Chapter 3 - Dear Boys

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***Thank you to all the comments and votes! Thanks for giving this story a chance also. I'm really, really enjoying writing this. It's so much fun. Haha. Please do leave more comments! I love reading them. <3 ***


One of the best things in Seoul was that there was free WiFi almost everywhere.

Thank the heavens for that because for the past few days, I actually enjoyed swiping left and right. I've read profiles and there were guys that were genuinely funny that I swiped right before I even looked through all their pictures.

If there was a rule in Kari's book about girls and selfies, there should be a rule for guys as well: Not more than one shirtless pic showing off abs.

Abs are God's gift to women, don't get me wrong. I love looking at them. But when there are only six pictures allowed on your profile and all of them are pictures of abs and flexed biceps and not even a clear one of the face because it's hidden behind sunglasses, then I'm swiping left.

Right now, I'm in the subway and my earphones are blasting Clean Bandit's 'Rockabye' and drowning out the rest of the world. Seoul Subway is awesome, by the way. It's efficient, it's fast, and it basically gets you anywhere. It's so unlike the Light Railway Transit and the Metro Railway Transit in Manila where it's super crowded you can't breathe and you fight for your life squeezing in. You enter feeling fresh. You exit the train like you've just battled a horde of zombies.

I haven't ridden the public transportation in a while since I just drove my car and faced the traffic instead of being squished. Wait, don't even get me started on the traffic in Manila. It's so bad that what usually takes you twenty minutes from one point to another on a holiday will take two or three hours on a rush hour.

But here in Seoul, it's way different.

Right now, I'm taking this train to Incheon Airport. Pretty convenient, right? And since I didn't have much luggage, the subway is the perfect way to go. The first few times I travelled out of the country, I felt this insane need to bring my whole closet, my entire house if I could. But now, I learned to travel only with the necessities. This was after I almost injured my back lifting my huge suitcase once.

Yesterday, I've done all the touristy stuff. I went to the palaces (Gyeongbukgung and Chandeokgung), shopped for make-up and skin care products at Myeongdong (by the way, make-up shops are like convenience stores here; they're literally everywhere), went to Dongdaemun and Namsan Tower. It was my free day and I made the most out of it. Now, I'm just ready to go home and soak my aching muscles in a warm bath.

I heard the Finder notification and quickly retrieved my phone from my pocket. There was a message from a guy named Jasper. I've had messages before and they usually were either a simple hi or hello.

I opened the message and I was right about the initial content. I also checked his profile. It doesn't say much. It just says he's thirty years old and works as a manager in a big corporation in the Philippines. He's also not bad looking.

Jasper: Hi.

Me: Hello.

Jasper: What's up?

Me: Heading home. You?

Jasper: Heading home as well. Work just ended. It was a very tiring day.

Jasper: Where are you from?

Me: Bonifacio Global City. You?

Jasper: Manila. Wow. BGC. Condominium unit?

Me: Yeahp. Why?

Jasper: You live alone?

Me: Yeah.

Jasper: Wow. BGC is an expensive place to live. You own the unit?

Hmm. That was a weird comment. But I'll let this one slide.

But honest to goodness, dear boys, please don't do this. I know this is an online thing where you just type away and say whatever you want. But try filtering it a bit? Try opening your minds and broadening your horizons. Maybe try not being so judgmental in the same way that I didn't judge your profile to be that of a serial killer or a spoiled mama's boy.

I sighed. Maybe it's just his way of making conversation. But this exchange feels like an interview of sorts. It feels weird. But maybe I can answer this question since he's not asking for my address and at the same time, I'll try and steer the conversation away from this.

Me: Yep. What do you like to do on your free time?

Jasper: Wow. Just wow.

Me: Why?

Jasper: You must have very rich parents who spoil you.

Me: Excuse me?

Jasper: They gave you the unit?

Me: I bought it myself.

Jasper: BGC is expensive... Wow, a high-maintenance girl.

What the flying fuck?


