The Saiyans Meet Night Raid! A Tearful Reunion.

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This is my first crossover story though I actually planned to write this as my first story here in the Wattpad along with another crossover story I'm currently working on before my other two stories I already published, but I couldn't publish this because I have troubles on how to make a good crossover story and because I just joined the Wattpad last year. I Hope you guys would enjoy this story as this will probably be one of my longer stories next to two others I'm currently writing.

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Previously on DragonBall Z, Goku and Vegeta fought against Majin Buu and succeeded in destroying the dangerous being in the whole universe with the Spirit Bomb, before he destroyed him completely Goku asks for the evil Majin to one day comeback as someone good. It has now been a month since the battle against Buu and the earth is at peace once more. However Vegeta grew extremely bored with his peaceful life and decided to visit Goku for a sparring match but things don't go as planned.

The Saiyans meet Night Raid! A Tearful Reunion.

Another day of peace that everyone on Earth are enjoying after the threat of Majin Buu was vanquished thanks to their Universal Savior Mr. Satan (Although it was Goku who defeated Majin Buu through the use of the Spirit Bomb) however there are some people who don't enjoy this peaceful day. At Capsule Corp Vegeta is seen watching TV but is starting to grow bored, after the battle against Buu he hasn't done anything in a while that would pump up his Saiyan blood luckily he plans on visiting his old rival later that day.

Capsule Corp
Vegeta: "Tch this so stupid all I do everyday after one whole month is watch something on that blasted screen, take Trunks to places he likes especially that amusement park and do some training. But now I'm starting to wish there was something exciting to do again, I'm starting miss those days out in space even though I hate working for Frieza ugh, that reminds me I need to head to Kakarot's place for a sparing match with him at least that will keep me out of boredom." As he turns off the television and throws the remote down unaware his son was listening to what he said

Kid Trunks: Uh how long are you going to talk to yourself dad?"

Vegeta: "Trunks!? Where did you come from?"

Kid Trunks: "From upstairs, I don't understand why are you so bored with peace isn't that a good thing? I mean fighting someone like Majin Buu is dangerous to the point he succeeded in killing everyone including me, mom, and Goten."

Vegeta: "Don't remind me of how Buu killed you and your mother and Goten. It's just that...I'm starting to get bored Son, I'm a Saiyan I thrive not only for a fight but also for the excitement in it you have to understand why I'm like that son it's part of our Saiyan Blood."

Kid Trunks: "Oh I understand dad, by the way I heard your planning to go to Goku's Place. So can I come along with you so I can play with Goten over there.

Vegeta: "Fine you can come but you have to ask your mother first."

Kid Trunks: "Oh come on, mom would be fine."

Vegeta: "She'd be worried as hell if she finds out that you went with your own father to somewhere dangerous without her permission."

Kid Trunks: "Huh?...But we just going to Goku's plac..."

Vegeta shuts him off

Vegeta: "Oh for crying out loud Trunks the point is, she's a mother she tends to get worry with her own child same goes with Chi Chi. If you left without her knowing she'll panic! Now do you understand?"

Kid Trunks: "*Sweatdrops* Yes I understand why Mom has been acting all worried whenever I come home..."

Vegeta: "Good now get ready and tell your mother we heading out to Kakarot's."

Kid Trunks: "Kay."

Goku's house
Goku: "Ha!!!" *Does punches and kicks and does some stances*

Goten Watches his father train

Goku still has been training even after the death of Buu, knowing very well he'll eventually get his rematch with him one day.

Goten: "Um dad why are you still training I mean Earth is safe."

Goku stops

Goku: "I know Goten, but right before I defeated him I asked him to come back one day as someone good, I just know he'll be back very soon so I keep on training for that one day so we can have a great rematch!"

Goten: "Oh ok! I know you will win again like last time!"

Goku chuckles

Goku: "Well it's not about Winning Goten it's all about that thrill in the fight and how it can give excitement."

Goku suddenly notices something on the floor by a tree, he walks over to it and finds a crystal

Goten: "Hey what's that Dad?"

Goku: "I don't know it's some sort of Crystal Goten, It does look rather pretty I think I will give this to your mother later as a late gift for her birthday."

Goku put it in his pocket unaware of the mysterious crystal's true purpose.

Goten: "Hey look it's Trunks and Vegeta!" Points to the arrival of Vegeta and Trunks

Vegeta: "Hmph Kakarot"

Goku: "Oh Hey Vegeta! It's been a while hasn't it."

Vegeta: "It certainly is Clown *smirk*"

Kid Trunks: "I wonder who would win this fight Goten?"

Goten: "It's my Dad obviously!"

