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~ chapter two ~

Aelora took Lanna on a tour of the red keep, showing her everything that the princess deemed enjoyable. In return Lanna told her all about her home, casterly rock, Aelora expressed her wish to see the beauty one day. Despite Aelora's initial reaction to the Queen introducing her to the Lannister girl, the two of them were becoming fast friends.

"Now, we'll end the tour here." Aelora said as guards opened the large double doors, "the training yard."

Lanna gasped a little as she turned to the princess, "We are ladies, is it not absurd... for us to be here, I mean."

"My mother refuses to let me train with my brothers and nephews." She sighed as she looked over to the group of boy's, "that does not mean I can't watch and learn. As ladies Lanna, we will always be under threat and so we should be able to protect ourselves if need be."

The golden haired girl furrowed her brows at that, "That's what husband's are for, are they not? Protection."

"For others maybe, but I do not wish to marry and I certainly will not be putting the safety of my life in the hands of a man."

The girls watched whilst sitting on the wall, Aelora sending a small wave and smile up to where her father was watching the boys too, he returned the favor and she went back to watching.

Ser Criston gave tips to each of the Prince's as they used their wooden swords to hit the straw filled sacks made to resemble a body, it was clear that Aegon was growing bored of the session, his eyes wondering over to his sister and her new friend. Aelora grimaced as Lanna shifted uncomfortably under his prying eyes.

"Aegon" Ser Criston called out when he noticed the boy's distraction.

"I've won my first bout, Ser Criston. My opponent sues for mercy." The boy grinned cockily making his sister snicker under her breath.

"You'll have a new opponent then, my lord of the straw." The man turned and looked at the two girls, Aelora smirking because she knew Aegon had nothing on the man, "You and your brother."

Ser Harwin had appeared to watch the boys from the sidelines, sending Jace and Luke smiles as Aemond joined Aegon. As the sparing began Lanna grabbed Aelora's hand and squeezed rather tightly whilst she watched, Aelora just wanted Aegon to be knocked on his arse.

Although the princess hated Ser Criston she would be a fool to deny his skill with a sword, she watched as he easily blocked or countered each attack the boy's send his way. Studying the way his feet moved and the timing of his counterattacks, she was like a sponge, soaking in as much knowledge of the fighting as she could.

"You're going to have to do better than that." He laughed as Aegon almost fell.

"Go on Aemond!" Aelora shouted out to her twin, who send her a half smile as he ran at the man.

"Come on you two, you're sisters blade is wetter than each of yours!" Criston provoked, causing the girl to smirk because it was true.

Aegon let out a yell as he ran at Ser Criston, the man dodging him and smacking his behind with the wooden sword, making both girls laugh.

Ser Harwin was talking too Jace and Luke, probably advising them in training matters, until Ser Criston noticed and approached them. Aelora's stomach turned and it was like a weight had been placed on it as the two men began circling around the yard.

"It seems the younger boys could do better with a bit of your attention, Ser Criston."

"You question my method of instruction, Ser?"

"I mearly suggest that method be applied to all your pupils." Harwin nodded to Aelora as he passed her.

"Very well." Criston stepped forward and eyed the boys, "Jacaerys, come here." He gripped the boy roughly and moved him to one side, "You spar with Aegon."

Aegon and Aemond both laughed as Jace had a look of worry on his face.

"That's hardly fair, Aegons almost twice his size." Aelora spoke out earning a warm smile from Ser Harwin but a scowl from Ser Criston.

"Eldest son against eldest son, Princess. That seems fair to me." He nodded to the girl who rolled her eyes.

Aelora turned to Lanna and whispered too her, "could you please go to the kitchen and ask for some fruit to be brought to my chamber's, I'll meet you there."

Lanna nodded and hurried back inside, Aelora knew that something bad was going to happen, she could feel it in her knotted stomach and she didn't want Lanna to witness anything unpleasant.

Aegon and Jacaerys began to spar, evidently it was clear that the elder boy had the upper hand. Aegon drove him backwards, Jace trying to push back. When Aegon pushed the boy into the floor, Aelora felt the rage build inside of her whilst Aegon towered over Jace laughing.

Jace jumped up and charged at Aegon as the elder walked away, beginning to fight again, when Aegon pushed over a straw man onto Jace, Ser Harwin intervened.

"Foul play!"

"I'll deal with him." Criston pulled Aegon to the corner.

When the fighting began again Ser Criston began shouting things to Aegon, giving him tips to win. When Criston told him to use his feet that is when Aelora jumped down from the wall and grabbed hold of a wooden sword, just as Aegon kicked Jace square in the chest sending him to the floor and not allowing him the chance to get up.

