Lilith's date

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A/N: this chapter will be in Lilith's POV.

I walked into the forest sat down by some nearby flowers. I was humming a tune I heard when I was little. It was from my music box. But I was caught off guard when I heard a complement from behind me. "Wow Lilith, I didn't know you had a beautiful voice when you hum. I think you would sound beautiful when you sing." I turned around an notice Brian. I blushed.

"Umm, thank you Brian." I said shyly.

"You seem a bit nervous. I'm guessing your not used to people hearing you sing." He guessed. I nodded. "I see." He seems to be getting nervous. "Umm, Lilith. I know we've met each other at least a week ago. And I know this may seem a bit awkward, but would you um, like to go out on a date with me? Around 5:00?" He asked.

"Sure, I wouldn't mind." I blush.

"That's great! I mean, see you at 5:00!" He says and walks to his house.

"*sigh* am I starting to crush on Brian? I don't know. I guess I'll ask ___(your name)." I ponder. I got up and walked to kawii~chan's. "Hello kawii~chan!" You greeted.

"Hello Lilith, kawii~chan welcomes you!" She says cheerfully.

"Hi kawii~chan, could I have a cup of tea?" You ask her.

"Sure! Kawii~chan will get your tea right away!" She tells you.

After the tea
As I walk I see just the person I'm looking for. "___(your name)!" You call. She turns around and says hello. "Can I ask you something?" I ask.

"Sure! Give it a go." She says.

"Umm, how to know. If your in love." I ask quietly. I notice her squealing.

"OMG! Who is it!?" She squeals.

"Well, umm. Brian." I say quietly.

"That is good news! *ahem* heh, well anyways. If you think you like someone, you keep thinking about them, blush at some things they say like complements, and you might do almost anything for them." She answers.

"Umm, thanks for telling me. I umm, have to go." I say before walking off.

An hour before the date
You get a spring dress on. It's blue with some white accents. You get your hair ready and wait for Brian.

At the date
We sit across each other and he asks what your getting. I look at the choices and make my pick. We talk a bit and we don't want this night to end.

When it's finally time to leave, Brian walks me home. "Thank you for walking me home. I really appreciate it." I thank and kiss his cheek. We both blush.

"Good night." He says.

"Night." I  answer. *sigh* Brian is dreamy.

A/N: here's some Lilian shipping (Brian X Lilith). Hope you all enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you all in the next chapter."

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