Chapter 1: A New Beginning

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This is Canterlot. A city comprised of tall skyscrapers, vast green fields, wide suburbs, mountainous... well mountains, and happy townsfolk. A quaint little city where almost nothing went wrong aside from a few crimes that were committed here and there. It was a relatively normal place to be in. A place that seemingly doesn't have a way to get in... how do they get in anyway? *distant speaking* Gavin, how do they get in the city? You don't know?! Then what did I hire you for?! You're my researcher! *sigh* Whatever, just... bring the picture up already!



Now where was I? Ah yes, right. This is Canterlot High School. A place for young students to learn the necessary skills needed for the real world... except for history because let's just face it, when are you gonna use history in the real world? I mean, when is there ever going to be a moment where you need to handle your taxes and then there's suddenly a random question asking, "What started the French Revolution?" I'LL FIGURE THAT OUT ON MY OWN TIME THANK YOU!!!! *sigh* Anyways, here's a picture.


*THAT'S BETTER! Now go sit in the time out corner! You've lost your privileges for today! Man, I love the guy but he can be really dense sometimes.*

Alright, no more interruptions. This school and the city were relatively normal places. That is until one day a new family had moved into the neighborhood along with their son who will be attending Canterlot High from here on out. And thus, this is where we begin our story people. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the story... well at least until the end of the chapter.


We see a young man arriving at the front courtyard of Canterlot High School. This boy is revealed to be you. You took a long look at the school just taking in the sight that it displayed.

(Y/N): Well, new school, new possible friends, let's get to it.

With that said, you began making your way over to the front doors of the school. As you entered, you were greeted with the sight of the main foyer. You marveled at its beauty before turning your attention over to the left hallway. You saw rows of lockers and many students just hanging out and talking. You walked through the hallway as you noticed that you were gaining the attention of some of your new fellow students. They began whispering amongst themselves.

Student 1: Hey, is that a new student?

Student 2: It is.

Student 3: He's actually kind of a cute one.

As you were walking, some students smiled at you and waved while some only gave sideways glances. You waved to some of them as you tried to find your way to the principal's office. Considering the fact that you had absolutely no idea where you were going, you decided that you would ask one of the students. You walked up to a boy with blue spikey hair and pale, light grayish amber skin and tapped his shoulder which got his attention.

(Y/N): Excuse me, can you show me where the principal's office is?

He smiled at you.

???: Sure, I'm guessing you're new here right?

(Y/N): That I am. *Sarcastic* What gave it away?

He smirked.

???: Well, it has to do with the fact that I nor anyone else has seen you here before.

(Y/N): *dramatic gasp* Really? And after all the hard work I put into making sure I was incognito.

You both chuckled.

???: But anyways, I'll show you the way. Come with me.

He says before he began to lead you as you followed him.

???: By the way, I'm Flash. Flash Sentry.

(Y/N): (Y/N) (L/N) it's a pleasure.

You shook his hand.

(Y/N): So Flash, how's the school? Is it a good one?

Flash got an uneasy look on his face.

Flash Sentry: Well... yes and no. Sometimes it can be a decent place to be in... but other times it isn't on account of Sunset Shimmer.

You gave him a quizzical look.

(Y/N): Sunset Shimmer?

Flash Sentry: My ex-girlfriend. She pretty much rules the school as the top bully and anyone who even thinks about getting in her way would receive her own form of punishment. Whether it would be showing embarrassing photos, revealing private information, or something even worse that I can't even dare to describe. I suggest that you should stay as far away from her as possible (Y/N). You don't know what she could do to you.

(Y/N): I'll take your word for it Flash, but I can't exactly promise that. Wow, it must have been amazing to break up with someone like her.

Flash Sentry: Yeah, it most definitely was. At first, she wasn't too bad when we started dating. As time went on however, she became more distant and snide. When we did hang out, she was always so bossy and cruel that I just couldn't take it anymore. She once admitted straight to my face that she was only going out with me in order to make herself more popular. She got really angry with me when I decided to end it with her and she stormed off in a huff while saying, "Someday, I will make you regret breaking up with a girl as perfect as me Flash Sentry!" She and I haven't talked ever since.

(Y/N): Man, she sounds awful. I'm sorry you had to go through all of that Flash.

He shakes his head and smiles at you.

Flash Sentry: No worries (Y/N). I'm over it... for the most part that is. Anyways, here we are.

You and Flash made it the principal's office as you turned your attention back to Flash.