Before anyone could stop her, Aelora ran at her elder brother, striking him with the sword. Aegon turned in shock but began to spar back, the princess easily avoiding the sloppy strikes coming from the boy. Aemond and Lucerys both tried to hide their smiles as she bested Aegon, again and again. Finally she swiftly kicked his feet out from under him, sending him into the dirt.

"Now that was a fair fight." Aelora glared at her brother and dropped the sword.

As she went to walk back to where she was originally sitting, she hadn't realised her brothers face, red with anger as he stood up and ran at her from behind with the sword drawn. Before he could reach her Ser Harwin jumped in the way and pulled the boy away from her.

"That's enough!" Harwin bellowed.

"You dare put hands on me?" Aegon scowled at the man.

"Aegon!" Viserys shouted down reminding everyone he was still there.

"You forget yourself, Strong. That is the Prince." Ser Criston told him.

"And that is the Princess." He nodded to Aelora, "This is what you teach, Cole? Cruelty... to the weaker opponents?"

"Your interest in the princeling's training is quite unusual, Commander." Criston rested his hands behind his back, speaking calmly.

Aelora walked over to her nephews and positioned herself infront of them, making sure the two of them were okay.

Criston carried on as Ser Harwin was collecting the wooden swords from the ground, "Most men would only have that kind of devotion toward a cousin... or a brother... or a son." He said with a knowing smirk on his face.

Suddenly Ser Harwin lost it and started to beat Criston, instinctively Aelora wrapped her arms around Lucerys' shoulders protectively, pulling him back away from the two grown men. Criston lay underneath Harwin on the floor as the latter punched his face over and over, splattering blood into the gravel.

Eventually multiple kingsguard's pulled Ser Harwin from the barely conscious Criston.

"Say it again! Say it again!" Harwin yelled as he was dragged away.

When Aelora looked at Lucerys his face was full of shock and fear, she bent slightly to his height. "Come on why don't you come and wait in my chambers for a while, I have fresh fruit."

Lucerys nodded slowly, taking hold of the girls hand and walking back inside with her, Jace following behind them.

✵ ✵ ✵

When Aelora and the boys reached her chambers, Lanna was sitting by the window, blissfully unaware of what had just happened. When she noticed the state of the princesses dress her eyes widened in shock.

"Princess, what on earth have you done to your dress." Lanna rushed over to inspect the gown.

"Go on boys, help yourselves." Aelora smiled to her nephews who began to snack away.

"Your really have no care for ladies things do you?" Lanna raised a brow.

"Not in the slightest." The girl shrugged.

"Well your once beautiful dress is now covered in dirt, I'll fetch you another to change into." Lanna said before hurrying out of the room.

The princess joined her nephews, popping a few grapes in her mouth. Jacaerys couldn't sit still, his knee bounced up and down as he peered out of a window. Aelora smiled to Luke and ruffled his hair before getting up to sit by Jace.

"What's bothering you?" She send him a an apologetic look.

"Do you know the truth?" He said not meeting her eyes.

"What truth, Jace." Aelora looked out the window watching as a black shadow flew towards them.

"My father, do you know the truth of the rumors." He finally looked at her.

Aelora held her hand out the window as the shadow became clear, a raven cawed as it landed on the girls outstretched hand. "The truth is a tricky thing, Jacaerys. When my father dies and Rhaenyra takes the iron throne, you will be her heir. The truth is that you are your mothers son. {blood of the dragon}"

Jace frowned at her words, his mind trying to comprehend the words, she smiled sweetly and repeated it back to him in the common tongue as she stroked the bird perched on her hand. The boy smiled at his aunt, content with the answer she had given.

✵ ✵ ✵

Rhaenyra had been worrying of her and her childrens saftey in court, and she shared those concerns with her youngest sister, knowing that Aelora would do anything for the woman.

"{I'm growing restless sister, having no control of the boy's safety}" Rhaenyra spoke as she rested a hot wash cloth on her stomach to ease her pain.

"{I will always do what I can to protect them from harm, but have you thought of a plan.}" Aelora reached over and poured some wine in her sisters cup.

"{There is one option. I take my place at Dragonstone, where my family will be safe and out of the way of these accusations.}"

Aelora's mouth dropped open, but she quickly closed it and composed herself. The girl nodded tight lipped as she blinked away the tears that threatened to fall, she would be completely alone if not for her sister.

Rhaenyra noticed her sister growing quiet, she reached out her hand and grabbed Aelora's lifting it up and kissing at her knuckles. "{If it comes to that my sweet girl I will do everything in my power to convince father to let you join me. I'd never leave you behind.}"

Aelora grinned appreciating the love that the two of them had for one another.