Kid Trunks: "No way it's my dad!"

Goku and Vegeta look at their sons and smiled

Goku: "Hehe somethings never change Huh?"

Vegeta: "You got that right. Now then I hope you didn't forget."

Goku: "Forget what?"

Vegeta: "Our Sparring moron!"

Goku: "Oh that hehe don't worry I never forgot about that." Gives a confident expression

Vegeta: "Hmph" smirk and gets into his stance and raised his power

Goku prepares in his stance and raises his power

Vegeta: "Here I come Kakarot!"

Goku: "Let's go Vegeta!"

They both charged clashed fists and start trading blows each being blocked from the other while they then ascended to sky

Goten: "Wow look at them go!"

Kid Trunks: "Yeah!"

They make shockwaves as they clashed, back and forth as they go, But then as soon as Goku and Vegeta clashes fists again Goku felt something vibrating in his pocket when he checked he realized it's the crystal and it's broken which may have been caused from the fight but is also glowing for some reason.

Goten: "Huh what's that glow?"

Kid Trunks: "I don't know..."

Goku: "*begins to notice it and tried to stop the fight* Vegeta Wait just a sec!"

Was all he said before they mysteriously teleported to the unknown leaving both Goten and Trunks in shocked and confused

Kid Trunks: "Hey What happened!?"

Goten: "Where's our dads?!"

Meanwhile in somewhere in Earth or another Earth that is, a young man gets inside a city called the Capital and is eager to join the Capital's army.

Tatsumi: "Alright I finally made it here at the Capital, now all I need to do is join the Capital's army so I can help raise money for my village. *Looks around* Huh I don't see Sayo and Ieyasu anywhere maybe they went to explore around for a while, oh well I guess I'll just go to ahead and sign up already."

As the boy entered the two Saiyans suddenly pop out of nowhere and appears near the entrance as passing crowds look in confusion at the suddenly appearance of the two Saiyans.

Vegeta: "*Stops fighting* What the hell happened? Kakarot where did you take us?..." as he looks around

Goku: "I don't know Vegeta."

Vegeta: "What do you mean you don't know Clown?!"

Goku: "I mean I don't know really and I'm not sure what part of Earth we are in."

Vegeta begins to notice the Broken Crystal on Goku's pocket

Vegeta: "Kakarot what's that in your pocket?"

Goku checks and pulls out the Crystal

Goku: "Oh this, well it's a Crystal that I found near by a tree, *Looks at it* And it's broken unfortunately..I guess our fight must have cause this to crack somehow..maybe this may have brought us here I mean there was this glow that surround us the moment we stopped fighting."

Vegeta: Hmm..*grabs the Crystal and inspects it before he decided to throw it away in which Goku caught the Crystal* Hmph it seems like it's useless now.. *looks around* Hmm I do wonder what city is this?"

Goku: "I don't know but what do you say we explore for a bit!" As he was about to enter he was halted

Vegeta: "Hold on there Kakarot, i think it's best we don't fly around the city, the people here don't seem to know about the events that happened over a month ago and might be freaked out about two men with the ability to fly..." looks around as people passes by

Goku: "Oh ok. *Looks around as well* Odd I don't see anything futuristic think this town didn't adapt to modern technology?"

Vegeta: "Maybe I don't know....but what I don't get is why are there some people here miserable." As he glances at few people in the city

Goku: "Yeah, something tells me that whatever is happening here in this city it isn't good."

The Saiyans then proceeded to enter inside the Capital and explore the city

Goku: "Hmm I got to be honest this city isn't so bad well a little anyways...*as he noticed Guards mocking a poor man*"

Vegeta: "What kind of police men act this way towards that guy?"

Goku: "*Inspects the armors* I don't think those are police men they look like guards..."

Vegeta: "Armored Guards patrolling? This isn't exactly a medieval time."

Goku: "Hmm, *he wanted to help out the man but it could draw too much attention so sadly he forced himself to move on* Let's just keep a move on...." as he and Vegeta walked further down the streets

They soon came across something that caught Goku's attention particular the wanted poster of the girl in the middle named Akame."

Vegeta: "Ok Why did you stop Kakarot? Aren't we supposed to you know continue with our Exploration?"

Goku: "Take a Look at these wanted posters Vegeta."

Vegeta took a look and looked uninterested at what he was seeing

Vegeta: "What about them? What's so special about it?"

Goku: "I don't think I seen or even heard of these guys before well except for the girl in the middle.. She's seems familiar for some reason....but I don't know why?"

