Oro (Spanish for Gold)

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Hi guys, I'm just gonna change Hayley's age to 16 years old cause other wise it might not make sense. Ok let the chapter begin!

A few weeks had past and I had ventured into the village to buy food for myself as well as the dogs. I was basically out of money so I had to find a job, fast.

Archer's POV......................

I was sniffing around looking for a rabbit or something to snack on. That's when I heard a cry of painfulness and help. It sounded like a horse. A injured horse. But it didn't sound like it had accidentally got injured, it sounded like it was being hurt. I ran, I wasn't sure where but I just ran. If I could get there in time I might be able help, or at least spy. After running for a while my legs just couldn't carry me any longer. I slowed to a trot and sniffed the ground for any scent of the animal. A big gust of wind came from about 100m away and I could easily smell a horse. A hurt horse. I ran as fast as I could and eventually made it to a  palomino stallion just lying there in his own blood.

At first I thought it was dead but soon realised that its sides were slowly heaving up and down. Walked over to it cautiously just incase the person was still there. He wasn't, so I started licking the horse's wounds

I sprinted as fast as I could to Hayley and almost dragged her to where the horse was lying. She instantly got to work. First she got the horse to stand, it was about 16hh and very beautiful. She then walked it slowly and surely to our campsite where she cleaned the wounds with fresh water, and bandaged them together.

"What a beautiful stallion you are," she cooed softly "who could do such a horrible thing to you. I think I'll call you Oro, which, in case you didn't know, is Spanish for Gold. That's how gorgeous you are!" Hayley said, as if Oro could under stand her. Spanish had been Hayley's least favourite subject at school but it still had seemed to stick in her mind. At least 'gold' had.

3rd Persons POV

The red barn seemed to twinkle in the sunlight. It seemed inviting enough, so Hayley walked in quietly to find any form of human life. Along the rows of stables, horses of different shapes, sizes and colours poked their heads out to see who this intruder was. "Can I help you?" An accusing voice came from behind her. "Oh..um..I..I was looking for the manager." Hayley spluttered out. She turned around to see a tall, thin lady with neat, black hair standing with one hand on her hip. "Well you've found the right person." The lady stated slightly annoyed. "Oh, ok. I saw your ad for a wanted employee." Hayley said quietly, not wanting to be rude. "Good. Follow me." The lady said shortly.

A little while later Hayley was in a small, slightly stuffy office. It was fairly neat and clean just like the lady herself. "My name is Chantelle and I run this place." The lady stated glancing out the door at a chestnut gelding. He looked like a calm horse. "Panda." Chantelle said, smiling, noticing Hayley looking at the horse as well. "His name's Panda. Thoroughbred, 16hh. He was my daughters horse before...well...don't worry." She said going from slightly happy to suddenly seriously grave. "Anyway, back to business. What horse/barn experience do you have?" Chantelle questioned going back to her slightly accusing tone. "Not much. I have been quite a lot to my grandparents ranch before though." Hayley said. The answer was partly true. She had been to her grandparents ranch quite a few times before her parents accident but she only really ever rode the horses, she never helped out in the barn much. "Hmm, that's good enough for me. Amelia will show you around. She's in cabin A." Chantelle said, looking down at some paperwork which lied on her desk. Hayley thought that action was an invitation to leave so she turned on her heel and went to find Amelia. "Oh, and Hayley. If you would like you can live here in one of the cabins. It'll cost 10% of your wage though." Chantelle said slightly kindly. "Ok. That would be wonderful, thanks. I also have a horse and two dogs, could I bring them as well?" Hayley asked worrying if it was an inconvenience. "Two dogs and a horse? Are you on the run or something?" Chantelle slightly snorted with laughter. Hayley's eyes widened, did Chantelle know? Of course not she was just joking. Just joking. "It's no trouble. You'll have to pay for your dogs feed, but your horse will be covered." Chantelle said kindly as if realising Hayley's discomfort.

After wandering around for a while Hayley eventually found where the cabins were. Walking along the row of them she came to cabin A and softly knocked on the door. A girl about the same age as Hayley opened the door a looked at her in surprise. "Um, hi. Are you Amelia?" Hayley said, slightly awkward. "Caught me red-handed." Amelia said slightly jokingly but very kindly. Amelia was tall with curly brown hair. She also had kind, hazel eyes which were framed with long, dark eyelashes, and slightly bushy eyebrows. "Oh, ok. Chantelle told me you would show me around. I'm her new employee." Hayley said starting to build her confidence. "Great!" Amelia said, "Let me just get changed and I'll be out in a moment."

Five minutes later Amelia appeared. "So what did you wanna start on?" She asked. "Um..maybe the cabin I'll be living in, while I'm here." Hayley said. "Your living here? Yay! All the other employees have their own homes to go to. I'm so glad you're gonna live here." Amelia exclaimed with sudden enthusiasm.

About an hour later, they had checked out the cute little cabin, the stables, the fields, the dressage arena, Amelia had told her about the cross country course the show jumping arena, and they had patted just about every horse who lived there. "There's so many other things that I've got to show you but there is not enough time for it today. When are you moving in?" Amelia asked, visibly excited. "I'll probably arrive tomorrow." Hayley told her, starting to get nervous. "Ok I'll see you tomorrow!" And with that Amelia was off. 

Oh my goodness! A chapter. Yay! Over 1000 words too. Anyway, I hope you guys like Oro, Chantelle and Amelia. As I said at the start, Hayley's gonna be 16 cause otherwise it would be a bit weird for an 11 year old to get a job and live at that place. I think people might start to question her.
Ok enough talking, see you in the next chapter! (Hopefully that's not to long away😁) Byeeeeeeee🤗

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