Book 2: Chapter 16: A Monumental Night

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Setting: Standing at the base of the Statue of Liberty in New York, the King of Cordonia has just dropped to one knee with a ring in his hand staring up at the woman he loves, about to ask a very important question.

Bragnae's heart pounded in her chest as her breathing started to increase. She felt butterflies in her stomach fluttering about in nervous and terrifying ways. Tears started to well in her eyes as she looked at Gabriel holding out a stunning diamond ring.

"Bragnae, will you marry me?" The King asked with love and hope in his eyes.

Bragnae's breathing became ragged as she mustered up the courage to give her answer to this wonderful man. Gabriel had offered so much to her in the short time that they knew each other. He was the King of Cordonia, a place she felt she could call home. He was strong, charismatic and undeniably gorgeous but above all, he was gentle and kind. Gabriel opened his heart to her ever since the first night they met. She knew him well and was happy to have such an honorable and amazing person as her friend. Well, more than a friend. We have kissed and shared other intimate moments after all.

Bragnae took a deep breath bracing herself for the moment she dreaded for so long.

"Oh Gabriel... I can't marry you. I'm in love with someone else," she said finally.

"...What?" Gabriel asked as the smile on his face quickly faded. He stood immediately taking a reflexive step back.

"I came to Cordonia for you, Gabriel, but I found someone else along the way. I'm...I'm so sorry that I waited until now to tell you." Bragnae felt a burning lump in her throat as she tried to choke back the tears that she knew was undoubtedly going to fall.

Gabriel stood there staring at the ground with a stunned expression on his face as his eyes darted back and forth in confusion trying to comprehend what he just heard. Finally, his eyes found hers again.

"Would you do me the courtesy of telling me who you're in love with?" Gabriel asked, still unsure he wanted to hear the answer.

Bragnae hesitated for a moment knowing the next thing she said would surely rock him to his core. She couldn't bear to hurt Gabriel. Even though she knew she wasn't in love with him she still loved him, and hated the idea of breaking his heart. Oh sweet Gabriel, I'm so sorry.

"I'm in love with Drake."

"...Drake?" Just when she thought he couldn't look more hurt, Gabriel managed to find a way to do it.

Oh God, this is awful.

"I know it's probably a lot to take in...him being your best friend and all," Bragnae said cautiously.

Gabriel took a deep, cavernous breath as he mulled over the words she just said. His shoulders dropped while he brought a hand to his mouth. He looked utterly distraught. Bragnae could barely look at him as she felt her own heart breaking.

How could I do this to him? How could I let it go this far to the point of him getting down on one knee before I told him how I truly felt? I am a terrible person. Just look at him. This is my fault! I suck as a person. Truly.

"Exactly, he's my best friend," Gabriel's tone was filled with restrained anger as he clenched his fists. He momentarily turned away, presumably to express his true feelings without a direct audience. "I...I won't lie and say that this is easy for me to hear, but..." Gabriel straightened his postured and regained his composure like the steadfast king that he was. "How can I be anything but happy for him? And for you."

Bragnae's jaw dropped in surprise. "Is that really how you feel, Gabriel?"

"It's...part of how I feel. But it's the only part that matters right now. How can I be unhappy about my best friend finding love? And with a truly, astonishingly amazing woman."

Gabriel's eyes were filled with a mix of emotions, which mesmerized her. She wanted him to be happy for her and Drake, but she knew he was putting up a strong front to spare himself. She desperately wanted this moment to be over, so she could stop hurting him. She wanted to go find Drake and begin the happy part of her night, but still she found herself not wanting to leave Gabriel. After all this time getting to know one another, she couldn't imagine her life without Gabriel in it. She wondered how long it would be before they could have a normal friendship – one that wasn't consumed with pain, guilt and faded love. Gabriel was someone she could trust with her life and tell just about anything to. They often made each other laugh and had genuine fun together. She didn't want this to end.

How could I expect him to look at me in any other way? Will it hurt too much for him to continue to see me? To be around me? To be around Drake and me? Ugh. I hate this.

"Thank you for understanding, Gabriel. I don't know what will happen between me and Drake, but... I owe it to myself to find out."

"Does that mean you intend to stay in Cordonia?" A glimpse of hope returned to his eyes as he waited for Bragnae to respond.

"If I can... that is if you'll allow me to stay. I've come to feel as if Cordonia is my home now..." Bragnae replied, almost pleading. The guilt of turning him down still consumed her.

"Bragnae, I'm not sure what the future holds... for either of us. But if you want yours to be in Cordonia, I promise it will be. Had you accepted my proposal, I would have given you an unclaimed duchy as part of becoming a royal," Gabriel continued. "However, no matter what our relationship is, I firmly believe that your presence and influence at court is good for Cordonia. I can still make arrangements."