Vegeta: "Usually it's none of my concern, but now that you mention it does feel odd not knowing who these people are or heard of them. Usually these type of people are seen on TV on the news, but i never cared about them knowing that your Son and Videl would wear those ridiculous costumes and take on those thugs or whatever and since their not worth my time."

Goku: "Hmm..Night....Raid? I wonder what does that mean...."

Vegeta: "Easy some Gay Band" Goku Sweatdrops at Vegeta's bad joke

Goku: "Really Funny Vegeta."

Vegeta: "Hey, Trying to lighten the mood here."

Goku: "Kinda doesn't suit ya since you're all grumpy and moody."

Vegeta scowls at Goku

Suddenly just then a Guard approaches them

Guard: "Oh hello there citizen *as he walked to their way* I see your looking at the wanted posters of the terrorist group known as Night Raid."

Goku: "What are they exactly?"

The Guard was surprised

Guard: "What? Did you hit your head or something, look buddy these guys are assassins as the name states they kill at night usually targeting the upper class, my advice is if you see these guys I would suggest you run away if you want to live...."

Vegeta: "Hmph Believe me we don't run away from a fight we would finish it." giving his usual scowl

Guard: "You must be really tough then, you know if your interested you can be apart of the Capital's army....although I would highly go against it."

Goku: "Why?"

The guard looks around then whispers to Goku and Vegeta.

Guard: "The Capital is corrupted and it's run by the Empire led by a young emperor who's only a child but he's been controlled by the Prime Minster Honest like a puppet. Prime Minster Honest is the one who's been making all the decisions around here and is responsible for all of this corruption here."

Goku: "So that's why I sensed something wrong about this place..... how horrible, that Honest needs to be stopped then."

Guard: "Hold on what do you mean by Sensed?"

Vegeta: "It's nothing you can concern about Guard, and why are you telling us this you're working for the Empire aren't you?"

Guard: "I am but only because I have a family to feed and I got to say this job stinks....I get paid so low it wouldn't cover a bill for drinks..."

Goku: "So why don't you just quit and get a different job friend?"

Guard: "It's not that easy to get a job here actually, many of the shops here get their gold taken from the Empire as High Tax payment which is why most of us are underpaid."

Vegeta: "I see.."

Guard: "Well I'm off. I hope you two enjoy your stay here and keep out of trouble."

As the guard left Goku decided to take the wanted poster in the middle.

Vegeta: "What are you doing you clown? Are you really considering about hunting down these assassins? They aren't worth our time."

Goku: "No Vegeta I'm just curious that's all but I think I met this girl from somewhere just not sure where and when...."

Vegeta: "What about that girl? What's so interesting about her? Raised his eyebrow

Goku: "Like I said I'm just curious Vegeta now let's get a move on." As he walks ahead

Vegeta: "Tch you don't have to order me around..." he follows

The Saiyans continued walking for who knows how long until they eventually stop by a bar.

Vegeta: "All this walking is somehow making me thirsty let's go inside there in that pub."

Goku: "Uh Vegeta i don't usually drink, you know that right plus I'm more hungry than drinking."

Vegeta: "This bar possibly has food Kakarot, so let's get inside already...." giving a deadpanned look to Goku before they entered

3 hours later
Goku: "burps" Man that hit the spot!"

Vegeta: "*drinks* Ah..I needed that."

Goku: "Well I guessed it's time to pay up let me just........ Hmm?" Checks his wallet

Vegeta: "Ok What is it now? Did you forget to ask Chichi to lend you cash again?"

Goku:"Uh...all the Zeni that Chi Chi lend me it's turn into gold coins like what the heck." As he pulled out coins instead of Zeni to which Vegeta almost choked up from his drink once he sees

Vegeta: "What the crap?! Hold up That can't be right, is this some kind of magic crap or something?? Wait a minute let me check my wallet.......What the Hell! *Pulls out coins as well from his wallet* There's gold coins in my wallet instead of Zeni now this is ridiculous!"

Goku: "Hmm...Do you think they will accept it, I mean this is a different city and probably they would use these old century coins."

Vegeta: "I don't know maybe, I don't care as long as we pay the bill."

Goku payed up and to their surprise the bartender accepted the gold.

Vegeta: "Well that's solved our answer, apparently they use gold as currency here rather than Zeni Its rather odd though still...." As they exit the bar.

Goku: "Ok I got feeling it might be the crystal's doing as well but anyway, now we should probably figure out where should we sleep at though."

Vegeta: "I don't know It's not like they have any hotels around here for us it seems like it's mostly reserved for the rich....this place is huge but I doubt they have any place for us to stay knowing how corrupted this whole city is...."

