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Allie's p.o.v.

It had been six months since I'd been saved by my reptilian saviors, and I'd kept my ears pealed for information on them.

I'd taken up residence in an old forgotten subway station down in the sewers. It's not much but it's dry and I can link into the power grid safely.

I wasn't naïve , so in addition to the gang after me I knew about the foot and the purple dragons, and I've seen the robots with aliens in them while hiding in a dumpster. I've also seen other mutants, most are the arch villain type unlike the turtles.

The were tough and strong, but they radiated a kindness that some of the other mutants lacked.

Anyways today I was passing an abandoned warehouse as I'd been scouring for materials for my home, when I heard groaning from inside a window above me. I took in the height of the old rusted fire escape across the street from it where I could use my monocular in my backpack to look. I took a run and scaled the wall grabbing the rusty surface and pulling myself up onto the level glad I'd taken Parkour and practiced it with the other martial arts I've taken as I crouch and pull out my monocular adjusting it as I aim at the window.

I adjust it and soon the picture clears and what I see makes me wanna vomit in my mouth. The red banded turtle is hanging in a cell from the ceiling and there tormenting him. He looks so pale. I wonder if he's brothers know he's here.

I can here the dog boy and the human girl with punk hair as they taunt him trying to get the location of the turtles lair. I need to get him away from them. I jump down as I find the first manhole and take it back to the subway station where I grab my laptop and hack into that buildings cameras and download its schematics.

I use the cameras so I can time when the turtle's alone and when its only a few weaker guards in the building. I then load my smaller back pack with a rope and a bomb I made out of the purple dragons stuff they lost, (I stole), lighter fluid, and black spray paint and hide my manji sigh's as well as hide my knives before I put on a foot uniform I stole from one I found using the local gym when he was in the showers. I braid my hair and pin it to the back of my head and I find where the sewers meet the buildings basement and where the vent shafts meet.

Lucky me there big enough to fit a turtle and there's a large sewer pipe that's closed off by some old boxes. I enter and climb in the vent shafts climbing a few floors up from the turtle that's unoccupied as I exit the vents and grab a boxes and paint cans and other flammables long forgotten. Then I do the crazy thing I start the first fire which I do in a few other spots before I return to the vent to climb down as the sprinklers go off with the first fire alarms. As I climb through the vents to the occupied floors I can here the panicked foot members as they scramble to either get out or find my fires. When I reach the red turtle's floor he's alone and I scout as I climb out.

I peek out the door noting he's slightly away watching me as I go to where they put his stuff just out of his reach and shove it in my bag on my back before I come to his cell and pull out a knife and begin to pick the lock.

"What's the matter to stupid to use the key like the rest of your buddies?", he says and I roll my eyes as I put a finger to my mouth before pointing at the camera before going back to springing a lock as I listen for that happy click before returning my knife to my sleeve and pulling out the black spray paint which I begin to use on the camera in his cell.

"Who are you?", he says as I look at his bonds and try to figure how to reach the cuff when an idea comes.

"This may hurt a bit, I have to jump on you to reach your shackles to undo them.", I say making my voice sound a little raspy before I back away and make a run up the wall jumping as I grab onto the edge of his shell pulling myself up to his arm shackles where I pull out my knife again using my legs to hang on to the turtle as one hand holds the shackles as I work the lock until I hear a satisfying click making him fall and me on him as I lose my grip. I note he's pretty weak so while he's mouth still works his legs may buckle as I cut the rope around his ankles.

I reach my arms under his shoulders as I pull him to the vent shaft shutting it behind me before starting the hard part.

Dragging a giant turtle through the vents. "Who the heck are you.", he says as I support him through the vents.

"A friend. Please lets get out I still have to set the bomb so they won't follow us.", I say " And I set fires on the upper floors."

"You what!", he shouts.

"Well I needed a distraction for the foot so I could sneak you out of your cell. I have a very small window Red.", I say as we work our way down to the basement. Thankfully the basement is empty so I set Red in the entrance to the sewer. "Wait here, I'm gonna set the bomb.", I say as I run to the door to the basement and set it to blow before running into the serwer and grabbing the red masked turtle as I hurry him through.

After we're far enough away I slow down and soon I hear the satisfying explosion of the building blowing as I let the turtle rest while I release the breath I'm holding and move to inspecting his injuries as he studies me.

"So who are you?", he says I huff.

"May as well this mask is super hot.", I say yanking it off "I don't know how the guy I stole it from could wear it."

"Your the babe we saved running from the traffickers!", he says with a gasp as I blush from being called a babe.

"Um Ya, ", I say as I inspect his injuries.

"How'd you find me?", he asks.

"The truth, I was scavenging and alley next to where you were held and heard you, then when I confirmed I didn't know how to contact your brothers.", I say "Now come on my home's nearby I need to clean and wrap your wounds and get a better look to ensure your shells ok?" at

which point I moved to support him and I pulled him to the subway station I call my home carefully.

Eventually we enter the subway station and I flip the power switch as we stand by it as I note his eyes widen.

"Whoa you live here.", he says as I nod with a smirk and move him to where I have a couch I dragged in here as I seat him.

"Yup welcome to my abode, it's not much but It's a dry place to sleep, and has some of the amenities.", I say running in a old car and pulling out my first aid kit as I set to work treating his wounds.

"Wow they got you good red.", I say noting a lot of them are older and not treated.

"Well they had me for four months.", he says "By the way what's your name?"

I look up at the green eyes studying me. "Allie, Allie Clark.", I say returning to my task.

"I'm Raphael Hamamoto, but you can call me Raph.", he says a smirk in his voice "Or you can keep calling me by my mask color."

"Well Raph here's two Aspirin and I'll get the left over pizza , hope you don't mind all I got is pizza.", I say.

"Pizza's great, I love pizza specially since I'm starved.", he says smiling as I Smile before going to where I store the pizza and after feeding my guest I get him rest as I gotta admit it was nice to have company for a change."

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