Chapter 3: Just Another Speedcubing Date

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I walked through the hallway with my best friend Addison from 3rd grade. Right now we're in our sophomore year. We went to our lockers that were luckily next to each other. I opened my locker, which is pretty much a Rubik's cube theme. Rubik's cube posters and other decorations hung from the locker, different types of Rubik's cubes were on the bottom shelf. Even my outfit it Rubik's cube theme, with a Rubik's cube sling bag, Rubik's cube sweatshirt over my school uniform, and my favorite pair of Rubik's cube converse. Rubik's Cube are my whole nature I guess, I can't really fight it.

"So anything today?" Addison asked me.

I looked at the door of my locker and looked into the small calendar with a Rubik's cube on the top. It read:

January 14, 2013: Francis Owens- Library, After school

"I got a speedcubing date with Francis." I said as I changed my books and closed the locker.

"You think he will be the one?"

"None of them will be the one, Addison. These sick little games are just something to make school more... fun."

"That's what you think, but you really want someone in the school to win."

"Yeah sure, as if I want some smart-ass nerd or one of those jocks who are jerks to be "the one"."

She close her locker. "You do."

"No I don't." I started walking to my 6th period.

"Yes you do."

"No I don't."

"Are you sure? Not even...Griffin?"

"No not even him."

"C'mon think about, you guys will go great together."

"Yes, but he never even tried to solve the Rubik's cube once. He's not interested in me."

"So you do care."

"No I don't."

"Yes you do."

"You're right, I do."


"Of course not Addison. Now please, let's change the subject."

She sighed. "Fine, did you finish the History report?"

"Yup." I waved the 5 page essay in front of he face. "This baby took me the whole weekend."

"Just a whole weekend? That thing took me a week, man I don't know what doing on that brain of yours. Maybe you're some super-human." She knock on my head to give emphasis.

"Hey, hey." I said nursing my head. "This thing's barely good as new, I traded it with some guy name Frankenstein."

We both chuckled at that. We went into the classroom. Everyone turned to see who it is.

"Hey Rubix, hi Addison." Everyone said in unison.

Then they all went back to their Rubik's cubes. Everyone had their own Rubik's cube, whoever didn't have one was considered some sort of outcast. That part I didn't approve, they shouldn't be an outcast if they didn't want to participate this game. I had anyone who bullied someone with no cube to be disqualified from the games. I will not out up with something like that.

I took my seat which is near the window. Someplace where I can let myself space out, not having my life to be always obsessed with Rubik's cubes. Ms. Douglas clapped her hands to have everyone's attention, sadly including me.

"I have one small announcement before class could begin. We'll be having a new student who will join this school tomorrow. And I want you all to welcome him-"

"He's a dude?" Someone asked. "D'you think he'll join the games?"

"Most likely. I mean c'mon, who wouldn't?" Another replied.

"Is he hot?" A girl asked.

Everyone snickered at her question which she replied with a shrug.

"I'm sorry but I don't know any further information of the new student. But what I don't want you to do is to pressure him with your Rubix Cube challenge. The last thing I want to happen is another Roger Incident, the poor boy."

Everyone nodded in agreement, even me. Roger Banks was some new kid in freshman year. He wasn't all that interested in the Rubik's Cube Challenge but everyone pressured him to do a one-on-one with me. Long story short, the kid got an anxiety attack and had to move away. That was when I put in the new rule, no pressurizing anyone into the games the person has to join on their own free will.

"Now on to history. Please pass up you 5 page essay on the Trojan War."

I turned in my essay and looked out the window. I wonder if the new kid will join in the games too.

I walked into the library alone because Addison had to go home early. There was only Francis Owens and 2 of his friends sitting next to a table. Followed by a group of guys who heard of the speedcubing date and want to watch the guy lose. Yes, I'm that confident.

The library was very quiet, kids hushed each other when it got too loud. The librarian was putting books back in their shelves, only being a spectator of the speedcubing date. There were also some other kids, probably staying in the library to study or do homework. Excluding the kid who was snoring with his head down, with a river of drool going onto his notes. Someone should wake that guy up...