Goku: "Well we can always make a cabin outside the city you know." Smiling as usually while Vegeta rolls is eyes

Vegeta: "I guess let's just......"

???: "Those damn breasts."

As Goku and Vegeta turned to see Tatsumi who was upset after being swindled

Goku: "Huh hey are you ok friend? *They walked up to Tastumi* What's your name I'm Goku and this is Vegeta."

Tatsumi: "Wha..... *looks up at the two Saiyans* oh yeah...I'm fine, the names Tatsumi and I just had a tough day...."

Vegeta: "Why's that boy?"

Tatsumi: "Well I got separated from my friends on my way here, I got kicked out from the army I was trying to join and now I just got swindled by a lady with really good breasts!"

Hearing the last description causes both Saiyans to sweatdrop knowing how well both their wives would be jealous of some young woman with these aspects.

Goku: "Well that was interesting so to speak.. Hmm though I wouldn't suggest you join the Army friend."

Tatsumi: "What do you mean?"

Goku: "Well......"

Before Goku explained what he been told about the Empire earlier all of a sudden a carriage stops by the three and came a young lady.

???: "Stop! *A carriage stops in front of them and out came a girl* Do you guys came from the country?"

Goku:"Uh No...." While being suspicious of the girl

Tatsumi: "I am."

???: "Do you want to come to my house? If you guys don't have a place to stay"

Tatsumi: "(Distrustful of all.) I don't have any money."

???: "You wouldn't be sleeping if you did." As she smiled

Guard: "Lady Aria can't leave people like you alone."

Guard 2: "You guys should just accept her goodwill."

Aria: "What do you guys want to do?"

Vegeta; "*whispering* I know for a fact there's something off about this Kakarot this is all of a sudden...."

Goku: "Yeah I can tell too......I don't think you should accept the offer Tatsumi."

Tatsumi: "Well I'm very skeptical about this offer Goku after I was being swindled by that hot lady earlier, but I really hate to sleep in the streets so.....*looks at Aria* Ok I'll accept."

Aria: "Then it's settled." Smiled

As Tatsumi enters the carriage while Goku and Vegeta on the hand decided not too.

Tatsumi: Uh aren't you guys coming as well?"

Goku: "We're good, we'll see you soon Tatsumi."

Tatsumi: "Alright then goodbye you guys, I hope I can see you around."

The carriage leaves while Goku and Vegeta decided to find a place to stay only to find no luck.

Vegeta: "Damn...I hate to admit it but I wish we took the offer I really would have enjoy sleeping in bed right about now."

Goku: "But you know we shouldn't, after what we were being told about this place we need to be more careful, I'd say let's just set out camp outside the Capital."

Vegeta: "Fine I used to sleep on the ground all the time during my old missions anyways, but my preferences for a bed still stands."

Before they are about leave they were stopped by thugs who want to steal their money."

Thug: "Well well, looks like it's your unlucky day."

Thug 2: "I suggest you guys handle over all your money before....."

The thug couldn't finish as Vegeta gave him a hard fist to the face while Goku gets behind the other thug and chopped him."

Vegeta: "Hmph What a bunch of Idiots thinking they can get away with robbing us."

Goku: "Yeah, it is dumb for them to do that they should stop doing that to innocent people.*shook his head*"

Vegeta: *walks ahead* "Next time I won't hesitate to send them to their graves."

As the two now are outside setting out a camp, while Goku made the fire he starts to wonder about his family and Vegeta's.

Goku: "Hmm...."

Vegeta: "What's wrong with you Kakarot you've been staring at the fire for 30 minutes now.."

Goku: "I'm just wondering about how our families are doing they must be worry sick about us disappearing especially since Goten and Trunks saw us vanished infront of them."

Vegeta: "I know they would miss us so badly but now is not the time to think about it right now. All we need to do right now is to find a way back home, can you use your Instant Transmission to get out of here?"

Goku tried to use Instant Transmission but only for him to have no luck and told Vegeta about it.

Goku: "Mmm.....sorry no good I can't sense their energy signature for some reason."

Vegeta: "Odd....if you can't sense their energy then......*picks up all the pieces of the puzzle* No this can't all makes sense now...."

Goku: "What makes sense?"

Vegeta: "The Capital not having any modern technology, the lack of energy signature from our friends and family...if you can't sense their energies, then that means we might have somehow travel back in time or worse to another Earth!"

Goku was shocked

Goku: "No way this can't be! We are basically stuck in here with no way of coming back home!"

Vegeta: "And that means the DragonBalls are back in our Earth too and it will take time for our families to find them and a few months for the DragonBalls to be usable again that makes our situation more worse."

