Epilogue 1 (50)

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I put on a light blue silk dress and pin my hair back from my face before moving on to finish my makeup. I'm slipping my feet into a pair of white heels when Rose whimpers and then starts to cry.

I sit on the bed's edge and lift her into my arms before holding her against my shoulder as she shoves her fist into her mouth and falls silent. I straighten her frock which is the exact same color as my dress before kissing her forehead and standing up.

I know that the guests have started arriving because the moment I open the bedroom's door the sound of chatter reaches my ears. I ask a housemaid to carry Rose's pram down for me. I let her go ahead of me and then taking a deep breath descend the stairs.

There are people standing in groups, laughing and talking, some hold glasses in their hands while others stand looking at the screen of their phones.

Some greet me as I pass by them and then I step into the banquet hall. It's the same one where that dinner was held when Molly and her daughters came to visit but it's decorated differently now. Then it was a dinner, now it is a Coronation Ceremony. William's Coronation Ceremony to crown him king.

There are rows and rows of chairs filled with people. But the front row at the right side of the aisle is partially vacant. I instruct the maid to set Rose's pram next to the row.

"Hey mom!" I greet her, sitting down next to her.

"Hi! How are you?" She asks, smiling at me.

"Good. How're you?" I ask, leaning across mom to talk to Ella.

"I'm alright." She smiles back at me.

Ella and Henry finalized the divorce last week. And I must admit that she looks the happiest she has in the last three months, even though her pregnancy is starting to show.

I buckle Rose into her pram as Ella scolds Leo and tries to make him sit instead of running around. I finish settling Rose and then go sit next to my nephew, who at once scrambles into my lap.

"And how are you?" I ask him and in reply he gives me a thumbs up.

Leo's telling me about one of his friends when I happen to look up, only to find myself looking at William, who was already looking at me. He motions with his head towards a back door.

"Why don't you talk to Rose for a while?" I suggest to Leo, setting him down and then making my way towards the door, stopping to greet several people on the way.

I push the door open to find myself in a small lounge with William standing in front of me.

Pushing the door shut I, I throw my arms around his neck just as his arms circle my waist, pulling me to him.

"How are you feeling?" I ask, pulling away to look at him.

"Excited. Terrified. Sad. You name it." He sighs.

"Will. You don't have a reason to be scared. You're going to be a great king." I assure him, truthfully.

He sighs, running a hand through his hair. "I hope."

"I know." I tell him as I place a hand on his cheek and slowly kiss him.

The sound of the lounge door opening makes us jump apart as Harrison, steps in. "Sorry to disturb you love birds but unfortunately the guests outside AND the entire country is waiting to watch this Ceremony."

William take a deep breath. "Alright."

Harrison leaves and I give my husband's hand one last squeeze before letting go and walking out, followed by William.

The entire hall bursts into applause as we both emerge and the cameras start flashing. All the lights have been turned off except the ones over the stage at the front.

I leave William's side and go sit next to my mother who hands me my sleeping daughter. William had a choice either to sign the legal documents on live television or in private. He chose the first option to be saved from future complications. Once he finishes signing, it's time for the oath.

Rose moves in my arms, making me look down at her. She's awake now trying to look at what's going on. I adjust her so that she's sitting with her back and head against me.

"Sir William, the current Prince of Australia will now be the taking his oath to serve and protect this land." The minister announces.

I watch with a smile on my face as William moves to the microphone and takes a deep breath before beginning.

"I William Blake who currently holds the office of Prince of Australia, am now leaving it vacant for my daughter to fill. I take this oath to promise my commitment to the welfare of Australia and its people. With everything that I have and everything that I am, I vow to serve this country."

I see William swallow as he recites the next line.

"Whatever the king before me failed to do, I shall fulfill. I William Blake take this oath today to pledge my allegiance to the Royal Monarch office and to take up the position of king."

The moment the last words leave his mouth, people start applauding and at the same time Helen slides into the seat to mine.

"You have to make a speech." She says, clapping.

"What? Why?" I ask, caught off guard.

"It's a royal tradition for the queen to make a speech at a Coronation Ceremony." She replies.

"But I'm...Ugh!" I groan as I get reminded that I am no longer a princess.

"When?" I ask her.

"Now." She smiles slyly at me.

"WHAT?!" I exclaim as the words sink in.

"Just go." She says, pushing me up from my seat.

William must already know about the speech because he moves away from the microphone and holds out his arms.

"What?" I ask as I step onto the stage.

"Rose." This reminds me that she's still in my arms. I hand her to her father and then turn towards the audience.

I'm so nervous that it feels as if my veins are going to explode and my heart will fall out of my body. I close my eyes for a second and take a deep breath.

When I open them, everyone's silently looking at me and the cameras' red light is fixed on me.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen." I begin trying to gather my thoughts and then decide to let my heart speak out.

"Honestly, I don't know what you expect me to say today. So, I'm just going to say the first thing that comes to my mind."

And I do.

"Half the people of this country must have the same life story as me or at least a portion of it. I started off as a housemaid here in this very palace. At that time I was just so focused on saving my mother and providing for my family..." My eyes find mom's and see that there are tears there. "...That falling in love with a guy who lived at my work place never even crossed my mind before that."

"But life has been very very painful. I've lost three very important men from my life." With this tears start to fill my eyes forcing me to blink.

"I lost my father first, then my son and just recently my father-in-law, who had come to be a second father to me."

I take a deep breath.

"But my life hasn't just been painful, it's been amazing too. William was like a star shining on the dark sky for me. If it hadn't been for him, I have no idea where I would be right now."

At once my mind flashed back to the time when Thalia, Mason and Simon took me hostage.

"He put everything he had at stake for my sake. My mother used to tell me that people had stopped caring for us but when William did that I knew they hadn't."

"And not just that. I also met some really wonderful people like Helen, Anna, Harrison and Sophie." All four of them are standing together with wide smiles on their faces.

"But of course above all William is my everything. I'm very lucky to have a rich husband but even more lucky to have a husband who loves me as much as I love him."

I can see that he's smiling at me.

"I lost my son, but I still have the most beautiful daughter ever, Rosemary. Right now everything that I am and everything that I have is because I, a housemaid fell in love with a royal."

I look down at my feet for a second before looking back up.

"Thank You."

With this the silence breaks like an egg cracking and in a flash William's next to me, his free arm around me crushing me in a tight hug. Rose who's sandwiched between us kicks a well-aimed kick at my stomach making me pull away and taking her from William before kissing her cheek.

William puts an arm around my shoulders as photographers rush up to the stage which is now lined by guards. William kisses my head and as I lean into him and smile at the cameras, holding my daughter in my arms.

It's almost midnight by the time everyone leaves and all the interviews are over with.

I kiss Rose's cheek and put her into her crib when I hear the bedroom's door open and William steps into the room.

"Hey!" I whisper, walking up to him and giving him a tight hug.

"You are amazing." He says, resting his hands on my cheeks to make me look at him.

"What?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

"You have no idea how lucky I am to have you." He says, kissing me.

And its things like these that make me love him even more.

The first Epilogue!

I won't be posting the second one nor the playlist today. They both will be posted on 1 March 2016. They will officially bring the story to an end.

If any of you have last minute suggestions for the playlist they are most welcome :) I have added "Story of my life" by One Direction to the playlist already, if there are any others please do let me know :)

I have posted the first chapter of "Life!" If any of you are interested in reading it then please do go check it out! :)

Read, Vote & Comment!


P.S. Please do make sure to read the second epilogue when I post it the day after tomorrow! :)

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