Thirty - Black Out Wednesday

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Kampa circled around Ashe and I as we walked back in. It was after midnight. The moon and stars were out tonight, and so was Zeena, who was eager to treat Ashe's wounds.

Lord Prodos came up to me. "What happened?" he questioned.

"Everyone with us on the mission were traitors. They drove the wagon into a ravine, but we managed to stay alive. They're all dead now." I sat near the campfire. The same campfire I killed Lesmond in. Except it didn't feel like that. I wasn't sure how it felt.

"We must have traitors here, then," Lord Prodos concluded. "I'm glad you two are alive."

Nodding, I stared at the crackling fires.

Ashe Knightley knew Manea. He knew her. She worked with him to accomplish whatever his goal was, but what was it? What was his goal? Working for Lord Prodos? No, that couldn't be it. Ashe would never work for someone if he didn't need something from them.

Or... Lord Prodos was blackmailing him. I sighed and blinked at the crackling embers.

With what, though? Was there something Ashe was hiding? Most definitely. Something with the Amulet, perhaps? No. Something else. But what?

I got to my feet and walked toward the clinic.

As I entered, Zeena was happily skipping inside, concocting something in a vial. "Hello, Princess. Glad to see you. I thought you said you were fine?"

"I am," I reassured her. She lifted a brow at me, letting me continue on. "I need to speak with Ashe."

I expected her to laugh in my face and tell me to get out, but she looked at me—almost kindly—and led me to the back room of the clinic.

Today was a day of realizations, it seemed.

Zeena opened the door and gestured me in. "Just be careful. His leg was stabbed, so try not to touch it," she instructed, then shut the door.

Ashe glanced up at me. "Hello."

I pulled a chair next to him and sat down, laying a hand on the bed. "Hello," I whispered back.

He stayed quiet for a second, then said, "Why'd you come?"

"I think it would be inappropriate if everyone came except me." I leaned back a bit, trying my best to relax. "Especially after what happened today."

Ashe stared at me, then nodded, looking away. "Right. Of course. Today."

"Did I say something wrong?"

He shook his head, quiet again.

"You're quiet."

"So what?"

"Are you thinking about something?"

He turned to me again and pursed his lips. "Not exactly 'something'."

"Someone?" I asked, a small smile daring to play on my face.

Ashe nodded. "I was thinking how I wouldn't be able to dance Friday. We'll be the worst dancers in the room."

I laughed a little and bit the insides of my cheeks. "You're an idiot, Knightley."

"Am I?" Ashe gave a small grin while looking at me.

"Very much. Sometimes I feel like you're oblivious to the obvious."

"Ironic of you to say that, don't you think?"

My eyebrows furrow. "What do you mean?"

"I mean," Ashe began as he sat up on his bed, "you won't admit that I scare you."

I chuckled. "You're not very threatening right now."

"I shouldn't ever make you feel like I'm threatening you." He leaned toward me, wincing. "You know I was friends with Manea. Trust me when I say that she was the best thing to happen to me."

"It sounds like she was a lover."

Ashe outright laughed. "Hell no. We were good friends. When Manea and I were friends, I was with Henneh. Manea isn't exactly... Well, she isn't my ideal partner. She's amazing, of course, but physically, I wasn't attracted to her. I sound stupid."

"She was also engaged," I added on, eyeing him.

He fidgeted with his bracelet, then said as an afterthought, "That, too."

"What do you like physically?"

I immediately snapped my mouth shut. How did that come out? I mentally cursed myself, silently wishing that I hadn't scared Ashe too much with that question.

"Interesting question. I'll answer if you answer. Deal?"

Curiosity sparked through me. I sat upright, grinning like a mad woman on drugs. "Deal."

"Blondes. With beautiful eyes. Light eyes. Nice lips, nice feet—"

"Feet?" I threw my head back and laughed.

"Oh, shit! Not like that. I meant... like, soft skin. Saints, why do I even try." He threw himself back and sighed, a massive smile on his face.

I could imagine Zeena whipping her feet out of her boots and flexing her toes in Ashe's face. The thought made me hurl my body forward and laugh harder.