Goku: "How do you know there's no DragonBalls here, it is Earth after all."

Vegeta: "But it's not our Earth I know it, if you can't sense Gohan, Goten, Trunks or Piccolo or anyone else familiar then we are definitely in a different Earth."

Goku: "Oh man we're really stuck here then for a while...." As he sat down disappointed

Vegeta: "That pretty much sums it up here Kakarot. If only Trunks left his Time Machine capsule to me I would've gotten us off this time period easily." Sat as well

Goku: "Do you even know how to fly the machine??"

Vegeta: "Of course I do. I'm the father of Trunks."

Goku: "Pretty sure I didn't see ya fly it once.
Well I guess we should go to sleep then Huh? Also for tomorrow I think we need to find Tatsumi because I got a bad feeling something bad is going to happen to him."

Vegeta: "I suppose we should, well let's shut up and rest already then..."

Goodnight Vegeta.

Goodnight Kakarot.

A few hours later
While Vegeta is asleep, Goku was still awake as he's seen looking at the wanted poster of the girl named Akame apparently Goku just seems that he know he met her somewhere before but just couldn't remember as it was a long time ago.

Goku: "(This Akame I got a feeling we met at one point but where and when and why can't I remember?)"

Goku eventually goes back to sleep while still thinking about who is Akame and why she's so familiar to him.

The Next Day
Goku and Vegeta went to the Capital just to eat then go back out to train for a bit until night falls as Goku and Vegeta prepare to locate Tatsumi's whereabouts. Luckily Goku is able to lock onto Tatsumi's energy signature as Goku then uses Instant Transmission to get him and Vegeta to Aria's Manor. When they arrive they are met with a gruesome site.

Goku: "We're here Vegeta and......*sniffs* Sheesh Damn what's that smell?"

Vegeta: "I think you should take a look for yourself Kakarot, it's a freakin blood bath here." He looked while having a bit of flashes of how he used to kill many soldiers or people from planets he was sent to destroy life there and selling it afterwards

Goku: "Huh?" As he turns to look

Goku wasn't expecting to find the dead bodies of the guards that scattered all over the place, it reminded him somewhat of when he fought against the Red Ribbon as a kid only the difference is he never had the time to look if he actually killed any of the soldiers who served RR in fact why would he anyways they were all bad people they probably deserved it but ever since his meeting with Eighter he's been taught to try and give mercy to those he had beaten rather than straight up murder them like he used to do and even then it surprised him how he used to be a bit cold blooded as a child when it comes to taking down baddies. He then came back to reality and immediately knew who was responsible

Goku: "So much blood spilled on these guards, I think you know who did this right."

Vegeta: "Yes It's that group Night Raid that we were told about. Kakarot we should hurry and find the boy he could be in danger of not just the assassins but also that girl. And If we see them assassins we take them out."

Goku: "Right lets get going, but for some reason I think I know that these group of assassins have their reasons of killing these upper class people."

As the Saiyans left to find Tatsumi they are unaware they were being watched by 3 other beings standing on wires. One of them was a young man with shoulder-length green hair that covers his left eye, green eyes and red goggles on top of his head. He wore a long green jacket with a fur-trimmed hood over a white and red ringer shirt and blue jeans with brown shoes. And wearing a long black coat. The other is a young girl of below average height. She has very long pink hair tied in twin-tails on the right and left sides of her head. She has big pink eyes, wears a pink outfit, consisting of a tied shawl with a high collar, a pink long sleeve shirt, a gown and black stockings with pink shoes. And the other was a man in armor.

???: "Who are those two I never seen them before?" Said the one with green hair

???: "I don't know, but their kinda cute though." Said the guy in the armor

???: "Ugh Bulat can't you not be gay all over those two right now." Said the little pink hair girl

Bulat: "Well Sorry If you have a problem with that Mine, maybe your also interested in one of them."

Mine: "Gross I'm not interested in dating anyone Bulat, So Lubbock how's Akame doing?"

Lubbock: "How should I know? We sent her to kill the target while Leone is inside the mansion to kill the father. Also shouldn't we be dealing with those two who just appear out of nowhere."

Mine: "Their not targets Lubbock, so don't even think about killing them....."

Lubbock: "I'm just saying geez it's not like I want to."

Back with the Saiyans, Goku and Vegeta spotted Tatsumi as he's having troubles fighting against the one known as Akame.

Vegeta: "Kakarot over there!"

Goku: "Hey that's the girl from the wanted poster Akame *suddenly begins having flashes* ugh I know I seen her before but why........*suddenly remembers who she was* I remembered..."

Vegeta: "Kakarot stay focus she's about to kill the boy, stop her before she kills him!"

