Chapter Six

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"May I ask why you called this meeting Lennox?" Optimus asked patiently.

"Yeah, I was just kicking his aft in the training room." Sideswipe nudged Bumblebee. Bumblebee shoved him with a huff.

"Kiss my grits!" The radio erupted. Sideswipe shoved him back and Ironhide quickly seperated the two.

"Enough, this is the room where we discuss meetings not the room where you can shove each other around and spar. Understood?" Ironhide sent a look to Sideswipe who ignored it.

"Yada, Yada, Yada." Bumblebee whirled. Sideswipe snickered.

"Yeah sure thing, pops."

"Settle down you two, we are on official business." Optimus rumbled warningly. Lennox cleared his throat.

"Anyway, apparently we've got a call from humans that someone kidnapped their son. From the description it took place in Evergreen Fores-"


"Quiet," Prowl hushed Jazz.

"-t and the Decepticon described seemed to be Barricade,-"

"Hmpf." Jazz stressed. Prowl sighed in defeat.

"-last seen driving out of the nieghborhood." Lennox finished. Optimus hummed.

"It appears Barricade has gone to some drastic measures, he seems to be quite desperate." He mused.

"Ah told ya! Somethin' ain't right. He goes as fah as kidnappin' ah boy! Prime he ain't like dat! He's hidin' somethin', tryin' ta throw us for ah loop!" Jazz protested.

"He does make a point," Ratchet spoke up. "The Decepticons don't involve humans unless they have too.

"Nevertheless, rescuing this boy is our priority." Optimus spoke firmly. Jazz slouched with a huff. "I believe the best course of action is to converse with the boys parents?" His optics flickered downward to Lennox who nodded.

"I'll get my team ready." He said but before he could turn on his heel, Optimus stopped him.

"Thank you William Lennox, however I think my team would due best to ask the questions. Ratchet," Optimus addressed the medical officer. "Are the holoforms finalized?" Ratchet nodded.

"Yes sir. Just finished two earth days ago. I apologize for not giving the report to you."

"No need to. We've been quite occupied as of late. Would this be alright with you Lennox?" Lennox rubbed his forehead with his glove.

"Yeah, yeah. Sure big guy. I'm going with you though. And no more than three bots, got it? We don't need more attention brought upon ourselves than necessary."

"I concur."

"Well then, myself, Prowl, and Ratchet will be accompanying m-."

"What!? Prime ya can't be serious! Let meh go with ya!" Jazz pleaded.

"I know this matter is about Barricade but I do not step you aside for just that. Ratchet may ask a few questions to make sure the boy was not harmed during the kidnapping." Optimus explained.

"Yes sah..." Jazz sighed. Ironhide clamped a servo on his shoulder.

"Don't let it get to you. That's how the Decepticons win." Ironhide reminded gently. Jazz looked up at the taller mech and nodded slowly. Bumblebee nudged Jazz on his other side.

"The tribe has spoken...And that's the way it is." Bumblebee gave two thumbs up, hoping to reassure his friend. Jazz gave a smile but Bumblebee wasn't convinced.

Optimus vented slowly. "Let us not cause anymore delay. Autobots, roll out!" He called before transforming. Prowl transformed and opened his driver door for Lennox to climb in. Ratchet followed suit next and the three drove out of the hanger. Jazz watched them leave with a bit of dread in his spark. The others began making their way back to their previous activites.

"Ah still can't believe ah put ah child at risk." He huffed and shook his helm. Sideswipe bumped his shoulder as he skated towards him.

"Don't think about it too much." Sideswipe told him. Jazz turned to him with a small glare.

"How can't ah? Who knows what kindah damage he already went through cause of mah carelessness." Jazz clenched his clawed fists.

"And getting angry about it is going to solve anything, right?" Sideswipe pointed out, crossing his arms.

"Ah suppose it ain't." Jazz looked away. Sideswipe sighed.

"Come on Jazz," Sideswipe frowned. "We're gonna get him safe. Barricade can't hurt him too bad, he needs the boy as leverage." Jazz rubbed his chin and sighed.

"Yeah, ya right."

"Great," Sideswipe smiled. "Now are you coming with us or am I gonna have to just beat your time again?" Sideswipe began to smirk, a playful glint in his optics.

"In ya dreams, mech." Jazz smirked back and raced him to the training room.


Clinton had screamed for almost an hour. His body rocked in the back seat and he hit the seats and windows. Barricade thought he was really asking for a death wish they he hit his side doors. "Stop that!" He shouted. It only made him cry and scream worse. The boy began to kick and punch more. Frenzy stay on the far other end of the back seat. "Your getting human- ugh!" Barricade finally popped open his door and did a nice turn off the highway. Clinton fell out and onto the dirt and grass next to the concrete road. The angry bot began to transform and hover the boy. Clinton continued to beat the ground with his bruised fists. Tears streaked down his face and he rolled around like he was having a seizure. Barricade watched the boy curiously before furrowing his optic ridges. "Shut up!" He snapped. Clinton seemed to have ignored him. "Frenzy, see what his problem is." He growled as he opened his chestplates. Frenzy jumped down and scurried over to the human. He did a quick scan and blinked.

"He's ha-ha-aving a melt-lt-down. Men-t-tal brea-ak-ak-down of so-or-or-ts." Frenzy explained. Barricade crouched and snarled.

"It's annoying. Make him stop." He grunted. Frenzy frowned.

"Me!? I do-on't kn-know wh-at-at t-to do!" Frenzy sneered. Barricade let his engine rev.

"Fantastic," he huffed. His optics glanced to the boy who was now becoming exhausted but was still full of screams and tears. Barricade lofted a digit and poked the boy. Clinton rolled onto his back and began hitting his forehead. Barricade frowned. He placed a digit onto the boys flying arms and lay them on his stomach. Clinton tried to struggle as he cried and screamed. Frenzy watched Barricade with confusion.

Barricade leaned over the boy so he was in his sight and growled. "I'm not going to harm you, human. You can stop screaming now." He tried. Clinton only cried harder at the bots face. Barricade growled in growing irratation. "Clinton!" He snapped. Clinton froze, huffing heavily with large pants. His face was soaked in sweat and tears still. Clinton sniffed and looked around him.

"Wha-...y-you!" Clinton began to scream but coughed on his sore throat. Barricade removed his digit.

"No more screaming. No more leaking. And no more hitting me. Understood?" Barricade tried to be gentle. He definitely didn't want to deal with another episode. Clinton blinked and wiped his dirty face with a nod.

"Ye-yeah...yes sir." He swallowed. Barricade transformed and Frenzy tilted his helm curiously before hopping in the front seat. Clinton got to his feet and hugged himself.

"Get in!" Barricades impatient voice barreled with a loud, harsh engine rev. Clinton hurried to the open back doors and climbed inside. Barricade slammed his door and pulled back onto the highway. Clinton shivered on the leather seat and looked out the window with a growing fear. His eyes watered but he tried not to cry.

"Where are we going?" He whispered. "Why do you want me?"

"Shut up, human." Barricade rumbled warningly. Clinton quieted and wiped his dirty hands on his pants repeatly in a nervous habit. His head turned back to the window and watched as they drove farther and farther away from safety and further to his demise. Clinton couldn't stop the silent tears then.

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