huntsman of fairy tail

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The world opens up to a train station with a familar blond face first on the floor sick from his crippling motion sickness next to a pink haired man next to him just as sick

(An: italics will be use for part that is narration)

Yang: wow even in another world jaune will always be a vomit boy

Ruby: yang be nice!

Weiss: so far he seems to be the same dunce as alway can't handle a simple ride on a train or airship

???: "come on natsu jaune we made it to hargeon we have to get off"

The pink haired man and jaune struggle to get up

Natsu: "yeah I know give us a minute happy you know how we get with transportation"

Blake: that cat actually talks?

Ruby: cool! And he's cute too!

Weiss: h how that's impossible!

Nick: really weiss you consider this impossible when 1 this is a different universe/dimension and 2 you live in a world soulless monsters of darkness and magic crystals you call dust for some god awful reason when they are not actual elemental dust just shiny rocks

Qrow: hes not wrong ice queen jr also why is it called dust?

He looks at ozpin

(An: I revealed the truth off screen)

Ozpin: what just because I am old as the first creation of humanity doesn't mean I will no everything

Qrow just raises an eyebrow

Ozpin: ok fine the reason it's called dust is because humanity first found it after a really bad earthquake and found them in their powdered for ok

(An: this goes without saying that isn't the actual in lore reason but for this story it is)

Nora: huh neat but why didn't they change it after they found out it's actually a crystal?

Ozpin: by that point people been calling it dust for years and it just stuck but for accuracy sake they slapped on crystal after it

Tai: as nice as this history session is your all about to miss what going to happen next

The train starts to move again and it showed jaune and natsu with their head out the window screaming in fear as the train moves off in the distance

Happy: "and their gone"

The scene changes to inside a store where we see a beautiful blond with tits bigger than yangs and a familer silver eyed red head next to her but at the same time different

Qrow who was drinking at the time spat out his drink when they saw this world ruby while tai went straight into protective dad mode and death glared at the boys in the theaters which where ren, jaune, sun and Neptune, mercury, and adam

In the head of all the boys except Adam

Boys: NICE

Ruby: "hey sis why are we here again? The chances of us finding a golden gate key is like impossible in a small port town like this"

Ironwood: that's consider a small port town! It 3 times bigger than all of the port towns in remnant beside maybe Argus and that only because of the military base we set up their

Nick: this world has a lot less to worry about than you guys sure they may have bigger threats over all but the land is mostly peaceful since most wild monsters and animal stay away from any form of civilizations here and the criminals and evil people alike keep a low profile

Lucy: "you may be right ruby but I still have to try you know beside look! I found the key to the canis minor"

Ruby: "isn't that the dog that looks like a snow man or what ever the hell they are supposed to be?"

Lucy: "they are dogs I don't get why people can't tell it so obvious it's a dog"

Que Lucy attempt at seduction and failing miserably because the old man was more cheap than horny

Yang: man that got to suck huge blow for her confidence but also that old guy blind as hell she's hot! I would date her honestly

Ruby: "we got to find Yang soon you know how she is she gonna drink out a bars entire stock seduce her way out of a bill by promising the bar keep a chance with her only then to sensually assault him by crushing their balls and then getting away with it by playing the victim and making it look like it was non conseual and self defense"

Lucy: "oh my god I for got about Yang! Why did you wait this long to say this we probably got banned from all the inns in town because they are all also bars!"

Ruby: "hehe yeah my bad I also forgot about Yang too"

Lucy: "ah why did I have to be the older sister to to half sister ones a party animal and the other an expensive little angle that's also a deadly weapons nut"

Tai: oh did I have another kid in this world?

Nick: no in this world your your still yangs and ruby father but you didn't know that you went on a long mission and didn't know you knocked up raven and summer and they died a few years after they got adopted by a kind hearted women name lyla heartfilia

Yang: so my mom not a dead beat in this world?

Nick: yes the bandit tribe your mother and your uncle come from got taken over by qrow because he was the only one their to awaken magic and he took over and changed it for the better and before you ask he left you in the care of the orphanage because he knew he could provide for you both so he made sure you got adopted by some one who could

The screen light back up and it show jaune and natsu and they looked to be doing much better now that they are not on a train

Jaune: "hey natsu are you sure dad would be here?"

Natsu: "of course he would be little bro no one else can be the salamander besides dad right?"

Jaune: "yeah your right!"

Jaune: "yes I am not the only boy in the family for once!"

Nick: "correction he's your only family"

Jaune: w what do you mean

Nick: it would be spoilers cause it get revealed later on in this world so I won't be telling you now get back to watchING

Oh my god is that really the salamander of fairy tail! Said a crowed of fangirls

Natsu: "see what I tell you igneel really is here! Let's go!"

Jaune: "yeah let's go see dad and beat him up for leaving us all those years ago!"

He runs after his brother

To be continued

Nick: well that's all the time we have for now folks you will have ti see part two another time cause it's late you will fine rooms past the kitchen in the hallway all the way in the back

(An: I hope this was enjoyable and I hope this isn't super sloppy basic grammar eludes me as America's school system really sucks at teaching people with adhd etc)

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