"Stop laughing," Ashe ordered. "Don't you dare tell anyone what I said."

"I won't. I'd be embarrassed to even say it." I finally calmed my laughter down.

"Now you."

I wasn't exactly sure what I was attracted to physically. Ilias had brown hair and brown eyes. Rysdan... well, I only kissed him once, and I wasn't heavily infatuated with him, so I doubt he'd play a factor in attraction.

"Dark hair, dark eyes. A beautiful smile. I love rough hands. And veins. Oh, Saints, veins. A man who can look good wearing anything."

Or nothing. But I decided to not add that part.

"I'm missing the dark eyes, I'm afraid," Ashe said.

"Nonsense. You're eyes are royal blue, which is the darkest of blues."

He smiled. "Then I must be the most handsome man you've ever seen?"

An image of Ilias came into my head. His cold features, cold eyes. The kind of face I'd see once and remember. Compared to Ashe, who had warm features, warm eyes. The kind of face that I'd see once and forget, but then dream about for nights on end and eventually drive myself crazy because I couldn't see him again except in a fantasy.

My ears started to burn as I remembered myself and Ilias's little rendezvouses that we'd do at nights.

"Not quite the most handsome man," I admitted. I'd have to feel him more to know.

That angelic face of his turned devilish as he smirked at me from the bed. "You'll see on Friday, my lady Lydia."

My ears burned more, and not because of the heat.

"Hm... your ears are red, Princess. I can ask Zeena to get you an ice cube," Ashe pointed out.

I touched the tip of my ears, my fingers slightly shaking. "No need."

His grinned widened. "I wonder who could've caused that."

"I assure you; it's not you." I tucked my hands back onto my lap, watching him intently.

"Memories with the Palace guard, then?" Ashe said. Though his grin was still there, it was a different type. Saints, it looked devilish.


"Yes, him." Ashe slumped back on the bed. "Forgive me for being forward, but aren't the royals meant to be virgins until marriage?"

My throat turned dry. "I think it should be a choice what you do with your own body. As long as you don't hurt anyone, I don't see the problem."

He nodded. "Agreed. Besides, men go to whorehouses behind their wives back. Clearly, it seems like men lack the ability to satisfy women." Ashe fidgeted with his bracelet and caught me eyes. "So the guard's name is Ilias?"

I'd never found a man with the same thought as me. When he asked about Ilias again, it caught me off guard. Clearing my throat, I said, "Yes. Ilias."

"Interesting. Was he your first?"

"Not my first in everything. Kace and I were engaged prior to me meeting Ilias. After Kace and my engagement fell through, I met Ilias. We quickly became close, then everything happened so fast. Then Father tried to get me back with Kace, which nearly worked until you kidnapped me from my own wedding."

"Would you have married Ilias instead of you could?"

Strangely, Ashe's questions didn't seem like he was prying. A part of me wanted to tell him everything about me. Another part—the logical—said to not do that.

"Maybe," I finally said.

Ashe's grin faded away, but he did prop his head up with his hand. "Ah. And you and Rysdan?"

"He's... difficult. He's clearly not done with Odaya, and I refuse to be an option."


I nodded.

"This... friendship we have would be useful to develop comfort between us on Friday," he stated.

Friendship. Being friends with the most feared man in Thaeleck? Something about that made me feel uneasy. Then again, I didn't think it was the fact he was the most feared man that bothered me.

"I'll be better by tonight. We'll have our dancing session, and then tomorrow I'll give your dress."

"All right," I said, getting up from my chair. "I think I'll be on my way."

Ashe looked toward the door, then looked at me. His mouth opened, then closed. He pursed his lips and laid back on the bed. "Have a good night," he finally said.

As I made my way out of the room, I glanced back and saw Ashe staring at me. He gave a weak smile.

"Thank you. For throwing down that grappling hook, I mean," he whispered behind.

I smiled, then left the room.


It was a few hours after midnight. I couldn't sleep; those images of the dead bodies at the bottom of the ravine flashed in and out of my head.

Also, I was sure that I wasn't pregnant. My stomach hadn't gotten any larger since I had been here.