(Y/N): Thanks for showing me the way Flash.

Flash Sentry: It's no trouble (Y/N). If you need anything else, just come by and ask.

(Y/N): I will, see ya later. And Flash, *whispering* don't blow my cover okay?

You asked with a sly grin. He chuckled and grinned right back at you.

Flash Sentry: Will do (Y/N), will do.

The both of you waved goodbye to each other and he walked away before you turned back to the door and knocked on it. An elegant female voice came from the other side of it.

???: Come in.

You entered the room as you saw two women there. One had light magentaish gray skin and pale, light grayish magenta eyes. Her hair was a mix of different colors which included pale, light grayish cyan to light arctic blue and light sapphire blue. The other woman had pale, light grayish phthalo blue skin and moderate cyan eyes. Her hair was a mix of moderate sapphire blue and grayish persian blue.

The both of them greeted you with a smile as the first woman spoke.

???: Please, have a seat young man.

You did just that as you got comfy in the chair. She also sat down as she got a file from her desk.

???: Now then, you must be the new student. (Y/N) (L/N), is that correct?

(Y/N): That's correct.

???: I'm Principal Celestia and this is my younger sister Vice Principal Luna.

Vice Principal Luna: Greetings.

(Y/N): It's a pleasure to meet you both.

You said with a smile while shaking both of their hands.

Principal Celestia: And a pleasure to you as well. Me and my sister are so happy to have a new student here at our school. I'm sure you will make lots of new friends here.

(Y/N): Yeah, I'm sure of that too. *sarcastic* Otherwise, if I didn't then I'd have to crawl under a rock and live there.

Celestia and Luna giggled at your joke before Celestia started going through your file.

Principal Celestia: Okay, it says here that you went to Manehattan high before coming here. You were also a student that had some really high grades such as A's and B's. That's very impressive.

You rubbed the back of your neck while nervously chuckling.

(Y/N): Well, I don't like to brag or anything.

Principal Celestia: *giggles* I can assure you that it won't leave this room. It'll be our little secret.

She says before winking at you.

Principal Celestia: The same goes for you Luna.

Vice Principal Luna: You have my word you two.

She said while grinning. Celestia turns back to the file.

Principal Celestia: It also says here that you had made quite a name for yourself at your old school. Something along the lines of The Savior, is that accurate?

You nodded in response. You see, back at your old school you had a tendency to help your fellow students with their problems no matter how big or small they were. This garnered so much respect that they decided to give you the nickname of "The Savior" which at first you didn't really care for, but you soon grew to like the name for it described your personality pretty closely. Celestia brings her eyes back up to meet yours once again.

Principal Celestia: It will certainly be wonderful to have a student like you here at our school. Don't you agree Luna?

Vice Principal Luna: Full-heartedly sister.

Celestia then pulled out your schedule and handed it to you.

Principal Celestia: There you go Mr. (L/N). Be sure to stop on by if you ever have any questions. There's still some time left before school starts so why don't you have a look around to get acquainted with the place?

(Y/N): I will. Thank you both for having me here.

Celestia/Luna: You're welcome.

You waved to the both of them before leaving and shutting the door behind you.

Principal Celestia: He seems like a nice young man. Doesn't he Luna?

Vice Principal Luna: Indeed sister, Indeed.


As you made your way through the school you came across the cafeteria and walked inside. It was just about what you would normally find in a cafeteria with desks lined up in rows and a bar where you receive your food from. You looked around before a voice interrupted the silence.

???: Well, howdy there young man.

You turned around and saw an old woman behind the bar. She had pale, light grayish lime green skin with light brilliant orange eyes. Her hair was light grey and tied up in a bun.

(Y/N): Oh, hello there.

???: You must a new student. I'm Granny Smith and I'm the head lunch lady here in this fine old school.

(Y/N): It's nice to meet you Granny Smith. I'm (Y/N) (L/N).

You said as you shook her hand.

Granny Smith: Say, I have a granddaughter who's about your age. She should be here any moment now.

???: Granny Smith! We got that order of apple cider for ya!

A female voice came from the left as you and Granny Smith turned and saw where it came from. That's when you saw a girl around your age with pale, light grayish amber skin and moderate sap green eyes. Her hair was pale, light grayish olive which was tied together at the end and it was all situated under a cowgirl hat.

There was also a boy with her who had very pale pink skin and moderate sap green eyes. His hair was light gamboge and short.

Granny Smith: Why thank ya deary. Just go ahead and set them down over there.