✵ ✵ ✵

Ser Harwin strong was stripped of his title as Commander of the city watch and ordered to return to his home, Harrenhall. Rhaenyra held herself well as she watched the man go, though Jacaerys was heartbroken about it. It was growing more and more uncomfortable by the day as Rhaenyra felt the walls closing in on her, she had to act before it was too late.

Aelora lay with her head on Lanna's lap whilst she embroidered and Aelora looked up at the branches of the Weirwood tree, watching as the blood red leaves blew in the breeze. The two girls enjoying the afternoon outside, that was until they were interrupted.

"Princess, Lady Lanna." The voice of Laenor called out to them.

The white haired girl sat up and greeted him, "what can we do for you, Ser Laenor?"

"Rhaenyra has requested you join her and your father in his chambers." He wiggled his brows and the girl jumped to her feet.

"It's happening!" She spun around in a circle when he nodded, "I'll find you later." She told Lanna before leaving.

The princess left Laenor far behind her as she sprinted through the red keep, dodging innocent bystanders as she went. She heard a few people shout after her but ignored them as she continued on to her fathers chambers.

"Ah Aelora, there you are." Rhaenyra smiled.

"Now we're all here can you tell me what this is about, daughters." Viserys shifted in his seat.

Aelora fetched a blanket from the table and placed it over her fathers legs earning a caring smile.

"Father, I feel as though it is time that I take my place at Dragonstone. I've spent far too long avoiding my duties there and I'd like my son's to see what will one day be theirs." Rhaenyra spoke softly.

"I cannot say that I wouldn't feel your absence at court, I would miss you dearly... but if this is what you want and you think it a wise choice then, I will support your decision." Viserys nodded, looking over to Aelora still slightly confused to why she was there.

"I'd also like to give you a proposition." Rhaenyra looked over to her sister.

"Go on."

"My sister, Princess Aelora. She's a wild young girl, the same way I was at her age if you can remember, father."

Viserys let out a deep chuckle, "Ah, yes. You were a spirited little thing."

"I'd like for her to thrive and I don't think Kingslanding is the best place for her to do so... I wish for her to travel with me, to Dragonstone."

Viserys parted his mouth as he looked between his daughter's, "I think that would be an excellent idea, I'm sure Alicent will have some arguments against it but I am the king." He clapped his hand against his knee with a smile.

"So I can go to Dragonstone?" Aelora's mouth couldn't help but turn upwards.

"Let me smooth things over with your mother and then yes, of course you can."

The girl jumped out of her chair and wrapped her small arms around her father gently, placing a kiss on his cheek.

✵ ✵ ✵

When Viserys first brought up the topic of Aelora leaving with Rhaenyra, Alicent was completely against it, but when The King reminded her of her place she reluctantly agreed. The one request she had was that the young Lannister girl was to go with her. Tyland was upset when the Queen told him the news but quickly got over it when his position of master of ships on the small council was reaffirmed.

With that Aelora began to pack up her belongings that held importance to her, mainly things she didn't want her mother to find. Once Lanna suffered a tearful goodbye to her father she helped with Aelora's things, the two of them excited for the journey to Dragonstone.

The last thing Aelora had to do was to say goodbye to the one person that she was regretting leaving, her twin. Since he had heard the news he had refused to speak to her, so apprehensively she knocked on the door to his chambers and waited. She was let in and he frowned at her.

"You cannot stay angry at me forever, Aemond." She says down next to him.

"I can and I will."

"We're about to leave, you really aren't going to say goodbye."

"Goodbye." He said standing up and moving across the room.

"Aemond! I have to go with Rhaenyra, I hate it here. You have Aegon and mother loves you. I have no one, I'll be alone without Rhaenyra."

"You'd have me." He said quietly.

"I love you Aemond, but I need to do this. I'm miserable here. I promise you, it's not forever and I will come back to see you." She wiped at her eyes that were brimming with tears.

Aemond hugged her tightly, "I'm going to miss you. We've never been apart."

"We'll never truly be apart, we're twins, one and the same."

He let out a small laugh and finally let go, "come on, you need to go before the carriages leave without you."

Aelora stuck her head out the window of the carriage waving farewell to her brother and father as the horses pulled away. When the gates to the red keep we're out of sight she pulled herself back in and smiled to Lanna, Jace and Luke who were all sharing the carriage.

It wasn't long before they were on a ship traveling across Blackwater bay, and finally arrived at the island of Dragonstone. Aelora was amazed at its beauty, the great stone walls and bridges, the sound of the ocean around her. The distant noise of the deep growls and roars of the dragons that resided on the dragonmont. She felt at peace as the group all walked towards the castle, one hand in Lucerys' and the other linking on to Lanna's arm.

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