Bragnae noticed that same look of hope and love return to his eyes and she briefly wondered what she did to merit this kind of generosity.

"You would do that for me? I don't deserve such a high honor, Gabriel."

He took a step toward her as he picked up her hand. "Bragnae, declining my marriage proposal does not negate all of the wonderful things that you've done for my country. And for me. Even if you don't return my affections, I would never hold that against you. I would be a fool to forget how much you've helped me and our friends, as well as all the times you've spread your positive and cheerful energy around Cordonia. It's not just my heart that you've captured..." Gabriel looked away for a moment. "You've won over the rest of the citizens as well. So, believe me when I say how much good I think you'd bring to Cordonia by being a Duchess. Please tell me you'll accept."

"Gabriel, are you sure about this?"

"If this is what it takes to keep you in my life, consider it done." Gabriel spoke with confidence, but his eyes revealed a vulnerable hope.

Bragnae wasn't sure if this was a good idea. Was he offering this to her in hopes that she'll change her mind about being with him? Being a Duchess meant that she'd be at the palace regularly, and would have to work with him often in the name of Cordonia. She worried about how hard it would be for that the guilt and pain that they shared to go away, especially if they were to see each other so often. Still, the thought of becoming nobility excited her.

Do I really deserve this, though? I just broke the man's heart. But he did say that he was planning to offer this to me anyway, so he must see more in me than the love he had. Is it stupid to say yes? I guess I'll find out...

"I would be honored to accept this most generous offer. Thank you for your confidence in me, Gabriel. I'm not sure if I deserve it completely, but I hope I won't let you down."

"As if you could..." Gabriel said looking intensely into her eyes. He then took a step back as they both realized the irony in what he just said. For just a moment, his expression turned somber, but he a smile quickly adorned his face. "We'll make the announcement upon our return, at the Homecoming Ball."

"Wow... I can't believe I'm going to be a Duchess," Bragnae returned his smile.

"I did have one final stop in mind for tonight's adventure if you're interested. I arranged for a private excursion to the top of the Statue of Liberty. I would still love for you to join me... I want to show my gratitude to you for showing me that I can choose my future for myself. So, what do you say?"

There's that look again... hope, love, regret... Well, I can't say no. He went through all this trouble.

"Of course! How can I say no to that?"

Gabriel offered his arm and led her to the entrance to the stairs leading to Lady Liberty herself. They climbed their way to the top leaving them a little breathless as they walked toward a window overlooking the New York City skyline.

"What a view!" Gabriel marveled.

"It certainly is. One that is rivaled by none. I love this city, and everything about it," Bragnae said as she recalled good memories of growing up in the city that never sleeps.

"Have you ever been to the top of the Statue of Liberty before, Bragnae?"

"Yeah, once or twice. It's something every New Yorker...well everyone... should do at least one time in their lives. This place is a symbol of freedom and hope to everyone around the world showing them what we stand for as a country, as well as what we can offer those coming here. It's just incredible."

Bragnae couldn't help becoming misty-eyed thinking about the country that she was born into, and how proud she was to call herself an American. The thought of leaving this great country behind was hard, but the thought of not being with the one she loved seemed more difficult.

"Freedom and hope is exactly what I saw too when you first brought me here. And fortunately for me, I feel that I've kept those two traits at the forefront of my mind since then. Meeting you was no coincidence. You've taught me so much about myself, and who I want to be, rather than who I have to be. I owe so much of that to you, Bragnae."

Gabriel stood before her gazing into her eyes, leaning into her slightly. "I'm so grateful to have you in my life, so much so that I can't imagine you not being in it. I'm so glad you accepted my offer to become a Duchess. I have no doubts that you will be amazing at it."

Bragnae smiled at him finding herself lost in his eyes. He was such a caring and thoughtful person, and she'd be lying to herself if she said there wasn't some kind of spark between them when they kissed before during the Social Season. It was a very confusing year for her heart. Meeting both Drake and Gabriel on the same night, and liking them both right away...having alone time with both of them and getting to know them individually only made her appreciate them more. When Gabriel kissed her, he did so with affection and excitement. It was thrilling, but perhaps that was because their kisses happened in stolen moments while they were dodging the press and the other ladies vying for his attention.

But when Drake kissed her the world stopped. She felt passion, heat, and forbidden love; she was comfortable, she felt safe and being in his arms felt like home. She could never get enough of the brief moments their lips shared, and for this, Bragnae knew the difference between the two men. She's known it all along. Gabriel was just a stepping stone leading her to the man of her dreams, the love of her life. Drake.

"Bragnae..." Gabriel said softly bringing her out of her thoughts.

"Yes, Gabriel?"

"You know, the arrangement Madeleine suggested the night before my coronation is actually quite common in Cordonia."

Oh no...I'm leading him on again.

"What are you saying, Gabriel?"