Okay. Breathe in. Breathe out. And then count to ten. I've received similar messages in the past that it's already become this pet peeve of mine. Conversations usually start with a hi or hello and then they ask where you live or what's your work.

That's exactly where shit starts to fly out the window.

If it's work, then some fragile male egos automatically get hit. Assholes want to be on top. I guess it's a cultural thing with a lot of men in my country where it's highly patriarchal in nature. Also, it's this sort of common micro-aggression where they want to be more successful than the women. Because if not, their egos take a massive hit and they are labelled as hiding behind a woman's skirt.

It's totally ridiculous and preposterous but it's the truth for some.

And about where I live? Of course I'll say I live in BGC. Why should I lie about something as basic as the city where I live? They usually conclude it's a condo or ask if I live alone. And for some kind of logic I can't really fathom, this makes men label me as high-maintenance or born with a silver spoon.

First of all, I was not born with a silver spoon. My parents actually went into so much debt trying to give me proper education. My parents had me when they were twenty years old. My dad hadn't even graduated college then. He had to take night classes because he worked in the morning and then come home and take care of me too. My mom was the same. They had no money between both of them because they didn't come from rich families.

My dad actually came from a very poor family. But he was smart and graduated with honors. As soon as I can understand things, the importance of education was drilled into me. I grew up wanting to change the state of our lives. I wanted to give my family the best.

As I worked hard to study and fulfill my dreams, my dad climbed the corporate ladder too. Our lives became easier over time however nothing I have right now is from my parents – except for the gift of their love, guidance, and education. Education is something no one can steal from you.

Everything I have right now, I worked for. I finished college and started out at the bottom of a corporate ladder too! My skills were recognized and I was hired by a startup company. I learned a lot there and honed my skills further. After that, I was able to start my own company with a very small investment.

I grew that investment and the rest followed.

I didn't grow up eating at five-star restaurants and I could eat street food like a normal person. I don't require fancy dates or vacations abroad. I don't need jewelry or expensive bags. Besides, I have enough money to 'maintain' myself. Why should I ask for theirs?

Moving on to high-maintenance. It's like saying I'm a diva and that I require a lot from a man to be able to be with him!

First of all, did I ask anyone to maintain me? Nope. I never even asked for anything. I didn't ask guys to pay for my digital perm, my nails, my dresses and bags, etc. Also, what if the situation was reversed and I saw a young guy with a freakin' expensive sports car? Do I tell him he's lucky and assume his parents bought him the car and that he is a spoiled brat?

Nope. Double standards everywhere.

I shook my head and willed myself to calm down.

Let it go. Just don't answer. There's no use getting worked up over this. I just wished they wouldn't throw quick judgment like that over a few exchanged messages. Why not get to know the person first, right?

Call me petty or whatever but I hit unmatch. There's no use dealing with judgmental people.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is my first unmatch on Finder.


A few hours later, I arrived at the airport and checked-in. Just waiting for my flight now. I was over the high-maintenance comments and swore to myself that I would just unmatch the guy rather than dwell on it and argue if another comment like that was made. Unmatching someone was so damned easy anyway.

Feeling better, I was back to swiping. I got a lot of matches here in Seoul and texted Kari to let her know. She responded by telling me that my beauty sold better here because I was considered foreign and therefore exotic, and that I should use it to my advantage. I laughed at that and at the same time wondered because I've been mistaken for Korean a lot of times.

Oh well. Whatever.

I was busy swiping away when I received a message. This time not on the Finder app but on Viber. If the conversations went smoothly and people asked for my number, I usually gave them my Viber number. It's a messaging app that works over WiFi and it's a pretty common one in my country.

The message was from Pilot. Let's just call him that. I'm not really superstitious but Kari is rubbing off on me. She always said that names have power. Also, not calling these guys names is like a game that Kari and I are playing.

So, back to Pilot. He's been one of my first matches and he was good at conversations. His messages contained humor and he wasn't quick to judge. I liked him and we moved our conversations to Viber.