I had dug the Amulet when I got back to my tent. Thankfully, it was still intact and undisturbed. I threw it back into the hole and covered it again, knowing it would be safer there than in my tent.

I twisted in my bed roll, trying to sleep. Finally, I gave up. Getting up, I walked out of my tent and toward the Tent, hoping there was someone I could talk to.

Or maybe...

No. I would not go to Rysdan's tent. Not until he figured things out for himself.

I trudged down the trails toward the Tent. The camp was quiet. There was a few people awake, but they were just there to finish doing their work.

"Aye, look 'er! It's Valarya!" I felt a hard slap on my back that nearly knocked my on my face. "Where 'ave you been? I missed ya, laddy."

I groaned to myself. "Missed you too, Jaks."

Jaks grabbed onto my arm and dragged me into the Tent. Rubbing my back, I kept up—

What the hell?

The Tent was bustling with activity. Women were walking around carrying trays of what looked to be alcoholic drinks. Men and women sat around, some laughing loudly, others letting themselves enjoy the show that was happening in the middle of the Tent.

Barely clothes women and men danced in the middle.

"Look 'ere! It's da Princess! She's come for some drinks." Jaks dragged me to a seat and handed me a overflowing cup of alcohol. I never saw so much alcohol in one cup in my life.

A man sat next to me. "Ya play chess?"

I laughed. "Of course! Where's the chess board?"

"Look at 'er! She's already so enthusiastic," a barely clothes woman said. "Any bets, folks?"

"I'll bet four talents!" I called out first.

Shit. I didn't have four talents.

"Perfect! Chess has been removed from tonight's activities. We will be doing wrestling, instead."

What? No.


"I'll go first, madam!" A hunky man went toward the middle of the Tent. The man quickly unbuttoned his shirt, then pulled off his pants. Only a small piece of fabric was hiding his groin area.

I began drinking. It was much different than wine. Slightly bitter, but good. I downed the rest and wiped away the liquid oozing down from the side of my mouth.

Another man ran to the middle of the room. He was just as big as the first man, except he had long, blond hair. "I'm going to beat Ronal's ass."

The Tent erupted in laughter.

Then the fight began. Ronal and the other man began tackling each other. The wrestling didn't last long before it turned into a brawl. Everyone—including me—began chanting Ronal. After a few minutes of punching, Ronal got off the floor, grabbed the other man, and tossed him across the Tent and onto a chess table.

Jaks and I flung ourselves at each other, clinging on while we laughed. He poured me another heaping cup of alcohol.

"Da Princess has a strong stomach," Jaks yelled out. Everyone in the Tent glanced at me, holding their stomachs while they laughed.

"Da Princess is a weakling. Da only reason why she is 'ere is because she needs Knightley's protection," a woman said.

"I bet she couldn't drink five cups of the beer," another chipped in.

The first two cups of beer was already starting to hit.

"Hey! Get me a line of three beers!" I yelled out. I stumbled up from my chair and stood at the table, watching the beers getting poured.

"Shots! Shots!" a man cheered.

"The Princess is wild!" another man said.

I grinned sadistic, then grabbed a cup of beer. I chugged it while everyone watched, wiped the beer from my mouth, and grabbed the next cup. Then the next. And then, the last. Each time I drank, everyone went wild.

"Das my Princess!" Jaks slapped my back, and I fell face-first onto the table. The table broke, me on it. Everyone clutched their stomachs as they laughed.

My smile didn't wipe from my face. I casually got up from the collapsed table and went to the middle of the Tent. "Who wants to fight me?" I yelled.

The alcohol was talking now. The world was spinning, and I could barely make out people's face.

"I'll fight ya, bitch!" A massive—No, not massive. Enormous. An enormous woman walked to the middle of the Tent.

Bets started going around the Tent.

I laughed as I rolled up my sleeves.

The woman charged at me. I drunkly stepped to the side, but she immediately stopped and turned, grabbing onto my waist. Her eyes bore into mine, and I think that was the only time I got sober.

She laughed, then slammed her fist on my face.

The world spun, then went black.

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