The girl set the crate that she was carrying down before she noticed you.

???: Well howdy there partner. You must be new around here.

(Y/N): Sure am, my name's (Y/N) (L/N).

Applejack: Well howdy do (Y/N)? It's a pleasure to meetcha. I'm Applejack and this here is my brother Big Mcintosh but we just call him Big Mac.

Big Mac: Eyup.

(Y/N): Not much of a talker huh?

Big Mac: Nnnope.

Applejack: Yeah, he doesn't like to talk a lot. But he's still a nice guy aintcha?

Big Mac: Eyup.

Granny Smith: Applejack, where's your little sister?

Applejack: She's out with her friends right now Granny.

Granny: Alrighty then.

(Y/N): Hey, how about I help you guys with the cider?

Applejack grew a surprised look on her face.

Applejack: Oh, you don't need to sugarcube.

(Y/N): It's not a problem. I still have time before first period starts so what do you say?

Applejack: Well... okay. I guess it would be nice to have an extra pair of hands.

With that said, she leads you over to where the rest of the boxes were as you were chatting with each other.

Applejack: So tell me (Y/N), where are you from?

(Y/N): I'm from Manehattan. My mom got a new job as a lawyer which required us to move all the way over here.

Applejack: Well, I'm glad to say welcome to Canterlot then.

(Y/N): Thanks.

You and Applejack brought the last few boxes to the kitchen before setting both of them down.

Applejack: Thanks for the help (Y/N). It's very much appreciated.

(Y/N): You're very welcome Applejack. I've gotta get going now so I'll see you guys later.

Applejack: Take care (Y/N)!

They waved to you as you left the cafeteria.

Granny Smith: He's quite a nice young man.

Big Mac: Eyup.

Applejack: Yeah... he sure is.

Applejack stood there for a moment or two before she sighed and grew a blush on her face.

Applejack: *thinking* he's also quite a charming fella to me.


As you were walking, you came across the Gymnasium. You headed inside and looked around. You were rather impressed by the sheer size of it. It was definitely bigger than Manehatten High's Gym.

(Y/N): Huh, this seems like the perfect place to throw a party.


You heard a loud female voice come from behind you. You turned around only to be tackled to the ground by someone. At first, you were dazed by the impact of hitting the floor before you got a good look at who it was. It was a girl with light ceriseish gray skin. She also had very poofy brilliant rose hair and pale, light greyish cerulean eyes.

Pinkie Pie: Hi!! I'm Pinkie Pie, party planner extraordinaire! I couldn't help but overhear you say that the gym would be a great place for a party and I couldn't agree more! Hey do you like cake?! I love cake! As well as ice cream, candy, and every other sweet known to man! Do you like cake, or any other sweets?! well do ya, do ya, HUH, HUH, HUH?!?!

She speaks rather quickly before batting her eyes at you. You sat there with a shocked expression before having a personal thought.

(Y/N): *thinking* Wow, I've never come across a girl this hyperactive before. It's actually quite adorable.

(Y/N): Uhh, Pinkie you're kind of crushing my torso right now.

You said before she took notice and quickly stood up allowing you to stand up as well.

Pinkie Pie: heh heh heh, sorry about that.

(Y/N): It's fine. I'm (Y/N) (L/N) and yes I do like all of those sweets that you mentioned before.

Pinkie Pie: Really?! YAY!! I like you already (Y/N)!!! *dramatic gasp* You're new here! Which means I gotta give you the proper welcome!

She quickly ran off before coming back with a wagon before she pressed the button on it's side which caused it to transform and play a cheerful music while she sang and danced.

Pinkie Pie (Singing):

Welcome, Welcome, Welcome

A fine welcome to you

Welcome, Welcome, Welcome

I say how do you do?

Welcome, Welcome, Welcome

I say hip, hip hurray

Welcome, Welcome, Welcome

To Canterlot High today!

She finished with a slide on her knees and her arms in the air right in front of you. You couldn't help but smile at the cute display before chuckling and clapping for the wonderous performance.

(Y/N): Now that was a fantastic welcome Pinkie. Thank you so much.

You said which made Pinkie very ecstatic.

Pinkie Pie: Really?! WEEEE!!! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

She says before pulling you into a surprise hug which was out of the blue, but that didn't mean you didn't like it. You embraced her while donning a smile of your own.

(Y/N): You're very welcome Pinkie.

You said before separating from each other. You then got a thought in your head.