I took my seat which was opposite of Francis, and got out my Rubik's cube. My first Rubik's cube that I've ever gotten. It's not peeled or slow, it looks like its just got out of the box. I've taken care of my most prized Rubik's cube. I looked up at Francis. He was a tall, skinny guy with long, dirty blonde hair and who wore these round brown orange striped glasses. He was kinda cute, in a nerdy way I guess.

"H-hi Rubix." He stammered with his Rubix's cube.

I gave a small smile. "Hey Francis. You're ready?"

"Ready as I'll ever be." He said with little to no confidence.

Griffin, who seemed to become the referee for all my one-on-ones stood at the side of the table. "Well you know the consequences on the one-on-one right? You solve the cube, you get a date. You beat her record, you have her. You lose, you face Rubix's dad. Got it?"

He took a deep breath. "Yup."

Max Stanley, a kid I've known since the 2nd grade who became the time keeper for all my one-on-ones setted up his stopwatch. Max had straight brown hair and light blue eyes, he never wanted to join the games because he knows too well that he would never stand a chance, from all those times he timed me on my speedcubing. Griffin took each cube and flipped it equally 30 times so that it would be equal for the both of us. No cheating.

He then gave us back out cubes and he mouthed me, good luck, not like you're gonna need it. I smiled at that.

Francis took out a laptop and started to go probably on youtube. So the glasses are only for show, huh? The thought erased when he took out a bunch of papers of algorithms out of his bag. I bit my lip, maybe I should consider him as good looking if he'd go out with me...

Max then said, "Ready. Set. Go!"

He was automatically told to hush. But Francis and I have already started. I flipped the Rubik's cube. After all my years of solving it, I don't even have to look at it. I do this to pressure the opponent that I could practically solve it with my eyes closed. I watch Francis as he simultaneously watched the video as his eyes he read the algorithms while flipping the cube. I watched that he was matching almost all the colors. He might actually solve it, meaning I'll get a date with him.

I reverted my eyes back to the cube, almost done. Just one more flip...

"Dammit!" Francis said.

He kept on pushing the on button of his laptop. He must have practiced so much that he didn't get to charge it. He looked at his algorithms and started to flip over the papers, trying to find his place. He was so eager that he accidentally ripped it in half. I heard a cuss word come out of his mouth. He began to solve it by himself, but all he did was mess it up.

I held back a chuckle as I flipped the last row. Then I placed it on the table with a thud.

Everyone stared at the Rubik's cube, at me, then at Max all in unison. Max stopped his watch and looked up.

"10.14 seconds." He mumbled.

Everyone cheered. But then the librarian hushed them, making them all shut up. I got up and shook hands with Francis. He fumbled with his glasses and blushed, hot with embarrassment.

"So my house at four right?" I smiled.

He gulped. "S-sure."

He lowered his head in shame. Some guys patted him on the back.

"Nice try."

"You were really close."

"You're dead meat, you're meeting Rubix's dad."

He started hitting his head on the table.

"Well I have to go. See you later you guys." I said as I grabbed my bag.

"Bye Rubix." All the guys said dreamily.

I walked out of the library, checking my watch. Which is, you guessed it, Rubik's cube theme. 3:00, wow that fast?

"Hey Rubix! Wait up!" I heard a voice said.

I smiled to myself and turned. "Hey Griffin."

Griffin has light brown hair, his bangs brushed over his light gray eyes. He's inches taller than, and really hot, I mean fit. Rumor had it he has a 6 pack, I never wanted to ask him. I mean come on, do you think I'll come up to him and say, 'Do you have a 6-pack?' And expect him to lift up his shirt? Yeah, I thought so. He's the captain of the football team and really smart, if we had to choose partners for a project, he would be my second choice. After Addison of course. Yes, I have to admit he's pretty cute. But I only see him as my best guy-friend ever since kindergarten.

"So you need a ride?" He asked, showing me his car keys.

"Let me think about it.... Walk 10 blocks home in the dark, dangerous streets or go home by car. Hmmm, this is a toughie."

He grinned. "I'm taking that as a yes."

We walked out of the building and headed to his car.

"Can we eat? I'm kinda hungry." I asked when we got into the car.

"Um... I don't know... Won't your dad be worried?"

I gave him my Bambi eyes.

"Fine." He revved up his car. "You win this one."

"Which is every one."

"So where to? Pizza? Sushi?"


