A Noble Act

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It was the break of dawn in Yokohama. And in a room in a high rise penthouse, two men were making love to each other. Dazai was gripping onto Chuuya's legs as Chuuya was groaning softly and riding him. They enjoyed little moments like this because since having kids it happened less often then it did when they were without children. But they were happy and wouldn't trade their children for anything in the world. Chuuya was panting and he cried out as Dazai pulled him all the way down onto his member and Chuuya trembled a bit.

"Hnn... f-fuck..."

Dazai smiled and he gently cupped Chuuya's face that was flushed red. Dazai leaned up and kissed him. "I love you. Hold on to me." Dazai said, gripping Chuuya's waist tighter and he thrusted up into his petite lover and pulled him down at the same time hitting Chuuya's sweet spot directly.

"A-ah...! T-there... right there..." Chuuya says, gripping Dazai's shoulders tighter. Dazai kisses Chuuya's neck and he sucks love bites onto his neck as he thrusts harder and faster. Within minutes Chuuya clenched tightly around Dazai and the only warning Chuuya gave was a gasped series of moans before cumming. And he tightened so hard that Dazai cummed inside him moments laters. Both men were panting and they both fell on the bed exhausted.

"Fuck... that was the best morning sex." Dazai said, sighing contently.

Chuuya chuckles and he kisses Dazai softly, and he sits back on top of him and bites his lip. "I should give you morning sex more often if you're going to be this energetic." Chuuya says making a circle on his chest. Chuuya was about to lean down and kiss Dazai again but he stopped mid way as he heard a little coo through the baby monitor on the dresser. Chuuya smiled. "Élyséen's awake."

"Seems he is." Dazai smiled as he stole one more kiss from Chuuya, before letting him go so he could go get the baby. Chuuya got off of Dazai, and he walked out of their bedroom and to the room across from theirs. Chuuya saw a bubbly Élyséen in the crib, and he picked the baby up and gently kissed his little chubby face.

"Good morning my sweet boy~ Did you sleep well?" Chuuya says holding him close to his chest. "Hm? Did you sleep well?"

Élyséen just coles as he looks up at Chuuya. Just as Chuuya was walking out of the nursery Arsene was rubbing his one eye and he yawned loudly. Chuuya laughed as his brunette hair was absolutely wild from sleeping.

"Good morning Arsene."

"Morning, Mama." He says yawning. "Is breakfast ready?"

"Not yet. I just got your brother from his room. Go wake up your sister for me, and I'll start breakfast."

"Okay!" Arsene says as he goes to wake up Violetta. Chuuya goes into the kitchen and he gently lays Élyséen in his moses basket and he covers him up to keep him warm from the nippy winter air. Chuuya decided to go simple this morning waffles, eggs, and bacon. Chuuya started wiping up breakfast while Violetta and Arsene got ready for school, and Dazai got dressed for work. By the time they were done getting ready Chuuya had finished breakfast, and set the table. They all ate and the kids went to go get in one of their cars since Dazai would be dropping them off at school, Chuuya handed Dazai his clean and fresh beige coat out of the laundry room.

"Are you sure you'll be okay to take Élyséen to the doctor alone?"

Chuuya smiles, it was sweet he was worried about them. "I am sure. We'll be fine." He gets up on his tippy toes and kisses Dazai. "Now go. You don't wanna be late."

"Right." Dazai chuckles. "Love you!" He grabs his wallet and keys.

"Love you too!" Chuuya blows them a kiss and he waves goodbye from the door. Once they leave Chuuya goes back inside to get himself and Élyséen dressed for the doctor.


Dazai arrived at the ADA office still late despite leaving early. Leave it to him to forget to have coffee this morning, and then realize how dire the need was for some energy. Dazai came in and Kunikida had on a projector and he was going over a case.

"You're late!"

"I know, I know. I'm sorry!"

"What's with all this?"

"A new case we are taking." Ranpo says chewing on his lollipop.

"New case? What's going on?"

"We were informed children around the world in groups are going missing. Most people believe it's due to the rise in sex trafficking."

"But you don't believe that?"

Kunikida shook his head. "Not really. Considering all the children being taken are ability users. Between the ages of 3 to 10 years old. And they've all been taken at night. No forced entry. We have checked several houses of the children that are missing. It's like they voluntarily just left. Like they vanished into thin air."

"I see."

"This started in Lisbon, Portugal, where children have been going missing for over a year but it's just now starting to reach everywhere. Whoever this group is they're starting to expand their area of search. The director wanted a few of us to go to Lisbon while the rest of us keep tabs here."

"I'll go." Dazai volunteers.


"I speak Protuguese it'll be easier to send someone who understands the language. Plus I know of someone else who understands the language just as well as I do."


"You volunteer to go to Portugal but your condition is Nakahara Chuuya must accompany you?" Fukuzawa asks.

"Correct. He is the only person I trust enough to watch my back completely."

"I see. You do realize you'll be in Lisbon at least a month? If not longer depending how this turns out?"

"I know which is why I will need a place big enough for me and my family and a reliable person to watch our children while we investigate."

"I believe I can make that happen."

"Then I agree to take part in this mission."


Both men shook hands in agreement. Fukuzawa just wanted to tackle this case before anyone else got hurt or affected. And he also wanted to keep his own safe.

To Be Continued...

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