take 1

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Click "ok. Take one. Um. Day one" I took a breath. I'm already messing this up aren't I. " Got my own bluiding. It's not done but what do you expect. Heh. " I sighed click

"What am I doing. Do I say this. Do I not. Ugggggh. This is so much harder then I thought. Ok. " I take a deep breath. Letting it out I shake. " I can do this. Just to the point. "

Click " take two of day one! Wing one os fully operational. There are a total of five wings in this building. The biggest room on this wing holds a machine. I'm not entirely sure what all it does. The guy at the junk yard said it was a cloning machine. " I open the door to reveal a machine. It has two boxes. One red one green. The computer shows a bunch of single genes. Like they are waiting to combine. I run my fingers along the screen the genes hop up. " There seems to be single genes. The DNA strands cut in half. There are folders. Not marked by words but by color. There is red, yellow, green, pink, purple, and Orange." Click

" Ok girl. Let's hear you sing" I start looking at the machine. It cost the most out of everything. I bought it for 145. But the repairs cost over 10k. I was hoping to get all the wings done but it seems that can't happen. Not for a while. I start opening the folders. Purple and pink there are so
many single stands in there folders. It's magnificent. What pretty colors. I drag two of them to the middle where they make a complete DNA strand. But there are parts missing. Mini folders appear. The same colors as before. I look at them my hand runs over green and yellow. I looked at the blue and open it. So many appear. But some are grayed out.

I drag three to the stand. They connect. Its now a complete DNA strand. I smile I must say it looks amazing.

Bang bang bang

I jumped a little. I rushed to the back door. Opening it. Two guards are standing holding a man who looks dead. He is bleeding out his head hanging down they have his arms it seems like they dragged his corpse here. I stare. What did they do. This isn't what I signed up for. I wanted to take care of experiments. Not. Whatever this is.

" Are you the one in charge?" A rough harsh voice says to me. " If not bring him out. "

" The man in charge needs to get out here. She is to weak like most girls" the other guy mumbles. Now that. That snapped me out of it.

I make eye contact with the guard who actually spoke to me. " I'm the one in charge. What is going on." I say in a harsh tone. Wow I'm good at this!

The one that mumbled looks like a fish out of water. That. Makes everything better.
" Sorry ms. We need you to patch him up. "

I cross my arms " I won't patch up a dead body sir. And plus this is a lab. Not a hospital. "

The one that mumbled steps up "we know that. Little lady." He lets go of the guy I can hear a groan from the corpse. I stare yet again. In disbelief. Wtf. " We need you to patch him up got that. " He is now in my face. WHY IS HE SO TALL! IS HE PART GIANT?!

A cough is heard. We look at harsh guy.
" Look we know you didn't sign up for this. But we can't bring him to a hospital. And this place is the only place we can bring him without people finding out. So please. Can you save him?" He seemed so kind. And nice in that moment. I stepped aside holding the door open.

" Any room on wing one that has a number on it is open. Hurry up before I change my mind" I sighed. What is going on. I thought this was going to be a easy day. It's my first day in here.

They carry him in. Blood getting on my new clean floor. I'm going to regret this aren't I? I follow them they of course get in the closet room laying him on the table. I go grab some stuff and a med kit. I'm in way over my head. I walk into the room putting on gloves I set everything down and I look at the guys. I point to mumble and point to the door.

" If that's you telling me to leave you have another thing coming" he starts walking to me. Harsh holds his arm out stopping him.

" Dude go. Your sexist and she doesn't do that if she is to keep this guy alive. " Mumble huffs and leaves "sorry about him. " He steps to the table leaning against it his hands on it.

" I'm going to need you to put gloves on and start talking" I say grabbing some of the tools I'll need. He puts on the gloves. I work while he talks.

" I can't share everything but what I can say is he tried to hurt someone important. And we caught him. He has um. Gone through some nice chat with a man of... Talent. "

I looked at him " he was tortured for information. Wasn't he" he looks at me blankly " great. So I'm saving someone that was forced to give up information about hurting a important person. Who? The king? Or a government person. "

He sighed "he didn't give up information. So-"

I stopped and looked at him " IM SORRY? don't you dare tell me that I'm saving this man just for him to get put threw hell again!"

He looked at me like a fish out of water. Great. What's the point of saving someone just for them to go threw it all over again.

It felt like hours. Saving someone. I don't like this. But guess I shouldn't have drop out of college. That doctor degree would have be great right now. Sewing his skin up I stop and took a breath. " Ok. I'm done. But he isn't leaving till he is healed" I grabbed some bandages and start wrapping him up

" I can't do that. We need the info. " Harsh says.

" Would you rather do it now and probably lose him before he even tells you how ugly you are. Or wait till he is healed to go threw that and give you the info. " I locked eyes with him. Damn he has pretty pink eyes.and his blonde hair ugh. No! He is mean! He hurt this man! And backed me in a corner. Nope. No simping.

Harsh sighs and nods. " You have a fair point. Here give me your phone" he takes a step to me I take off my gloves and pull out my phone.

" You can't get blood on my phone got that. Gloves off."

He takes off his gloves and grabs my phone typing away and he hands it back to me " keep me updated on his status. Once he is ready I'll be back to get him" he gave a soft smile.

I take my phone back " fine. I will. But I don't want to get spammed ok?"

He lets out a small laugh " you have my word I won't spam you" he heads out mumble looks at him. Like a baby about to throw a fit.

I sighed and looked at this guy. I pulled out my recorder.

Click " take three day one. It's currently. 23:15 I just saved a guy for some reason. He has been tortured for information. But kept it to himself. What a stupid guy. I meet two guards I have nicked named the. Mumble and harsh. I so want to kick mumble in his kiwis, heh. I will keep status of .... I'll call him 1-g. G for guest. I don't know what he did. But I'll treat him like a guest. " i step out
Closing and locking the door behind me.

Clink. Low growl.

Uh oh.

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