(Y/N): Hey Pinkie, I'm guessing you like jokes right? Wanna hear one?

Her eyes widened and she eagerly smiled.

Pinkie Pie: Ooooh, I love jokes! Tell me one! Tell me, tell me, tell me!

(Y/N): Okay Pinkie, why did the warthog stop running around the savannah?

Pinkie thought for a moment before responding.

Pinkie Pie: I dunno, why did it stop running?

You waited for a bit to increase dramatic tension before answering.

(Y/N): He was... boared!

(A/N: If you even slightly cringed or scoffed at that joke, I apologize severely.)

She blinked a few times before finally getting the joke and burst into a fit of laughter.

Pinkie Pie: That was one of the funniest jokes I ever heard!

She said between breaths as she tried to compose herself. You were chuckling at how adorable she was being right now before speaking.

(Y/N): Well, I'd should get going Pinkie. Maybe we'll talk again later today.

Pinkie Pie: Okie-dokie-lokie! But first how about a cookie?

She said before she pulled a cookie out of seemingly nowhere and offered it to you. You took it before taking a bite out of it and your eyes widened.

(Y/N): Whoa... this is really tasty!

Pinkie Pie: *giggles* I'm glad you like it! I made it myself!

(Y/N): Really? Well, it's one of the best that I've ever had. You'd definitely outrank most other bakers with this Pinkie.

She giggled once more and blushed from the comment.

Pinkie Pie: Aww, thanks (Y/N)! It really means so much to hear that!

(Y/N): Well it's true. Anyways, I'm gonna go now. It was nice meeting you Pinkie. See you later!

Pinkie Pie: Bye (Y/N)! I hope we can talk again really, really soon!

You waved to each other before you walked out of the gym. Pinkie leaned against her welcome wagon before sighing and soon grew a blush on her face.

Pinkie Pie: *thinking* He's so sweet and funny! It also doesn't hurt that he's a cutie too!


You continued walking through the school until you saw a certain room that caught your attention.

(Y/N): Costume department? Seems interesting enough.

You walked inside and saw that there were lines of dress clothes that were hung up as well as a bunch of costumes.

(Y/N): Wow, these are really well detailed.

???: I'm glad you like them darling.

An elegant transatlantic voice came up from behind you. You turned around and saw a very beautiful girl with light sapphire bluish grey skin and moderate azure eyes. Her hair had a triple sapphire pin in it and was moderate indigo mixed with dark purple and moderate purple. She also had light cornflower bluish grey eye shadow.

(Y/N): *thinking* Wow, she's incredibly gorgeous!

She stared at you for a few seconds before growing a bit of a blush on her face.

???: *thinking* Oh my, he's quite a handsome one! Quick Rarity, don't just stand there, SAY SOMETHING! *normal speaking* Umm, I haven't seen you around the school, you must be new here.

(Y/N): Heh, I've been getting that all day so far. But yes I'm new here. My name's (Y/N) (L/N).

Rarity: I'm Rarity, pleased to meet you.

You smiled before taking her hand into yours.

(Y/N): Enchante Mademoiselle.

You said before giving her hand a gentle kiss just above her knuckles. Her face immediately went red and she became flustered, but she didn't pull back.

Rarity: W-W-Well, e-enchante t-to you t-too.

She took a moment to compose herself while you turned back towards the clothing.

(Y/N): I couldn't help but notice how well designed these costumes and dresses are. Do you know who made them?

Rarity: Why I did darling!

She said while smiling. You were rather surprised by this.

(Y/N): Wait... you made these?

Rarity: Of course!

You looked around in mock confusion.

(Y/N): Okay, am I speaking to a master designer here? Because I'm pretty sure an amateur wouldn't be able to make something this detailed.

Rarity: *giggles* Well, I guess that's one way to put it.  But yes, I did in fact make all of these. It's been my dream to work in the fashion industry for as long as I can remember. Nowadays, I'm starting to achieve it. I even started working at a clothing store to make sure it will come true. But someday, I will start my own business and be one of the most successful fashionistas in the world.

(Y/N): Well, I for one have no doubt in my mind that it'll come true for you Rarity. Anyone would be lucky to receive such amazing clothing from someone as talented as you.

She blushed from the comment before smiling at you.

Rarity: My... aren't you a charmer. That's awfully sweet of you to say (Y/N).

(Y/N): Well it's what I think. Anyways, I think I should get going. I'm checking out the entire school before classes start.