"McDonald's it is then."

"Okay, let me call my dad." I said as I pulled out my phone.

"Hello," the voice said.

"Hey dad. It's me."

"Hey, Rubix." Yeah, my own dad calls me by my nickname. "I've gotten my present."

I rolled my eyes. My dad calls my one-on-one dates presents. "Tell Francis I said hi. And don't go overboard again, dad. Neil's cast is removing next week after the painting the house incident."

"It wasn't my fault." He protested. "The boy is just too clumsy."

"Uh huh. So his ladder all of a sudden grew legs and went back to the garage when he was on the roof?"

"Okay fine. I didn't know he was up there."

"I'm going to McDonald's with Griffin. Want me to get anything for you two?"

My dad got off the phone and talked to Francis. "The usual for me and a quarter pounder for Francis, sprite."

"Got it father."

We took the drive thru, like we always do. Griffin rolled down the window.

"Hello, welcome to Mcdonalds. May I take your order?"

"Yeah, we're having a complicated order."

"Okay, I'm ready.

I cleared my throat and sang, "Ohhhhh ohhhhh mmmmmm.

I want a quarter pounder with extra cheese,

But could you hold the tomatoes if you'd please,

My dad want's a big mac, the onions absent,

Wait we got more, you gotta be patient,

We'll be having 2 more pounders if you can,

Now I don't want you to mess up this plan,

We're having vanilla shakes 1-2-3,

I'm not in a diet, as you can see

Now one last thing, if you might,

A guy I know would like some sprite,

So this is how my Mc D order goes,

Now kill me before the price shows."

The teller burst out laughing. "You just made my day."

"Please, please, please tell me you got all that." I begged. "I do not want to sing it again."

"Three quarter pounders, one with extra cheese. One big mac, hold the onions. And I'm glad you said please. Three vanilla shakes and one sprite."


He said, "You can pick up your order in the next window."

"Thanks." Griffin and I said in unison.

He drove forward and saw a familiar face. Westley Dale, a guy we know at school. He's tall and has a skinny frame. You can see him a mile a way with his black hair and streaks of yellow highlights. A bit of a troublemaker with that mischievous glint in his dark brown eyes.

"Hey Westley, I didn't know you work at McDonald's." Griffin said.

"I didn't know Rubix could sing that well." Westley grinned.

"We've worked on those lyrics for a while and this was out test run." I explained.

"The time payed off." He said. "Anyway you're holding up the line. Your price will be..."

"Can't you just let us have it, Westley? We did made your day."

"I don't know... my boss is kinda cheap..."

I gave him my Bambi eyes.

"Damn you're good. Okay, I'll give it to you just this once, Rubix."

"Thanks Westley." I grinned.

He handed us our order. I tried not to drool over my quarter pounder that's inches away from me. With a paper bag separating us to our future, which is me eating it.

"I hope you won't work here forever, West." Griffin joked.

I punch him on the shoulder. "Griffin."

Westley laughed. "It's okay. My dad's the manager, how else could I get this job if I'm 16? And yes I called my dad cheap, cause he is."

The car behind us honked it's horn.

"That's our cue to go." Griffin sighed. "See you at school. Or did you drop out of school too?"


"You're funny." Westley said sarcastically. "But my mom will have my head if she found out."

"Well have fun flipping burgers."

And Griffin drove off before Westley could make up a comeback. I rolled my eyes, boys will be boys. Griffin dropped me home, grabbing his quarter pounder.

"You sure you don't want me to walk you to your house properly?"

"I don't know about your chivalry isn't dead thing, Griffin. But I'm fine."

"Okay then. So I'll see you at school?"

I gave him a look.

"I'll be taking that as a yes." He drove away.

I started walking to my front door. I shook my head, Griffin has a weird sense of humor. I rang the doorbell with one hand, the other carrying the McDonald's bag.

"Coming!" Someone's voice called out.

My Dad was the one who opened up the door. He was a tall fit man, with clean cut and short brown, turning gray hair. He also has a weird sense of humor, always wearing a sly grin. I think I figured out where Griffin got that sense of humor.

"Rubix! About time you got here. We're starving." He said opening the door out to me.

I stepped inside the house, looking around. "Oh, Francis is still here?" I asked.