"I'm saying that many people have affairs with the knowledge of their spouse. If that was something that you were ever interested in, or even now, well... I would be too," Gabriel looked at her with intense desire.

Bragnae swallowed hard while she looked away from his longing stare.

WHOA! He just asked me to sleep with him! I've got to get out of here now before I hurt him more.

"I think I should get going," she said firmly.

Gabriel straightened himself and took a step back from her. "I'm sorry, Bragnae. I shouldn't have said that. I hope I didn't offend you."

"Please don't apologize, but I really should go."

"At least allow me to walk you back to the hotel?" Gabriel asked.

"Sure, that'd be great. Thank you."

As the two departed in the lobby of their hotel, Bragnae headed for the elevators. Once she arrived on her floor, she grabbed her room key and unlocked her door. She flipped on the light, and saw a folded up piece of paper lying on the floor.

What's this? That wasn't here before.

She picked up the paper and began to read:


Meet me on the hotel balcony tonight. We need to talk.


Bragnae smiled and pulled the letter to her heart. This is it Bragnae. Go tell Drake that you've made your decision. Let's hope he still wants me too. She carefully placed the note on her bedside table, grabbed her purse and headed out the door. Once she reached the elevator and pushed the button for the top floor, she was once again consumed with fluttering butterflies in her stomach. But this time, the butterflies danced around in a happy, harmonious beat, still nervous, but happy and full of hope and excitement. She smiled to herself. I can't wait to tell him, to kiss him... to make him finally understand that I was his all along.

A few moments later, she emerged onto the balcony only to find it empty. Bragnae looked around, but saw that she was the only one out there.

Maybe he was here and then left when I didn't show. Maybe he doesn't want to be with me after all. NO! Stop thinking like that. I know how he feels about me – I've seen it. The way he looks at me, kisses me... the way he touches me... there's no way he bailed on this conversation. Stop being so negative! But I do wonder what he wants to say. Why did he all of a sudden call this meeting? Where is he? Ugh... I wish there was a time stamp on that note, so I knew when he wrote it!

Bragnae walked over to the railing overlooking the busy streets below. Endless structures of steel and glass surrounded her with lights twinkling in every direction. This truly was the city that never sleeps. She smiled to herself taking in the place she once called home. She pulled out her phone to check the time. Hmmm...10:45p.m. Maybe he's asleep. Should I go to his room and wake him up? No. Just stay here. He said to meet him on the balcony, so just wait here a little longer. If it gets to be 11:00p.m. or after, then maybe give him a call. Bragnae attempted to calm herself by taking a few deep breaths to shun the nervousness away.

Several minutes go by and still no Drake. Bragnae felt a rush of sadness wash over her. Well, maybe I should go back to my room. He's probably asleep or he decided he didn't want to talk to me after all.

"Hey, Bennett."

Bragnae closed her eyes in relief. Oh thank God. She turned around to see Drake standing in front of her with an unreadable expression. Damn it, I never can tell what he's thinking!

Drake took a few steps forward keeping his eyes locked on her. "We need to talk...about us."

"Yeah, we do," she began. "Drake, Gabriel proposed to me tonight."

"Oh," Drake gasped.

Bragnae watched Drake as his face fell. She could see the hurt in his eyes, though he quickly tried to hide it.

"Well, I'm hap--"

"I said no," she said, interrupting him.

"...What?" Drake looked genuinely surprised.

Bragnae took a step toward him. "Drake, you're the only one I've ever cared about."

"Bennett... do you really mean that? Gabriel is a king. I can't offer you half of what he can."

He deserves so much happiness. I need to make him understand that it's him and only him.

"I didn't come here looking for a kingdom, Drake. I want to be with you. And I think you invited me out here tonight because you want that too," Bragnae said with conviction.

Drake stared at her, falling silent for a moment as the disbelief on his face slowly faded into resolve.

"I do. I have for a long time, Bennett. I guess I've been afraid of what that would mean. For you, for Gabriel... and for me. But if you..."

"Drake. I'm sure about this," she stated as a smile blossomed on her face.

He nodded as he ran a slightly shaky hand through his hair. They both stepped closer to each other never breaking eye contact.

Drake smiled, "Is this the part where you tell me to stop talking and kiss you? Because I really want to kiss you."

"So do I, but aren't you worried someone will see us?" Bragnae asked, gesturing at the ample buildings and nightlife surrounding them.

Drake looked around briefly before he spoke with more confidence than ever before. "Let 'em look. I'm tired of being careful."

With that, he pulled Bragnae toward him, his lips catching hers in a searing kiss as his arms wrapped comfortingly around Bragnae's waist.

OH. MY. GOD! I'm so happy!!! He wants me too! God, he's such a great kisser...

When he pulled away, she noticed a look of gentle, astonished joy on his face.

"I don't know what the hell I did to deserve you, Bennett. But I'll never stop trying to be worthy of it."