Rarity: Very well then, I shall see you another time (Y/N).

(Y/N): Take care Rarity.

Rarity: Ta-ta darling!

She waved to you as you went out through the door before she watched you through the door's gap. She then slumped against it with her back and slid all the way down to the floor while sighing and blushing.

Rarity: *thinking* Oh my stars! He's the most wonderful gentleman I've ever met! I MUST see him again!


After spending some time walking, you arrived outside the school to visit the soccer field. You noticed someone kicking a soccer ball in the distance but you didn't pay too much attention to them at first as you were too busy enjoying the nice fresh air.

(Y/N): *inhales* *exhales* I actually didn't realize how beautiful today was. How peaceful it is. In fact... it's pretty much too peaceful... almost as if... something's gonna...

???: LOOK OUT!!!

(Y/N): Aaaand there it is!

You hastily turned to notice a soccer ball flying straight towards you. But, thanks to spending countless hours playing video games with quick-time events, you were easily able to catch the ball before it could hit you. You then noticed the person from before walking towards you. It was a girl with hair that pretty much resembled that of a rainbow. Her skin was light ceruleanish gray with moderate cerise eyes. She appeared to be the athletic type based on her looks and clothing.

???: Heh, sorry about that. Nice catch by the way.

(Y/N): Thanks, and no worries.

You said before you handed her the ball.

???: Hey, I don't think I've seen you around before. You must be the new guy I've been hearing about.

(Y/N): What you heard is true. I'm (Y/N) (L/N), nice to meet ya.

Rainbow Dash: Rainbow Dash is the name. The best athlete and captain of every single sports team here at CHS.

She said as she pointed to herself with a prideful look.

(Y/N): Wow, that's impressive.

Rainbow Dash: I know right? Hey, I couldn't help but notice that you got good reflexes. Wanna play me?

She says before she puts the ball in front of you.

(Y/N): Sure, why not?

You said before the both of you went to the soccer field and stood some feet from each other. She got into a defensive stance as she wore a smirk on her face. You started moving towards her with the ball at your feet. Rainbow tried to block your attempts at getting past her but you fooled her and quickly maneuvered past her. You then kicked the ball into the air and performed a spectacular shot. 

The ball instantly made it into the goal as you landed on your feet. You looked upon your accomplishment with a look of surprise at first before it turned into pride as you turned back towards Rainbow Dash whos jaw had pretty much hit the floor at your display. Her face soon turned into an excited one.

Rainbow Dash: That... was... AWESOME!!!!! How did you do that?!

(Y/N): I... don't know. It's almost as if someone was... guiding my motions. Like some kind of cosmic entity was telling me to do that.

(*Fourth wall starts wobbling* A/N: No, no, no, no, NO!! I will not have the fourth wall shatter on me! Jerry, come help me with this! NO, NOT YOU GAVIN! GET BACK IN THE CORNER!! BZZZZZ)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(A/N: Sorry about that bit of inconvenience folks, we shall now continue on with the chapter. Thanks for the wait.)

Rainbow Dash: Well, whatever that was, it was awesome! You should definitely try out for the team sometime!

(Y/N): Maybe, although I have to say that you're pretty awesome yourself Rainbow. I can see why you'd be the captain of every sports team here.

You commented before she smiled genuinely at you.

Rainbow Dash: Heh... thanks. You know, you're a pretty cool guy (Y/N). I think we should be friends.

(Y/N): I think so too. I gotta go Rainbow. I'll see you sometime later.

Rainbow Dash: Alright then, see ya (Y/N)!

You walked away from her as she sat down next to the soccer ball. She looked around for a little bit to make sure she wasn't being watched before she sighed and grew a blush on her face.

Rainbow Dash: *thinking* Man, that (Y/N) is something else. I can't wait to see him again.


You walked outside the school for a little bit just taking in what the exterior had to display. You admired it for a few minutes before you heard what sounded like singing from a distance. It was rather graceful and melodic. Whoever was singing clearly had a knack for it. You followed the voice until it lead you to some bushes. You parted them to see a couple of animals and a girl. The girl had pale, light grayish olive skin with moderate opal eyes who was also wearing light magentaish gray eyeshadow. Her hair was pale, light grayish rose and was very wavey.

Once she had finished with her singing, the animals appeared to be clapping and cheering for her. She smiled and giggled.

???: Oh, thank you my little friends. Heh, heh, heh.

(Y/N): Woah, that was incredible.

You said out loud in an astonished voice. The girl quickly turned towards you as she hid herself behind her hair.