Goku: "Oh right!"

As Goku teleported in front of Tatsumi and caught the tip of the blade.

Goku: "Hey Tatsumi, your ok?" He turns to see Tatsumi while smiling

Tatsumi: "Goku where did you came from? And how did you do that!?" Was surprised

Goku: "Hehe I'll explain it later friend."

Akame: "(Huh?...Who is he, how did he managed to stop Murasame?...) Who are you, and why did you stop me from killing him, he's in the way of my target and so I must eliminate him if I want to get the target unless you too are in the way as well." She said in a cold tone while giving a cold stare

Goku: "First off your about to harm an innocent boy who doesn't know the real danger around here, secondly I can tell you aren't a bad person as the poster say you are along with your friends Akame."

Akame: "(Strange this man looks so familiar like I know him......) "Just who are you?...."

Goku: "My name is Son Goku." Smiled

Suddenly it hit Akame by the time Goku said his name as she remembered meeting Goku before during her early years in the Empire.

Brief Flashback
Akame had just finished an errand for her friend as she walks by a river hoping to catch some lunch

Akame: "Hmm i do I hope can find some lunch here some tuna would be great." As she drools at the thought of tuna

She then spotted a young boy in the river.

Akame: "What that a boy?....Oh my God..."

She rushes towards the unconscious boy, got him out the water and tries wake him up.

Akame: "Hey hey! Are you ok? Please wake up...."

Suddenly the Boy awakes much to Akame relief

???: "Whoa what happened...Where am I? Who are you?"

Akame: "*smiled* Thank goodness your alright. Oh and My name is Akame what's yours?0

Kid Goku: "Oh Hi My name Son Goku, But you can call me Goku!"smiled

Akame: "Nice to meet you Goku."

End Flashback
Akame: "*She shook her head refused to believe it's him* That can't be can't be you, Goku is probably still small at this point...Your probably just a lookalike....*As she aims Murasame* If your really Goku... What is the one thing he knows about me?...." Kept her dark glance towards Goku

Goku placed his hand on his chin before answering

Goku: "Well, I used to call you Akay back then."

Akame face drop the cold look upon hearing that, Only Goku would say that no one else nicknamed her that and immediately drop her sword follow by tears as she realized after all this time she finally reunited with her old friend.

Akame: "So it is you.......It really is you Goku!" Cries

Goku: "It's been a long time hasn't it Akay and you haven't changed a bit." He said while smiling

She then rushed to him and hugged him who return the hug

Akame: "I can't believe your here after all these years! Where were you, Kurome and I missed you so much!..."

Goku: "Heh well it's a long story and your not going to believe it."

Vegeta: "Kakarot, So you do know Akame."

Goku: "Oh yeah at some point during my childhood adventures, I met Akame and we became good friends.

Vegeta: "Wait if you met her before then that means it's had something to do with that crystal you found...well I guess we'll had to discuss this to your friend later."

Goku: "Right, oh by the way Akame I almost forgot this here is my friend Vegeta."

Vegeta: "*Scrowls* Who Said We're Friends?! We're Rivals well friendly rivals that is. But nowhere as being friends!"

Akame: "*bows* It's an honor to meet you."

Tatsumi: "Umm Can anyone please tell me what's going on here? Goku what do you mean real danger here? That girl right next to you is the real danger here like the rest of Night Raid! They just tried to kill this innocent girl and her family!"

???: "I'll explain it to ya little boy."

As a new girl enters the scene Tatsumi is shocked as it's the same girl who swindle him a day before."

Tatsumi: "Hey your that lady with the breasts!"

Goku: "Oh hey it's Leone!"

Vegeta: "You know that woman too?"

Goku: "Yeah around the time I met Akame, I met Leone a little bit later."

Leone: "Yep the beautiful lady from that time, I wanted to pay you back. "Looks at Goku" Goku hey it's been a while hasn't it.....boy you look so charming~"

Goku: "Hehehe."

Leone: "And Who's this guy next to you? Is he a friend of yours Goku?"

Goku: "Oh yeah this is Vegeta."

Leone: "Well then, hey there handsome~" *winks*

Vegeta: "I'm married by the way, So is Kakarot." Looks annoyed

Leone: "Oh man, wait who's Kakarot?"

Goku: "That's my real name Leone, well... look I'll tell you and the others all about it later right now shouldn't we deal with this young girl over there."

As Goku pointed out at Aria who's trying to escape.

Leone: "Right where do you think your going?"

Vegeta: "I'll get her."

As Vegeta caught her before she even get the chance to leave.

Aria: "Hey put me down! Tatsumi please stop this man."

