Chapter eleven: Cthulhu waits dreaming

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Shiro's heart pounded in his ears as he closed his eyes and accepted the passionate kiss, feeling a surge of emotions intertwining with the connection they shared. As they pulled apart, Shiro looked up at the cracking mirror that held Keith's reflection, a sign that his half-daemon transformation was reclaiming its rightful place.

"What is happening?!" Ithaqua exclaimed in shock as she observed the shattered mirror.

Shiro's eyes met Keith, a mix of determination and relief gleaming in his gaze. "Good, you have him back..."

"Shiro..." Keith's voice trembled as he pulled him into a tight embrace. "You're so damn reckless."

Shiro chuckled and whispered into Keith's ear, "I had a good teacher. After all this time... I had to pick something up from you."

Keith looked down at Shiro's human form, his voice filled with resolution. "I'll stay a half-daemon... for you."

"No! Stop this, Pidge! Don't go getting any ideas!" Pidge protested, their face turning crimson. "I don't like that look in your eye!"

Lance spoke up with confidence, catching Pidge's attention. "Pidge..."

"You fool..." Ithaqua's voice dripped with anger as she watched the pair embrace before her. "How could you abandon such a fine opportunity?"

Meanwhile, the branches that had held Pidge released her, and Lance extended his arms towards her. "Pidge, come into my arms..."

But instead of accepting Lance's offer, Pidge moved towards the daemon Explorer, miles away. "Miles! Are you alright?"

Hunk, who had hidden alongside Kiaion, shook his head in disbelief. "Idiot..."

Keith retrieved his blade from the wall, determination etched on his face as he faced Ithaqua, the blade drawn to its full size.

"A half-daemon, bearing his fangs at me?" Ithaqua sneered, her anger burning brightly. "You have tempted your fate..."

Suddenly, a powerful sound reverberated through the air, capturing everyone's attention. Their eyes widened as they beheld a giant hand emerging—a manifestation of Cthulhu.

The situation had escalated, and the battle had reached a critical moment. Now, Shiro, Keith, and their allies stood face to face with an ancient and powerful entity. With unwavering resolve, they braced themselves for the formidable challenges that awaited them, knowing that their bond and determination would be the key to their triumph.

Keith looked around, realizing that he had forgotten something important. He turned to Shiro and said, "Oh, man, I forgot Cthulhu!"

Shiro nodded. "Don't worry, we'll get him back."

Keith and the others turned to face the giant hand of Cthulhu. They knew that this would be a difficult battle, but they were determined to win.

Ithaqua bristles in anger as Shiro and Keith prepare to attack. "I've had just about enough of you!"

Keith sends an attack forth and Ithaqua prepares to disperse it only for it to bypass her defense with ease cutting into her flesh. However, just as the flesh was cut, it was quickly reassembled.

"What?!" Keith said before smirking "So you're no different from Zarkon."

"That'll make destroying her even easier," Lance said as the others prepared for the fight

But Miles suddenly begins to groan in pain holding his shoulder when Pidge quickly comes to his side. "What's the matter, Miles?"

"My shoulder feels like it's burning up!" Miles said through his pain.

Pidge removes the sleeve over the place where he's holding when she sees the familiar and foreboding mark of the witch.

"It can't be...!" Pidge said, tearing up as she looked at the mark.

"Please, sister." Miles said, groaning "Get away from me!"

Miles's skin begins to morph taking the form of a grotesque growth. Shiro looks at the scene when he senses it...

"This energy..." Shiro said before he gave a grim laugh "I knew it was too easy...dammit."

"Miles, I'm right here!" Pidge said

"Pidge..." Miles said goraning.

"Don't worry, I'll never leave you again!" Pidge assured him that she was suddenly pushed by Hunk. "Hunk!?"

"You need to move..." Hunk said watching as the growth on Miles's back grew enormous.

IIn a matter of seconds, the growth bursts, sending out a large shockwave that pushes everyone back. When the smoke clears, an amalgamation of tentacles and appendages attached to a torso stands over Miles's unconscious body.

"Haggar..." Keith said in anger.

"It's been far too long, Ithaqua," Haggar said.

"Haggar!?" Ithaqua said.

The three of them stared at each other, their expressions unreadable. Haggar's tentacles twitched, and Keith's fists clenched. Ithaqua's eyes narrowed.

The tension was palpable. It was clear that this was not going to be a friendly reunion.

Pidge rushed to her brother's body, where more of Haggar's form continued to jut out of it. "How cruel!" she cried. "How could she do this to you?!"

As Haggar's form stretched out towards Ithaqua and Cthulhu, Lance spoke up. "Keith! Haggar intends to absorb them!"

"No one will interfere!" Haggar said.

"Hang on! I'll cut you away from Haggar!" Pidge said, but Lance grabbed her and pulled her away. "Run from Haggar!"

"Let me go! Let me do this!" Pidge yelled in desperation. "Don't do this!"

"You have to get away or Haggar will absorb you too!" Hunk said as Keith pushed them away further and further.

"Damn you, damn you to hell!" Keith said, prepared to strike, but Shiro placed a hand in front of him and shook her head.

"She's attached herself to Miles," Shiro said. "It wouldn't be that far of a stretch that he's also tethered their vitals together as well to keep us from completely destroying him."

"Dammit!" Keith said, lowering his blade.

"And now become one with my flesh," Haggar said as her torso stretched towards Ithaqua

"Keep your vile hands away from me," Ithaqua said before Cthulhu roared and soon the temple began to shake furiously as if an earthquake were happening. Beams begin falling from the roof destroying parts of the platform where they land. A piece falls and pierces part of Naraku's body destroying it under the weight. Kiaion lands on an upper beam as Pidge calls out for her brother. "Miles!"

Keith hears a beam falling above them and quickly grabs Shiro and jumps out of the way.

As Cthulhu turns towards Haggar and begins to obliterate his body that had lunged at him and Ithaqua much to his frustration.

A bright light overtakes most of the area along with the smoke caused by the destruction until only the decrepit remains of the temple were left behind. Ithaqua stands untouched with her mirror, blade and Cthulhu and in the center of her circle. The other band back together as Keith looks at the area around them.

"Where's Haggar?!" Keith said looking.

"Is she dead? " Pidge asked.

"No. She's still alive." Shiro said.

"I wouldn't be surprised he's hanging out in the shadows..." Keith said, "He's not one to do the dirty work...He's just going to watch from the shadows!

"If we defeat them, Haggar will consume their bodies and become immortal." Lance said.

"But if they win, then Haggar will be rid of us. " Keith said, "In either case, both sides benefit."

"From the beginning, we were just pawns in his game," Shiro said until Keith placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Well let's even up our odds then shall we." Keith said, "We won't get anything done sitting here and sulking about how we got played by a lady who's been doing it for years."

"So then what do we do?" Romelle said as Keith looked over her shoulder giving a confident smirk.

"Stats," Stats asked.

"Why that's simple...we get even." Shiro added, "Destroy them and do a little damage at the same time if we're lucky, we'll kill her over and over again."

Keith looks at Shiro smirking as he raises his knife. "Damn, I really have rubbed off on ya."

"I picked up a habit too." Shrio said before speaking up. "Listen up, here's what we're gonna do..."

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