???: O-oh, h-hi.

She said in a low tone.

(Y/N): O-oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to scare you or anything like that. It's just that I heard your singing and I couldn't help but find where it was coming from. You have a really beautiful voice by the way.

Her eyes widened a bit before she spoke.

???: Oh, t-thank you. I don't t-think I've s-seen you a-around the s-school before.

(Y/N): That's because I'm new here. I'm (Y/N) (L/N) by the way. What's your name?

Fluttershy: I-I'm *whisper* F-F-Fluttershy.

(Y/N): Fluttershy? That's a very lovely name.

This surprised her.

Fluttershy: Y-you heard me?

(Y/N): That I did. I've got really good hearing, even though I usually blast my music whenever I have headphones on. It's amazing that I haven't gone deaf at this point.

Fluttershy giggled at your joke.

(Y/N): But anyways, You really do have a wonderful singing voice. It's among the best I've heard in a while.

Fluttershy: T-thank you. I like to sing for my animals.

(Y/N): I'm guessing you really like animals then?

Fluttershy: Oh I do. I really, really do. In fact, I love animals so much that I like to volunteer at the animal shelter.

(Y/N): Sounds like you've got quite a big heart if you care for animals so much.

She blushed at the comment before smiling.

Fluttershy: Heh, thank you. You really have a way with words (Y/N).

You nodded.

(Y/N): My mom's always taught me to be polite to people especially if they are polite to you. Anyways, I'd love to stay and talk some more Fluttershy but I should get going.

She grew a little sad at the fact that you were leaving but she threw on a smile to mask it.

Fluttershy: O-okay, maybe we can... hangout again later today?

(Y/N): Sounds good, see you later Fluttershy.

Fluttershy: Bye (Y/N).

You walked back into the school as Fluttershy continued to stare at where you left before she sighed and began to blush.

Fluttershy: *thinking* Oh my, he's so wonderful and nice. I wish I could have talked to him more.


You walked through the hallways of Canterlot High as you walked past a particularly badly lit hallway. You continued on past it before a voice rang from it.

???: Well, well, well. What do we have here?

You turned and looked in the direction of the hallway. Very slowly and deliberately, a girl walked out from the darkness to reveal herself. She had a look that just screamed "trouble" for she had a rather arrogant smirk on her face and she had her hands on her hips in an "all-knowing" way. Her hair was a mix of vivid crimson and brilliant yellow and she had moderate cyan eyes. Her skin was light amber and she wore what could only be described as a "bad girl" outfit.

She stared at you for a few more seconds before speaking again.

???: A new student it seems.

You stared at her as she began to circle around you while taking in your appearance.

(Y/N): *thinking* Wait, she must be the one that Flash warned me about. Sunset Shimmer I think her name was.

Sunset Shimmer: Hmm, not bad looking, not bad looking at all.

(Y/N): I'm guessing you must be Sunset Shimmer.

Sunset Shimmer: And you are clearly the new guy that I've been hearing so much about. So, you seem to have heard about little old me.

(Y/N): I've heard some things.

Sunset Shimmer: They'd better be all good. Anyways, what's your name handsome?

(Y/N): (Y/N) (L/N)

Sunset Shimmer: (Y/N) huh? Okay, now you'd better listen and listen good. I want you to go out on a date with me.

You threw on a confused look.

(Y/N): And why would I do that?

She grew a little irritated by your tone of voice but decided to brush it off and smirk again.

Sunset Shimmer: Because I need someone as cute as you to be my boyfriend. So what do you say?

You pretended to think for a moment before you answered.

(Y/N): Yeah, nope.

You said simply. Her smirk instantly disappeared.

Sunset Shimmer: Excuse me?

(Y/N): Are you deaf or something? Because I clearly said no.

Sunset grew more angry with each word you said.

Sunset Shimmer: And why not?!

(Y/N): It's simple: 1: We quite literally just met each other. 2: You're clearly only doing this to boost your popularity and your massive ego. And 3: I'd rather not go out with someone who has a rotten personality like you do right now. So, sorry to disappoint her royal highness but I have to decline your offer.

Sunset's eye twitched before she spoke.

Sunset Shimmer: Grrrrr, now you'd better listen here you smartmouth, you had better go out with me or else I will make you pay!

(Y/N): Yyyyyeah, your threats mean nothing to me. *sarcastic smile* Bye-bye.

You said while walking away. She screamed at you while you were walking.