Tatsumi: "Vegeta Wait!"

Vegeta: "Why don't you drop the damn act and show him what's inside of that storehouse of yours?...."

Leone: "Allow me to do the honors. You told us not to kill an innocent girl."

Leone breaks down the door to the Storehouse much to the horror of Tatsumi and to the Saiyans disgust they find out that the storehouse was a prison for the people Aria's family had tricked and tortured to death.

Leone: "But can you still say that after seeing this? This is the darkness of the Capital."

Tatsumi: "What..... is this....!?"

Vegeta: "Hmph Knew something was off with this girl and her family, these bastards kept all these people in here and tortured them like animals..."

Goku: "Knowing what's happening here in this world Vegeta, this is a good example of what we are up against here, Corruption."

Despite the gruesome sight, it was obvious this wasn't something new to the Saiyans as people like Frieza, Cell, and Majin Buu had done way worse things.

Leone: "This family lure these unidentified people who came from the country with their sweet words and subject them to their hobby of torture and toy with them until they die. That's the true nature of those of this household."

Tatsumi then spots his friend Sayo but is shocked to see her dead corpse.

Tatsumi: "Sa...Sayo?"

Leone: "So there was someone you knew."

Tatsumi: "The people of this house did this?"

Leone: "The guards were keeping quiet about it so they're similarly guilty."

Goku: "They were still innocent men Leone, they were just following orders you guys didn't have to kill them." As he looks serious

Leone: "Still soft as usual I see but I'm ok with it. *As she gives a quick smile before then she gave a stoic expression* Though I mean you have killed a few yourself didnt ya after they chose not to accept Mercy from ya but then again I don't know the meaning of it. Anyways back to what you said even with what you say these men still follow this corrupted family. So I say they are still as guilty as them."

Vegeta: "I don't have a problem with killing people who blindly follows orders to Corrupt Morons. But even I would agree you could've at least spared some, I bet some of them might have families and would only work just for the sake of them.." as he briefly looked back at a few bodies of the dead guard before looking back at Leone

Goku: "Wow Vegeta it's nice to see ya using words for a change instead of using your fists to simply do the work." As he smiled

Vegeta: "*tick mark* Shut it Kakarot!"

Aria: "It's a lie! I didn't know there was a place like this! Are you going to believe me, the one that saved you or these guys, Tatsumi!!?"

Vegeta: "Oh Drop your act already you little bitch, it's not fooling anyone here aside from the boy."

???: "Ta...tsu...mi... it's me."

As Tatsumi turns his head to his horror finds his friend Ieyasu still alive in his cell after already seeing the dead body of Sayo.

Tatsumi: "Ieyasu?!"

Goku: "Vegeta?"

Vegeta: "I know Kakarot."

Vegeta walk towards the cell and the rip door open as he carried the injured Ieyasu to Tatsumi.

Tatsumi: "What did they do to you and Sayo?"

Ieyasu: "That girl, she invited Sayo and me, and after we ate we lost consciousness. And we were here when we came to. Sayo...... She was torture to death by that girl Tatsumi!"

Goku: "Mind explaining your actions Aria?" Glanced at the girl

Aria: " I.... I.... I..... Ugh what's so wrong!? Your all just worthless Hicks from the country right!? I should be free to treat them however I want! The same as cattle! Besides that girl her hair is pretty than mines she doesn't deserve that kind of hair for a farm animal! That's why I agonized her so meticulously! In fact she should be grateful I took such good care of her!"

Leone: "Just as I thought guilty as charged. A family of sadists that takes the guise of samaritans."

Akame: "Shall I eliminate the target?" As she placed her hand on her blade while Vegeta was ready to blast the girl himself as he was in position with his palm raised up

Tatsumi: "Wait.." as he stands up and walked slowly to Aria

Vegeta: "What? Don't tell me you want to defend her life after what she did to these people including your friends boy."

Tatsumi: "No....I'll kill her!"

Tatsumi slashes Aria much to the surprise of Goku, Vegeta, Akame, and Leone.

Leone: "Hmm (interesting she was hateful but to kill her without hesitating, he might be a good addition to Night Raid along with Goku and his Friend Vegeta.)"

Goku: "That was a quick end, Looks like he beat ya there Vegeta."

Vegeta: "Pity I was gonna kill her myself. Although I do admire him not hesitating to end that trash's life. *Crosses his arms*"

Ieyasu: "cough" Hehehe that's Tatsumi for you, that felt great. "Gasps coughs"

Tatsumi: "What's wrong Ieyasu?! What's happening to him!?"

