttons undone."

"Oooh, scandalous!" Hana said.

A few hours later, Bragnae and Hana were in Bragnae's room getting ready for the night. Hana chose to straighten her hair completely for a more edgy look, whereas Bragnae added a soft curl to hers to provide more volume against her already form-fitted outfit. They began applying their make-up, already dressed.

"You want to be bold and dramatic, Hana. Don't be afraid to go outside your comfort zone. Here. Add some wings to your eyes with the eyeliner like this." Bragnae turned her attention away from the mirror, and faced Hana closing her eyelids to display her own design.

"That's so pretty! I've never worn gray and black eye shadow before. My mother always told me to stay with neutral tones as to not offend the eye of a potential suitor. It's not too much, is it?"

"That's called the smoky look, and no, it's not too much. It's exactly what you need for a night out like this," Bragnae reassured her.

The girls finished with their make-up, spritzed perfume on their bodies and slipped on their black high heels. With a final look in the mirror, they headed downstairs to meet the guys in the foyer. Bragnae couldn't help but feel a twinge of nervousness like she was meeting Drake for a date. She hoped he liked how she looked, and couldn't wait to see him. Maxwell, Gabriel and Drake were standing near the front door talking when the girls began their decent down the stairs.

Maxwell stood facing the stairs in his deep red shirt with his collar popped, and a few buttons undone at the top as promised, along with black slacks. Gabriel and Drake also wore button up shirts, but Drake had rolled his sleeves up to his elbows. Gabriel's was a steel blue color, which complimented his eyes, and looked great with his hair. Drake's was black, a color Bragnae had not often seen him in. He completed his look with a pair of dark jeans, which he wore very well. Drake stood with his back to the stairs, keeping his face out of Bragnae's view much to her disappointment.

"Damn, ladies! Check you out!" Maxwell said, looking up at them.

Gabriel turned his head to the right, and Drake slowly turned around to face Hana and Bragnae.

"You ladies look beautiful tonight," Gabriel marveled.

"They're gorgeous!" Maxwell added.

"Oh, you guys! Stop it!" Hana playfully dismissed.

Drake stayed silent as he clenched his jaw and swallowed hard keeping his eyes on Bragnae. When her eyes met his, she felt a little weak in the knees, so she gripped the railing tighter as she continued to walk down the steps. Bragnae felt her heart flutter as her breathing increased slightly. She wanted nothing more than to run into his arms and kiss him for the rest of the night. Bragnae realized she had not looked away from Drake this whole time, so she decided to divert her attention to the others to avoid suspicion. She looked towards Gabriel who had a big smile on his face. He stepped forward to offer her a hand as she took her last step off the stairs.

"Thank you, Gabriel. You look nice."

"Thank you, but nothing rivals the way you...and Hana look tonight," he replied.

Bragnae turned to Drake and smiled. "Drake, I've never seen you in that shirt before. Is it new?"

"Nah. This is Maxwell's. He made me wear it tonight," he said, almost curtly. His eyes still focused on Bragnae and his body rigid.

"Well, it looks good on you."

"Let's go, guys!" Maxwell shouted as he threw the double doors open and walked out to the limo waiting outside.

"After you," Drake offered.

What a polite and subtle way to check me out, Drake. Good one.

Knowing his eyes were most likely on her backside, Bragnae added an extra sexy strut to her step as she followed the others out the door. They piled into the limo and soon they arrived at the club.

"Alright, everyone. I called ahead, and got us the VIP table in the back. It includes drinks all night!" Maxwell stated.

The group sat down around the table as the waiter came over to collect their drink orders and place glittery plastic VIP bracelets around their wrists. Maxwell ran off almost immediately toward the stage and returned just as quickly with a large binder, a pen and a couple pieces of paper. Bragnae found herself seated in between Drake and Gabriel with Hana and Maxwell across from her. Maxwell flipped rigorously through the binder until he suddenly stopped and his eyes lit up.

"Oh! That's the one!" He said as he lowered his head toward the table covering his paper with one hand writing his selection down secretly.

"What are you going to sing?" Hana asked him.

"You'll just have to wait and see," he replied turning his paper over on the table.