Pilot: How's your day?

Me: Good. Just really tired. About to board the plane in a bit.

Pilot: Tiring flight. But am relaxing now and it's my day off tomorrow.

Pilot: How's the food in Seoul?

Me: Awful. I can't eat much here.

Pilot: Haha. Why?

Me: It either has too much vegetables or is too spicy. I don't like both.

Pilot: What??? You don't eat vegetables?

Me: Yep! Sue me!

Pilot: HAHAHA. Poor you. Why don't you eat vegetables?

Me: Just never really liked em. Dunno why. I eat all the vegetables that comes in a burger though.

Pilot: Lettuce and tomatoes? Hahahaha. That's really funny.

Me: Laugh away, sir.

Pilot: So you're losing weight there?

Me: Haha. Probably. Will also probably gain it back by eating a lot of burgers as soon as I get back.

Pilot: Burgers, huh? Your favorite?

Me: Yup!

Pilot: So when you get back, let me take you out for food you can actually eat?

My eyes widened as I read his last message. Did I seriously just get asked out for the first time by someone I met from Finder? Wow. Finder milestone reached! Pilot did it in such a smooth way too. I can't say no.

Actually, I was already super excited about getting back. I had a good feeling about Pilot.

Me: Yeah, why not? I hope you're thinking about burgers.

Pilot: Definitely. Let me know when you're back.
Me: I will

Pilot: Goodnight. Gotta crash. Text you tomorrow.


I smiled and sighed. I really had a good feeling about this guy. He's nice and he has a great job. It's very interesting actually. We could talk about his work when we have dinner and I won't be bored because it's something I know nothing about. Apart from that, he promised me that if he was the pilot in one of my flights, he'll let me into the cockpit. No pun intended.

Remembering Kira's next steps, I quickly send her a text to announce the good news. There was just a one-hour time difference between Manila and Seoul so I won't really be texting my friend at a weird time. Seoul was ahead by one hour.

Me: Reached a Finder milestone! I just got asked out.

Kira: Who?

Me: Pilot.

Kira: Say yes, idiot. This is your chance.

Me: I already did.

Kira: Niceeeee! Not an idiot after all. J

Me: 'Ye of little faith. See you when I get back!

Kira: Definitely. Don't forget the face masks I asked you to buy!

Me: Got you tons.

Kira: Nice. Consider my guru services paid in full.


I was about to buy coffee while waiting for boarding when I heard another notification. I knew that notif by heart. It was the sound of the Finder app announcing I had a new match. I quickly opened it and looked at his profile. This was a guy from Seoul. I swiped right because he was cute in that Kpop way. Also, his profile said he studied in New York which was definitely interesting.

Korean dude: Hi there, cutie.

Me: Haha. Hi.

Korean dude: Here on vacation?

Me: Nope. Work, actually.

Korean dude: For how long?

Me: 3 more days.

Korean dude: Okay. DTF?

Okay, what?

I didn't know what that meant so I quickly googled it. I heaved a huge sigh when I saw that it meant 'down to fuck?'

Apart from the fact that I'm about to leave, well, not to be a prude or anything but I'm not really into hookups or one night stands. There's just too much at risk there. Even with condoms, there's still a chance of getting diseases. Also, I was really self-conscious about my body and I don't enjoy sex when it's not with someone I know and trust.

I'm a huge control freak. I try and control everything in my life, especially professionally. It's hard for me to delegate tasks when I can do it myself. But it gets too tiring, you know. Sometimes it's good to give-up control once in a while. And yes, I like men who are more dominant in the bedroom. But to give them that much control over me, I have to give them a certain level of trust.

And no, I'm not into S&M or that Fifty Shades of Grey extreme stuff. I just like a man who takes the lead inside the bedroom, on the kitchen, sofa, etc.

This was one of my dirty little secrets.

Me: Pass, sorry. Not really here to hookup.

Korean dude: Aw, too bad. But I understand. Well, enjoy Seoul!

