Who Are You?

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Shadow made quick work of getting to the office, picking the lock when the cost was clear. His office was filled with expensive and extravagant stuff, from paintings to random nick nacks. Shadow didn't pay much attention to his stuff, just looking for anything important. While searching through a draw Shadow found a paper with a list of names, and really perverted short descriptions. That's when Shadow heard a ring in her ear and pressed the pieces for some input.

"It would seem Dakota has a drive for women, and not the healthy kind. It would be wise to be careful Agent SR, he may not be as nice as you are. Or you can use this to your advantage as you have a lovely body. It's up to you Agent SR, just be safe and tread cautiously."

There was a click and Shadow was alone once more, looking at the paper again made her grimace. She folded it and placed it in her pocket before looking some more. After a little more searching Shadow scanned to see if she was still safe, he was still in a meeting, but that's not what caught Shadows attention. Off to the side, there was a gray outline of someone crawling through the vents. This made Shadow stop and quickly follow the route the silhouette was heading.

Soon the figure dropped into a storage room no one seemed to use, this was perfect. Shadow was about to sneak in when the beep of Diana sounded. Shadow knew she was confused as to why Shadow was going off course, but Shadow had her own plans. She pressed the button but held it this time.

"Sorry Diana but something came up, I'm going solo, I'll call when I'm ready."

With that Shadow ended the call and removed the earpiece, deactivating the cameras in her eyes. Now off the radar, Shadow silently made her way into the room, her scanners allowing her to move unseen. Soon she was right behind the mystery person and now that she was closer Shadow could see they were a girl. Checking her gun to make sure she was safe if they were hostile, Shadow stepped into view behind her, leaning against a large box.

"You know, it's not healthy to crawl through vents."

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