Drake placed a sweet, tender kiss on her lips.

"So, you won't resent me for being a duchess?" I can't wait to see his reaction to this.

"I'd never re--... Wait, a what?"

Bragnae chuckled. "It's been an eventful night. Let me fill you in."

She proceeded to tell him what transpired between her and Gabriel earlier in the evening.

"I still can't believe it, Bennett. I feel bad for Gabriel...but not too bad, obviously," he said with a chuckle. "You look amazing, by the way."

Drake's gaze traveled down her floor-length, gray dress along with a slow and deliberate finger trailing in its wake. Bragnae trembled at his touch, but ached for more. She grabbed the back of his neck pulling him into a deep and passionate kiss. She pressed her body against his as he let out a low moan. Drake grabbed her hips pulling her tightly to him bunching up the fabric of her dress in his hands. The kisses only grew in intensity as their breathing increased.

This is amazing... I want him so badly. Oooh... WAIT. We're still outside.

Bragnae gathered up all of the strength she could to tear herself away from Drake's luscious lips. "Why don't we go down to my room, and finish this conversation?"

Drake smiled at her kissing her one more time. "Lead the way."

The two walked back inside together hand in hand where they waited for the elevator. Their eyes locked on one another still a little breathless – partly from the passionate kiss they just shared, and partly due to the anticipation of getting somewhere private. There was so much desire and intensity in their eyes. Bragnae barely noticed when the elevator doors opened until Drake tugged on her hand to lead her inside.

As the doors shut and the button to Bragnae's floor was pushed, Drake leaned into Bragnae with a smirk on his face. "I'm really trying hard not to kiss you right now because I'm not going to be able to stop if I do."

"It's proving to be quite the challenge, isn't it?" Bragnae said flirtatiously.

"Oh God, yes," Drake said in a hoarse whisper leaning even closer to her.

For the excruciatingly long sixty seconds that it took the elevator to arrive at Bragnae's floor, the world had stopped. She was now backed into the corner of the elevator with Drake pressed up against her. Their lips only inches apart. His hands lightly touched her body, which made him even more irresistible. They continued to stare into each other's eyes saying nothing, but building the anticipation of finally being able to be with each other in that way. It wasn't awkward, rather it was hot. It was an unspoken agreement between them to hold off on any further kissing until they were back in her room, and it was driving them crazy.

Ohmygod, I'm going to die if he doesn't kiss me soon. This is the slowest elevator in the world.

To their relief, the elevator dinged and the doors slid open. Drake pulled her out of the elevator swiftly while he wrapped an arm around her waist. The two walked briskly down the hall to her door as Bragnae quickly searched her purse to get the room key out. Alas, she found the key and turned to the door to get it unlocked. Drake stood behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist kissing the back of her neck. Bragnae, of course, fumbled the key card failing to get it in its slot to unlock the door. She closed her eyes and braced her left hand on the door as she relished his lips and hot breath touching her skin.

"Am I distracting you, Bragnae?" Drake whispered in her ear.

Bragnae swung around to face Drake, and in an instant pulled him to her kissing him fiercely. He followed her lead pushing her hard into the door never breaking the kiss. Their hands exploring the other's body intensely as if they couldn't get enough. The high slit in Bragnae's dress made it easy for her to lift her leg and curl it around Drake's body to bring him even closer. She felt his hard desire leaning against her, which sent a tingling sensation down her spine. Drake dipped his head to kiss her neck stopping to give little, soft bites along the way. The world was melting away and they haven't even made it inside the room yet.

Just then they heard the elevator chime causing them to pull apart abruptly. Bragnae glanced down the hallway toward the sound, and immediately turned to unlock the door. She and Drake rushed into the room, and shut the door as they leaned against it panting and laughing.

"That was close!" Drake said as he laughed.

"Yes, but so worth it," Bragnae replied, smiling at him. "How about a drink?" She walked over to the well-stocked mini-bar in her room and went straight for two tiny bottles of Jack Daniels and a couple of glasses. She turned back to Drake who was still leaning against the door watching her.

"How about it, stud? Want to join me over here for some whiskey?" A playful smile danced on her lips.

"You know me so well," Drake admired as he walked over to the couch where she sat. "Not that I need anything else to make this moment better, but I'll never turn down whiskey. Especially if it's you who's offering it to me."

Bragnae unscrewed the bottles and poured each of them a glass. She handed one to Drake and the other she hoisted up.

"A toast. Here's to finally being able to be together in every way."

"And... to the most beautiful woman in the world who chose me tonight," Drake added.

They clinked their glasses and took a drink.

"...Which I still can't believe," Drake said clearing his throat as he leaned back on the couch.

"Drake, when are you going to see just how amazing you are? You look at this situation like you're always second best. I mean, I can imagine why you'd feel like that growing up in Gabriel's shadow, but I just wish you could see it from my perspective."