Me: Thanks. J

At least he was not an asshole about me declining. He took it like a gentleman.

This day just got a whole lot better.


I was back within Manila's sweltering heat over four hours later.

It was a huge contrast to Seoul's super cold autumn. I went through the usual motions and then found myself outside the airport. I booked an Uber and memorized the number. According to the app, my Uber will be arriving in about eight minutes. I sent a quick text to the driver to let him know exactly which part of the airport I am.

I quickly dialed Kari's number while waiting.

"Are you back?" she asked.

"Yep. I'm here. How's everything?"


I tucked the phone to my ear using my shoulder and walked forward a bit more so I can easily see the plate number of the cars arriving.

"When are we going to meet up so I can give you your presents?"

Kari squealed and I almost dropped my phone.

"How about this weekend? Are you free then?"

"Yep. Let's have brunch like always."

"Soooo excited!" she shouted. Kari was addicted to Korean skin care products and makeup. She buys them online or asks me to buy them for her whenever I go to Seoul. She said they're the best out there. I agree with her.

"Gotta go, Kari. Uber's here," I told her after I spotted the plate number of my Uber.

I put the phone in my pocket and hauled my luggage towards the car. In my haste, I threw it towards the seat. I stepped inside and thanked God for airconditioning. My face was about to melt off.

"What do you think you're doing?" the driver hissed.

"Sorry. My bad," I told him. He spoke like I just killed a baby. I checked the seat and there wasn't even any damage. And I didn't really mean to throw my bag. Maybe he was really particular with the cleanliness and the well-being of his car. My apologies if it seemed like I threw my carry on like I had no care in the world.

"Uhm. Who are you?" the driver asked. O-kaaay. This Uber driver is rude and weird. Ugh.

He turned around and I stared straight into his furious, brown eyes. He had jet black hair and perfectly chiseled features. He wore a long-sleeved button-up shirt and I saw his biceps bulge as he gripped the steering wheel tightly.

He might've been handsome if he wasn't so rude and if he didn't scowl like the world's angriest person.

"Alexis," I answered in the same flippant tone he used. "To BGC please," I added. You know, in case the internet was wonky and he didn't see my address.

He frowned. "Miss, I'm not an Uber."

I frowned back. I opened the app. "You're Joshua, right?"

He shook his head. Seriously, what is this guy's issue? "Wait but the plate number is correct. TXV-892?"

He sighed and I saw his hand tighten further on the steering wheel. For a moment there, I was distracted by biceps again and the way a lock of hair fell over his forehead. He pursed his lips and a dimple appeared on his cheek. Would that dimple be deeper if he actually smiled?

"My name is Ethan and my plate number is TVX-892," he answered, staring straight at me like I'm the most stupid person in the entire universe. He also spoke slowly as though I can't understand if he said it normally.

And after hearing that, it was as if the floor was pulled from beneath me. I winced.

"What are you waiting for? Get out of my car!" he shouted.

Oh God! This is so embarrassing! Dear plush leather seats, please open up and swallow me now and never return me to the land of the living. I swallowed the lump in my throat and lifted my chin. I know I'm wrong but no way am I going to be intimidated. I gave him the haughtiest look I could muster.

"Well, my apologies for the mistake. Jeez. No need to shout," I shot back. I threw open the door and climbed out. I saw him shake his head.

"Idiots everywhere," he muttered.

I gasped. "Excuse me?"

He unbuckled his seatbelt and his tall frame reached for the backseat. Without another word, he closed the door I was still clutching tightly. Then, he drove off.

I didn't want to give him the last say so I did the only thing I could: I raised my hand high and let my middle finger salute his royal asshole-ness.


This chapter goes out to all the women like Alexis out there. And to all the Kari's that are the best-est friends ever.

Follow me on Twitter? AerithSage. Same as Instagram. Thank you! And would really love to hear more from you guys on the comments. Hahaha. let's have a discussion! I reply to comments now. :)

Update: Next Friday (PH time)

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