The Royal Test

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In a kingdom known for its opulence and grandeur, lived a wise and just king named King Roland. He was loved and respected by his subjects for his fairness and compassion. King Roland had a single daughter named Princess Amara, who was known for her grace, elegance, and humility.

In this realistic retelling, there were no magical elements or mystical peas. Instead, Princess Amara's story centered around the importance of authenticity and true character.

As Princess Amara reached marriageable age, suitors from various kingdoms sought her hand in marriage. Each suitor came with grand gestures and lavish gifts, hoping to impress the princess and win her heart. But despite their opulence, Princess Amara remained unimpressed.

Unknown to the suitors, King Roland had devised a unique plan to find a worthy match for his beloved daughter. He believed that a true prince would be able to see beyond material possessions and recognize Princess Amara's genuine qualities.

On a particular evening, King Roland welcomed a young nobleman named Prince Edward to the palace. Prince Edward came from a modest kingdom, and unlike the other suitors, he arrived without grand entourages or extravagant gifts.

As the evening progressed, King Roland observed Prince Edward closely. He noticed the prince's kindness and genuine interest in Princess Amara's thoughts and opinions. They engaged in meaningful conversations about literature, art, and their aspirations.

However, King Roland's plan was yet to unfold. That night, he arranged for the guest chambers to have a single, inconspicuous pea placed beneath twenty soft mattresses and twenty layers of blankets.

The next morning, King Roland eagerly asked Princess Amara about her night's rest. The princess replied that she had slept well, but with a hint of something bothering her. She explained that she felt a slight discomfort during the night, as though there was something beneath her bed.

Upon hearing her response, King Roland smiled and invited Prince Edward to join them. He shared the secret of the hidden pea beneath the mattresses and blankets, curious to know the prince's reaction.

To everyone's surprise, Prince Edward responded with humility and a warm smile. He admitted to feeling the presence of the pea during the night but shared that it was a small discomfort he gladly endured to be in the company of Princess Amara.

Impressed by Prince Edward's authenticity and genuine character, King Roland knew he had found the perfect match for his daughter. He granted his blessing for Prince Edward and Princess Amara to marry.

Their wedding was a simple yet beautiful affair, reflecting their values of love and authenticity. The people of the kingdom celebrated the union of two kindred souls who saw beyond the superficial and valued true character.

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