"Bragnae, do you know what you'd like to sing? I'm looking forward to hearing your beautiful voice again," Gabriel said, smiling at her.

Drake looked over at her. "You sing, Bennett?"

"Yes, I do," she replied proudly.

"Are you any good?" He asked.

"I guess you'll have to be the judge of that," she said with a wink. "I'm not sure what I want to sing yet. Maxwell, pass me the binder."

Taking the massive binder from him, she began to flip through the seemingly endless pages. With some songs standing out, she still felt they weren't quite right. Drake moved his leg slightly under the table brushing against hers, which made Bragnae lose all train of thought. The slightest touch from him wreaked havoc on her mind and body. She stared at the binder trying hard to steal a peripheral glance at Drake without making it obvious.

"You could sing Empire State by Alicia Keys. And ooh! I can rap Jay-Z's part!" Maxwell offered with enthusiasm.

She smiled at him and resumed her search through the binder before seeing it. This was it. The song she would sing. It was perfect. Bragnae quickly closed the binder, and grabbed a piece of paper writing her name, song title and the artist on it.

"Do we get to know what you chose?" Hana asked.

"Like Maxwell, I too shall keep it a surprise," she said pressing the paper to her chest.

While Maxwell and Gabriel helped Hana pick out a song to sing, the waiter dropped off their first round of drinks.

"A martini, huh Bennett?" Drake inquired.

"A dirty martini. I love them. Plus, I think I'm going to need the vodka to calm my nerves. Stage-fright sucks. I see you're staying well within your whiskey comfort zone."

"Why mess with a good thing, Bennett?" Drake smirked as he took a drink.

With their selections given to the DJ, the group passed the time talking about the past week's events until the lights in the club dimmed, and the DJ began speaking.

"Good evening ladies and gentleman! Who's ready to get this party started? Our first guest who will be singing tonight is Maxwell, A.K.A 'M-Dizzle' delighting us with Gansta's Paradise by Coolio. M-Dizzle, come on up!"

Maxwell hurried up to the stage transforming his face to a hard, determined look. The signature 90's beat Bragnae knew all too well hit the sound system as the crowd cheered.

"Wooooo! Maxwell!!!!" Hana yelled.

Maxwell rolled right into the song impressively rapping every verse, and loving every minute of it. When the chorus hit, Maxwell threw his arm in the air waving it back and forth to the beat causing the audience to do the same. His presence was commanding, and he shined on stage. He was truly in his element.

♪Fool, death ain't nothin' but a heartbeat away – I'm livin' life do or die, what can I say? – I'm 23 now but will I live to see 24? – The way things is going I don't know ♪

"That's for sure," Drake said chuckling.

Bragnae moved slowly to the beat in her seat mouthing every word along with Maxwell.

♪We keep spending most our lives – Livin' in a gangsta's paradise – Tell me why are we so blind to see – That the ones we hurt are you and me? ♪

As the song came to a close, the crowd cheered even more chanting his name. He dropped the microphone and ran into the audience high-fiving and fist bumping anyone in his path before returning to the table breathless.

"Maxwell! That was amazing!" Hana screamed.

"I loved that song so much growing up, and now I love it even more! You nailed it!" Bragnae said offering him a high-five.

"Thanks guys. That's felt incredible! I need a drink!"

Drake shook his head while smiling at Maxwell as Gabriel patted him on the back. A few other patrons got up on stage as the group continued talking, laughing and having a good time.

"Hana, you'll be fine. Just go up there with confidence, and you'll kill it!" Maxwell encouraged.

Drake excused himself from the table as Bragnae turned towards Gabriel.

"So, Your Highness, will you be gracing us with your singing talent tonight?" She asked.

Gabriel chuckled. "No, I came for the entertainment. Truth be told, I'm really looking forward to your turn up there in the lights." He smiled at her with a bit of heat in his eyes. "I have no doubts you'll blow us all away."

"You sure are putting me on a high pedestal. I hope I can meet your expectations."

"As a woman of many talents, I think you deserve that high pedestal," he said with a wink.

