You sure your alright?

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"And what do you mean by that." You hear a voice beside you and it makes you jump. "Sorry did I surprise you?" You hear. You turn to see who it is and you see Garroth right next to you.

"Oh um, it's nothing really." You reply.

"You sure it's nothing ___(your name) your tone in you voice changed and it sounded pretty angry." He say with a bit of concern.

"Really, it's nothing." You say a little nervously. "I appreciate your concern but really, it's nothing."

"Alright, I'll take your word for that." He sighs and walks off.

You notice Zoey and walk up to her. "Oh hi ___(your name)! Hmm, you seem distracted. Something bothering you?" She asks.

You sigh "I can't keep this from her, she is one of my best friends." You say in thought. You decide to tell her about how the missing poster concerns you. "You know how it is, but I can't believe he would do something like that to me." You sigh.

"I completely understand. Maybe you should try to at least ignore it and have some fun!" She nods. She suddenly remembered something and tells you, "Oh I almost forgot, I have to bring you somewhere."

"Bring me~ Hey! What's the big idea!" You say being cut of with being blindfold.

"It's a surprise. You'll see when we get there." She grins.

time skip because I don't know how to put this.

"We're here!" She says in a singsong. She removes the blindfold and all you can do is gasp. You realize it's a welcome party (A/N: Better late then never, am I right?) Everyone (even Garroth) comes out of hiding and say surprise.

"Aww, thanks so much! When did you all plan this?" You smile warmly.

"Aphmau, Kiki and Myself planed it actually." Zoey says. You can't help but smile. Your ___(eye color) eyes spark with life.

"Thank you all so much!" You can't help but smile even. More than you already were.

In the middle of the party

"Hey ___(your name), about earlier..." Garroth tells you.

A/N: another cliffhanger. Sorry but it had to be done. And please don't riot in me. I'll try to get the next chapter done ASAP!

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