Chapter nine: the great old one

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Within the castle, Ithaqua spoke as she looked through her mirror. "So you have shown yourself."

Even from their high vantage point in the castle, Shiro could still hear Keith faintly in her sleeping state. "Shiro! Are you alright?!"

Slowly, Keith's eyes opened as the arrow in her back dispersed and the robe of Hydra fell from her shoulders. "K-Keith?"

He soon fully came to as his eyes opened wide. "KEITH!!!"

"The wound has healed?" Ithaqua said, looking at Shiro in shock before she picked up the cloth. "Such is the power of the celestial robe. My master shall be realized."

Outside the castle, Keith rushes across the water at great speeds. "Shiro, I'm coming to save you! Just hang on!" Don't give up on me!"

The water before Keith suddenly bubbled up before geysers of water shot up, slowing him down. "What the-"

Long connected tendrils soon burst from the water below him as it revealed large dragons. They quickly try to make work for Keith who dodges all of their attacks while he's in the air.

The others watch Keith from the seaside as Armandra says "I knew I shouldn't have come with you."

Keith dodges more attacks before he falls into the water below. However, he quickly makes his way back to the surface using one of their bodies that were starting to rise. He's blown back into the air by the force and speed of the dragons moving but this time he has a plan as he draws his knife.

"Fire Scar!" Keith yelled, sending the attack directly into one of the dragons as it fell into the water. "This is taking too long to destroy them in one blow."

Before he can make the attack, the dragons descend on Keith with their own attacks keeping him from behind able to charge the attack he desired to use.

"Dammit! I can't use the Wave when they're coming at me from all over the place!" Keith said, continuing to dodge the attacks.

Within the castle, Ithaqua spoke with a smirk, "Now I possess limitless power. I break the seal on the great old one."

Adam asked, "The seal?"

Outside the castle. "Damn! " Keith said dodging more attacks as he eventually makes his way onto the back of another of the dragons "You wouldn't attack one of your own would ya?" Keith yelled from the back of the dragon.

His bluff is called through when the other three dragons turn their beams on the one he stands on. "That blows that theory!" Inuyasha said as he hangs onto the hair of the dragon

He's thrown up into the air and narrowly avoids the bite of a dragon as he falls deep into the water again. This time however he spots where the dragons are originating from.

"I see... They're all connected at the base." Keith thought. "If I can destroy that... " Keith jumps from the water to avoid another dragon's attack. "Watch this!"

"fire...Scar! " Keith yelled, sending his attack forth into the water below.

His attack is joined by a sacred arrow that seemingly comes from nowhere, Both head straight for the base of the dragon causing it to disintegrate upon impact.Keith lands on the remains of the dragons as he looks to see where that arrow came from. "Who shot that arrow?"

Nearby, Allura lowers her bow as she speaks. "Keith, the rest I shall leave to you."

With Keith, The half-daemon shakes himself off in a dog-like fashion before he continues to make his path towards the castle across the lake. "That's one obstacle down!"

Within the castle, Ithaqua gazed into her mirror with a frown as Adam spoke up. "What, have you been conquered already?"

"What for?" Adam said.

Ithaqua turned to him, her eyes narrowed. "What do you mean, 'what for'?" she asked. "I was defeated in battle, of course."

"But why?" Adam asked. "Why would anyone want to conquer you?"

"Because I am powerful," Ithaqua said. "And power is always a target."

"But you're not evil," Adam said. "You're just...different."

"Different is enough," Ithaqua said. "In the world of men, being different is always dangerous."

"Shiro!" a voice yelled followed by an explosion.

"Keith is here..." Shiro said to himself as she looked back at the conversation between Adam and Ithaqua.

"I have looked upon all the universe has to hold of horror, and even the skies of spring and flowers of summer must ever afterward be poison to me." Adam said another quote. "I've seen some pretty messed up stuff in my time, but this takes the cake. I don't know if I'll ever be the same again."

Ithaqua looked at Adam with a knowing smile. "I know," she said. "I've been expecting you."

Adam frowned. "You have?"

"Of course," Ithaqua said. "I've been watching you for some time now. You're the one who's going to save us all."

Adam shook his head. "I don't understand."

"You will," Ithaqua said. "In time, you will."

Just then, there was a loud crash from outside. Adam turned to look, and saw that the castle walls had been breached.

"They're here," he said.

"Yes," Ithaqua said. "They are."

Adam took a deep breath. "Let's go," he said.

He and Ithaqua ran out of the castle, and into the battle that was raging outside.

With Lance's Group "Do you think that these things will really heal injuries?" Armandra asked Lance as she fixed up his arm

"Shiro's medicine kit contains many things with strange powers.' Hunk said.

"On another note, our little Stats was unusually brave today wasn't he?" Lance said, "I suppose he does carry his weight from time to time."

"Stats," Stats said.

"Yes! " complies with the larva daemon's request

"Oww! Hey!" Lance said, pulling away "It was meant as a compliment!"

"Didn't sound like it to me." Romelle said. "Hey Armandra! Put a bandage on my knee."

"Yes," Armandra says, complying with Romelle's request.

"Romelle, who is this man anyway?" Hunk said making Armandra jump

"I do believe I've met you somewhere...haven't I?" Pidge added learning to get a better look at Armandra's face.

"Oh, really?" Armandra said nervously "I doubt it."