Sunset Shimmer: I swear to you (Y/N) (L/N), I will make you regret turning me down someday!

(Y/N): And I look forward to that day never coming!

You shouted back and waved to her in a joking manner. She growled in response before stomping down the other hallway.

(Y/N): Date her? Pfft, only if she was actually nicer than that.

You said to yourself as Flash noticed you and came up to you.

Flash Sentry: Hey (Y/N). I just heard you talking to Sunset. That was incredible!

(Y/N): Thanks Flash. And I have to say that you were definitely not wrong about her being a total bully.

Flash Sentry: Yeah, and I also heard her threat towards you. I really want to emphasize how you need to be careful around her.

(Y/N): There's no need to worry Flash. I'm not afraid of her. Her threats pretty much went in one ear and out the other with me. Besides, I've dealt with bullies who were worse than her.

Flash Sentry: She's not the only one you need to be careful of. She's got her two croneys with her named Snips and Snails. She pretty much uses them to gather any and all incriminating information on her victims.

(Y/N): Duly noted. So for my first period, it seems I have history.

(A/N: *sighs* history.)

Flash Sentry: Me too.

(Y/N): Okay then, let's head on over there.

He nodded in response before he lead you towards your first period class just as the bell rang.


After your first set of classes, it was now lunchtime as you had gotten your lunch and sat down at a table. That's when you heard a voice from behind you which belonged to Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash: Sup (Y/N)!

(Y/N): Hey Rainbow!

She sat next to you.

Rainbow Dash: I heard you back talked Sunset Shimmer. That takes a lot of guts to do something like that.

(Y/N): Yeah, well I've had my fair share of bullies who were like her. It's really nothing new to me.

As you finished your sentence, Applejack walked up to the both of you.

Applejack: Howdy, (Y/N)!

She then noticed Rainbow Dash and immediately frowned.

Applejack: Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow turned away with a frown of her own.

Rainbow Dash: Applejack.

You looked at the both of them in confusion.

(Y/N): *thinking* What's going on with them?

Applejack: So (Y/N), I heard ya stood up to the bully queen Sunset Shimmer. That's quite a remarkable feat.

(Y/N): Heh, as if her words could affect me. She was pretty much all bark and no bite in that situation.

Rarity then showed up.

Rarity: Well she's been known to "bite" many a time darling. Especially, if she's in one of her moods.

She then noticed the other two girls sitting with you.

Rarity: And just what in the world are the two of you doing here with him?

Rainbow Dash: I'm here to talk to (Y/N), that's my reason.

Applejack: Me as well.

Pinkie then showed up.

Pinkie Pie: Hiya (Y/N)! Word's gone around that you stood up to Sunset Shimmer! You must be the bravest boy to ever exist in the history of ever! Hey, what are you doing here with Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Applejack?

Rainbow Dash: Why? Is that suddenly a problem?

Applejack: Yeah it's a problem because you can't be trusted with anything.

Rainbow Dash: What's that supposed to mean?!

Applejack: You know exactly what it means!

The girls soon broke out into a massive argument which made you back up from them. Fluttershy soon stood by your side as she sighed at the situation.

Fluttershy: Not this again.

You turned towards her.

(Y/N): Wait, again? So this has happened before?

Fluttershy: mmhmm, me, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack used to be really great friends with each other. Then suddenly, one thing lead to another which lead to us separating and ending our friendship.

(Y/N): Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.

You turned back towards the other girls and walked over and slammed your hands on the desk which immediately silenced them.

(Y/N): Girls!! I don't know how or why you stopped being friends with each other, but right now you're all arguing like a rowdy bunch of brats!

Applejack: Rowdy bunch of brats?!

(Y/N): Yes!! And you all had better stop arguing and start acting like actual mature teens or else I will not hang out with any of you from this point onward! ARE WE CLEAR?!?!

The girls were at first a little bit intimidated by your voice before the started calming down.

Rainbow Dash: *sigh* Fine.

After she said that, the other girls reluctantly agreed to it as well.

(Y/N): Thank you.

You all then started eating your lunches in relative peace aside from some of them giving each other a nasty glance every so often.

Applejack: So (Y/N), you told me you were from Manehattan right?

(Y/N): That's right. I also said that because of the fact that my mom had gotten a new job here as a lawyer, we had to move all the way here.

Rarity: Manehattan? That's quite a long way from here darling. It must have been quite the rough travel.