"And what would that be?"

I need his undivided attention for this.

Bragnae took their empty glasses and set them on the coffee table. She stood up gently lifting her dress, and climbed on Drake's lap straddling him.

"Oh... well you've certainly got my attention," he joked.

"Good. So, listen up," she began, as she laid her hands comfortably on his shoulders. "The night of Gabriel's bachelor party here in New York, I noticed you first. And before you say, 'it's because Gabriel wasn't in the bar yet', let me tell you that I saw you and how sexy you were – those beautiful brown eyes and those very toned arms. The moment I laid eyes on you, I thanked God that Daniel had a date that night, and that he asked me to take his table for him. And when Gabriel asked me to tag along with you guys after you left, I agreed hoping to spend some more time with you," Bragnae continued.

"When Maxwell asked me to come to Cordonia to compete for Gabriel's hand, well... I said 'yes' looking for an adventure, but also for love. I felt something that night. It wasn't a lot of something because you acted like you wanted nothing to do with me, but it was there. And I needed to find out more. When I told you on the plane that you were more my type than Gabriel, I meant it. And every little instance that we shared together over the course of the Social Season and this engagement tour just made me realize how incredible you are, and how much I just wanted to be with you. There were many occasions when Gabriel asked me to join him for a private moment away, and I simply declined. I was there for you."

Drake looked at her contemplatively. "But you agreed to compete with the ladies to win his hand. Come on, Bragnae. I know you're smart, so I know you knew what was at the end of that game. Plus, you knew how much Gabriel liked you."

Bragnae dropped her gaze briefly. "I cannot begin to describe how awful I feel for leading Gabriel on by being a part of the Social Season. At times, it didn't feel like that, though. You kept pushing me away, and Gabriel kept pulling me in with his kindness and adoration. Needless to say, my heart was quite confused. I knew in the depths of my soul there was something about you. But with most good things in life, you were worth the wait."

"And I was such an idiot for pushing you away," Drake said softly looking up at her.

"No, you were just being a good friend. You are so selfless – you put your own happiness second to those you care about most. You're so loyal and protective and kind and smart, and oh boy, can you make me laugh! These are just some of the reasons why I chose you. But you have to see, Drake; it was you all along. Please tell me you believe me." Bragnae's hands were cupped on each side of his face.

"You're pretty convincing, Bennett. Of course, I believe you. I trust you with my life. I'm just so glad you didn't give up on me," Drake said, as he grabbed one of Bragnae's hands and kissed it.

"There's one other thing I need to tell you..." Bragnae began.

"What is it?"

She took a deep breath. "I wasn't sure if I should tell you this because I don't want to cause any further rift between you and Gabriel. But I feel like I need to tell you because I want to be completely open and honest in this relationship."

"Bennett, it's okay. Whatever it is, you can tell me."

"Tonight, after Gabriel proposed, and after I declined and told him I would rather be with you, he propositioned me."

"What? What did he say?"

"He said that people in Cordonia often have affairs with the knowledge of their spouse, and that if I was ever interested in that in the future or now, he would be willing to do that."

Drake looked down as his eyes darted back and forth. "And this was after you told him you wanted to be with me?"

Bragnae nodded, "Yes."

Drake instinctively tightened his grip around her out of anger. "How could he do that to me? After everything I did to make sure he was happy. Hell, I was unhappy and tortured myself just to make sure he could have the future that he wanted with the girl that he loved."

"I think he was just trying one last ditch effort to keep me close to him. I did just break the guy's heart while he was on one knee proposing to me. I'm sure I bruised his ego quite a bit."

"I just... I never thought I was worthy of anything Gabriel did for me or even having the chance to be with you for that matter, but everything I did since the day we met was because I loved you, and I only wanted you and Gabriel to be happy. What the hell did I do that for if he was just going to turn around and stab me in the back when he didn't get his way?"

Bragnae drew back slightly in surprise. "Drake...what did you just say?"

This question brought Drake out of his raging moment, and back to the woman sitting on his lap. He hesitated before working up the courage to say it again. The right way.

He looked back up at her staring deep into her eyes. "I love you, Bragnae. I always have. And I always will."

Bragnae drew in a sharp breath as she felt tears well in her eyes. "I love you too, Drake. With all my heart and soul."

Drake reached up to cup her cheek with his hand speaking only with his eyes. He pulled her slowly to him and kissed her gently on the lips. When they parted, they both had a smile on their face. She pulled him into an embrace, and the two sat there holding each other for a few moments. Bragnae breathed in his delicious aroma as she nuzzled his neck. He wore a fresh cologne with hints of warm, smoky undertones coupled with his natural, incredible Drake scent; it was the most amazing smell she'd ever experienced.