Akame: "He's suffering from Lubora disease it's in its final stages....The mistress enjoyed drugging her victims and writing how they were doing in her diary. He can't be saved anymore..."

Ieyasu: "Hehe you should have seen Sayo Tatsumi, she never submitted to that girl's torture at the very was so cool......I thank you for avenging Sayo's and my fate for my death this Ieyasu sama will also keep it real...."

Tatsumi: "Ieyasu? Ieyasu no you can't! No Ieyasu!!"

Goku comforts Tatsumi and assures him everything will be alright.

Goku: "It's ok Tatsumi, he's in a better place now."

Tatsumi: "......What's wrong with the Capital?"

Akame: "Let's go."

Leone: "Hmm Hey why don't we bring them with us."

Akame: "Hm?"

Leone grabs Tatsumi as she bring him along with Goku and Vegeta to meet the others.

Leone: "Our hideouts always shorthanded."

Tatsumi: "Hey lemme go!"

Goku: "Where your taking him? And what do you mean bringing us?"

Leone: "Don't you think he has luck and guts and skill as well?" Plus since we know Goku he'd be a great addition to Night Raid along with his friend."

Akame: "I suppose, though I would really enjoy being with Goku again after all these years."

Tatsumi: "Let me go already! I have to dig their graves."

Leone: "Ah I'll bring their bodies to the hideout later, so don't worry."

Tatsumi: "What!?"

10 minutes later

Bulat: "So they're finally back. And..... Goku?"

Lubbock: "What.... no way it is him."

Goku: "Hey Bulat and Lubbock it's been a while."

Bulat: "Goku it is you! You changed! Man It's been a while the last time Lubbock and I saw you, you were just a kid."

Lubbock: "Yeah and who's the guy next to you?"

Vegeta: "My name is Vegeta and I'm his rival."

Lubbock: "Oh.....ok so a rivalry eh?"

Goku: "Hehehe."

Mine: "You're late! What were you doing Leone and Akame!? Wait......why the hell did you bring these three!?"

Leone: "Their one of us, I here by invite Tatsumi and Goku and Uh Vegetable?

Vegeta: "It's Vegeta, you idiot woman."

Leone: "Right Vegeta, to join Night Raid!"

Tatsumi: "What!? Now wait just a minute I didn't agree to join your group."

Goku: "Whoa really?"

Vegeta: "Me neither, though I assume Kakarot might join since he knows you guys."

Goku: "Well I only know Akame, Leone, Lubbock, and Bulat here, but I don't think I know who you are?"

Mine: "The names Mine and just for the record i didn't agree to bring you three aboard Night Raid."

Vegeta: "I'm not even interested in joining your group, especially if there's a spoiled brat like you in this group."

Mine: "What!? How dare you call me spoiled you... you... shorty."

Vegeta: "Nice comeback for a little girl."

Mine: "Why you!"

Goku: "Hey now I think we should get going don't you think Vegeta?"

Vegeta: "Whatever, So are you joining them Kakarot or what?"

Bulat: "Excuse me, but his name is Goku not Carrot or whatever you call him."

Vegeta: "It's pronounced Kakarot you fool and it's his real name."

Lubbock: "So Goku is his last name?"

Vegeta: "No I..... Grrah you know what I have no time to explain this, Kakarot you tell them when we arrive to their base."

Goku: "Hehehehe well then I guess that means that I'm in, are you joining though Vegeta?"

Vegeta: "Tch I suppose if your going then I'm going as well, only because we need to get back home soon."

Goku: "Yes that the spirit Vegeta!"

Vegeta: "Tch."

As Vegeta proceeds to walk away.

Leone: "He's sure is really grumpy."

Goku: "That's Vegeta for ya Leone, believe me he's really a good person but he doesn't want to show it."

Vegeta: "I heard that Kakarot!"

To Be Continued.......

Author's Note
So to those who don't know about Akame Ga Kill it's a anime that focuses on the villager Tatsumi who originally wanted to join the Empire's army so he can raise money to help out his Village, but he soon learns that it's corrupted and is responsible for his Village's high taxation. He's soon recruited by Night Raid whom he meet while staying at that bitch Aria's manor, to help their goal of freeing the country by killing the Prime Minister and ending the corruption in the city, I do recommend watching this anime but I will warn you that this will have sad moments so watch at your own risk. If your wondering how Goku and Akame know each other since they aren't from the same anime, I plan to make a backstory that shows how Goku meet Akame and what they did during Akame's years working for the Empire and how Goku ended up leaving Akame and haven't seen her in a longtime. I of course did a brief flashback of how they met but in the prequel it will show the meeting very differently than here. Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this story.

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