He was about to answer, when there was a huge sneeze followed by something crashing onto the floor. I looked at my Dad, "What's going on back there?"

"I uh..."

"What did you do?" I demanded.

There was another crash with a whole lot of more sneezes. I didn't wait for him to answer, I ran towards the series of sneezing.

"Ooh," I muttered.

The whole living room was a mess. It was like a tornado messed up the whole place. Vases were crashed into dozens of pieces with flowers in a puddle of water. Couches and chairs were toppled over, picture frames were upside down or on the floor. And at the center of it all was Francis Owens, sneezing like a maniac. He was watery eyes, and a red nose, he looked terrible, sick terrible.

"Oh my god, Francis. Are you okay?" I asked, worried.

"I'm- Achoo! Okay. I just- Achoo!- have an, an- Achoo! Allergy. Achoo!" He assured sneezing like he was stuffed in a room filled with pollen.

"What happened?"

My Dad appeared next to me, leaning on the wall. "Asked the kid to dust the room, and tend the flowers. Came back sneezing like there was no tomorrow."

We never dust the house, and flowers means pollen. Then it dawned on me.

"Francis has allergies, Dad!"

He held out his hands in defense. "How was I suppose to know that?"

"He wears glasses and is nerdy smart." I explained. "You have to guess that with great nerdiness come great allergies."

"That doesn't make sense. And I don't think nerdiness is a word."

"Your average nerd. Big framed glasses, looks and is super smart, mom-bought outfit, and last but not least. Weird allergies to veer everyone away from them. No offense, Francis, it's cute in a way for you."

"So what should we do?" My Dad asked with a blank stare. He doesn't care at all.

I groaned, must I think of everything? "Francis, do you have any nasal spray for you allergies?"

He pointed to his backpack, then slammed into the couch with a huge sneeze. I dug into his bag to find the nasal spray and passed it to him. He used it, and seemed a bit better.

"Do you still want your burger?" My Dad asked eating his burger already.

"No sir. I'm going to go already." He said, then looked at me dreamily. "See you at school Rubix."

He left the room, but came back to grab his backpack. Then he left the room, and closed the front door. I turned to my Dad.

He held out the burger to me. "Burger?"

I crossed my arms, turning down the burger. "What do you have to say for yourself?"

He sighed then took a bite of his burger. "I'm sorry, and I said sorry to the kid already."

"It's like you torture them on purpose."

"Well it's their fault they lost by..." He trailed off when he saw the look on my face. "I'm going to shut up now."

"Just next time, go easy on them." I said. "And as punishment you clean this mess up."

"That's unfair. That boy did it, why do I have to clean up the living room?"

"Because it was you who made him mess this up." I countered. "I'm going to bed now."

"Wa anout yo honewok?" He asked with his mouth filled with food.

"Don't talk with your mouth full." I scolded

He swallowed. "Sorry. What I was trying to say was, what about your homework."

I looked at him.

"Sorry, you finished it already. It's just my job as a parent to pester about your studies and social life."

"Good luck Dad, and good night." I walked up the stairs to my room.

I quickly showered and changed into some comfy PJ's then got into bed. My room isn't what you guess is like. It's not in a Rubik's cube theme. I know, gasp, who are you and what did you do to Rubix? Okay the real deal is that I'm getting tired of the Rubik's cube. I sick of seeing the colors red, blue, green, yellow, orange and white. I feel that I don't have any sense of style without having a Rubik's cube outfit. Everyone expects me to be the Rubik's cube, their Rubix. To me the Rubik's cube circles around my whole life. My name isn't Rubix, it never was and I hate responding to the name. I hate the Rubik's cube.

My name is Rubye Chandler, and I've been known as Rubix for 9 years.

And I want my name back.


I'm on my knees begging for your forgiveness!

I'm sorry that it took me months since I last updated. Please, please, please understand! Don't leave me and my book. I've made up to you and updated this super long chapter. To me I guess. I hope you have the heart to forgive me and not take it on the book and stop reading this.

Anywho there was a lot of things that happened to me over the last few months of school. But I have a feeling you don't care and just want to read the next chapter. You just broke my Rubik's cube. I'll update soon since it's SUMMER VACATION! The time for Wattpad all day, every day is here!

Until then,


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