Bragnae sat back to look at him running her hand through his hair. "I don't ever want to let you go."

"Then don't," Drake replied, as he pressed her to him again kissing her deeply.

Bragnae melted into his kiss as she always does. Drake was the best kisser that she ever had. She let out a delicate moan as his tongue explored hers, which seemed to excite him as his kisses grew more fervent. Drake's hands seemed to be everywhere at once moving from her hips, then to her sides, and finally cupping and massaging her breasts. She slowly moved her hips against him feeling him respond beneath her. He let out a gentle moan as he slipped his hands under the fabric of her dress that pooled around her hips. He grabbed her behind hard, but not without pleasure as he pulled her back and forth against him. Drake's touch consumed her and she wanted nothing more than to be closer to him. She pulled herself away from him with great effort, and lifted her arms toward the ceiling giving Drake an inviting smile. He took the hint, and slowly lifted her dress over her head revealing a matching black laced bra and panties.

Drake blew out a breath shaking his head. "You are so beautiful." He pulled her back to him lavishly kissing her neck and chest. Bragnae threw her head back closing her eyes allowing herself to enjoy each and every kiss. Soon the heat and passion was causing her to grow impatient. She wanted him. Bragnae put a finger under his chin guiding him to her lips once again. She unbuttoned his shirt and slid it open revealing his impressively toned chest. She ran one hand across his chest, as the other found its way down to his belt buckle. She deftly undid his belt as well as the button and zipper of his jeans. Just then Drake lifted her from the sofa and walked over to the bed still holding her against him. He put one knee on the bed and gently laid her down kissing her every step of the way. Drake's lips moved swiftly to her neck and chest as he slowly rose up to remove his shirt and jeans completely. He looked down at her and smiled before crawling back on top of her and returning his lips to hers.

Bragnae parted her legs to invite him in even more. She needed him to be closer, to touch her in the most intimate of ways. She had wanted this for so long. Drake started to move rhythmically as he grinded himself against her making her body tremble with pleasure.

"Ohhh, Drake," she gasped.

His hand slid down her thigh hooking her leg just before her knee, and held it against him as he continued to move above her. Bragnae allowed her hand to travel down to feel how hard he was as she stroked him over his boxers. Drake let go of her leg, and moaned as he buried his face into her neck.

"God, Bragnae, I want you so bad," Drake managed to say breathlessly.

His arms found their way around her rolling Bragnae slightly on her side, and skillfully unhooking her bra before laying her back down. Just as he was about to peel off her bra for good, the sound of a phone ringing interrupted him.

"Ughhh, who the hell is calling me at a time like this? Don't they know I'm busy?" Drake asked partially joking, but also frustrated.

Bragnae giggled beneath him. "Just let it ring, Drake." She trailed her finger across his jawline luring him in for another sultry kiss.

The ringing eventually stopped, as they continued to kiss. Drake removed her bra revealing her impeccably plump breasts to him. She watched him as he gazed at her with admiration.

"You are perfect in every way, Bennett," he said, biting his lip.

He dipped down to kiss her chest, nibbling and caressing her. Bragnae lost herself in his touch.

"That feels amazing, Drake."

He moved to her lips once more. "You haven't felt anything yet," he said, winking at her with the sexiest smirk he'd ever worn on his face.

Before he could make his next move, the sound of Drake's phone rang out again. He dropped his head in frustration, but then looked up at the clock on the nightstand.

"Seriously, who's calling me at 12:30a.m.?" Drake furrowed his brow in confusion.

"Why don't you just answer it? It's probably important," Bragnae encouraged.

Drake gave her an apologetic and questioning look.

"It's okay, I'll be right here when you're done with the call," she said with a promising smile.

Drake sighed and rolled himself off the bed to retrieve his phone.

"Oh, it's Bastien! I hope everything's okay."

Drake answered the phone, and placed it on speaker. "Hey Bastien, what's up? Is everything alright?"

"Hey Drake, I apologize if I woke you."

"No, you didn't. I was still up. What's going on?"

"King Gabriel would like to see you."

Drake swallowed. "Okay... when?"


"This can't wait until morning, Bastien?"

"I'm afraid not. King's orders. Shall I tell him you're on your way?"

Drake sighed as he looked at Bragnae. "Yeah, I'll be there soon," he said unenthusiastically into the phone.

"Great. See you then."

Drake hung up the phone and tossed it on the bed. He brought his hand to his forehead rubbing it as he sighed again.

"I'm sorry, Bennett. But I have to go," he said, looking at her still laying on the bed where he left her. Drake crawled on top of Bragnae kissing her once, and then looking at her with regret in his eyes. "Believe me, I don't want to leave."

"I know. I don't want you to go either but it does sound important."

"Yeah... and I think I know exactly what he wants to discuss," Drake said with a hint of anger in his voice.

