Metting Garroth

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As you and Zoey say your goodbyes to Cadenza, you head out and Zoey shows you around Phoenix Drop. She leads you to the plaza. "This is the plaza, this is where the statue of Lady Irene, The mine, and the Merchants are." Zoey explains "this is also where some people hangout for the day." You and Zoey notice a small group of guards. About 2 people.
Zoey leads you to the guards. One of the guards with a helmet covering his face turns around noticing Zoey and yourself. The other guard who looks young, around his 20's.
The younger guard says hello to Zoey and asks "Zoey who's that?"
Zoey replies with, "Oh, meet ___(your name). She's an old friend of mine and she's going to be living here. ___(your name), meet Garroth and Brian. They are both guards."
"It's a pleasure to meet a friend of Zoey's." The guard with the helmet that covers his face says. "I'm Garroth."
"Well it's a pleasure to meet you too." You respond to Garroth.
The one who you assume is Brian says, "you are welcome to stay in Phoenix drop."
You smile and say your thanks.
After Zoey takes you around the village
"Well your horse should be somewhere safe so don't worry about her. Also let's take you to your room." She says. You nod and follow her downstairs. She brings you to a guest room. "I know it's something your not used~" she says being cut of by you saying, "no Zoey, it's fine. Thank you." You say with a smile.
"Seems like you two had some fun today." You hear Aphmau say.
"We sure did!" Zoey replied.
"Well I'll let you two rest and ___(your name), I have someone special I would to introduce to you tomorrow." She says with a grin.
"I look forward to it." You smile.

A/N: this was a pretty short chapter, but anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter! And see you in the next!

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