"Ignore her. She's not worth an introduction." Romelle said.

She, Hunk, Lance, Pidge, and Miles looked out towards the castle when he noticed Herschel ordering some men.

"How bad is the ship?" Herschel said.

"It's pretty badly damaged, Dad," Hunk responded, concern etched on his face. "We took a heavy hit during the last battle. We've managed to make some temporary repairs, but it won't hold up for long."

Lance chimed in, his voice laced with worry. "Yeah, Herschel, we've been trying our best to patch it up, but it's been a challenge. We're running low on supplies, too."

Pidge nodded, the weight of their situation apparent in their voice. "The engine's acting up as well. It keeps fluctuating, and if it fails completely, we won't be able to make it off."

Miles, the seasoned mechanic of the group, interjected, "I've been working diligently to fix what I can, but we're missing some essential components. We'll need a proper repair bay to get this ship back in shape."

Herschel furrowed his brow, contemplating the predicament they found themselves in. "Alright, team. We can't afford to stay idle. I'll gather some men and gather any salvageable materials we can find. Pidge, I need you to stay here and monitor the ship's condition. Miles, come with me, we'll see if we can locate a repair bay in the castle. The rest of you, keep an eye out for any potential threats or opportunities."

She and the rest of the crew nodded, understanding the urgency of their mission. As Herschel and Miles left to begin their search, the others turned their attention back to the castle, hoping that their efforts would be enough to get their ship back in the skies and continue their fight against the forces threatening their world.

Elsewhere, Keith wastes no more time scaling up the side of the mountain to get to the higher part of the castle. It's moments before he reaches the apex of the mountain where the temple lies.

Inside the Castle

"Ah, so he's come," Ithaqua said looking at Keith's image in the mirror

"You keep your hands off of him!" Shiro yelled.

"He will not interfere," Ithaqua said assuredly as she raises her hand and the robe reacts.

"Shiro!" Keith's head snaps up hearing his voice now closes when he sees her running to her and Kaguya's place

"Now you beings who exist in the realm of time, vanish into the void of seas," Ithaqua said

"Keith, stay away!" Shiro warned him.

Keith continues to rush in as Ithaqua yells "Power of the Mirror of Cthulhu!"

The pentagram below Ithaqua glows before becoming large enough to engulf the mountain where her Castle lies. Blinding light fills the room, and Keith is caught in the wave of the blast.

Outside, the pentagram grows larger and larger, edging its way across the land as all water starts to pull back.

"What is happening?!" Romelle shouted in fear.

"It's Ithaqua's power," Lance said as he grouped together with the others.

"She's making the sea rise?" Hunk said, his voice shaking with disbelief.

"It's coming! It's coming!" Pidge exclaimed, pointing towards the massive wall of water rapidly approaching their location.

With a mixture of fear and determination, She and her team gathered closer together, seeking safety in their numbers.

"Everyone, stay together!" She commanded, trying to steady her own trembling voice. "We need to find higher ground, quickly!"

Lance, urgency in his tone, added, "There's a cliff not too far from here. We should head there. It might provide some temporary shelter."

As they raced towards the cliff, the ground beneath them shook violently while the roaring sound of crashing waves filled the air. The sheer power of Ithaqua's control over the elements was overwhelming.

"Hurry!" Miles shouted, grabbing Romelle's hand and pulling her along.

Their hearts racing, they reached the cliff just in time as the massive wall of water crashed onto the shore, flooding the land where they had stood moments ago. They clung to each other, watching with wide eyes as the sea continued to rise, swallowing everything in its path.

"What do we do now?" Hunk asked, his voice trembling with a mix of fear and determination.

"We can't stay here," She replied, her voice filled with determination. "We need to find a way to stop Ithaqua and restore balance. We have to figure out her weakness."

Lance nodded, his expression resolute. "We'll need to regroup, gather any information we can, and come up with a plan. We can't let her destroy everything."

The team exchanged determined looks, united in their mission to protect their world from the ancient and powerful entity known as Ithaqua. Though the odds seemed insurmountable, they held onto their hope, ready to face the challenges that lay ahead as they fought against the rising waters and the darkness threatening to engulf them all.

Inside the castle, Keith laid on the floor unmoving as Ithaqua laughed happily. "Oh my beautiful everlasting ocean, no one shall disrupt us again."

Keith grunted as he gripped his blade, getting up again. "Yeah, well it's not over yet."

"He's okay..." Shiro said breathing a sigh of relief

"What?! Why are you still able to move!?" Ithaqua said in surprise.

"That's the least of your worries!" Keith said, taking a step up.

Two items glow on Shiro's chest. Tucked in his top were his most meaningful possessions. Shiro's Sakura locket he had given him recently. Shiro smiles happily knowing Keith was a man of his word when it came to him.

"He's still wearing it...alright Keith!" Shiro thought.

Keith's blade begins to glow red in his grasp as he prepares to attack. "Lookout witch, time for payback!"

The red blade's attack makes it to Ithaqua but is quickly stopped by something. "What?!"

The scene before he begins to melt as he hears ithaqua calling out to him. "Keith!"

"Shiro!" Keith said running forth.

"Keith!" Shiro said when he notices something that makes the ordeal in front of her come apart, a red spider lily. "An illusion!"

"So you've finally realized it?" Ithaqua said, "That unsightly half-daemon was never truly here in the first place."

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