"Maybe it's for the best. Get that talk out of the way with him, so you and I can really have some fun." Bragnae wrapped her legs around him pulling him in for another kiss.

Drake sank onto her indulging in another fiery kiss. She felt his hands start to explore her body again, and she didn't want to let him go.

Drake stopped himself abruptly and went to retrieve his clothes. "If I don't stop now, I won't be able to. And I don't want to do this in a hurry, especially knowing Gabriel is waiting for me."

"I understand," Bragnae said, offering him a comforting smile. She too got off the bed and threw her dress over her head shimmying it down her body.

Bragnae walked Drake to the door holding his hand the entire way.

"I don't know how long this is going to take," he said, looking at her disappointed.

"Why don't we just plan on meeting up again tomorrow?" Bragnae suggested.

He gave her an appreciative look. "I'll make it up to you, I promise." He leaned in and gave her a kiss on the lips.

"Until next time..." she said with a flirtatious smile. Drake opened the door to step out of the room looking back at her.

"Sweet dreams, Bennett."

"They always are with you," she said, blowing him a kiss.

Drake smiled and Bragnae closed the door.

She sulked back to the bed and plopped down on it feeling disappointed and not quite satisfied.

Really, Gabriel? Ugh, we were so close...

Drake leaned against the closed door of Bragnae's room trying to compose himself before walking away. He was still somewhat erect, and he definitely needed it to go away before heading to Gabriel's room. He was frustrated with having to leave the most gorgeous woman he's ever seen who was just about to be naked in front of him for the first time, and he had a lot of pent up sexual energy that was not released. Not to mention, he was also angry with Gabriel for more than a couple reasons.

Fucking Gabriel. I bet he did this on purpose. He must have known we'd be together tonight, so he waited just long enough for me to get nice and hard before he pulled the plug. What an asshole. I was so close to being inside her. God damn it. He better have a good reason for calling me in this late.

Drake started walking to the elevators cursing both himself and Gabriel along the way. The anger only raged more inside of him as he made his way to Gabriel's room. Sitting just outside the door was Bastien.

"Good evening, Drake."

"Don't you mean, good morning?" Drake scowled at him.

"I suppose it's how you look at it. Go on in. He's expecting you."

Drake walked through the door and found Gabriel sitting in a chair watching the television. He glanced over at Drake and stood up to greet him.

"Hey Drake, thanks for coming."

"Sounds like I didn't really have a choice," Drake barked back.

"Well, all the same, I'm glad you're here. I wanted to talk to you," Gabriel began. "Please, take a seat." He motioned toward the sitting area as he turned off the television.

"This couldn't have waited until morning?" Drake asked, not hiding the disgust in his voice.

"I thought it could, but then I couldn't sleep. And it appears you were still awake anyway. So, here we are."

Drake sat down and looked up at Gabriel who had yet to join him in the seating area. He waited a moment to see if he, too, would sit down, but he didn't.

"Well, you called this meeting, so why don't you start talking?" Drake snapped, glaring at Gabriel.

Gabriel narrowed his eyes at Drake, and then he let a brief smile cross his face.

"I'm sure you're aware that I proposed to Bragnae tonight. And that she turned me down," Gabriel said, still standing.

What a prick. Is he trying to intimidate me or something? Why won't he just sit?!

"Yeah, I'm aware." Drake said curtly.

"I have to say that I was utterly dumbfounded by that response. I truly believed that Bragnae cared for me and wanted to marry me as much as I did. It was shocking to say the least," Gabriel continued as he moved to sit in the chair next to Drake's. "But that wasn't the most surprising part of my night, believe it or not."

Gabriel paused for a moment waiting for a reaction from Drake that he wouldn't get.

I can play this game all night, asshole. Just get this over with.

"What shocked me most was when Bragnae told me that she was in love with someone else, and when I dared to ask who it was...well, your name came up. My best friend in the whole world. The one friend that I confide in the most, who I trust with my life and who I depend on to support and guide me when needed."

"What's your point, Gabriel?"

Gabriel scoffed. "Don't play coy with me, Drake. I know you too well. Or at least I thought I did. You never told me you liked her. Why not?" Gabriel demanded.

Drake continued to stare at him until finally he looked away taking in a deep breath. "Because I didn't want to stand in the way of your happiness. I knew how much you liked her."

"So, you just listened to me tell you over and over how much I wanted to be with her, and you never once thought to tell me that you also had feelings for her?"

"How could I, Gabriel? She was there for you... to win your hand. I was nobody. I didn't even think I had a chance with her," Drake blurted out, but then composed himself before speaking again. "You're like my brother, Gabriel. I would do anything for you even if that meant I was unhappy, which I was for a very long time."

Gabriel took a second to let his words soak in. "I just wish I would have known that you cared for her."

Drake scoffed. "Why? What would you have done, Gabriel? Just step aside and let me have her? Somehow I find that hard to believe."