With the current singer stepping off the stage, the DJ spoke again. "And next, we'd like to welcome Bragnae to the stage who will be singing Christina Aguilera's Bound to You.

Her friends cheered her on as she made her way to the stage feeling butterflies in her stomach with each step. She reached the stage and stepped up to the microphone, which she decided to keep on its stand throughout her performance. She adjusted its height, and braced herself. The music began and she took a deep breath...

Drake heard soft music starting to play as he returned to the table noticing Bragnae wasn't in her seat.

"Where's Bennett?" He asked the group.

Gabriel nodded his head in the direction of the stage as Drake heard an angelic voice come across the microphone.

♪Sweet love, sweet love – Trapped in your love – I've opened up, unsure I can trust – My heart and I were buried in dust – Free me, free us♪

Drake was instantly mesmerized by Bragnae's voice as he stood there watching the most beautiful sound come out of the amazing woman he knew standing on stage. As she continued, he slowly sank into his seat listening to her as every word she sang felt like it touched his soul.

♪You're all I need when I'm holding you tight – If you walk away I will suffer tonight♪

♪I found a man I can trust – And boy, I believe in us – I am terrified to love for the first time – Can't you see that I'm bound in chains? – I finally found my way – I am bound to you – I am bound to you♪

Drake was frozen in place. As far as he was concerned, he was the only one in the audience, and she was singing just for him. That voice. It's amazing. She's amazing.

♪ So much, so young, I've faced on my own – Walls I built up became my home – I'm strong and I'm sure there's a fire in us – Sweet love, so pure♪

♪I catch my breath we're just one beating heart – And I brace myself, please don't tear this apart♪

As Bragnae came to the chorus again, Drake couldn't help but think this song was chosen on purpose. She sang it with such passion, and it felt like it was coming from her heart. Is she singing this for me? No. It can't be. Maybe it's for Gabriel. But the words. It makes sense for me and Bragnae.

♪Suddenly the moment's here – I embrace my fears – All that I have been carrying all these years – Do I risk it all, come this far just to fall, fall?♪

That last word led Bragnae to crescendo into a loud and powerful note sending a chill throughout Drake's body. He watched in amazement as she closed her eyes singing the next verse with conviction.

♪Oh, I can trust – And boy, I believe in us♪

Shit. She's looking right at me. Oh my god. She's not looking away.

♪I am terrified to love for the first time – Can't you see that I'm bound in chains – And finally found my way – I am bound to you♪

As the intensity of the song grew, Drake stopped breathing watching her, listening. Breaking her gaze for just a moment to summon the final notes of the song, she looked at him once more.

♪I am – Ooh, I am – I'm bound to you♪

As Bragnae finished singing the last word of the song, the lights faded off her as the crowd erupted into a thunderous applause. Hana, Maxwell and Gabriel stood to give her a standing ovation, but Drake couldn't move. He finally let out the breath he'd been holding as he watched her exit the stage. Realizing he was the only schmuck not clapping for her, he snapped out of his temporary paralysis, and stood to join the others clapping. Bragnae joined everyone at the table receiving a hug from Hana as Maxwell playfully bowed down in front of her reveling in her stellar performance. Gabriel pulled her into an embrace as Drake watched him whisper something into her ear. She pulled back and smiled at him.

What was that about? Stop. He's probably just telling her how amazing she was. Because she was. But look at her smile at him. Maybe she was singing it for him. But those made sense for me. Maybe I want it to make sense for me, and she's just singing a damn song. Ugh, I don't fucking know.

The crowd was still clapping and cheering for her. Bragnae made her way over to her seat and smiled at Drake as she sat down. He joined her as he trembled slightly trying to think of something to say.

Speak. Say something, you idiot. Anything. Tell her she killed it, tell her she's amazing. SOMETHING.

"Wow, Bennett. Didn't peg you as a Christina Aguilera fan."

Okay, that was dumb. Say something better. Why can't you say something nice to her? Fucking give her a compliment!

"Uh... I meant to say, that was, uh... pretty incredible."

She smiled at him and touched his shoulder. "Thanks Drake."