(Y/N): Actually Rarity, it wasn't really that bad. Me and my parents visited a couple of places while we traveled. Here.

You took out your phone and showed the girls all of the photos you took during your journey to Canterlot. Some of the photos ranged from visiting different museums, going to different shopping centers, as well as a few other places. Rainbow couldn't help but scoff at one of them.

Rainbow Dash: You went to a book convention? Pfft, reading's for eggheads.

(Y/N): Everyone has different tastes Rainbow. I for one really like reading. I especially love the Daring Do series.

This perked her up as she gave you a surprised look.

Rainbow Dash: You like Daring Do?

(Y/N): Yeah! It's my absolute favorite book series of all time! Why, have you heard of it?

She looks away from you with a huge blush before she started mumbling.

Rainbow Dash: W-well... I-I guess I... like... to... read Daring Do too.

You grew a huge smirk on your face from hearing that.

(Y/N): *teasing* But I thought you said reading was for... gee what did you say... eggheads was it?

Rainbow playfully punches your shoulder.

Rainbow Dash: Oh, shut up.

You chuckled at how bashful she was being as the others chuckled too.

Fluttershy: Umm, (Y/N) did you make friends over at Manehatten High?

(Y/N): Yeah, I did Fluttershy. They really made me feel welcome over there. I will say though that it was rather hard to say goodbye to them when I had to leave. But in the end, I reminded myself that I had some great memories with them and that I should be grateful to have known them at all.

Rarity: You really do like to see the brighter side of things, don't you?

(Y/N): It's always better to have a positive outlook on life rather than a negative one Rarity. That's always been my philosophy.

Pinkie Pie: So (Y/N), what do you like to do for fun?

(Y/N): Well, I like to do all kinds of things Pinkie. For the most part, I like to play video games, read, listen to music, go for long peaceful walks, anything that piques my interest really.

Rainbow Dash: Hey, maybe sometime you and I can go for a jog or maybe play a game of soccer some time!

Applejack: Pfft, like he'd ever want to do anything with you.

Rainbow Dash: What did you say?!

(Y/N): GIRLS! Did I not say act mature?! So cut it out!

Rainbow Dash/Applejack: Sorry (Y/N).

They both went back to eating while glaring at each other. You looked at the girls around you and you couldn't help but sigh internally.

(Y/N): *thinking* I don't know what's going on with all of them, but hopefully I'll find out soon.


After a few hours had passed, the school day was finished and you went to a back part of the school. You looked around to make sure that you weren't being watched and you saw that no one was around. You then brought up a mental image of your new home in your minds eye before bringing your fingers together and snapped them. Instantly, you had teleported over to the side of your house to make sure no one could see it. You then chuckled at your little trick.

(Y/N): Magic. I don't know why I have it but I'm honestly grateful for it. I just wish I could find someone who also had magic so I don't have to hide it anymore.

Yep, that's right, you had magic. You weren't sure where it came from or how you got it but it's been with you for as long as you can remember. You first discovered it when you were about six years old. You had just seen some of the Star Wars movies on DVD and one day you were jokingly holding your hand towards your toy lightsaber while pretending to use the force when it had magically levitated towards your hand. You were very shocked by this and at first you believed that you had the force. You quickly showed this to your parents and suffice to say they were both beyond shocked. Despite this though, they still accepted you as their son and that you should accept your gift but to never abuse it. They also wanted you to never tell or show anybody your magic out of fear that they wouldn't understand or were intimidated by it that you would be unaccepted by society.

Anyways, you made your way from the side of the house to the front door and knocked on it. You were greeted by your parents.

(M/N): Hello there sweetie.

(F/N): Hey buddy.

(Y/N): Hey mom, hey dad.

They both let you inside as your dad shut the door behind you.

(M/N): How was your day (Y/N)?

(Y/N): It was alright, as far as first days usually go.

(F/N): That's nice to hear. Your mother and I are making dinner. It'll be ready in a few minutes.

(Y/N): Great, I'm gonna head up to my room.

They both nodded as you went upstairs. You entered your room which had a bunch of video game consoles, a book shelf for your copies of Daring Do, and a desk for your laptop. You sat down at your desk as you began to reminisce on the day that you just had. The girls soon entered your mind.

(Y/N): *sigh* Something's going on with the girls. Hopefully, until I find out what that reason is, they won't try to kill each other over something stupid. Something tells me that things are gonna get crazy from now on.

You then decided to listen to some of your music for a while before you had dinner with your parents and you went to bed for the night.

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