"I don't know what I would have done, but all I know is we're supposed to be best friends. That means something to me. And you kept a big fucking secret from me. One that caused me to be in a very uncomfortable situation that could have been resolved earlier than when I was on my fucking knee!" Gabriel's voice continued to raise as he lifted himself out of his chair. "Best friends...brothers are supposed to look out for one another. You stole the woman I loved, and you just let me make a fool of myself day in and day out getting my hopes up about marrying her! You knew she liked you this whole time, and yet you couldn't let me in on the secret, could you?" Gabriel shouted as his eyes filled with pure anger.

Drake stood up and was more than ready to let it all out. Hushed tones be damned. "First of all, I had no idea that she liked me more than she liked you. I was tormented this entire time wondering who she would actually pick after her name was cleared, and resigned myself into thinking that I'd never have her because girls always choose you! Second of all, believe it or not asshole, I kept that secret to spare you, to protect you. I wanted you to be happy regardless of what I wanted. So, yeah, if that makes me a bad friend, then so be it," Drake said matter-of-factly, but he wasn't finished.

"And while we're on the subject, let's talk about what a real friend truly is. You keep cutting me down like I'm the worst person, but what about you, Gabriel? Huh?"

"What are you referring to, Drake?"

Drake laughed a humorless laugh shaking his head. "It happened only a few hours ago, and you don't remember? Wow. Well, allow me to enlighten you. You pulled the biggest dick move there is! Even after she told you 'no' and said that she was in love with me, you still asked her to have sex with you! What the fuck is that all about? You have no respect for me, do you? I should have known. I pour my heart and soul into this friendship, and now I finally see your true colors when it matters most. Why can't you be happy for me? Why do you always have to be the one who gets everything? Don't I deserve to be happy too? Jesus Christ, Gabriel." Drake stood there shaking his head in frustration. Yet, he still was not finished.

"And by the way, I didn't steal anyone from you. Bragnae chose me of her own volition. I even pushed her away for as long as I could before I inevitably gave into her. So, don't you dare blame me for this just because your pride can't handle the rejection. I bet it felt real nice getting rejected twice in one night, huh Gabriel?" Drake asked with a sarcastic smirk.

Gabriel glared back at him. Drake stood there waiting for his response breathing hard from the adrenaline coursing through his veins. He watched as Gabriel went to turn away only to be surprised by Gabriel's tight fist connecting with his jaw. The blow knocked Drake off his feet as he landed on the coffee table shattering it. Drake instinctively brought his hand to his jaw and glared daggers at Gabriel.

"Who's surprised now, mother fucker?" Gabriel taunted.

Rage filled Drake's body has he got up and charged Gabriel knocking him into the nearest wall. He pummeled punch after punch into Gabriel's stomach before Gabriel used all of his force to push Drake away. The energy behind the push caused Drake to land on his back on the floor, as Gabriel pounced on him hitting Drake over and over. Drake mustered all of his strength to throw Gabriel off of him as they continued to intensely grapple on the floor. Just then Drake felt himself being heaved away from Gabriel while he was still trying to throw a punch and kick in Gabriel's direction.

"That's enough!" Bastien screamed. "Your Majesty, are you alright?"

Gabriel and Drake sat on the floor breathing heavily and glaring at each other. Gabriel had blood dripping from his lip as Drake could already feel a bump forming on his jaw where Gabriel clogged him.

"Yes...I'm alright," Gabriel said, breathlessly.

Bastien looked at Drake with sadness in his eyes, and then back at Gabriel. "Your Majesty, do you want me to arrest him for assaulting you?"

Drake looked at Bastien surprisingly, and then quickly diverted his attention to Gabriel awaiting his answer ready to accept whatever fate he had coming.

"No, Bastien... I punched him first. He was only defending himself. ... It's okay, you can return to your watch now."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Bastien eyed both men cautiously, and then stepped out of the room.

Drake got up off the floor, and offered Gabriel a hand. Gabriel stared at him for a second, but accepted his gesture.

"You sure do have a strong, right hook, my friend." Drake said, giving him a half smile.

Gabriel wiped the blood from his lip chuckling back at him. "I could say the same to you, Drake." Gabriel patted him on the back before walking over to the bar in his room.

Gabriel pulled out a bottle of whiskey and poured two glasses. He offered one to Drake.

"To our friendship. May we always have a bucket of ice and a bottle of whiskey handy," Gabriel toasted.

"Hear, hear." Drake replied as the two downed their shot. "I better let you get your beauty sleep, Your Majesty. I think you're going to need it after tonight."

"Not as much as you will," Gabriel retorted, playfully.

Drake smiled at him and walked out the door.

"Goodnight, Bastien," Drake called over his shoulder as he walked toward the elevators.

"Goodnight, Drake."

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