He melted at her touch as he watched her turn to the others and graciously accept their endless praise. Shortly after, she excused herself from the table and headed back toward the restrooms. Drake finished off his whiskey trying to shake himself loose of the trance he couldn't get away from.

"She slayed up there! I'm still freaking out about it!" Maxwell went on. "Who knew our little Bragnae was a master vocalist? We should start a musical group. We could sing and dance, and go on tour!"

As the others went on about Maxwell's day dream of starting a band, Drake felt himself watching the hallway that led to the restrooms waiting for her to return. He wanted to look at her and never stop. He wanted to hold her and gaze into her eyes and tell her how much that song meant to him. He wanted to kiss her. God, he wanted to kiss her. He was enraptured. He didn't care if anyone saw him do it either. If that song was truly about him, for him, then he wanted to know for sure. Finally, Bragnae emerged from the hallway, but headed to the bar instead of returning to the table. Drake took this opportunity to join her.

"Time for another drink. Anybody want anything?" He asked the group, hoping they'd all say no, so he could get to the bar as quickly as possible.

"I'm good, thanks," Hana replied.

"I'll take another Manhattan, Drake," Gabriel announced.

"Could you get me a large water with lots of ice?" Maxwell requested. What the fuck, Maxwell?

"Yeah... Be right back." Drake spoke with little energy as his attention was still on Bragnae.

He made his way over to where Bragnae was standing. She was leaning into the bar with one foot balancing on the foot rail beneath it. He asked the bartender to fill his drink orders, and turned to Bragnae with a smile.

"You know, you really were incredible up there. I've never heard a more beautiful voice in my entire life."

She smiled the biggest smile he'd ever seen on her. "Thanks Drake. That really means a lot. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Singing is one of my favorite things to do."

"So, I was wondering... what made you pick that song out of all of them?"

Drake watched as Bragnae looked down at the bar pausing to come up with her response. "It's one of my favorite songs to sing. I can really showcase my talent with that one."

"Oh, well... you certainly did that. I think you blew the roof off this joint with everyone's cheers."

"Yeah, I guess so."

Come on, Drake. Just ask her.

Drake mustered up all of his confidence. "You sang with a lot of passion behind your words. It seems as if you might have picked that song to relay a message to someone." He looked her in the eyes so intensely that he saw her draw in a sharp breath before she spoke.

"Well, Drake... did you feel that it was a message to someone?" She spoke now playfully, but also with a hint of seriousness.

"Yeah, I did."

"Then maybe you should trust your instinct."

Damn, this woman is so elusive with her words sometimes. Just tell me it was about me, so I can pick you up and take you out of here.

Bragnae leaned in closer to him placing her hand on his arm. Their faces just inches apart. "I'm bound to you, Drake."

Oh my God. It was about me. Holy shit.

"Bennett, I –" Drake began.

Just then the bartender placed the drinks they ordered in front of them breaking their attention on each other.

"Come on, let's join the others," Bragnae said, grabbing half the drinks as Drake took the others.

They returned to the table and distributed the drinks just as the DJ called Hana up to the stage.

Hana picked up the microphone and sang Dolly Parton's Jolene as if she'd been singing country music her entire life. The group cheered her on as she finished strong, earning loud praise from the audience.

"Well, guys, I think it's time we head back to the estate," Gabriel suggested.

He's always the party pooper. Can't he just rebel and stay out late like any normal guy? He's not normal, asshole. He's the Prince. Give him a break. God, you're such a dick.

As they made their way to the doors, Hana, Maxwell and Gabriel walked outside and got in the limo. Drake was about to walk through the door himself when he felt his arm getting tugged hard. Bragnae pulled him back inside and up against a wall near the entrance. It was dark and secluded in that space, and she had him pinned. Without speaking, Bragnae reached up and gave Drake a searing kiss grabbing his sides as he kissed her back. He held her face with both hands and deepened the kiss. All too soon, she pulled away from him slowly and breathless.

"Shall we go?" She asked looking up at him.

Drake nodded as she had removed all words from his body. He only wanted her and to keep doing that. Reluctantly, she walked out of the club as he followed her. They got in the limo and made their way back to the Beaumont Estate.

I love her.

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